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Full bibliography 3,010 resources
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and Ice krill (Euphausia crystallorophias) are key species within Southern Ocean marine ecosystems. Given their importance in regional food webs, coupled with the uncertain impacts of climate change, the on-going recovery of krill-eating marine mammals, and the expanding commercial fishery for Antarctic krill, there is an increasing need to improve current estimates of their circumpolar habitat distribution. Here, we provide an estimate of the austral summer circumpolar habitat distribution of both species using an ensemble of habitat models and updated environmental covariates. Our models were able to resolve the segregated habitats of both species. We find that extensive potential habitat for Antarctic krill is mainly situated in the open ocean and concentrated in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, while Ice krill habitat was concentrated more evenly around the continent, largely over the continental shelf. Ice krill habitat was mainly predicted by surface oxygen concentration and water column temperature, while Antarctic krill was additionally characterized by mixed layer depth, distance to the continental shelf edge, and surface salinity. Our results further improve understanding about these key species, helping inform sustainable circumpolar management practices.
The paper analyses the economic and political history of the Ross Sea, where exploration, science, commercial exploitation, politics and adventure became highly interlinked and interwoven. Expedition accounts and the extensive literature on Antarctic history and politics inform the contextual aspects. The archives of the Norwegian whaling company A/S Rosshavet, established in 1923, and the United States of America and New Zealand archival material from the 1950s are key sources. From the first whaling season onwards, the impact of Antarctic whaling, and later scientific bases, highlights and illustrates the tensions between Antarctic commerce, territorial claims and international politics.
Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is pivotal for oceanic heat and carbon sequestrations on multidecadal to millennial timescales. The Weddell Sea contributes nearly a half of global AABW through Weddell Sea Deep Water and denser underlying Weddell Sea Bottom Water that form on the continental shelves via sea-ice production. Here we report an observed 30% reduction of Weddell Sea Bottom Water volume since 1992, with the largest decrease in the densest classes. This is probably driven by a multidecadal reduction in dense-water production over southern continental shelf associated with a >40% decline in the sea-ice formation rate. The ice production decrease is driven by northerly wind trend, related to a phase transition of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation since the early 1990s, superposed by Amundsen Sea Low intrinsic variability. These results reveal key influences on exported AABW to the Atlantic abyss and their sensitivity to large-scale, multidecadal climate variability.
Summary Global production and emission of chemicals exceeds societal capacities for assessment and monitoring. This situation calls for improved chemical regulatory policy frameworks and increased support for expedited decision making within existing frameworks. The polar regions of the Earth represent unique sentinel areas for the study of global chemical behaviour, and data arising from these areas can strengthen existing policy frameworks. However, chemical pollution research and monitoring in the Antarctic is underdeveloped, with geopolitical complexities and the absence of legal recognition of international chemical policy serving to neutralise progress made in other global regions. This Personal View represents a horizon scan by the action group Input Pathways of Persistent Organic Pollutants to Antarctica, of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research. Four priority research and research facilitation gaps are outlined, with recommendations for Antarctica Treaty parties for strategic action against these priorities.
The Southern Ocean is a major sink of anthropogenic CO2 and an important foraging area for top trophic level consumers. However, iron limitation sets an upper limit to primary productivity. Here we report on a considerably dense late summer phytoplankton bloom spanning 9000 km2 in the open ocean of the eastern Weddell Gyre. Over its 2.5 months duration, the bloom accumulated up to 20 g C m−2 of organic matter, which is unusually high for Southern Ocean open waters. We show that, over 1997–2019, this open ocean bloom was likely driven by anomalies in easterly winds that push sea ice southwards and favor the upwelling of Warm Deep Water enriched in hydrothermal iron and, possibly, other iron sources. This recurring open ocean bloom likely facilitates enhanced carbon export and sustains high standing stocks of Antarctic krill, supporting feeding hot spots for marine birds and baleen whales.
The transport of oceanic heat towards the Antarctic continental margin is central to the mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Recent modeling efforts challenge our view on where and how the on-shelf heat flux occurs, suggesting that it is largest where dense shelf waters cascade down the continental slope. Here we provide observational evidence supporting this claim. Using records from moored instruments, we link the downslope flow of dense water from the Filchner overflow to upslope and on-shelf flow of warm water.
Sea ice forms a barrier to the exchange of energy, gases, moisture and particles between the ocean and atmosphere around Antarctica. Ice temperature, salinity and the composition of ice crystals determine whether a particular slab of sea ice is habitable for microorganisms and permeable to exchanges between the ocean and atmosphere, allowing, for example, carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere to be absorbed or outgassed by the ocean. Spring sea ice can have high concentrations of algae and absorb atmospheric CO2. In the summer of 2016?2017 off East Antarctica, we found decayed and porous granular ice layers in the interior of the ice column, which showed high algal pigment concentrations. The maximum chlorophyll a observed in the interior of the ice column was 67.7 ?g/L in a 24% porous granular ice layer between 0.8 and 0.9 m depth in 1.7 m thick ice, compared to an overall mean sea-ice chlorophyll a (± one standard deviation) of 13.5 ± 21.8 ?g/L. We also found extensive surface melting, with instances of snow meltwater apparently percolating through the ice, as well as impermeable superimposed ice layers that had refrozen along with melt ponds on top of the ice. With future warming, the structures we describe here could occur earlier and/or become more persistent, meaning that sea ice would be more often characterized by patchy permeability and interior ice algal accumulations.
