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We compare the present and last interglacial periods as recorded in Antarctic water stable isotope records now available at various temporal resolutions from six East Antarctic ice cores: Vostok, Taylor Dome, EPICA Dome C (EDC), EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML), Dome Fuji and the recent TALDICE ice core from Talos Dome. We first review the different modern site characteristics in terms of ice flow, meteorological conditions, precipitation intermittency and moisture origin, as depicted by meteorological data, atmospheric reanalyses and Lagrangian moisture source diagnostics. These different factors can indeed alter the relationships between temperature and water stable isotopes. Using five records with sufficient resolution on the EDC3 age scale, common features are quantified through principal component analyses. Consistent with instrumental records and atmospheric model results, the ice core data depict rather coherent and homogenous patterns in East Antarctica during the last two interglacials. Across the East Antarctic plateau, regional differences, with respect to the common East Antarctic signal, appear to have similar patterns during the current and last interglacials. We identify two abrupt shifts in isotopic records during the glacial inception at TALDICE and EDML, likely caused by regional sea ice expansion. These regional differences are discussed in terms of moisture origin and in terms of past changes in local elevation histories, which are compared to ice sheet model results. Our results suggest that elevation changes may contribute significantly to inter-site differences. These elevation changes may be underestimated by current ice sheet models.
We report the first ground-based passive microwave observations made from Troll station, Antarctica, which show enhanced mesospheric nitric oxide (NO) volume mixing ratio reaching levels of 1.2 ppmv, or 2–3 orders of magnitude above background, at 70–80 km during small, relatively isolated geomagnetic storms in 2008. The mesospheric NO peaked 2 days after enhanced NO at higher altitudes (110–150 km) measured by the SABER satellite, and 2 days after peaks in the >30 keV and >300 keV electron flux measured by POES, although the 300 keV electron flux remained high. High time resolution data shows that mesospheric NO was enhanced at night and decayed during the day and built up to high levels over a period of 3–4 days. The altitude profile of mesospheric NO suggests direct production by ∼300 keV electron precipitation. Simulations using the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry model show that the delay between thermospheric and mesospheric NO enhancements was primarily a result of the weaker production rate at lower altitudes by ∼300 keV electrons competing against strong day-time losses.
We report on ground-based atmospheric measurements and emission estimates of the four anthropogenic hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) HFC-365mfc (CH3CF2CH2CF3, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane), HFC-245fa (CHF2CH2CF3, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane), HFC-227ea (CF3CHFCF3, 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane), and HFC-236fa (CF3CH2CF3, 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane). In situ measurements are from the global monitoring sites of the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE), the System for Observations of Halogenated Greenhouse Gases in Europe (SOGE), and Gosan (South Korea). We include the first halocarbon flask sample measurements from the Antarctic research stations King Sejong and Troll. We also present measurements of archived air samples from both hemispheres back to the 1970s. We use a two-dimensional atmospheric transport model to simulate global atmospheric abundances and to estimate global emissions. HFC-365mfc and HFC-245fa first appeared in the atmosphere only ∼1 decade ago; they have grown rapidly to globally averaged dry air mole fractions of 0.53 ppt (in parts per trillion, 10−12) and 1.1 ppt, respectively, by the end of 2010. In contrast, HFC-227ea first appeared in the global atmosphere in the 1980s and has since grown to ∼0.58 ppt. We report the first measurements of HFC-236fa in the atmosphere. This long-lived compound was present in the atmosphere at only 0.074 ppt in 2010. All four substances exhibit yearly growth rates of >8% yr−1 at the end of 2010. We find rapidly increasing emissions for the foam-blowing compounds HFC-365mfc and HFC-245fa starting in ∼2002. After peaking in 2006 (HFC-365mfc: 3.2 kt yr−1, HFC-245fa: 6.5 kt yr−1), emissions began to decline. Our results for these two compounds suggest that recent estimates from long-term projections (to the late 21st century) have strongly overestimated emissions for the early years of the projections (∼2005–2010). Global HFC-227ea and HFC-236fa emissions have grown to average values of 2.4 kt yr−1 and 0.18 kt yr−1 over the 2008–2010 period, respectively.
