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Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.
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A thick sequence (up to 2200 m) of presumed post late Eocene/early Oligocene glaciomarine sediments is inferred to be present on the Prydz Bay continental rise. In the absence of information from drillholes, we correlate to ODP Leg 119 drillsites on the shelf and compare with the seismic reflection pattern of glaciomarine sequences in the Weddell Sea. The inferred glaciomarine sediments in Prydz Bay appear to be deposited in a complex manner, suggesting interaction by both turbidity cur rents and strong bottom currents. Reflection seismic profiles from the lower continental slope and rise shows an abundance of current influenced deposits, such as sediment waves and large sediment ridges with similarities to contourite drifts. In addition, large channel-levee complexes are abundant, suggesting deposition by turbidity currents and other massflow processes. Large channels and sediment ridges trend oblique to the continental margin. The geometry and character of the seismic reflection pattern suggest that the ridges have been deposited under the combined influence of overflow from downslope channelized turbidity currents and strong bottom water flow. The observed sediment waves and the difference along eastern and western channel margins suggest that bottom currents are flowing towards the west. We suggest that the initiation of turbidite sedimentation occurred in the late Eocene-early Oligocene, when the Amery Ice Shelf reached the shelf edge for the first time. Onset of current controlled deposition may possibly be related to the opening of the Drake Passage at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary.
The sea ice does not only determine the ecology of ice biota, but it also influences the pelagic systems under the ice cover and at ice edges. In this paper, new estimates of Arctic and Antarctic production of biogenic carbon are derived, and differences as well as similarities between the two oceans are examined. In ice-covered seas, high algal concentrations (blooms) occur in association with several types of conditions. Blooms often lead to high sedimentation of intact cells and faecal pellets. In addition to ice-related blooms, there is progressive accumulation of organic matter in Arctic multi-year ice, whose fate may potentially be similar to that of blooms. A fraction of the carbon fixed by microalgae that grow in sea ice or in relation to it is exported out of the production zone. This includes particulate material sinking out of the euphotic zone, and also material passed on to the food web. Pathways through which ice algal production does reach various components of the pelagic and benthic food webs, and through them such top predators as marine mammals and birds, are discussed. Concerning global climate change and biogeochemical fluxes of carbon, not all export pathways from the euphotic zone result in the sequestration of carbon for periods of hundreds of years or more. This is because various processes, that take place in both the ice and the water column, contribute to mineralize organic carbon into CO2 before it becomes sequestered. Processes that favour the production and accumulation of biogenic carbon as well as its export to deep waters and sequestration are discussed, together with those that influence mineralization in the upper ice-covered ocean.
A saxicolous Pertusaria species is described as new to science: P. signyae Ovst. from South Orkney Islands. It has an isidiate thallus, subglobose fertile verrucae with poriform apothecia, and contains 2'-0-methylperlatolic acid.
The potential of universal calibration using capillary gas chromatography combined with atomic emission detection was evaluated for several chlorine- and sulphur-containing compounds of environmental interest. The elemental responses obtained for C, H, Cl and S were found to be affected by the molecular structure. Rapid determination of several analytes was accomplished using a single calibration graph based on one randomly selected reference compound, but 10–30% errors relative to the actual concentrations were observed in several instances. The results were significantly improved by using reference compounds with structures similar to those of the analytes of interest. the practical utility of universal calibration is illustrated by the determination of pesticides in stomach oil deposits from birds living in Antarctica.
Fourteen species of the lichen genus Caloplaca are recorded from the western Antarctic region and described morphologically and anatomically, viz.: C. ammiospila, C. approximata, C. athallina, C. cirrochrooides, C. citrina, C. isidioclada, C. lucens, C. millegrana, C. regalis, C. sublobulata, C. tenuis, C. aff. anchon-phoeniceon. Type specimens of critical species have been studied. A key is provided to the species. Caloplaca ammiospila and C. approximata are reported as new to the Antarctic region.
A new species of the genus Gyalecta, G. pezizoides sp. n. (lichenized Fungi, Gyalectaceae), is described and illustrated. This new species is taxonomically near to the holarctic Gyalecta peziza (Mont.) Anzi.
