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Vegetation near bird and seal rookeries typically has high δ15N signatures and these high values are linked to the enriched δ15N values of rookery soils. However, Antarctic cryptogams are mostly dependent on atmospheric ammonia (NH3) and volatized NH3 from rookeries is severely depleted in δ15N-NH3. So there is an apparent discrepancy between the isotopically depleted source (NH3) and δ15N-enriched vegetation. In this article, we aim to resolve this discrepancy to better understand the mechanisms and processes involved in isotopic changes during nitrogen transfer between Antarctic marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Under laboratory conditions, we quantified whether volatized NH3 affects the isotopic signature of cryptogams. NH3 volatilizing from penguin guano and elephant seal dung was depleted (44–49‰) in δ15N when captured on acidified filters, compared to the source itself. Cryptogams exposed to the volatized NH3 were enriched (18.8–23.9‰) in δ15N. The moss Andreaea regularis gained more nitrogen (0.9%) than the lichen Usnea antarctica (0.4%) from volatilized NH3, indicating a potential difference in atmospheric NH3 acquisition that is consistent with existing field differences in nitrogen concentrations and δ15N between mosses and lichens in general. This study clarifies the δ15N enrichment of cryptogams resulting from one of the most important nitrogen pathways for Antarctic vegetation.
Per- og polyfluorerte alkylstoffer (PFAS) har blitt funnet i blodprøver fra sørjo (Catharacta maccormicki) tatt i løpet av hekkesesongen i kolonien i Svarthamaren (Dronning Mauds land, Antarktis). For å undersøke om disse konsentrasjonene i sørjo stammer fra dietten i hekkesesongen, sammenligner denne oppgaven biomagnifisering i to næringskjeder. Ved innenlands kolonien Svarthamaren spiser sørjoene nesten utelukkende egg og unger fra antarktisk petrell (Thalassoica antarctica), og petrellene spiser fisk og krepsdyr. I den kystnære kolonien ved Dumont D’Urville (DDU, Adélie Land), spiser sørjoene hovedsakelig egg og unger fra Adélie pingviner (Pygoscelis adeliae). Væskekromatografi-massespektrometri (LC/MS) ble brukt for å måle PFAS i mageinnhold og egg fra antarktisk petrell, og i blodprøver fra sørjo, Adélie pingvin-unger, og antarktisk petrellunger og -voksne. Stabile isotoper (δ13C and δ15N) ble også analysert som diettdeskriptorer. Resultatene ble slått sammen med resultater fra tidligere studier fra begge koloniene for å oppnå et datasett for sørjo og dens diett ved både Svarthamaren og DDU. Datasettet ble brukt for å beregne biomagnifiseringsfaktor (BMF) og trofisk magnifisering faktor (TMF) for de detekterte PFASene i de to næringskjedene. Ved Svarthamaren var PFUnA over deteksjonsgrensen i alle matriksene, men var ikke tilstede i enkelte prøver. Andre detekterte PFASer var Perfluoroktyl sulfonat (PFOS), Perfluorononanoate (PFNA), Perfluorodecanoate (PFDcA), Perfluoroundecanoate (PFUnA), Perfluorododecanoate (PFDoA), Perfluorotridecanoate (PFTriA) and Perfluorotetradecanoate (PFTeA). PFAS konsentrasjonene økte oppover i næringskjeden, hvorav nivåene for alle detekterte PFASer var høyest hos sørjo. Ved DDU var PFAS konsentrasjonene lavere, men mønsteret var sammenlignbart med det i Svarthamaren. Forgrenet PFOS ble kvantifisert i sørjo fra DDU, men var ikke over deteksjonsgrense i andre matrikser. Byttedyrene hadde flere PFASer over deteksjonsgrensen i Svarthamaren sammenliknet med DDU. Vi beregnet BMF og TMF for alle detekterte PFASer i Svarthamaren, men kun for PFOS, PFNA, PFDcA og PFUnA i DDU fordi bare disse ble funnet i både sørjo og pingvinene. BMF for PFOS var høyere enn forventet i vanlige predator-bytte forhold i begge koloniene, noe som peker på en ukjent kilde. Biomagnifikasjonsverdiene for andre PFASer var varierende, men sammenliknbare mellom koloniene. PFAS-konsentrasjonene i sørjo fra begge kolonier og i antarktisk petrell reflekterer sannsynligvis eksponering utenfor Antarktis i løpet av vinteren. De detekterte konsentrasjoner i Adélie pingviner er ikke høye nok for å forklare de høye PFAS-nivåene i sørjoene i DDU. Derfor, i DDU, disse PFAS-nivåer kommer fra andre byttedyr enten innenfor regioner eller mest sannsynligvis fra utenfor Antarktis.