Holocene climate variability in the southeast Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic is assessed and quantified through integration of available marine sediment core and Antarctic ice core data. We use summer sea surface temperature (SSST) and sea ice presence (SIP) reconstructions from two marine sediment cores recovered north (50 °S) and south (53.2 °S) of the present day Antarctic Polar Front (APF), as well as an atmospheric temperature and sea ice proxy from the EPICA ice core from Dronning Maud Land (EDML). We find reasonably good agreement in the timing of climate evolution in the analyzed series. Almost all records show a gradual glacial-to-Holocene climate transition, interrupted by the Antarctic cold reversal around 13 000 cal yr BP, and early Holocene climatic optimum (HCO) at about 11 000 cal yr BP. During the early HCO, the seasonal ice cover retreats to south of 53 °S; it then readvances in the course of the mid- to late Holocene. The maximum winter sea ice edge position during the recent 10 000 years varied mainly within 51–53 °S, with sporadic growth to north of 50 °S, a position similar to that during the last glacial. The onset of the Neoglacial period after ca 4000 yr BP is associated with a steepening of the SSST gradient between the marine core sites, strengthening of the westerlies and cooling in the inland ice sheet. The agreement in timing between elevated SSST during the early HCO and decreased deuterium excess in EDML and other ice cores from different locations in the East Antarctic suggests that the retreat of sea ice during the early HCO and weakening of the APF was a general feature of the East Antarctic climate during that time.
Snow accumulation and its variability on the East Antarctic plateau are poorly understood due to sparse and regionally confined measurements. We present a 5.3 GHz (C-band) ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profile with a total length of 860 km recovered during the joint Norwegian–US International Polar Year traverse 2007/08. Mean surface mass balance (SMB) over the last 200 years was derived from the GPR data by identifying the volcanic deposition of the Tambora eruption in 1815. It varies between 9.1 and 37.7 kg m−2 a−1 over the profile, with a mean of 23.7 kg m−2 a−1 and a standard deviation of 4.7 kg m−2 a−1. The 200 year SMB estimated is significantly lower than most of the SMB estimates over shorter time periods in this region. This can be partly explained by a SMB minimum in the vicinity of the ice divide. However, it is more likely that a recent increase in SMB observed by several studies is largely responsible for the observed discrepancy.
An extreme precipitation event that influenced almost the whole polar plateau of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, is investigated using Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System archive data. For the first time a high-resolution atmospheric model especially adapted for polar regions was used for such a study in Dronning Maud Land. The outstanding event of 21–25 February 2003 was connected to a strong north-westerly flow, caused by a blocking high above eastern Dronning Maud Land, that persisted for several days and brought unusually large levels of moisture to the Antarctic Plateau. This weather situation is most effective in bringing precipitation to high-altitude interior Antarctic ice-core drilling sites, where precipitation in the form of diamond dust usually dominates. However, a few such precipitation events per year can account for a large percentage of the annual accumulation, which can cause a strong bias in ice-core data. Additionally, increased temperatures and wind speeds during these events need to be taken into account for the correct climatic interpretation of ice cores. A better understanding of the frequency of occurrence of intermittent precipitation in the interior of Antarctica in past and future climates is necessary for both palaeoclimatological studies and estimates of future sea-level change.