When the United Kingdom entered World War n in September 1939 the Norwegian merchant marine was immediately affected, as its ships became the targets of German submarines. Between September 1939 and April 1940 (when Norway was occupied by the Nazis), more than fifty Norwegian ships were lost, mainly in the North Sea and the north Atlantic. In November 1939 an agreement was reached between the British government and the Norwegian Shipowners Association to place almost half the Norwegian merchant fleet at Britain's disposal under the so-called "charter parties scheme." The king and the Norwegian government fled to London and established a government-inexile during the German occupation, but before their departure it was decided to establish an agency in the British capital to operate and manage Norwegian shipping. It was named the Norwegian Shipping and Trade Mission (Nortraship) and became the world's largest shipowner, controlling more than one thousand ships at the outset of the war.'
We studied the thermoregulatory capacity of Antarctic Petrel chicks, Thalassoica antarctica, breeding in a large colony in Queen Maud Land (71-degrees-53'S, 5-degrees-10'E) on the Antarctic continent. Compared to newly hatched chicks of other birds, those of the Antarctic Petrel are characterized by a relatively high standard metabolic rate (SMR) and thermal conductance. Their metabolic scope is limited, however, being only 1.6 times the SMR, and they consequently depend on parental brooding to maintain T(b). At an age of 11 days the chicks become thermally independent and are left alone in the nest. The chicks keep a relatively high body temperature (> 36-degrees-C) throughout their early development and we found no indication that they normally experience hypothermia. A significant positive relationship between latitude of breeding and SMR of the hatchlings is shown to exist for procellariiform birds. It is suggested that the high SMR found in Antarctic Petrel hatchlings could be a prerequisite for achieving a high growth rate, rather than being of any thermoregulatory significance.
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- paleoklimatologi (35)
- paleolimnologi (2)
- paleomagnetisme (2)
- paleontologi (19)
- paleoøkologi (3)
- paleoseanografi (11)
- parasitter (4)
- parasittologi (1)
- patenter (4)
- pattedyr (5)
- pelagisk (54)
- pelagisk hvalfangst (3)
- pelsseler (16)
- perleurt (1)
- permafrost (3)
- Peter I. Øy (27)
- petreller (38)
- petrografi (5)
- petroleum (1)
- petrologi (10)
- phytoplankton (5)
- pigghuder (1)
- pingviner (26)
- pinnipedier (15)
- planetbølger (1)
- plankton (71)
- planteplankton (8)
- planter (35)
- plantesosiologi (1)
- plastpartikler (2)
- plategrenser (1)
- platetektonikk (1)
- polarekspedisjoner (14)
- polareksspedisjoner (4)
- polarfarere (2)
- polarflyving (2)
- polarforskere (4)
- polarforskning (4)
- polarhistorie (5)
- polarimetrisk radar (1)
- polarkespedisjoner (1)
- polarlys (3)
- polarområdene (185)
- polarørken (1)
- polarpolitikk (1)
- polarvirvelen (1)
- politikk (76)
- polynja (6)
- populærvitenskap (4)
- protoktister (2)
- protozo (1)
- psykobiologi (1)
- psykofysiologi (1)
- psykologi (11)
- publikasjoner (1)
- pyknoklin (1)
- pyrosekvensering (2)
- Quaternary (1)
- radar observasjoner (3)
- radarundersøkelse (1)
- radarundersøkelser (1)
- radio telemetri (1)
- radioaktivitet (2)
- Radiocarbon dating (1)
- radiometer (3)
- radiostøy (1)
- radiumisotoper (1)
- reisebeskrivelser (2)
- reiseskildringer (1)
- reproduksjon (7)
- ressurser (9)
- rett (7)
- Richard Evelyn Byrd (1)
- Roald Amundsen (18)
- Robert Falcon Scott (3)
- romfysikk (1)
- romvitenskap (1)
- Rosshavet (26)
- ROV-Derived bathymetry (1)
- rundormer (1)
- S.S.Vikingen 1929-30 (1)
- salpetersyre (1)
- saltinnhold (2)
- saltkjertel (1)
- samarbeid (5)
- samer (1)
- samfunnsfag (2)
- satellite (1)
- satellite altimetri (2)
- satellite bilder (11)
