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A light, mining drill rig deployed from the stern of a research vessel has been used to carry out shallow drilling in 212 m water depth on the continental shelf in the eastern Weddell Sea. Penetration was 15 m below the seabed with 18% recovery in the 31 hours available for the experiment. The recovered glacigenic sediments are predominantly volcanic material of basaltic and andesitic composition with petrological characteristics and age similar to the continental flood basalts exposed in Vestfjella, about 130 km upstream from the drill site. The sediments include a reworked marine Miocene diatom flora. The material documents oscillations of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet over the past 30 ka. The lowermost diamicton probably represents a deformation till, and the grounding line retreated past the drill site 30 km from the shelf edge about 30 kyr BP. A readvance occurred during the Late Wisconsin Glacial Maximum. Assuming a reservoir correction of 1300 yr, marine conditions existed at the site between 10.1-7 kyr BP, and later at least between 2.8 and 2.5 kyr BP. The stratigraphy at the site has been disturbed by iceberg ploughing and/or contact between the ice shelf and the sea floor during local advances after 2.5 kyr BP.
Continental flood basalts (CFBs) of Jurassic age make up the Vestfjella mountains of western Dronning Maud Land and demonstrate an Antarctic extension of the Karoo large igneous province. A detailed geochemical study of the 120-km-long Vestfjella range shows the CFB suite to consist mainly of three intercalated basaltic rock types designated CT1, CT2 and CT3 (chemical types 1, 2 and 3) that exhibit different incompatible trace element ratios. CT1 and CT2 of north Vestfjella record wide ranges of Nd and Sr isotopic compositions with initial εNd and εSr ranging from +7·6 to −16·0 and −16 to +65, respectively. The southern Vestfjella is dominated by CT3 with near-chondritic εNd (+2·0 to −4·1) and εSr (−11 to +19). A volumetrically minor suite of ocean island basalt (OIB-)like CT4 dykes (εNd +3·6, εSr +1) cuts the lava sequence in north Vestfjella. The pronounced isotopic differences suggest different magmatic plumbing systems for the heterogeneous CT1 and CT2 suites and the relatively homogeneous CT3 lavas. This is further supported by the palaeoflow directions, which point to major source regions to the north (CT1 and CT2) and east (CT3) of Vestfjella. These source regions can be associated with two contemporaneous major lithospheric thinning zones that permitted magma emplacement and controlled the melting of upper-mantle sources in the Jurassic Dronning Maud Land. The CT1 and CT2 magmas utilized the northern zone of thinning and were emplaced into the 3 Ga Grunehogna craton, whereas the CT3 magmas were emplaced through thinned Proterozoic Maud Belt lithosphere. Trace element and isotopic studies of the identified magma types reveal a complex history of fractionation and contamination at different lithospheric levels. All extrusive rock types show evidence of crustal contamination but this had rather small impact on their diagnostic trace element ratios. Much stronger overprint, in the CT1 and CT2 suites, resulted from contamination with veined Archaean lithospheric mantle, which produced wide ranges of isotopic and highly incompatible element ratios. CT3, in turn, does not show evidence of interaction with the Proterozoic lithospheric mantle. The high-εNd endmembers of CT1, CT2 and CT3 probably closely resemble uncontaminated mantle-derived magmas and indicate three different mantle sources. The CT2 primary magmas were derived from light rare earth element (LREE)-depleted, slightly large ion lithophile element (LILE)-enriched sources, whereas data on the volumetrically preponderant CT1 and CT3 point to variably LREE-enriched, strongly LILE-enriched sources. The sources of CT1, CT2 and CT3 may record large-scale lateral heterogeneity generated by subduction-contamination of the Gondwanan upper mantle. The OIB-like CT4 dykes probably reflect asthenospheric heterogeneities that were unrelated to the proposed subduction-contamination.
The Holocene glacial and climatic development in Antarctica differed considerably from that in the Northern Hemisphere. Initial deglaciation of inner shelf and adjacent land areas in Antarctica dates back to between 10-8 Kya, when most Northern Hemisphere ice sheets had already disappeared or diminished considerably. The continued deglaciation of currently ice-free land in Antarctica occurred gradually between ca. 8-5 Kya. A large southern portion of the marine-based Ross Ice Sheet disintegrated during this late deglaciation phase. Some currently ice-free areas were deglaciated as late as 3 Kya. Between 8-5 Kya, global glacio-eustatically driven sea level rose by 10-17m, with 4-8 m of this increase occurring after 7 Kya. Since the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets had practically disappeared by 8-7 Kya, we suggest that Antarctic deglaciation caused a considerable part of the global sea level rise between 8-7 Kya, and most of it between 7-5 Kya. The global mid-Holocene sea level high stand, broadly dated to between 8-4 Kya, and the Littorina-Tapes transgressions in Scandinavia and simultaneous transgressions recorded from sites e.g. in Svalbard and Greenland, dated to 7-5 Kya, probably reflect input of meltwater from the Antarctic deglaciation.