[1] Ground-based accumulation measurements are scarce on the high East Antarctic plateau, but highly necessary for model validation and the interpretation of satellite data for the determination of Antarctic mass balance. Here, we present accumulation results obtained from four shallow firn cores drilled in the Antarctic summer season 2007/2008. The cores were drilled along the first leg of the Norwegian-US IPY traverse through East Antarctica, visiting sites like Plateau Station and Pole of Relative Inaccessibility that have been covered by the South Pole Queen Maud Land Traverses (SPQMLT) in the 1960s. Accumulation has been determined from volcanic chronology established from the conductivity records measured by dielectric profiling (DEP). The Tambora 1815/unknown 1809 double peak is clearly visible in the conductivity data and serves as a reliable time marker. Accumulation rates averaged over the period 1815–2007 are in the range of 16 to 32 kg m−2 a−1, somewhat lower than expected from the SPQMLT data. The spatial pattern is mainly influenced by elevation and continentality. Three of the firn cores show a decrease of more than 20% in accumulation for the time period 1815–2007 in relation to accumulation rates during the period 1641–1815. The spatial representativity of the firn cores is assessed by ground-penetrating radar, showing a rather smoothly layered pattern around the drill sites. Validation of the DEP results is utilized by comparison with chemistry data, proving the validity of the DEP method for dating firn cores. The results help understanding the status of the East Antarctic ice sheet and will be important for e.g. future model-derived estimates of the mass balance of Antarctica.
Cryoconite holes form on ice due to enhanced ablation around particles deposited on the surface, and are present in the ablation area of glaciers worldwide. Here we investigate the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) as a non-destructive method to monitor and map cryoconite holes. We compare GPR data obtained from the Jutulsessen blue ice area in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, with modeled GPR data. The modeled GPR response to cryoconite holes is numerically calculated by solving Maxwell's equations with a 3D Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) scheme. The model includes a realistic shielded bowtie antenna and dimensions and constituent parameters of cryoconite holes excavated in the field. We have performed what-if scenarios with controlled variation of single parameters. We show that GPR can be used to determine the horizontal extent, depth and whether a cryoconite hole is frozen or contains liquid water, information unavailable from visual surface inspection. The cryoconite thickness can, for completely frozen holes, be determined to within a 1/4 of the GPR center frequency wavelength. The exact water content is not readily extractable because the GPR response is influenced by many other factors such as: cryoconite thickness, shape and roughness, as well as antenna ground coupling.
This report summaries the first workshop of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Weddell Sea and Dronning Maud Land (WS-DML) Regional Working Group held Tromsø, Norway, in January 2019.
We use a network of eight ice cores from coastal Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, to examine the role of the tropical ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) in the temporal variability of δ18O in annual accumulation. The longest record from the S100 ice core covering the period 1737–1999 is used to analyze the teleconnections between the tropical Pacific and coastal DML on decadal scales and longer. A shorter stacked coastal DML δ18O series spanning 1955–1999 is constructed to assess the variability of ENSO teleconnection on interannual scales. Results suggest that, on typical ENSO timescales of 2–6 years, the strength of the teleconnection varies in time, being stronger for years with generally negative phase of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). On the timescales of approximately two decades (bidecadal), positive isotope anomalies are associated with oceanic warming and a westward sea surface temperature (SST) gradient in the equatorial Pacific. Bidecadal variability in SAM, forced by the tropical Pacific, is proposed as a critical element in the teleconnection. Our analysis suggests that a multidecadal positive trend in the annual mean δ18O values from the analyzed cores can be indicative of the atmospheric warming that begun in this part of the DML already in the 1910s. The trend in δ18O, quantified in terms of long-term surface air temperature (SAT) changes, is consistent with the instrumental data. Yet, we speculate that the accurate estimation of SAT trends requires an assessment of the potential role of secular SAM and sea ice extent changes in shaping the isotopic signal.
