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The efficiency of physical concentration mechanisms for enrichment of algae and bacteria in newly formed sea-ice was investigated under defined conditions in the laboratory. Sea-ice formation was simulated in a 3,000 l tank under different patterns of water movement. When ice formed in an artificially generated current pattern, algal cells were substantially enriched within the ice matrix. Enrichment factors for chlorophyll a calculated from the ratio between the concentrations in ice and underlying water reached values of up to 53. Repeated mixing of ice crystals into the water column, as well as flow of water through the new ice layer, contributed to the enrichment of algae in the ice. Wave action during ice formation revealed lower phytoplankton enrichment factors of up to 9. Mixing of floating ice crystals with underlying water and pumping of water into the ice matrix by periodical expansion and compression of the slush ice layer were responsible for the wave-induced enrichment of algal cells. Physical enrichment of bacteria within the ice was negligible. Bacterial biomass within new ice was enhanced only when the concentration of algae was high. At low algal biomass, bacteria experienced substantial losses in the ice, most likely due to brine drainage, which were not observed for the microalgae. Bacterial cells are therefore not scavenged by ice crystals and the observed enrichment and sustainment of bacterial biomass within newly formed ice depend on their attachment to cells or aggregates of algae. Division rates of bacteria changed only slightly during ice formation.
The minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) is subject to commercial whaling, but stock identification and assessment are still uncertain. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were determined to examine the population structure of minke whales from the central and northeastern parts of the North Atlantic, as well as the Antarctic regions IV and V. The analyses include 345 nucleotide positions of the control region of 110 individuals, and 250 nucleotide positions of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene for a representative selection of North Atlantic minke whales. Maximum parsimony analyses and sequence divergence calculations did not reveal any genetic differentiation between individuals from the central and northeastern parts of the North Atlantic. These results do not support the International Whaling Commission's separation of minke whales in this area into different management units, and they are in conflict with previously reported results from allozyme analyses. Comparison of minke whale control region sequences showed that the sequence diversity of North Atlantic minke whales is substantially lower (0.0065) than that of Antarctic minke whales (0.0166), and clearly demonstrated that individuals from these two areas represent genetically distinct populations.
The unique predominance of oleyl alcohols (18:1) is the striking characteristic of the lipids of the Antarctic euphausiid <i>Thysanoessa macrura</i>. The 2 isomers 18:1(n-9) and 18:1(n-7) occurred in similar proportions in the wax esters of <i>T. macrura</i> and comprised up to 80% of the total fatty alcohols. The remainder consisted mostly of the 20:1(n-9) alcohol along with small amounts of the 22:1(n-11) alcohol. No marine zooplankton species has previously been reported which produces wax esters with significant amounts of 18 carbon fatty alcohols. <i>T. macrura</i> specimens were collected in the high Antarctic Weddell Sea during autumn 1992 and summer 1993. Their lipid levels were high, about 40 to 50% of the dry mass with up to 70% of the total lipid as wax esters. The wax ester fatty acids were dominated by the saturates 14:0 and 16:0, which, along with the monounsaturate 18:1(n-9), accounted for more than 80% of the total fatty acids. Phospholipids contained high levels of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (20:5 and 22:6) typical of membrane lipids from marine zooplankton. The precise significance of the unique wax ester composition in <i>T. macrura</i> is not clear but this discovery underscores the biochemical adaptability of Antarctic zooplankton species to a constantly cold and highly seasonal polar environment.
Our studies in the coastal waters in North Norway show that rates of photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton assemblages are strongly inhibited by solar UV radiation. When exposed to high irradiances of direct solar radiation, photosynthetic rates were increased by approximately 150% when all UV radiation was excluded from samples, with UVB radiation being responsible for approximately 50% of the total inhibition. There was no discernible threshold value for inhibition of photosynthesis by UV radiation, even at UV (280–400 nm) irradiances as low as 0.1 W m−2. When natural assemblages were incubated in situ, inhibition of photosynthetic rates were detectable down to 10 m, where solar irradiance was about 3% of the radiation incident on the sea surface. Based on the inhibition of photosynthetic rates at very low fluences of UV radiation, post-bloom assemblages of phytoplankton in North Norway and possibly also in the Arctic ocean appear to be more sensitive to solar UV radiation than phytoplankton from the Southern Ocean.
Eight crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus) (three females, five males), ranging in body mass between 125 and 220 kg, were captured off Queen Maud Land (70-72 degrees S, 7-16 degrees W) during the last week of February, just after moulting, and tagged with Argos satellite-linked dive recorders to provide data on location and diving depth and duration. During the first few weeks of March the seals were moving in the pack ice along the continental shelf edge, close to the coast of Queen Maud Land. In April and May, when the pack ice extended northwards, most of the seals moved north, one reaching 63 degrees S in late May. In the first half of June the two remaining seals turned south and moved back deep into the pack ice. The seals made about 150 dives per day each throughout the study period. Ninety percent of these were made to depths of less than 52 m. Individual maximum diving depths varied between 288 and 528 m. In March the seals were most active at night, when the dive depth was shallower than during the day. In April and May the seals were more active during day-time, with an absence of any diurnal change in diving depth. These results support the notion that crabeater seals predominantly feed on krill in Antarctic pack ice, even when winter returns to the waters off Queen Maud Land.
Levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF) as well as of coplanar (non-ortho substituted) polychlorinated biphenyls (CB-77, CB-126 and CB-169) have been determined in 11 fur-seal blubber samples from female Antarctic fur seals. Measurable PCDD/PCDF concentrations averaging 2 ppt TEQ (Nordic model) were found. This is considerably less than in Arctic seals. In addition, the PCDD/PCDF congener patterns differed between Antarctic and Arctic seals. The levels of CB-77, CB-126 and CB-169 (8.5-41 pg g-1 for single congeners in average) in Antarctic fur seals were also much lower than in Arctic ringed and harp seals. A possible explanation of these differences is the overall lower environmental pollution of the Southern Hemisphere, though an influence of different age and sex distributions cannot be excluded. The data passed all quality assurance criteria that had been established for such low levels.
A new araphid diatom genus, Synedropsis Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen, is described from sea ice. The generitype, Synedropsis hyperborea (Grunow) Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen from the Arctic, was first described as a species of Synedra, as was the antarctic Synedropsis fragilis (Manguin) Hasle, Syvertsen et Medlin. A second antarctic species of Synedropsis is a new combination of Cymatosira laevis Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe. In addition four new taxa, S. hyperboreoides Hasle, Syvertsen et Medlin, S. recta Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen, S. lata Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen and S. lata var. angustata Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen are described from the Antarctic. The valve wall is laminar with uniseriate, often poorly developed striae and a wide sternum. Each valve possesses apical fields composed of slits. A labiate process is positioned near one apical slit field. The valve outline for most species exhibits considerable stadial variation. The girdle has several bands, most with one row of poroids close to the pars interior. Thus Synedropsis is closely related to the marine Fragilaria striatula Lyngbye except in the structure of the apical fields and the number of bands. Species observed in uncleaned material appeared in stellate or, more seldom, ribbon-shaped colonies. Synedropsis hyperborea is a common epiphyte on the ice-associated Melosira arctica Dickie in the Arctic. The antarctic species were found mainly in the bottom ice community, S. fragilis as an epiphyte on other diatoms.
Eleven fish species from the Weddell Sea (Antarctic) were examined for infestation with anisakid nematodes. Two species of the genus Contracaecum and the sealworm Pseudoterranova decipiens were isolated from the liver and the body cavity of fish affected. Only two specimens of P. decipiens (1.4%) partly invaded the belly flaps. The following fish species were infested by P. decipiens at the given prevalences: Cygnodraco mawsoni (74.4%), Trematomus scotti (23.2%), Pagetopsis maculatus (10.0%), Cryodraco antarcticus (7.1%), Trematomus lepidorhinus (3.0%), and Dolloidraco longedorsalis (2.7%). All of these, except Trematomus scotti, are new host records. Chaenodraco wilsoni, Chionodraco myersi, Gerlachea australis, Racovitzia glacialis and T. eulepidotus were not infested. The reasons for low prevalence and intensity of infestation are seen in the difficulties of P. decipiens in completing its benthic life cycle in the Weddell Sea environment, in the absence of shallow coastal waters due to the floating shelf-ice. Cygnodraco mawsoni is a crucial intermediate host, without which completion of the parasite life cycle might not be possible. In order to clarify the taxonomical position of Antarctic Pseudoterranova, morphological comparisons with specimens of P. decipiens from the German and Norwegian coast were made using scanning electron microscopy. Results revealed no differences; hence, all specimens studied belong to the same species P. decipiens.
Phytoplankton biomass and distribution of major phytoplankton groups were investigated in relation to sea ice conditions, hydrography and nutrients along three north-south transects in the north western Weddell Sea in early spring 1988 during the EPOS Study (European Polarstern Study), Leg 1. Three different zones along the transects could be distinguished: 1) the Open Water Zone (OWZ) from 58-degrees to 60-degrees-S with high chlorophyll a concentrations up to 3.5-mu-g l-1; 2) the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) from 60-degrees to about 62.5-degrees with chlorophyll a concentrations between 0.1 and 0.3-mu-g l-1, and 3) the closed pack-ice zone (CPI) from 62.5-degrees to 63.2-degrees-S with chlorophyll a concentrations below 0.1-mu-g l-1. Nutrient concentrations increased towards the south showing winter values under the closed pack-ice. Centric diatoms such as Thalassiosira gravida and Chaetoceros neglectum forming large colonies dominated the phytoplankton assemblage in terms of biomass in open water together with large, long chain forming, pennate diatoms, whereas small pennate diatoms such as Nitzschia spp., and nanoflagellates prevailed in ice covered areas. Fairly low concentrations of phytoplankton cells were encountered at the southernmost stations and many empty diatom frustules were found in the samples. The enhanced phytoplankton biomass in the Weddell-Scotia-Confluence area is achieved through sea ice melting in the frontal zone of two different water masses, the Weddell and the Scotia Sea surface waters.