The impact of late Cenozoic climate on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is uncertain. Poorly constrained patterns of relative ice thinning and thickening impair the reconstruction of past ice-sheet dynamics and global sea-level budgets. Here we quantify long-term ice cover of mountains protruding the ice-sheet surface in western Dronning Maud Land, using cosmogenic Chlorine-36, Aluminium-26, Beryllium-10, and Neon-21 from bedrock in an inverse modeling approach. We find that near-coastal sites experienced ice burial up to 75–97% of time since 1 Ma, while interior sites only experienced brief periods of ice burial, generally <20% of time since 1 Ma. Based on these results, we suggest that the escarpment in Dronning Maud Land acts as a hinge-zone, where ice-dynamic changes driven by grounding-line migration are attenuated inland from the coastal portions of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, and where precipitation-controlled ice-thickness variations on the polar plateau taper off towards the coast.
Polar warming, ice melt and strong precipitation events are strongly affected by episodic poleward advection of warm and moist air (Woods and Caballero 2016 J. Clim. 29 4473–85; Wille et al 2019 Nat. Geosci. 12 911–6), which, in turn, is linked to variability in poleward moisture transport (PMT) (Nash et al 2018 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 123 6804–21). However, processes governing regional impacts of PMT as well as long-term trends remain largely unknown. Here we use an ensemble of state-of-the-art global climate models in standardized scenario simulations (1850–2100) to show that both the Arctic and the Antarctic exhibit distinct geographical patterns of PMT-related warming. Specifically, years with high PMT experience considerable warming over subarctic Eurasia and West-Antarctica (Raphael et al 2016 Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 97 111–21), whereas precipitation is distributed more evenly over the polar regions. The warming patterns indicate preferred routes of atmospheric rivers (Woods and Caballero 2016 J. Clim. 29 4473–85), which may regionally enhance atmospheric moisture content, cloud cover, and downward longwave radiative heating in years with comparatively high PMT (Scott et al 2019 J. Clim. 32 665–84). Trend-analyses reveal that the link between PMT-variability and regional precipitation patterns will weaken in both polar regions. Even though uncertainties associated with intermodel differences are considerable, the advection of warm and moist air associated with PMT-variability is likely to increasingly cause mild conditions in both polar regions, which in the Arctic will reinforce sea-ice melt. Similarly, the results suggest that warm years in West-Antarctica disproportionally contribute to ice sheet melt (Trusel et al 2015 Nat. Geosci. 8 927–32), enhancing the risk of ice-sheet instabilities causing accelerated and sudden sea-level rise.
Numerous novel adaptations characterise the radiation of notothenioids, the dominant fish group in the freezing seas of the Southern Ocean. To improve understanding of the evolution of this iconic fish group, here we generate and analyse new genome assemblies for 24 species covering all major subgroups of the radiation, including five long-read assemblies. We present a new estimate for the onset of the radiation at 10.7 million years ago, based on a time-calibrated phylogeny derived from genome-wide sequence data. We identify a two-fold variation in genome size, driven by expansion of multiple transposable element families, and use the long-read data to reconstruct two evolutionarily important, highly repetitive gene family loci. First, we present the most complete reconstruction to date of the antifreeze glycoprotein gene family, whose emergence enabled survival in sub-zero temperatures, showing the expansion of the antifreeze gene locus from the ancestral to the derived state. Second, we trace the loss of haemoglobin genes in icefishes, the only vertebrates lacking functional haemoglobins, through complete reconstruction of the two haemoglobin gene clusters across notothenioid families. Both the haemoglobin and antifreeze genomic loci are characterised by multiple transposon expansions that may have driven the evolutionary history of these genes.
Surface mass balance (SMB) of the Antarctic Ice Sheet must be better understood to document the current Antarctic contribution to sea-level rise. In situ point data using snow stakes and ice cores are often used to evaluate the state of the ice sheet's mass balance, as well as to assess SMB derived from regional climate models, which are then used to produce future climate projections. However, spatial representativeness of individual point data remains largely unknown, particularly in the coastal regions of Antarctica with highly variable terrain. Here, we compare ice core data collected at the summit of eight ice rises along the coast of Dronning Maud Land, as well as at the Dome Fuji site, and shallow ice-penetrating radar data over these regions. Shallow radar data have the advantage of being spatially extensive, with a temporal resolution that varies between a yearly and multi-year resolution, from which we can derive a SMB record over the entire radar survey. This comparison therefore allows us to evaluate the spatial variability of SMB and the spatial representativeness of ice-core-derived SMB. We found that ice core mean SMB is very local, and the difference with radar-derived SMB increases in a logarithmic fashion as the surface covered by the radar data increases, with a plateau ∼ 1–2 km away from the ice crest for most ice rises, where there are strong wind–topography interactions, and ∼ 10 km where the ice shelves begin. The relative uncertainty in measuring SMB also increases rapidly as we move away from the ice core sites. Five of our ice rise sites show a strong spatial representativeness in terms of temporal variability, while the other three sites show that it is limited to a surface area between 20–120 km2. The Dome Fuji site, on the other hand, shows a small difference between pointwise and area mean SMB, as well as a strong spatial representativeness in terms of temporal variability. We found no simple parameterization that could represent the spatial variability observed at all the sites. However, these data clearly indicate that local spatial SMB variability must be considered when assessing mass balance, as well as comparing modeled SMB values to point field data, and therefore must be included in the estimate of the uncertainty of the observations.