Whole rock and mineral compositions of volcanic rocks collected during the Norwegian Polarsirkel expedition (1978/79) to the volcanic istand of Bovetøya (close to the Bouvet Triple Junction) are discussed and compared with previously published data from the island. The rock types, hawaiite, benmoreite, and peralkaline trachyte and rhyolite (comendite) are related to each other by crystal fractionation processes. The trace element and radiogenic isotope signatures displayed by the Bouvetøya rocks are those of a moderately enriched oceanic island suite. On several isotope plots Bouvetøya rocks fall on or close to mixing lines between the euriched EM-l and HIMU mantle components. Mixing between depleted morb mantle (DMM) and euriched components is not likely. Thus, Bouvetøya displays a typical plume signature.
The central sector of Mühlig-Hofmannfjellet (3°E/71°S) in western Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctic shield) is dominated by large intrusive bodies of predominantly orthopyroxene-bearing quartz syenites (charnockites). Metasedimentary rocks are rare; however, two distinct areas with banded gneiss–marble–quartzite sequences of sedimentary origin were found during the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition NARE 1989/90. Cordierite-bearing metapelitic gneisses from two different localities contain the characteristic mineral assemblage: cordierite + garnet + biotite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz ± sillimanite ± spinel. Thermobarometry indicates equilibration conditions of about 650°C and 4 kbar. Associated orthopyroxene–garnet granulites, on the other hand, revealed pressures of about 8 kbar and temperatures of 750°C. The earlier granulite facies metamorphism is not well preserved in the cordierite gneisses as a result of excess K-feldspar combined with interaction with an H2O-rich fluid phase, probably released by the cooling intrusives. These two features allowed the original high-grade K-feldspar + garnet assemblages to recrystallize as cordierite–biotite–sillimanite gneisses, completely re-equilibrating them. Phase relationships indicate that the younger metamorphic event occurred in the presence of a fluid phase that varied in composition between the lithologies.
The island Peter I Oy is located in the Bellinghausen Sea 400 km off the coast of West Antarctica. It is situated at the transition between oceanic and contintental crust close to a former transform fault, the Tharp fracture zone. The island is completely volcanic, consisting of predominantly alkali basalt and hawaiite and some more evolved rocks. Sampling done by the Aurora expedition in 1987 has made dating and detailed petrological studies possible. The island appears to be much younger (< 0.5 Ma) than previously believed. However, the volcanic activity responsible for this oceanic island may have lasted for 10-20 Ma. Volcanic activity at the island thus took place at the same time as post-subduction rift-related volcanism took place along the Antarctic Peninsula and in Marie Byrd Land. However, the petrologic data indicate that this may be coincidental and that the Peter I Oy activity is independent and related to transtensional rifting along the Tharp fracture zone.
During the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition 1989/90, a pennanent, unmanned research station was raised in Jutulsessen, Gjelsvikfjella, western Dronning Maud Land. The present report is a description of the geology of the area accessable from the station. Exposures of rocks in this part of Dronning Maud Land are restricted to a coastal mountain chain at c. 200-250 km distance from the ice shelf edge at elevations between 1000 and 3000 m. Quaternary deposits are particularly restricted to the inner parts of the Jutulsessen glaeier cirques. Deposits are till and talus which locally are admixing at slope angles of c. 25°. Moraines are poorly developed. Patterned ground ('stone pits') are common at slope angles below c. 15°. Recently active phenomena of special interest are ice-margin meltwater lakes with pingo-like 'blisters " the deep frost-shattering all over the mountain walls and hoIes in rock surfaces as a result of wind activity with grinding particles. The bedrock belongs to the East Antarctic craton. The area under consideration (western Miihlig-Hofmannfjella and Gjelsvikfjella) consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks and fonns one of the world's best exposed granulite terranes. Orthogneisses and minor metasediments have been intruded by a series of charnockites, partly altered to granulites (the 'Svarthamaren charnockite complex'), and a sequence of dyke rocks. Migmatization has affected large parts of the gneisses. Both gneisses and granulites/charnockites show abundant evidence of transition from granulite to amphibolite facies and vice versa, and the important role of fluid-rock interactions leading to these processes can be studied. The gneisses at Jutulsessen show a complex defonnation history. They are thought to be derived from granitic intrusions, though minor amounts of high-grade metamorphic, metapelitic gneisses may represent their original host rocks. Early tectonism (c. 1000-1200 m.y.) produced gneissosity, compositional banding and a leucosome phase under high-grade metamorphic conditions. This was followed by multiple and complex intrusive activity, partial migmatization and a tectonic overprint with abundant shear defonnation under amphibolite-facies conditions (c. 450-500 m.y.).
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