In the first multiyear sampling effort for POPs in the eastern Antarctic atmosphere, 32 PCBs and 38 organochlorine pesticides were targeted in air collected with a high-flow-through passive sampler. Agricultural chemicals were found to dominate atmospheric profiles, in particular HCB and endosulfan-I, with average concentrations of 12 600 and 550 fg/m3, respectively. HCB showed higher concentrations in the austral summer, indicative of local, temperature-dependent volatilisation, while endosulfan-I appeared to show fresh, late-austral-summer input followed by temporally decreasing levels throughout the year. The current-use herbicide, trifluralin, and the legacy pesticides mirex and toxaphene, were detected in Antarctic air for the first time. Trifluralin was observed at low but increasing levels over the five-year period. Its detection in the Antarctic atmosphere provides evidence of its persistence and long-range environmental transport capability. While a time frame of five years exceeds the duration of most Antarctic air monitoring efforts, it is projected that continuous monitoring at the decadal scale is required to detect an annual 10% change in atmospheric concentrations of key analytes. This finding emphasizes the importance of continuous, long-term monitoring efforts in polar regions, that serve a special role as sentinel environments of hemispheric chemical usage trends.
To evaluate the impact of modern glacier melting on the chemical enrichment of Antarctic coastal waters, we measured trace elements, including dissolved iron (Fe) and rare earth elements (REEs), together with dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphorous, silicate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in ice, snow and coastal seawater of Marian Cove in the northernmost part of Antarctica (62°S). There was an increase in the concentrations of Fe and other trace elements (Al, Mn, Cr, Ni, Co, Pb and REEs) between the bay mouth and the glacier valleys. Good correlations between salinity and these chemical elements indicate that the trend was mainly due to the influence of glacier meltwater (GMW). When the effect of GMW was quantified based on plots of its presence (average 5.7%) in the surface water of the cove, the concentrations of trace elements in seawater increased 18-fold for Fe, eight- to 10-fold for Al and Mn and up to four-fold for Cr, Ni, Co, Pb and REEs by GMW. However, the contribution of GMW to inorganic nutrients and DOC was negligible. The significance of GMW-borne REE contribution in this cove was further evidenced by middle REE enrichment in cove water. Our results suggest that the currently increasing glacier melting in Antarctica has a significant influence on the level of trace elements, particularly Fe, in cove water, which in turn may have a significant impact on the biogeochemistry of coastal seawater in Antarctica. Keywords: Iron; trace elements; rare earth elements; glacier melting; Antarctica; Marian Cove.
The aim of the study was to specify the concentration of selected chemical elements in surface waters of King George Island, off the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The research encompassed six streams, a lake and an artificial water reservoir located on the western coast of Admiralty Bay. Measured hydrochemical parameters included pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and total and dissolved forms elements such as Al, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Mn, Fe, As and Se. The values of pH, conductivity and TDS had the following ranges: 6.09–8.21, 6.0–875 µS cm−1 and 7.0–975 mg/L, respectively, and were typical for surface waters of Antarctica. Wide disparities were discovered regarding concentrations of the investigated elements, ranging from <0.01 µg/L for Cd to 510 µg/L for Fe, and differing from one water body to another. The investigated elements are discussed with reference to environmental conditions and anthropogenic factors. Concentrations of total and dissolved forms of elements are considered in connection with the composition of soil in their surroundings and with atmospheric deposition, mostly such as that took place locally. The increased levels of Pb and Zn concentrations in the immediate proximity of a research station suggested anthropogenic contamination. Keywords: Antarctic surface waters; total and dissolved elements; baseline elements values; anthropogenic metal contamination.