Abstract The additional water from the Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelves due to climate-induced melt can impact ocean circulation and global climate. However, the major processes driving melt are not adequately represented in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) models. Here, we analyze a novel multi-model ensemble of CMIP6 models with consistent meltwater addition to examine the robustness of the modeled response to meltwater, which has not been possible in previous single-model studies. Antarctic meltwater addition induces a substantial weakening of open-ocean deep convection. Additionally, Antarctic Bottom Water warms, its volume contracts, and the sea surface cools. However, the magnitude of the reduction varies greatly across models, with differing anomalies correlated with their respective mean-state climatology, indicating the state-dependency of the climate response to meltwater. A better representation of the Southern Ocean mean state is necessary for narrowing the inter-model spread of response to Antarctic meltwater.
A dataset to describe exposed bedrock and surficial geology of Antarctica has been constructed by the GeoMAP Action Group of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and GNS Science. Our group captured existing geological map data into a geographic information system (GIS), refined its spatial reliability, harmonised classification, and improved representation of glacial sequences and geomorphology, thereby creating a comprehensive and coherent representation of Antarctic geology. A total of 99,080 polygons were unified for depicting geology at 1:250,000 scale, but locally there are some areas with higher spatial resolution. Geological unit definition is based on a mixed chronostratigraphic- and lithostratigraphic-based classification. Description of rock and moraine polygons employs the international Geoscience Markup Language (GeoSciML) data protocols to provide attribute-rich and queryable information, including bibliographic links to 589 source maps and scientific literature. GeoMAP is the first detailed geological map dataset covering all of Antarctica. It depicts ‘known geology’ of rock exposures rather than ‘interpreted’ sub-ice features and is suitable for continent-wide perspectives and cross-discipline interrogation.
One of the key components of this research has been the mapping of Antarctic bed topography and ice thickness parameters that are crucial for modelling ice flow and hence for predicting future ice loss and the ensuing sea level rise. Supported by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the Bedmap3 Action Group aims not only to produce new gridded maps of ice thickness and bed topography for the international scientific community, but also to standardize and make available all the geophysical survey data points used in producing the Bedmap gridded products. Here, we document the survey data used in the latest iteration, Bedmap3, incorporating and adding to all of the datasets previously used for Bedmap1 and Bedmap2, including ice bed, surface and thickness point data from all Antarctic geophysical campaigns since the 1950s. More specifically, we describe the processes used to standardize and make these and future surveys and gridded datasets accessible under the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data principles. With the goals of making the gridding process reproducible and allowing scientists to re-use the data freely for their own analysis, we introduce the new SCAR Bedmap Data Portal (, last access: 1 March 2023) created to provide unprecedented open access to these important datasets through a web-map interface. We believe that this data release will be a valuable asset to Antarctic research and will greatly extend the life cycle of the data held within it. Data are available from the UK Polar Data Centre: (last access: 5 May 2023). See the Data availability section for the complete list of datasets.
A major consideration for maritime activity in the Southern Hemisphere is the northern limit of icebergs, or the Southern Ocean Limit Of Known Ice (SOLOKI). This analysis of historical reports of icebergs during Southern Hemisphere voyages from 1687 to 1933 provides a basis for examination of their geographical and chronological occurrence during ~250 years. The analyses use tabulated data from 742 voyages and other reports from many sources, some including first-person descriptions. While these data are dependent on icebergs being reported by mariners, as well as the variable frequency of voyages, they demonstrate distinct periods of exceptional frequency of icebergs occurring in certain localities, particularly the far South Atlantic. Based upon historical records the evidence suggests unprecedented numbers of icebergs were present in southern shipping channels in the 1890s. When these historical observations are combined with modern iceberg drift trajectories, their possible origin can be elucidated. Owing to the numbers of icebergs seen and their geographical spread, our results suggest that this was possibly the largest near-synchronous calvings in the last 300 years, and the northernmost extent of the SOLOKI.
Many populations of southern hemisphere baleen whales are recovering and are again becoming dominant consumers in the Southern Ocean. Key to understanding the present and future role of baleen whales in Southern Ocean ecosystems is determining their abundance on foraging grounds. Distance sampling is the standard method for estimating baleen whale abundance but requires specific logistic requirements which are rarely achieved in the remote Southern Ocean. We explore the potential use of tourist vessel-based sampling as a cost-effective solution for conducting distance sampling surveys for baleen whales in the Southern Ocean. We used a dataset of tourist vessel locations from the southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and published knowledge from Southern Ocean sighting surveys to determine the number of tourist vessel voyages required for robust abundance estimates. Second, we simulated the abundance and distributions of four baleen whale species for the study area and sampled them with both standardized line transect surveys and non-standardized tourist vessel-based surveys, then compared modeled abundance and distributions from each survey to the original simulation. For the southwest Atlantic, we show that 12-22 tourist vessel voyages are likely required to estimate abundance for humpback and fin whales, with relative estimates for blue, sei, Antarctic minke, and southern right whales. Second, we show tourist vessel-based surveys outperformed standardized line transect surveys at reproducing simulated baleen whale abundances and distribution. These analyses suggest tourist vessel-based surveys are a viable method for estimating baleen whale abundance in remote regions. For the southwest Atlantic, the relatively cost-effective nature of tourist vessel-based survey and regularity of tourist vessel voyages could allow for annual and intra-annual estimates of abundance, a fundamental improvement on current methods, which may capture spatiotemporal trends in baleen whale movements on forging grounds. Comparative modeling of sampling methods provided insights into the behavior of general additive model-based abundance modeling, contributing to the development of detailed guidelines of best practices for these approaches. Through successful engagement with tourist company partners, this method has the potential to characterize abundance across a variety of marine species and spaces globally, and deliver high-quality scientific outcomes relevant to management organizations.
