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During two decades (1986 - 2008) of geochronological work in Heimefrontfjella, nearly 130 geochronological ages were produced using a wide range of geochronological techniques. The ages fall into four broad age groups from Archaean to Cenozoic times, revealing a long and complex geological history. In general, Heimefrontfjella consists of Mesoproterozoic high grade basement related to the ∼1100 Ma Maud Belt. This basement is overlain by Permo-Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and Jurassic lavas. Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic detrital zircon ages are recorded from meta-sedimentary rocks probably characterizing the foreland of the Maud Belt. The protolith and metamorphic ages of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt fall into two groups. An older age group from ∼1200-1100 Ma is related to back-arc and island arc volcanism. High-grade metamorphism in the Maud Belt is dated between 1090-1060 Ma and is thought to reflect continent-continent collision, possibly related to the formation of Rodinia. Regional cooling to below 500-300 °C at ∼1010-960 Ma in part of the mountain range might indicate rifting of Rodinia. The eastern part of the mountain range is overprinted by the ∼600-500 Ma East African-Antarctic Orogen. The orogenic front of this major mobile belt is exposed in the study area as the Heimefront Shear Zone. East of this major lineament all Ar-Ar, K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages are reset to ∼500 Ma. Initial Gondwana rifting affected the area at c. 180 Ma, when the Bouvet/Karroo mantle plume caused dynamic uplift of the area, followed by burial underneath up to 2 km of Jurassic lava. This led to tempering of the basement up to about 100 °C, as indicated by apatite fission track data. The lava pile underwent erosion in Cretaceous time, when renewed rifting affected the region. Latest tectonic movements might be related to Cenozoic ice loading related to the built up of the Antarctic ice sheet.
The geological overview map was compiled from 15 geological maps (1 : 25,000) and is based on Jacobs et al. 1996. The topographic basemaps were adapted from unpublished 1:250,000 provisional topographic maps, Institut f. Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt, 1983. Part of the contour lines are from Radarsat (Liu et al. 2001).
Discusses scientific work of 1949-52 Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic expedition, with particular reference to international tensions of early Cold War period.
A large-scale force budget is a relatively simple but useful tool for initial investigation of ice dynamics; however, it requires an extensive data set. Identification of key measurement areas and assessment of the spatial variability of the required measurement accuracies is advantageous prior to measuring such large drainage basins. Identification of areas and assessment of data requires several steps and in the paper velocities and surface topography are modelled numerically for Jutulstraumen drainage basin, representing ~1% of the Antarctic ice sheet (124,000 km2). A preliminary large-scale force budget is calculated from the modelled results, and key areas are identified. Finally, the required measurement accuracies yielding 10% uncertainty of the estimated stresses are calculated through error propagation of the force budget equations. Based on the results it is recommended to prioritize more accurate measurements for determining the driving stresses for the entire basin, and the longitudinal stresses in the funnel area of Jutulstraumen. The required measurement accuracy varies strongly over the basin, limiting the effective use of remote sensed data for deriving stresses. Radar altimetry surface elevation data can be used on the lower half of the plateau, and InSAR velocity data on the lower parts of the plateau and down-glacier.
Heimefrontfjella is a strongly segmented NE–SW trending mountain range some 130 km long with a maximum width of about 30 km. The range takes the form of a prominent escarpment, which rises more than 1000 m above the ice plains to the northwest. The maximum elevation reaches 2700 m above sea level. Since its discovery during the German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39, very few scientists had visited Heimefrontfjella by 1985. During the mid 1960s two British geologists had visited the Heimefrontfjella and provided a geological overview of the area. Thereafter, detailed geological investigations became possible with the establishment of the Georg von Neumayer Station on the Ekström ice shelf in 1981, situated some 450 km north of Heimefrontfjella. Since then, the Georg von Neumayer Station has provided a logistical base for multidisciplinary research programs within the Atlantic sector of East Antarctica.
I fjor vinter skapte norske og amerikanske forskere og teknikere historie da de la ut på en tre måneders ekspedisjon til Sydpolen. Snart vender de tilbake for nye tre måneder. Fire store innsjøer under isen venter på å bli undersøkt.