- satellite mikrobølgesensorer (2)
- satellitt (3)
- satellitt bilder (5)
- satellitt observasjoner (2)
- satellittbilder (6)
- satellitteknologi (1)
- satellittelemetri (2)
- satellittsendere (2)
- scientometri (1)
- Scotiahavet (6)
- Sea level (1)
- sedimenter (12)
- sedimentologi (13)
- seismisk stratigrafi (1)
- seismisk undersøkelse (1)
- seismologi (21)
- sekkdyr (2)
- seler (27)
- selfangst (7)
- serologi (1)
- sjøelefanter (3)
- sjøfart (1)
- sjøfolk (8)
- sjøfugler (24)
- sjøis (62)
- sjømenn (1)
- sjøpattedyr (5)
- sjøpiggsvin (1)
- sjøvann (13)
- sjøvirvler (1)
- ski (1)
- skip (5)
- skipsbyggerier (2)
- skipsfart (5)
- skipsloggbøker (1)
- skisport (1)
- skjell (1)
- skyer (3)
- sledehunder (6)
- sleder (1)
- smeltevann (3)
- smelting (20)
- snegler (1)
- snø (20)
- snø akkumulasjon (2)
- snøalger (1)
- snøfall (2)
- snøpakke (1)
- snøsmelting (3)
- sollys (2)
- solstråling (3)
- solvind (4)
- sopper (4)
- Sør-Orknøyene (8)
- Sør-Sandwichøyene (1)
- Sør-Shetlandsøyene (5)
- Sørishavet (760)
- Sørishavsstrømmen (8)
- sørlig oscillasjon (2)
- sørlys (1)
- Sørpolen (5)
- sosiologi (1)
- Southern Cross (11)
- Southern Cross (skip) (1)
- spektrofotometri (1)
- sporgass (1)
- språk (1)
- stabile isotoper (11)
- stasjoner (5)
- statistisk analyse (2)
- statsvitenskap (1)
- stedsnavn (1)
- strålingsbelter (1)
- stratigrafi (16)
- stratosfæren (13)
- stratosfærisk kjemi (1)
- stresshormoner (1)
- strøm (1)
- strømmer (1)
- strømmodeller (1)
- subglasial (1)
- subglasial biodiversitet (1)
- subglasial geologi (2)
- subglasial innsjø (9)
- subglasial topografi (1)
- superkjøling (1)
- svaneøgler (1)
- Svend Foyn (2)
- Sydpolen (7)
- sydpolen (8)
- Sydpolflyvningen (1)
- Sydpolsekspedisjonen (18)
- sympagisk økologi (1)
- taksonomi (10)
- tanglus (1)
- teknologi (21)
- tektonikk (12)
- tektoniske plater (1)
- telemetri (4)
- temperatur (8)
- temperatur måling (2)
- termiske terskler (1)
- termokronologi (1)
- terrestriske virveldyr (1)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjon (10)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjoner (1)
- tidevann (6)
- tidevannsbreen (1)
- tidevannsmålinger (1)
- tidevannsstrømmer (1)
- tidsserieanalyse (1)
- tidsskriftspublikasjoner (1)
- toksikologi (4)
- tomografi (1)
- topografi (13)
- tovinger (1)
- trakassering (1)
- transantarktiske ekspedisjoner (2)
- trekkfugler (1)
- trekkhunder (1)
- Troll forskningsstasjon (13)
- tungmetaller (1)
- turisme (14)
- Tyskland (1)
- ubemannede luftfartøyer (1)
- ultrafiolett stråling (10)
- understrømmer (1)
- uorganisk karbon (1)
- utforskning (4)
- utslipp (3)
- utstyr (2)
- uttørking (1)
- UV-stråling (5)
- vågehvaler (1)
- vann (2)
- vannmasser (24)
- vannsøyle (1)
- vannstabile isotoper (1)
- vannvirvler (8)
- vegetasjon (2)
- Vestantarktis (5)
- Vestfold (6)
- Victoria Land (9)
- virologi (2)
- virvelløse dyr (17)
- virvelstrømmer (1)
- vitenskap (21)
- vitenskapelige ekspedisjoner (2)
- Vostoksjøen (1)
- vulkaner (11)
- vulkanologi (1)
- Weddellhavet (122)
- zoofysiologi (1)
- zoogeografi (5)
- zoologi (132)
- zooplankton (22)
Resource type
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (23)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (7)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (16)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (34)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (106)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (49)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (146)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (69)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (87)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (151)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (222)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (285)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (398)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (242)
- Unknown (3)