Theoretical and numerical work has shown that under certain circumstances grounding lines of marine-type ice sheets can enter phases of irreversible advance and retreat driven by the marine ice sheet instability (MISI). Instances of such irreversible retreat have been found in several simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. However, it has not been assessed whether the Antarctic grounding lines are already undergoing MISI in their current position. Here, we conduct a systematic numerical stability analysis using three state-of-the-art ice sheet models: Úa, Elmer/Ice, and the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM). For the first two models, we construct steady-state initial configurations whereby the simulated grounding lines remain at the observed present-day positions through time. The third model, PISM, uses a spin-up procedure and historical forcing such that its transient state is close to the observed one. To assess the stability of these simulated states, we apply short-term perturbations to submarine melting. Our results show that the grounding lines around Antarctica migrate slightly away from their initial position while the perturbation is applied, and they revert once the perturbation is removed. This indicates that present-day retreat of Antarctic grounding lines is not yet irreversible or self-sustained. However, our accompanying paper (Part 2, Reese et al., 2023a) shows that if the grounding lines retreated further inland, under present-day climate forcing, it may lead to the eventual irreversible collapse of some marine regions of West Antarctica.
Communication at the science-policy interface can be bewildering not only for early-career researchers, but also for many within the research community. In the context of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, decision-makers operating within the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) aspire to use the best available science as a basis for their decision-making. Therefore, to maximize the impact of Antarctic Treaty Parties' substantial investment in southern polar research, researchers wishing to contribute to policy and management must understand 1) how their work relates to and can potentially inform Antarctic and/or global policy and 2) the available mechanisms by which their research can be communicated to decision-makers. Recognizing these needs, we describe the main legal instruments relevant to Antarctic governance (primarily the ATS) and the associated meetings and stakeholders that contribute to policy development for the region. We highlight effective mechanisms by which Antarctic researchers may communicate their science into the policy realm, including through National Delegations or the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and we detail the key contemporary topics of interest to decision-makers, including those issues where further research is needed. Finally, we describe challenges at the Antarctic science-policy interface that may potentially slow or halt policy development.
Understanding how climate change influences ocean-driven melting of the Antarctic ice shelves is one of the greatest challenges for projecting future sea level rise. The East Antarctic ice shelf cavities host cold water masses that limit melting, and only a few short-term observational studies exist on what drives warm water intrusions into these cavities. We analyse nine years of continuous oceanographic records from below Fimbulisen and relate them to oceanic and atmospheric forcing. On monthly time scales, warm inflow events are associated with weakened coastal easterlies reducing downwelling in front of the ice shelf. Since 2016, however, we observe sustained warming, with inflowing Warm Deep Water temperatures reaching above 0 °C. This is concurrent with an increase in satellite-derived basal melt rates of 0.62 m yr−1, which nearly doubles the basal mass loss at this relatively cold ice shelf cavity. We find that this transition is linked to a reduction in coastal sea ice cover through an increase in atmosphere–ocean momentum transfer and to a strengthening of remote subpolar westerlies. These results imply that East Antarctic ice shelves may become more exposed to warmer waters with a projected increase of circum-Antarctic westerlies, increasing this region’s relevance for sea level rise projections.
