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Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.

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Bibliografien er produsert ved Norsk Polarinstitutts bibliotek.

Using a multi-layer snow model for transient paleo-studies: surface mass balance evolution during the Last Interglacial

Resource type
Using a multi-layer snow model for transient paleo-studies: surface mass balance evolution during the Last Interglacial
During the Quaternary, ice sheets experienced several retreat–advance cycles, strongly influencing climate patterns. In order to properly simulate these phenomena, it is preferable to use physics-based models instead of parameterizations to estimate the surface mass balance (SMB), which strongly influences the evolution of the ice sheet. To further investigate the potential of these SMB models, this work evaluates the BErgen Snow SImulator (BESSI), a multi-layer snow model with high computational efficiency, as an alternative to providing the SMB for the Earth system model iLOVECLIM for multi-millennial simulations as in paleostudies. We compare the behaviors of BESSI and insolation temperature melt (ITM), an existing SMB scheme of iLOVECLIM during the Last Interglacial (LIG). Firstly, we validate the two SMB models using the regional climate model Mod- èle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR) as forcing and reference for the present-day climate over the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The evolution of the SMB over the LIG (130–116 ka) is computed by forcing BESSI and ITM with transient climate forcing obtained from iLOVECLIM for both ice sheets. For present-day climate conditions, both BESSI and ITM exhibit good performance compared to MAR despite a much simpler model setup. While BESSI performs well for both Antarctica and Greenland for the same set of parame- ters, the ITM parameters need to be adapted specifically for each ice sheet. This suggests that the physics embedded in BESSI allows better capture of SMB changes across varying climate conditions, while ITM displays a much stronger sen- sitivity to its tunable parameters. The findings suggest that BESSI can provide more reliable SMB estimations for the iLOVECLIM framework to improve the model simulations of the ice sheet evolution and interactions with climate for multi-millennial simulations.
Clim. Past
Journal Abbr
Clim. Past
Publisher: Copernicus Publications
Hoang, T.-K.-D., Quiquet, A., Dumas, C., Born, A., & Roche, D. M. (2025). Using a multi-layer snow model for transient paleo-studies: surface mass balance evolution during the Last Interglacial. Clim. Past, 21(1), 27–51.