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An evaluation is made of ozone profiles retrieved from measurements of the nadir-viewing Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instrument. Currently, four different approaches are used to retrieve ozone profile information from GOME measurements, which differ in the use of external information and a priori constraints. In total nine different algorithms will be evaluated exploiting the optimal estimation (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, University of Bremen, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), Phillips-Tikhonov regularization (Space Research Organization Netherlands), neural network (Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, Tor Vergata University), and data assimilation (German Aerospace Center) approaches. Analysis tools are used to interpret data sets that provide averaging kernels. In the interpretation of these data, the focus is on the vertical resolution, the indicative altitude of the retrieved value, and the fraction of a priori information. The evaluation is completed with a comparison of the results to lidar data from the Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change stations in Andoya (Norway), Observatoire Haute Provence (France), Mauna Loa (Hawaii), Lauder (New Zealand), and Dumont d'Urville (Antarctic) for the years 1997–1999. In total, the comparison involves nearly 1000 ozone profiles and allows the analysis of GOME data measured in different global regions and hence observational circumstances. The main conclusion of this paper is that unambiguous information on the ozone profile can at best be retrieved in the altitude range 15–48 km with a vertical resolution of 10 to 15 km, precision of 5–10%, and a bias up to 5% or 20% depending on the success of recalibration of the input spectra. The sensitivity of retrievals to ozone at lower altitudes varies from scheme to scheme and includes significant influence from a priori assumptions.
Tore Gjelsvik, former director of the Norwegian Polar Institute, died at the beginning of this year. He is fondly remembered by a great many people. In this piece, Olav Orheim recalls the man and his key role in Norwegian polar activities. Orheim was head of Antarctic Research at the Norwegian Polar Institute in 1972–1993 and was the institute’s director from 1993 to 2005.
Diverse microbial communities survive within the sea ice matrix and are integral to the energy base of the Southern Ocean. Here we describe initial findings of a four season survey (between 1999–2004) of community structure and biomass of microalgae within the sea ice and in the underlying water column at Cape Evans and Cape Hallett, in the Ross Sea, Antarctica as part of the Latitudinal Gradient Project. At Cape Evans, bottom-ice chlorophyll a levels ranged from 4.4 to 173 mg Chl a m−2. Dominant species were Nitzschia stellata, N. lecointei, and Entomoneis kjellmanii, while the proportion of Berkeleya adeliensis increased steadily during spring. Despite being obtained later in the season, the Cape Hallett data show considerably lower standing stocks of chlorophyll ranging from 0.11 to 36.8 mg Chl a m−2. This difference was attributed to a strong current, which may have ablated much of the bottom ice biomass and provided biomass to the water below. This loss of algae from the bottom of the ice may explain why the ice community contributed only 2% of the standing stock in the total water column. Dominant species at Cape Hallett were Nitzschia stellata, Fragilariopsis curta and Cylindrotheca closterium. The low biomass at Cape Hallett and the prevalence of smaller-celled diatoms in the bottom ice community indicate that the ice here is more typical of pack ice than fast ice. Further data will allow us to quantify and model the extent to which ice-driven dynamics control the structure and function of the sea ice ecosystem and to assess its resilience to changing sea ice conditions.
Model simulations of circulation and melting beneath Fimbulisen, Antarctica, obtained using an isopycnic coordinate ocean model, are presented. Model results compare well with available observations of currents and hydrography in the open ocean to the north of Fimbulisen and suggest that Warm Deep Water exists above the level of a sub-ice-shelf bedrock sill, the principal pathway for warm waters to enter the sub-ice-shelf cavity. The model shows a southward inflow of Warm Deep Water over this sill and into the cavity, producing a mean cavity temperature close to −1.0°C. This leads to high levels of basal melting (>10 m/a) at the grounding line of Jutulstraumen and an average melting over the ice shelf base close to 1.9 m/a. The southward inflow is a compensating flow caused by the northward outflow of fresh, cold water produced by the basal melting. Results on inflow and melting are difficult to validate since no in situ measurements yet exist in the cavity. If such high melt rates are realistic, the mass balance of Fimbulisen must be significantly negative, and the ice shelves along Dronning Maud Land must contribute about 4.4 mSv of melt water to the Weddell Sea, about 15% of the total Antarctic meltwater input to the Southern Ocean.
Bipolarity, its history and general interpretation are investigated and discussed herein. Apart from the classical view, namely that a bipolar distribution is a peculiar biogeographical phenomenon, we propose that it is ecologically controlled too. This approach was used for bipolarity assessment within the following groups: Phaeodaria, Nassellaria, Spumellaria (Radiolaria) and Medusozoa (Cnidaria). We recognize 46 bipolar radiolarian species and three radiolarian genera. However, although species concepts in radiolarians are relatively stable and well known, the high-rank taxonomy of radiolarians is still not well defined. Caution should therefore be taken in the interpretation of distribution data at a taxonomic level higher than the species. In the Medusozoa, bipolarity is observed for 23 species and 32 genera. The different ways in which bipolarity can develop are discussed under the different groups, but preference has been given to the recent and most probable routes of migration. In our investigation of the bipolarity phenomenon, we reviewed more than 400 articles dealing with taxonomy, ecology and biogeography of the modern fauna in both groups.
A solar occultation sensor, the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS)-II, measured 5890 vertical profiles of ozone concentrations in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere and of other species from January to October 2003. The measurement latitude coverage was 54–71°N and 64–88°S, which is similar to the coverage of ILAS (November 1996 to June 1997). One purpose of the ILAS-II measurements was to continue such high-latitude measurements of ozone and its related chemical species in order to help accurately determine their trends. The present paper assesses the quality of ozone data in the version 1.4 retrieval algorithm, through comparisons with results obtained from comprehensive ozonesonde measurements and four satellite-borne solar occultation sensors. In the Northern Hemisphere (NH), the ILAS-II ozone data agree with the other data within ±10% (in terms of the absolute difference divided by its mean value) at altitudes between 11 and 40 km, with the median coincident ILAS-II profiles being systematically up to 10% higher below 20 km and up to 10% lower between 21 and 40 km after screening possible suspicious retrievals. Above 41 km, the negative bias between the NH ILAS-II ozone data and the other data increases with increasing altitude and reaches 30% at 61–65 km. In the Southern Hemisphere, the ILAS-II ozone data agree with the other data within ±10% in the altitude range of 11–60 km, with the median coincident profiles being on average up to 10% higher below 20 km and up to 10% lower above 20 km. Considering the accuracy of the other data used for this comparative study, the version 1.4 ozone data are suitably used for quantitative analyses in the high-latitude stratosphere in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere and in the lower mesosphere in the Southern Hemisphere.
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