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- fotobiologi (1)
- fotobiont (1)
- fotografi (7)
- fotografihistorie (2)
- fotogrammetri (3)
- fotohistorie (2)
- fotokunst (1)
- fotosyntese (7)
- fototaxis (1)
- Fram (skip) (36)
- Frederick Cook (1)
- friluftsliv (1)
- frostresistens (1)
- fugler (85)
- fugleregistreringer (1)
- funksjonshemmede (1)
- fylogenetikk (7)
- fysikk (16)
- fysiologi (18)
- fysisk geografi (9)
- fysisk oseanografi (7)
- fytoplankton (61)
- fytososiologi (2)
- gasskonsentrasjoner (2)
- gassutveksling (2)
- gastrointestinale parasitter (1)
- genetikk (11)
- genetisk analyse (1)
- genetisk mangfold (1)
- genkloning (1)
- genuttrykk (1)
- geobibliografi (1)
- geodesi (20)
- geodynamiske modeller (1)
- geofysikk (151)
- geografi (191)
- geokjemi (31)
- geokronologi (11)
- geologi (210)
- geolokalisering (2)
- geomagnetiske stormer (11)
- geomorfologi (12)
- Geomorphology (2)
- geopolitikk (6)
- georadar (3)
- geostatistikk (1)
- geostrofisk (1)
- geotermisk strømning (1)
- geovitenskap (23)
- Glacial geology (1)
- Glacial history (1)
- Glacial sedimentary processes (1)
- Glaciation (1)
- glasiokjemi (1)
- glasiologi (334)
- global klimamodell (3)
- global oppvarming (28)
- globale klimasystemet (1)
- gonader (1)
- gravimetri (2)
- grunnvann (1)
- hårgress (1)
- harpuner (2)
- hav (1)
- havalkalisering (1)
- havbølger (1)
- havbørsteormer (1)
- havbruksnæring (2)
- havbunnen (24)
- havet (4)
- havis (119)
- havis alger (1)
- havnivå (6)
- havnivåstigning (31)
- havoppvarming (2)
- havoverflaten (1)
- havrett (9)
- havsirkulasjon (2)
- havstrømmer (47)
- hekkekoloni (2)
- helse (2)
- helsevesenet (1)
- hematologi (1)
- Henrik Johan Bull (7)
- Henryk Johan Bull (1)
- Hertha (skip) (1)
- histologi (1)
- historie (281)
- Historie (1)
- historikk (11)
- historisk (1)
- Hjalmar Johansen (1)
- Hjalmar Riiser (13)
- Hjalmar Riiser Larsen (2)
- Holm (1)
- holocene (5)
- hoppekreps (6)
- Hugh Blackwall Evans (1)
- human impact (1)
- husholdning (5)
- hval (7)
- hvalbåter (15)
- hvalbestanden (4)
- hvaler (86)
- hvalfangere (177)
- hvalfangerflåte (1)
- hvalfangerselskapet (8)
- hvalfangst (370)
- hvalfangstfelter (1)
- hvalfangstflåten (7)
- hvalfangstindustri (117)
- hvalfangstkommisjonen (1)
- hvalfangstkonferanse (1)
- hvalfangstkonvensjonen (1)
- hvalfangstkrise (2)
- hvalfangstkvoten (6)
- hvalfangstkvotene (1)
- hvalfangstkvoter (6)
- hvalfangstnæring (7)
- hvalfangstregulering (1)
- hvalfangstselskap (1)
- hvalfangstselskaper (32)
- hvalfangstselskapet (2)
- hvalfangstskip (1)
- hvalfangststasjoner (12)
- hvalfangstviser (1)
- hvalfredningsspørsmål (1)
- hvalindustri (101)
- hvalkokeri (8)
- hvalkokerier (16)
- hvalolje (13)
- hydroakustikk (2)
- hydrogeologi (1)
- hydrografi (47)
- hydrokarboner (1)
- hydrokjemi (3)
- hydrologi (12)
- hydrozoa (1)
- hydrozoer (1)
- Ice sheet (1)
- Ice Shelf (1)
- iceberg calving (1)
- igler (1)
- IGY 1957-58 (3)
- iktiogeografi (1)
- immunologi (4)
- infeksjon (2)
- informatikk (2)
- ingeniørvitenskap (1)
- Ingrid Christensen Land (2)
- innlandsis (96)
- innovasjon (1)
- innsjø (5)
- innsjøer (1)
- insekter (4)
- insektfysiologi (1)
- interesser (1)
- interferometri (1)
- internasjonal (40)
- internasjonal politikk (17)
- internasjonal rett (3)
- internasjonal samarbeid (7)
- internasjonale (2)
- internasjonale polarår (1)
- internasjonalt samarbeid (2)
- invasjonsbiologi (1)
- ionosfæren (10)
- ionosfæriske strømmer (2)
- IPY (3)
- is (15)
- is radar (2)
- isavsmelting (1)
- isberg (17)
- isbre (7)
- isbreer (47)
- isbrem (41)
- isdrift (3)
- isfangsten (1)
- isfjell (22)
- isforholdene (2)
- isfront (9)
- isgjennomtrengende (1)
- isgrenser (1)
- iskant (1)
- iskartet (1)
- iskjerner (27)
- iskrystaller (2)
- ismeltvann (1)
- isopoder (3)
- ISPOL (1)
- issfjell (2)
- isshelf (115)
- issmelting (5)
- isstrøm (18)
- istykkelse (2)
- James Cook (1)
- Japan (1)
- Jason ekspedisjonene (4)
- Jason (skip) (4)
- Johan Koren (2)
- jord (4)
- jordbruk (1)
- jordmagnetiske målinger (1)
- jordmagnetisme (1)
- jordobservasjon (1)
- jubileer (1)
- jus (76)
- kalv (3)
- kalving (9)
- Kapp Adare (21)
- kappedyr (1)
- kappløpet (2)
- karbon syklus (9)
- karbonatkjemi (1)
- karbondatering (1)
- karbondioksid (23)