Granulite-facies metamorphism is extensively reported in Late Neoproterozoic/Early Palaeozoic time during formation of the East-African-Antarctic orogen (EAAO). Metamorphic data acquired from the Pan-African orogen of central Dronning Maud Land (cDML) are compared with data from northern Mozambique. The metamorphic rocks of cDML are characterised by Opx±Grt-bearing gneisses and Sil+Kfs-bearing metapelites which indicate medium-P granulite-facies metamorphism. Peak conditions, which are estimated to 800-900ºC at pressures up to 1.0 GPa, were followed by near-isothermal decompression during late Pan-African extension and exhumation. Granulite-facies lithologies are widespread in northern Mozambique, and Grt+Cpx-bearing assemblages show that high-P granulitefacies conditions with PT reaching 1.55 GPa and 900ºC were reached during the Pan-African orogeny. Garnet is replaced by symplectites of Pl+Opx+Mag indicating isothermal decompression, and the subsequent formation of Pl+amphibole-coronas suggests cooling into amphibolite facies. It is concluded that high-T metamorphism was pervasive in EAAO in Late Neoproterozoic/Early Paleozoic time, strongly overprinting evidences of earlier metamorphic assemblages.
Fra årsskifte 2006/2007 har den norske Antarktisstasjonen Troll (72º S, 2º E, 1270 m.o.h.) i Dronning-Maud-Land vært en helårsbemannet forsknings-, overvåkings- og servicestasjon. Dette åpnet for muligheten til å gjennomføre kontinuerlige målinger av en rekke viktige atmosfæriske parametre. I februar 2007 ble den nye NILU-atmosfære målestasjonen på Troll satt i gang. Måleprogrammet omfatter optiske, fysiske og kjemiske egenskaper av aerosoler, totalozon og UV-stråling, uorganisk og organisk forurensning inkludert tungmetaller som kvikksølv, samt meteorologiske parametre. Programmet omfatter også oppbyggingen av et luftflaskearkiv. Etter de første 6 månedene med den første Antarktisvinteren ser alle instrumenter ut til å være i meget god tilstand og levererkontinuerlig nye data. Disse analyseres for tiden, og de første resultatene vil bli publisert tidlig i 2008. Måleprogrammet finansieres i all hovedsak gjennom forskningsprogrammet NARE (Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions) ved Norsk polarinstitutt.
The most frequent way of summarizing the story of the NBSX may be illustrated by the following few paragraphs. Shortly after the Second World War had ended Norway took a leading role in organising the first international expedition to Antarctica. Norway was in charge of meteorology and surveying, Great Britain was responsible for geology and Sweden was entrusted with glaciology. The British RAF assisted in air operations 1949/50 with five officers (in finding a landing place for the expedition as well as for meteorological investigations, one officer remained as radio operator), the Norwegian Wideröe Company assisted in 1950/51 (air surveying) and the Swedish Air Force in 1951/52, with 6 officers (originally for reconnaissance of ice conditions as well as being prepared for emptying the base). The Norwegian sealer Norsel landed the party and the whaler Thorshövdi assisted as well for transport of dogs aircraft and weasels. For general overviews and details of the scientific achievements, logistics and perspectives of international cooperation there are several works available.
As a result of intensive field activities carried out by several nations over the past 15 years, a set of accumulation measurements for western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, was collected, based on firn-core drilling and snow-pit sampling. This new information was supplemented by earlier data taken from the literature, resulting in 111 accumulation values. Using Geographical Information Systems software, a first region-wide mean annual snow-accumulation field was derived. In order to define suitable interpolation criteria, the accumulation records were analyzed with respect to their spatial autocorrelation and statistical properties. The resulting accumulation pattern resembles well- known characteristics such as a relatively wet coastal area with a sharp transition to the dry interior, but also reveals complex topographic effects. Furthermore, this work identifies new high-return shallowdrilling sites by uncovering areas of insufficient sampling density.
Precise knowledge of the phase relationship between climate changes in the two hemispheres is a key for understanding the Earth’s climate dynamics. For the last glacial period, ice core studies1,2 have revealed strong coupling of the largest millennial-scale warm events in Antarctica with the longest Dansgaard–Oeschger events in Greenland3,4,5 through the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation6,7,8. It has been unclear, however, whether the shorter Dansgaard–Oeschger events have counterparts in the shorter and less prominent Antarctic temperature variations, and whether these events are linked by the same mechanism. Here we present a glacial climate record derived from an ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, which represents South Atlantic climate at a resolution comparable with the Greenland ice core records. After methane synchronization with an ice core from North Greenland9, the oxygen isotope record from the Dronning Maud Land ice core shows a one-to-one coupling between all Antarctic warm events and Greenland Dansgaard–Oeschger events by the bipolar seesaw6. The amplitude of the Antarctic warm events is found to be linearly dependent on the duration of the concurrent stadial in the North, suggesting that they all result from a similar reduction in the meridional overturning circulation.
- Dronning Maud Land
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