Measurements of total alkalinity (AT) and pH were made in the Ross Sea in January–February 2008 in order to characterize the carbonate system in the Ross Sea and to evaluate the variability associated with different water masses. The main water masses of the Ross Sea, Antarctic Surface Water, High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW), Deep Ice Shelf Water, Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) and Antarctic Bottom Water, were identified on the basis of the physical and chemical data. In particular, the AT ranged between 2275 and 2374 µmol kg−1 with the lowest values in the surface waters (2275–2346 µmol kg−1), where the influence of the sea-ice melting and of the variability of the physical properties was significant. In the deep layers of the water column, the AT maxima were measured in correspondence to the preferential pathways of the spreading HSSW. The pH had variable values in the surface layer (7.890–8.033) with the highest values in Terra Nova Bay and Ross Sea polynyas. A low pH (7.969±0.025) traced the intrusion of the CDW in the Ross Sea shelf area. All samples revealed waters that were oversaturated with respect to both calcite and aragonite, but near corrosive levels of aragonite saturation state (Ω ca. 1.1–1.2) were associated with the entrainment of CDW over the slope. Aragonite undersaturation is of particular concern for the zooplankton species comprising to calcifying organisms such as pteropods. The partial pressure of CO2 at the sea surface was undersaturated with respect to the atmospheric value, particularly in Terra Nova Bay and the Ross Sea polynyas, but a large variability in the sea–air CO2 fluxes was observed associated with different responses in the strength of the biological and physical processes. Keywords: Total alkalinity; pH; saturation state; Terra Nova Bay polynya; Ross Sea.
Seabirds, as long-lived top predators, accumulate contaminants such as mercury (Hg), an established endocrine disruptor. In long lived species hormonal secretion varies with age; therefore, Hg-induced endocrine disruption may be exacerbated in some age classes. Here we investigated relationships between blood total Hg and luteinizing hormone (LH, a key pituitary hormone for the onset of breeding), in pre-laying known-age (11–45 years old) snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) from Adélie Land, Antarctica. We predicted that 1) blood Hg would increase with advancing age as a consequence of bio-accumulation; and that 2) increasing blood Hg would be related to decreased concentrations of LH in the most Hg-contaminated individuals. Hg concentrations were higher in females than in males (p<0.001), and contrary to our prediction, decreased with advancing age in males (p = 0.009) and tended to do so in females (p = 0.06). The analysis of stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) suggested that this unexpected pattern could originate from age and sex-related variations in trophic niche, and hence Hg exposure. Regarding LH, our prediction was only supported in young birds (≤23 years) where baseline LH was inversely correlated with Hg concentrations (p = 0.04). Hg burden did not predict baseline LH or GnRH-induced LH in birds that were more than 23 years old. These results show that age and contaminants may interfere with major endocrine mechanisms and, together with other recent studies, support the view that Hg could be connected to LH secretion and could then impair the fitness of long-lived birds.