- karboneksport (1)
- karbonlagring (1)
- kart (6)
- karthistorie (1)
- kartlegging (126)
- kartografi (16)
- kelvinbølger (1)
- kiselalger (4)
- kjeldeskrift (1)
- kjemi (17)
- kjemisk (7)
- kjemisk økologi (1)
- kjemiske analyser (15)
- kjønn (1)
- klatreekspedisjoner (1)
- klima (34)
- klimaendringer (161)
- klimaforskning (3)
- klimagasser (10)
- klimamodeller (35)
- klimapolitikk (1)
- klimatologi (95)
- klimavariasjoner (1)
- knølhvaler (2)
- kolonomaneter (1)
- kommunikasjon (2)
- konferanse (7)
- konferanser (2)
- kongress (6)
- konservering (2)
- kontinentalmargin (12)
- kontinentalsokkel (30)
- kontinentalsokler (5)
- kontinentalstiging (1)
- koralldyr (1)
- koraller (1)
- kråkeboller (1)
- krepsdyr (11)
- krill (101)
- kromatografi (3)
- kryosfæren (2)
- kryptogamer (1)
- kuldeeksponering (5)
- kuldetoleranse (26)
- kultur (4)
- kulturantropologi (1)
- kulturhistorie (11)
- kulturminneforvaltning (4)
- kulturminner (3)
- kulturminnevern (3)
- kulturstudier (1)
- kulturvern (2)
- kunst (2)
- kval (3)
- kvinner (10)
- kyststrøm (1)
- laboratorieeksperimenter (1)
- lagring (1)
- landbruk (3)
- landfast havis (1)
- landfast is (1)
- landfast sjøis (1)
- landmåling (1)
- langhalekreps (1)
- langmuirsirkulasjon (1)
- langtransport (1)
- Lars Christensen (51)
- Larsen (13)
- Last Glacial Maximum (2)
- Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (1)
- lav (34)
- leddormer (1)
- leddsnegler (1)
- leddyr (17)
- lege (1)
- Leonard Kristensen (2)
- levermoser (1)
- likestilling (1)
- lille istiden (1)
- Lincoln Ellsworth (1)
- lipider (5)
- litosfæren (2)
- litteratur (19)
- logistikk (35)
- lokalhistorie (1)
- lønnsomhet (2)
- lovgivning (3)
- luftfart (17)
- luftforsvaret (1)
- luftforurensning (1)
- luftfoto (33)
- luftfotografi (1)
- luftmassetransport (1)
- lufttemperatur (2)
- lutfart (2)
- lyskreps (8)
- M/V Polarsirkel (3)
- magellanstredet (1)
- magnetisme (2)
- magnetosfæren (1)
- magnetosfæriske kompresjoner (1)
- magnetostratigrafi (2)
- magnetotelluriske eksperimenter (1)
- magnetotelluriske målinger (1)
- makroalger (1)
- makrovirvelløse dyr (1)
- malerkunst (1)
- målinger (19)
- maneter (1)
- marin biologi (231)
- marin forurensning (3)
- marin geofysikk (13)
- marin geologi (23)
- marin kjemi (5)
- marin økologi (6)
- marin organisk aerosol (1)
- marin ornitologi (1)
- marin zoologi (42)
- marinbiologi (41)
- marine økosystemer (32)
- marine planter (1)
- maringeologi (3)
- marinøkologi (1)
- massespektrometri (2)
- mat (4)
- matproduksjon (1)
- Maud (2)
- Maudheim (1)
- Maudheim (Antarktis) (35)
- Maudheimekspedisjonen (137)
- mediadekning (1)
- mediefortelling (1)
- medisin (21)
- mekanikk (1)
- menneskelig påvirkning (14)
- mesosfæren (2)
- metabolisme (1)
- metamorfologi (2)
- metanisotoper (1)
- metanutslipp (2)
- metazoan (1)
- meteorologi (164)
- midder (9)
- migrasjon (2)
- mikrober (2)
- mikrobielle organismer (3)
- mikrobiologi (16)
- mikrobølge (2)
- mikroklima (2)
- mikroorganismer (5)
- mikropaleontologi (2)
- mikroplast (2)
- miljø (23)
- miljøendringer (18)
- miljøforskning (1)
- miljøforurensing (1)
- miljøgifter (32)
- miljøkonsekvensanalyser (2)
- miljøovervåking (7)
- miljøpåvirkning (5)
- miljøprotokollen (2)
- miljørett (1)
- miljøsatellitter (1)
- miljøspørsmål (1)
- miljøvern (52)
- miljøvitenskap (1)
- mineraler (15)
- mineralogi (7)
- miter (7)
- model evaluation (1)
- modeller (1)
- modellering (1)
- Modelling (1)
- mollusker (1)
- morfologi (10)
- mosdyr (2)
- moser (11)
- multivariate data analysis (1)
- museer (3)
- muslinger (5)
- MV Polarhav (1)
- mylonitter (1)
- nakensnegler (1)
- NARE 1976/77 (34)
- NARE 1978/79 (36)
- NARE 1984/85 (27)
- NARE 1989/90 (24)
- NARE 1991/92 (12)
- NARE 1992/93 (17)
- NARE 1993/94 (9)
- NARE 1996/97 (27)
- NARE 1997/98 (6)
- NARE 1998/99 (1)
- NARE 2000/01 (14)
- NARE 2007/08 (1)
- NARE ekspedisjoner (9)
- NARP 1992/93 (1)
- natur (6)
- natureklima (1)
- naturforvaltning (1)
- naturhistorie (1)
- naturressurser (4)
- naturressursforvaltning (3)
- naturvern (8)
- naturvitenskap (4)
- naturvitenskapelig (3)
- navigasjon (1)
- NAX (2)
- NBSAE 1949-52 (139)
- nedbør (9)
- nesledyr (3)
- nevrobiologi (3)
- Nordmenn (81)
- Norge (132)
- Norsel (skip) (10)
- norsk (4)
- Norsk Antarktisekspedisjon 1968-69 (2)