Alteration halos with sharp boundaries are flanking pegmatitic veins in high-grade metamorphic and magmatic rocks of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. These halos are interpreted to represent the damage zone, formed as the wake of the process zone at the tip of the propagating magma-filled fracture and infiltrated by the fluid phase liberated from the crystallizing hydrous melt. On the basis of a set of assumptions, our numerical model explores the time scales of the infiltration processes, taking into account the combined effects of fluid flow, heat transfer, and temperature-dependent decay of interconnected porosity due to microcrack healing. Assuming an initial magma temperature of 700°C, a far field temperature in the host rock of 300°C, an initial porosity range of 0.5–2% in the damage zone, a permeability of 10−16 m2, and a pressure difference of 300 MPa, we find that the fluid infiltration into the damage zone proceeds within seconds to minutes and that the fluid flow contributes significantly to the heat transfer into the host rock. Assuming an initial microcrack aperture of 1 μm, the model predicts that the crack healing time scale is significantly longer than that of fluid infiltration in the case of thin veins with narrow damage zones; in this case, crack healing does not hinder fluid infiltration. Only for thick veins with high heat content and prolonged crystallization history does permeability become reduced by crack healing during progressive fluid infiltration. The results indicate that the formation of the alteration halos flanking pegmatitic veins may be a quasi-instantaneous process on geological time scales.
The atmospheric observatory at the Norwegian Research Station Troll in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, holds, since February 2007, the first all-year Antarctic atmospheric aerosol particle number size distribution measurements. These are colocated with measurements of the aerosol absorption and spectral scattering coefficients. In June 2007, this instrument set observed an aerosol whose properties were indicative of a biomass burning aerosol. These properties included two log-normal size distribution modes with median particle diameters of 0.105 μm and 0.36 μm, sharply falling off to smaller and larger sizes, and peaks in scattering and absorption coefficient. With backward plume calculations of the Lagrangian transport model FLEXPART and the MODIS fire activity product, a source-receptor relationship was established between biomass burning events in Central Brazil and the aerosol seen at Troll. This is the first direct evidence that the Antarctic continent is susceptible to emissions from as far north as Southern tropical latitudes.
To inform the future practices to be employed for handling waste water and grey water at the Swedish Antarctic station,Wasa, in Dronning Maud Land, the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat took the initiative to survey the practices of the 28 nations with stations in Antarctica. A questionnaire was sent out to all members of the Antarctic Environment Officers Network during the autumn of 2005. Questions were asked about the handling of waste water and grey water, the type of sewage treatment, and installation and operational costs. The response to the questionnaire was very good (79%), and the results showed that 37% of the permanent stations and 69% of the summer stations lack any form of treatment facility. When waste water and grey water containing microorganisms are released, these microorganisms can remain viable in lowtemperature Antarctic conditions for prolonged periods. Microorganisms may also have the potential to infect and cause disease, or become part of the gut flora of local bird and mammal populations, and fish and marine invertebrates. The results from 71 stations show that much can still be done by the 28 nations operating the 82 research stations in Antarctica. The technology exists for effective waste water treatment in the challenging Antarctic conditions. The use of efficient technology at all permanent Antarctic research stations would greatly reduce the human impact on the pristine Antarctic environment. In order to protect the Antarctic environment from infectious agents introduced by humans, consideration should also be given to preventing the release of untreated waste water and grey water from the smaller summer stations.
The Troll Atmospheric Station in Antarctica (72°01'S, 2°32'E, 1309 m a.s.l.) was established and put into operation in early 2007. The main foci of the measurement programme are pollution and aerosols in the transition zone between the coastal zone and the inland ice plateau, complementing existing observation programmes along the Antarctic coast and on the Antarctic Plateau. After one year of operation, the monitoring programme is fully operative, and a comprehensive set of data is being analysed. As far as comparable data are available, there is satisfactory agreement between previous and new data. Both aerosol data and measurements of pollution indicate the episodic influence of coastal air masses throughout the year. Background values of medium long-lived pollutants such as CO, O3 and Hg are up to 50% lower than at corresponding Arctic sites (depending on the season), but are still significant. Total ozone and UV doses manifest the recurring Antarctic stratospheric ozone hole, which was moderately severe, but very persistent in 2007. Specific episodes of elevated aerosol concentration and mercury activation are currently under detailed investigation, and will be published separately.
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- Between 1970 and 1979 (43)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (62)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (121)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (86)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (69)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (42)
- Unknown (5)