Atmospheric aerosol samples were collected over the Southern Ocean (SO) and coastal East Antarctica (CEA) during the austral summer of 2010/11. Samples were analysed for trace elements, including Na, Mg, K, Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cd and Se, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The mean atmospheric concentrations over the SO were 1100 ng m−3 for Na, 190 ng m−3 for Mg, 150 ng m−3 for Al, 14 ng m−3 for Fe, 0.46 ng m−3 for Mn and 0.25 ng m−3 for Se. Over CEA, the mean concentrations were 990 ng m−3 for Na, 180 ng m−3 for Mg, 190 ng m−3 for Al, 26 ng m−3 for Fe, 0.70 ng m−3 for Mn and 0.29 ng m−3 for Se. Particle size distributions, enrichment factors (EFs) and correlation analysis indicate that Na, Mg and K mainly came from the marine source, while Al, Fe and Mn were mainly from the crustal source, which also contributed to Mg and K over CEA. High EFs were associated with Ni, Cd and Se, suggesting likely contributions from mixed sources from the Antarctic continent, long-range transport, marine biogenic emissions and anthropogenic emissions. Sea-salt elements (Na, Mg, K) were mainly accumulated in the coarse mode, and crustal elements (Al, Fe, Mn) presented a bimodal size distribution pattern. Bioactive elements (Fe, Ni, Cd) were enriched in the fine mode, especially with samples collected over the SO, possibly affecting biogeochemical cycles in this oceanic region. Keywords: Southern Ocean; coastal East Antarctica; trace elements; size distribution; sources.
In this study, we have determined the contents and distribution of zinc and cadmium in the surface sediments from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. The main sources of the trace elements and their geographic heterogeneity, and the relation between Zn and Cd, are discussed based on the cluster analysis, principle component analysis and considerations of biogenic and lithogenic inputs. The results show that the contents of trace metals range from 34.6 to 96.6 mg kg-1 for Zn, and from 0.254 to 0.441 mg kg-1 for Cd. Calculations of the enrichment factor indicated no significant anthropogenic impact. Biogenic and lithogenic inputs are the main sources of trace metals. They are almost equal for Zn and Cd at the Amery Ice Shelf edge, while the continental shelf and deep ocean are dominated by biogenic inputs. The contribution of biogenic inputs is much higher for Zn than for Cd at the deep ocean. Calculations of biogenic trace metals revealed different relationships between biogenic Zn and biogenic Cd, which reflect the biological uptake by phytoplankton in the water column. Keywords: Trace elements; sources; enrichment factor; cluster analysis; principal component analysis; Antarctica.
Physiological characteristics of inorganic C uptake were examined in Southern Ocean ice algae and phytoplankton assemblages. Ice algal and phytoplankton assemblages were largely dominated by diatoms and Phaeocystis antarctica, and showed a high capacity for HCO3- utilization, with direct HCO3- transport accounting for ~60% of total inorganic C uptake. Extracellular carbonic anhydrase (eCA) was detectable in all samples, but with significantly lower activity in sea ice algae. Neither HCO3- transport nor eCA activity was related to the in situ partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) or taxonomic composition of samples. The half-saturation constant (KS) for inorganic C ranged from ~100 to 5000 µM, and showed significantly more variability among sea ice algae than phytoplankton assemblages. For the phytoplankton assemblages, there were significant positive correlations between in situ pCO2 and KS (higher C substrate affinity in low pCO2 waters), and also between KS and maximum C uptake rates (Vmax). In contrast, KS and Vmax in sea-ice algal assemblages were not correlated to each other, or to any other measured variables. The C isotope composition of particulate organic carbon(δ13C-POC) in the phytoplankton assemblages showed modest variability (range -30 to -24.6‰) and was significantly correlated to the ratio of inferred growth rates (derived from Vmax) and in situ CO2 concentrations, but not to any measured C uptake parameters. δ13C-POC in sea ice algal samples (range -25.7 to -12.9‰) was significantly heavier than in the phytoplankton assemblages, and not correlated to any other variables. Our results provide evidence for the widespread occurrence of carbon-concentrating mechanisms in Southern Ocean sea ice algae and phytoplankton assemblages. KEYWORDS: Phytoplankton · Sea ice algae · Inorganic carbon uptake · HCO3- · Carbonic anhydrase
As part of the 2009 Operation Ice Bridge campaign, the NASA DC-8 aircraft was used to fill the data-time gap in laser observation of the changes in ice sheets, glaciers and sea ice between ICESat-I (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite) and ICESat-II. Complementing the cryospheric instrument payload were four in situ atmospheric sampling instruments integrated onboard to measure trace gas concentrations of CO2, CO, N2O, CH4, water vapor and various VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). This paper examines two plumes encountered at high altitude (12 km) during the campaign; one during a southbound transit flight (13°S) and the other at 86°S over Antarctica. The data presented are especially significant as the Southern Hemisphere is heavily under-sampled during the austral spring, with few if any high-resolution airborne observations of atmospheric gases made over Antarctica. Strong enhancements of CO, CH4, N2O, CHCl3, OCS, C2H6, C2H2 and C3H8 were observed in the two intercepted air masses that exhibited variations in VOC composition suggesting different sources. The transport model FLEXPART showed that the 13°S plume contained predominately biomass burning emissions originating from Southeast Asia and South Africa, while both anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions were observed at 86°S with South America and South Africa as indicated source regions. The data presented here show evidence that boundary layer pollution is transported from lower latitudes toward the upper troposphere above the South Pole, which may not have been observed in the past.