- Norsk-britisk-svenske antarktisekspedisjon (140)
- Norsk Polarinstitutt (15)
- norske (3)
- norske ekspedisjoner (11)
- Norvegia ekspedisjonen (23)
- Norvegia ekspedisjonene (11)
- Norvegia ekspedisjoner (45)
- Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1968-69 (1)
- NSBX 1949-52 (141)
- numerisk modellering (2)
- nunataker (12)
- næring (10)
- næringskjede (4)
- næringsliv (14)
- næringslivet (3)
- næringsmiddelteknologi (2)
- næringspolitikk (1)
- næringsstoff (3)
- næringsstoffer (1)
- observasjoner (45)
- Odd I (14)
- Odd I. (3)
- økofysiologi (7)
- økogeografi (1)
- økologi (57)
- økologiske nisjer (1)
- økonomi (50)
- økonomisk historie (4)
- økosystem (4)
- økosystemer (46)
- økotoksikologi (4)
- økotoksiner (1)
- Olav Orheim (1)
- Ole Must (1)
- områdevern (1)
- opdagelsesreiser (2)
- oppdagelser (3)
- oppdagelsesreiser (304)
- oppvarming (2)
- organisasjoner (1)
- ornitologi (107)
- oseanografi (273)
- osmoregulering (1)
- osmotisk stress (1)
- Otto Nordenskjöld (10)
- overflateakkumulering (1)
- overflatesnø (1)
- overflatevann (3)
- overvåking (6)
- overvåkning (1)
- overvintring (38)
- ozon (3)
- ozonhull (6)
- ozonlaget (26)
- pakkis (1)
- paleoatmosfæren (1)
- paleobiologi (3)
- paleobotanikk (3)
- paleogen (1)
- paleogeografi (8)
- paleoglasiologi (4)
- paleoklimatologi (34)
- paleolimnologi (2)
- paleomagnetisme (2)
- paleontologi (17)
- paleoøkologi (1)
- paleoseanografi (11)
- parasitter (5)
- parasittologi (1)
- patenter (7)
- pattedyr (7)
- pelagisk (204)
- pelagisk hvalfangst (10)
- pelsseler (19)
- peptider (1)
- Per Savio (1)
- perleurt (1)
- permafrost (5)
- Peter I. Øy (55)
- petreller (44)
- petrografi (10)
- petroleum (1)
- petrologi (18)
- phytoplankton (5)
- pigghuder (3)
- pigghudinger (1)
- pingviner (37)
- pinnipedier (19)
- planetbølger (1)
- plankton (82)
- planteplankton (11)
- planter (40)
- plantesosiologi (1)
- plastpartikler (2)
- plategrenser (1)
- platetektonikk (1)
- polarekspedisjoner (71)
- polareksspedisjoner (8)
- polarfarere (5)
- polarflyving (10)
- polarforskere (4)
- polarforskning (40)
- polarhelter (2)
- polarhistorie (20)
- polarimetrisk radar (1)
- polarkespedisjoner (1)
- polarlys (3)
- polarområdene (328)
- polarørken (1)
- polarpolitikk (9)
- polarsamlinger (1)
- polarvirvelen (1)
- polfarere (3)
- polferder (1)
- politikk (137)
- Pollux (skip) (1)
- polychaeter (1)
- polynja (6)
- polyppdyr (2)
- populærvitenskap (7)
- Possession Islands (1)
- primærproduksjon (1)
- protoktister (2)
- protozo (1)
- psykobiologi (1)
- psykofysiologi (1)
- psykologi (14)
- publikasjoner (1)
- pyknoklin (1)
- pyrosekvensering (2)
- Quaternary (2)
- radar observasjoner (3)
- radarundersøkelse (1)
- radarundersøkelser (1)
- radiation (1)
- radio telemetri (1)
- radioaktivitet (4)
- Radiocarbon dating (1)
- radiometer (3)
- radiostøy (1)
- radiumisotoper (1)
- raudåte (6)
- rederier (7)
- reinsdyr (1)
- reisebeskrivelser (4)
- reiser (14)
- reiseskildringer (16)
- reproduksjon (11)
- ressurser (22)
- rett (15)
- rettsfilosofi (1)
- Reverse slope (1)
- Richard Evelyn Byrd (2)
- Roald Amundsen (111)
- Robert Falcon Scott (20)
- romfysikk (2)
- romvitenskap (1)
- Rosshavet (36)
- ROV-Derived bathymetry (1)
- rundormer (1)
- S.S.Vikingen (3)
- S.S.Vikingen 1929-30 (2)
- salpetersyre (1)
- saltinnhold (2)
- saltkjertel (1)
- samarbeid (8)
- samer (2)
- samfunnsfag (2)
- samisk (1)
- Sandefjord (1)
- satellite (1)
- satellite altimetri (1)
- satellite bilder (27)
- satellite mikrobølgesensorer (2)
- satellitt (4)
- satellitt bilder (5)
- satellitt observasjoner (2)
- satellittbilder (7)
- satellitteknologi (1)
- satellittelemetri (2)
- satellittsendere (2)
- scientometrics (1)
- Scotiahavet (3)
- Sea level (1)
- sedimenter (18)
- sedimentologi (18)
- seismisk stratigrafi (1)
- seismisk undersøkelse (1)
- seismologi (31)
- sekkdyr (2)
- seler (52)
- selfangst (10)
- serologi (1)
- Seymourøya (2)
- sjøanemoner (1)
- sjøelefanter (3)
- sjøfart (4)
- sjøfartshistorie (1)
- sjøfolk (26)
- sjøfugler (27)
- sjøis (76)
- sjømenn (5)
- sjøpattedyr (11)
- sjøpiggsvin (1)
- sjøreiser (3)
- sjøroser (1)
- sjøtenner (1)
- sjøvann (20)
- sjøvirvler (1)
- skadeforebygge (1)
- ski (1)
- skiekspedisjoner (1)
- skihistorie (1)