Polar regions are covered by extensive sea ice that is inhabited by a variety of plants and animals. The environments where the organisms live vary depending on the structure and age of the ice. Many terms have been used to describe the habitats and the organisms. We here characterize the habitats and communities and suggest some standard terms for them. We also suggest routine sampling methods and reporting units for measurements of biological and chemical variables.
The sea ice does not only determine the ecology of ice biota, but it also influences the pelagic systems under the ice cover and at ice edges. In this paper, new estimates of Arctic and Antarctic production of biogenic carbon are derived, and differences as well as similarities between the two oceans are examined. In ice-covered seas, high algal concentrations (blooms) occur in association with several types of conditions. Blooms often lead to high sedimentation of intact cells and faecal pellets. In addition to ice-related blooms, there is progressive accumulation of organic matter in Arctic multi-year ice, whose fate may potentially be similar to that of blooms. A fraction of the carbon fixed by microalgae that grow in sea ice or in relation to it is exported out of the production zone. This includes particulate material sinking out of the euphotic zone, and also material passed on to the food web. Pathways through which ice algal production does reach various components of the pelagic and benthic food webs, and through them such top predators as marine mammals and birds, are discussed. Concerning global climate change and biogeochemical fluxes of carbon, not all export pathways from the euphotic zone result in the sequestration of carbon for periods of hundreds of years or more. This is because various processes, that take place in both the ice and the water column, contribute to mineralize organic carbon into CO2 before it becomes sequestered. Processes that favour the production and accumulation of biogenic carbon as well as its export to deep waters and sequestration are discussed, together with those that influence mineralization in the upper ice-covered ocean.
The article discusses the new concept for surgery of necrotic ulcers using the krill enzymes. The krill peptide hydrolases represent a new and important alternative to mammalian or microbial enzymes for distinctive medical applications, such as debridemen.
A mathematical model describing the development of phytoplankton blooms as a function of the depth of the wind-mixed layer, spectral distribution of light, passage of atmospheric low-pressure systems, size of the initial phytoplankton stock and loss rates is presented. Model runs represent shade-adapted, large-celled, bloom-forming diatoms. Periodic deep mixing caused by strong winds may severely retard the development of blooms and frequently abort them before macronutrients are completely exhausted. Moderate depths of mixing (40-50 m) in combination with a moderately large total loss rate (about 0.01 3 h-1) can prevent blooms from developing during the brightest time of the year. Complete exhaustion of macronutrients in the upper waters is likely only if the wind-mixed layer is less than 10 m deep, i.e. in very sheltered waters, and also in the marginal ice zone when ice is melting. We do not exclude the possibility of control of phytoplankton biomass by iron in ice-free, deep-sea parts of the Antarctic Ocean, but the implied enhancement of export production through addition of iron might be restricted because of limitation by light, i.e. vertical mixing.
Microscopical examination of near-surface eucaryotic microbial populations in circumcontinental waters of Antarctica indicated that nanoplankton (<20 μm diameter) dominated in regions with low chlorophyll concentrations (< 1 μg l⁻¹). About 30 % of the mean nanoplankton carbon consisted of heterotrophic flagellates. Heterotrophic microplankton carbon (> 20 μm diameter) was generally less significant. The variation in phytoplankton biomass was the result primarily of changes in cell density of pennate diatoms in the East Wind Drift, and of centric diatoms in the Weddell Sea and the Scotia Ridge region. Autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon as determined by microscopical analysis were compared with data for total particulate carbon, chlorophyll a, and adenosine triphosphate. Estimates for the C:chl ratio of autotrophs increased with decreasing concentrations of chlorophyll a, with mean values of 46 in bloom waters and 144 in 'blue water'. A C:ATP ratio for heterotrophic nanoplankton was estimated to be about 100, while that for heterotrophic microplankton may be lower. Algorithms, incorporating concentrations of chlorophyll a and ATP, are described which allow estimates of autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial biomass.
The krill Euphausia superba, unlike the amphipod, Eusirus antarcticus, tolerates being frozen into solid sea-ice at temperatures down to about-4°C. Cooled in air, the amphipod and the krill freeze and will die at temperatures of-11° and-9°C respectively, representing the supercooling points of the animals. The krill is an osmoconformer in the salinity range of 25 to 45 ppt, while the amphipod conforms in the salinity range of 26 to 40 ppt. The animals thereby lower the melting point of their body fluids in the vicinity of the freezing sea ice, preventing internal ice formation at low temperatures. The mean oxygen consumption rates, at raised and lowered salinities, were not significantly different from rates obtained in normal (35 ppt.) seawater, indicating that salinity has little effect on the metabolism of either species.
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