Different organochlorine compounds (OCs) were measured in the blood of breeding south polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica) and compared to those in two species of northern hemisphere gulls: the Arctic glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) and the subarctic great black-backed gull (Larus marinus). The skuas had 8% and 29% of the ∑OC levels (45 ng/g, wet weight) of glaucous gulls (591 ng/g) and great black-backed gulls (158 ng/g), respectively. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and p,p‘-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p‘-DDE) were very low in skuas compared to northern gulls, but the mean hexachlorobenzene (HCB) level was 1.7 times higher than in great black-backed gulls and one-third of the glaucous gull level. Mirex levels in skuas were among the highest reported in birds, the mean level being 3 and 26 times higher than those in glaucous gull and great black-backed gulls, respectively. In skuas, the mean levels of HCB, oxychlordane, p,p‘-DDE, and PCBs increased by about 30% during a 2-week period, and mirex increased by nearly 60%. In glacuous gulls, HCB, p,p‘-DDE, and PCBs increased by 10−20%. For HCB, mirex, and oxychlordane, only a relatively small proportion of the increase in skuas could be explained by changes in lipid pools and the levels at first sampling, compared to glaucous gulls. Thus, skuas were probably accumulating these compounds when present in Antarctica. p,p‘-DDE and PCB levels, in contrast, seemed much more stable in the skuas. Relatively high levels of mirex and HCB in south polar skuas are concerning with regard to potential adverse effects.
Livets opprinnelse er et mysterium. Ikke desto mindre er mange forskere beskjeftiget med å forsøke og rekonstruere dette. Moderne forskning på livet under ekstreme betingelser på Jorda som f.eks. i dyphavet, i en innsjø under isen i Antarktis eller i en gruppe sjeldne meteoritter, har ført til en viss optimisme når det gjelder å finne liv på planeten Mars og på Jupiters månesatelliter Europa, Callisto og Ganymede.
Ground-based zenith sky UV–visible measurements of stratospheric bromine monoxide (BrO) slant column densities are compared with simulations from the SLIMCAT three-dimensional chemical transport model. The observations have been obtained from a network of 11 sites, covering high and midlatitudes of both hemispheres. This data set gives for the first time a near-global picture of the distribution of stratospheric BrO from ground-based observations and is used to test our current understanding of stratospheric bromine chemistry. In order to allow a direct comparison between observations and model calculations, a radiative transfer model has been coupled to the chemical model to calculate simulated slant column densities. The model reproduces the observations in general very well. The absolute amount of the BrO slant columns is consistent with a total stratospheric bromine loading of 20 ± 4 ppt for the period 1998–2000, in agreement with previous estimates. The seasonal and latitudinal variations of BrO are well reproduced by the model. In particular, the good agreement between the observed and modeled diurnal variation provides strong evidence that the BrO-related bromine chemistry is correctly modeled. A discrepancy between observed and modeled BrO at high latitudes during events of chlorine activation can be resolved by increasing the rate constant for the reaction BrO + ClO → BrCl + O2 to the upper limit of current recommendations. However, other possible causes of the discrepancy at high latitudes cannot be ruled out.
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