- skip (7)
- skippere (3)
- skipsbyggerier (3)
- skipsbygging (2)
- skipsfart (19)
- skipsførere (2)
- skipsloggbøker (1)
- skipsredere (2)
- skipsverft (1)
- skisport (4)
- skjell (2)
- skjønnlitteratur (2)
- skyer (3)
- sledehunder (11)
- sleder (1)
- småmaneter (1)
- smeltevann (3)
- smelting (20)
- snegler (1)
- snø (33)
- snø akkumulasjon (2)
- snø radar (2)
- snøalger (1)
- snøfall (2)
- snøpakke (1)
- snøsmelting (3)
- sollys (2)
- solstråling (3)
- solvind (4)
- sopper (4)
- Sør-Orknøyene (7)
- Sør-Sandwichøyene (1)
- Sør-Shetlandsøyene (5)
- Sørishavet (1,156)
- Sørishavsstrømmen (8)
- sørlig oscillasjon (2)
- sørlys (2)
- Sørpolen (12)
- sosiologi (1)
- Southern Cross (28)
- Southern Cross (skip) (3)
- spektrofotometri (1)
- sporgass (1)
- språk (1)
- stabile isotoper (11)
- stasjoner (8)
- statistikk (1)
- statistisk analyse (2)
- statsforvaltning (1)
- statsvitenskap (5)
- stedsnavn (2)
- storbreen (1)
- stråling (2)
- strålingsbelter (1)
- stratigrafi (24)
- stratosfæren (14)
- stratosfærisk kjemi (1)
- stresshormoner (1)
- strøm (1)
- strømmer (2)
- strømmodeller (1)
- subglasial (1)
- subglasial biodiversitet (1)
- subglasial geologi (2)
- subglasial innsjø (8)
- subglasial topografi (1)
- superkjøling (1)
- svaneøgler (1)
- Svend Foyn (4)
- Sydpol (10)
- Sydpolekspedisjon (1)
- Sydpolekspedisjonen (3)
- Sydpolen (93)
- sydpolen (20)
- Sydpolflyvningen (6)
- Sydpolsekspedisjonen (126)
- Sydpolsekspedisjoner (3)
- sympagisk økologi (1)
- symposium (9)
- taksonomi (8)
- tanglus (1)
- teknologi (25)
- tektonikk (14)
- tektoniske plater (1)
- telemetri (5)
- temperatur (8)
- temperatur måling (2)
- temperaturforhold (1)
- termiske terskler (1)
- termokronologi (3)
- terrestriske virveldyr (1)
- Thorshammer ekspedisjon (1)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjon (20)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjoner (8)
- tidevann (7)
- tidevannsbreen (1)
- tidevannsmålinger (2)
- tidevannsstrømmer (2)
- tidsserieanalyse (1)
- tidsskrift (1)
- toksikologi (5)
- toksisitet (1)
- tomografi (1)
- topografi (27)
- Torlyn ekspedisjonen (1)
- tovinger (1)
- trakassering (1)
- transantarktiske ekspedisjoner (2)
- transantarktiske flyturen (1)
- transport (1)
- trekkfugler (1)
- trekkhunder (3)
- Troll forskningsstasjon (19)
- Tryggve Gran (1)
- tungmetaller (1)
- tunicata (1)
- turbulent fluxes (1)
- turisme (20)
- Tyskland (2)
- ubemannede luftfartøyer (1)
- ultrafiolett stråling (10)
- understrømmer (1)
- uorganisk karbon (1)
- utenrikspolitikk (6)
- utforskning (4)
- utslipp (3)
- utstillinger (3)
- utstyr (4)
- uttørking (1)
- UV-stråling (5)
- vågehvaler (1)
- vann (2)
- vannmasser (31)
- vannressurser (1)
- vannsøyle (1)
- vannstabile isotoper (1)
- vannvirvler (8)
- vegetasjon (1)
- Verdenskrigen 1939-45 (1)
- Vestantarktis (7)
- Vestfold (30)
- Victoria Land (12)
- virologi (2)
- virvelløse dyr (27)
- virvelstrømmer (1)
- vitenskap (31)
- vitenskapelige artikler (1)
- vitenskapelige ekspedisjoner (11)
- Vostoksjøen (1)
- vulkaner (18)
- Weddell Sea (2)
- Weddellhavet (169)
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) (1)
- zoofysiologi (2)
- zoogeografi (7)
- zoologi (201)
- zooplankton (28)
Resource type
- Book (450)
- Book Section (463)
- Conference Paper (28)
- Document (116)
- Journal Article (1,816)
- Magazine Article (1)
- Manuscript (2)
- Map (18)
- Newspaper Article (2)
- Report (62)
- Thesis (52)
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (30)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (22)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (39)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (83)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (221)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (113)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (239)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (172)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (188)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (281)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (424)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (419)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (511)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (251)
- Unknown (17)