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Drivers of phytoplankton distribution, abundance and community composition off East Antarctica, from 55-80°E (CCAMLR Division 58.4.2 East)

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Drivers of phytoplankton distribution, abundance and community composition off East Antarctica, from 55-80°E (CCAMLR Division 58.4.2 East)
Southern Ocean phytoplankton form the base of the Antarctic food web, influencing higher trophic levels through biomass and community structure. We examined phytoplankton distribution and abundance in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer as part a multidisciplinary ecosystem survey: Trends in Euphausiids off Mawson, Predators and Oceanography (TEMPO, 2021). Sampling covered six meridional transects from 55-80°E, and from 62°S or 63°S to the ice edge. To determine phytoplankton groups, CHEMTAX analysis was undertaken on pigments measured using HPLC. Diatoms were the dominant component of phytoplankton communities, explaining 56% of variation in chlorophyll a (Chl a), with haptophytes also being a major component. Prior to sampling the sea ice had retreated in a south-westerly direction, leading to shorter ice-free periods in the west (< 44 days, ≤65°E) compared to east (> 44 days, ≥70°E), inducing a strong seasonal effect. The east was nutrient limited, indicated by low-iron forms of haptophytes, and higher silicate:nitrate drawdown ratios (5.1 east vs 4.3 west), pheophytin a (phaeo) concentrations (30.0 vs 18.4 mg m-2) and phaeo:Chl a ratios (1.06 vs 0.53). Biological influences were evident at northern stations between 75-80°E, where krill “super-swarms” and feeding whales were observed. Here, diatoms were depleted from surface waters likely due to krill grazing, as indicated by high phaeo:Chl a ratios (> 0.75), and continued presence of haptophytes, associated with inefficient filtering or selective grazing by krill. Oceanographic influences included deeper mixed layers reducing diatom biomass, and a bloom to the north of the southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front in the western survey area thought to be sinking as waters flowed from west to east. Haptophytes were influenced by the Antarctic Slope Front with high-iron forms prevalent to the south only, showing limited iron transfer from coastal waters. Cryptophytes were associated with meltwater, and greens (chlorophytes + prasinophytes) were prevalent below the mixed layer. The interplay of seasonal, biological and oceanographic influences on phytoplankton populations during TEMPO had parallels with processes observed in the BROKE and BROKE-West voyages conducted 25 and 15 years earlier, respectively. Our research consolidates understanding of the krill ecosystem to ensure sustainable management in East Antarctic waters.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Journal Abbr
Frontiers in Marine Science
Heidemann, A. C., Westwood, K. J., Foppert, A., Wright, S. W., Klocker, A., Vives, C. R., Wotherspoon, S., & Bestley, S. (2024). Drivers of phytoplankton distribution, abundance and community composition off East Antarctica, from 55-80°E (CCAMLR Division 58.4.2 East). Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.