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The most consistent means of investigating the global sea ice cover is by satellite passive microwave sensors, as these are independent of illumination and cloud cover. The Nimbus 7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSMI) provide information on the global sea ice cover from 1978 to present. The two instruments flew simultaneously during a 6-week overlap period in July and August 1987, thus enabling intercomparison of the two sensors. Brightness temperatures are corrected for instrument drift and calibration differences in order to produce continuous time series of monthly averaged Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extent and sea ice area through the use of the NOrwegian Remote Sensing EXperiment (NORSEX) algorithm, which relates brightness temperatures to ice concentration. Statistical analysis on the time series estimates the decreases in Arctic ice extent and ice area to be 4.5% and 5.7%, respectively, during the 16.8-year observation period. The overall trends established here serve to better define and strengthen earlier assertions of a reduced ice cover, based on analysis of SMMR and SSMI data taken separately. These results are consistent with GCM simulations that suggest retreat of the sea ice cover under global warming scenarios.
Many invertebrates show flexibility in their life cycles and are likely to respond to changes in climate as they have in the past. However, changes in temperature and photoperiod may disturb the life cycles of some existing polar invertebrates while continuing to constrain the polewards migration of more temperate species. Higher plants are likely to have higher productivity as temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels increase but this productivity will be reduced by exposure to increasing UV-B radiation. Higher plants migrate more slowly than the rate at which climate is predicted to change and many species will be trapped in supra-optimal climates. Both mosses and lichens can migrate faster than higher plants, propagules of non-polar species already reaching the Antarctic, but they have fewer mechanisms of responding to changing environments. Polar vegetation and ecosystems provide feedback to the climate system: positive feedbacks are associated with decreases in reflectivity and increased carbon emissions from warm ing soils. In the Antarctic, feedback and responses to environmental change will be smaller than in the Arctic because of the less responsive cryptogams which dominate the Antarctic, the paucity of Antarctic soils, and geographical barriers to plant and invertebrate migrations.
During the austral summer 1993/1994, the spatial distribution of snow was mapped by a ground-based snow radar (800–2300 MHz) in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Snow radar soundings were performed along continuous profiles extending from the ice shelf up to the polar plateau, a total distance of 1040 km. The high-resolution radar registrations revealed subsurface layering in the uppermost 12 m of the snowpack. The travel time record was translated into snow accumulation expressed in water equivalents, based on an empirical relationship between wave speed and firn density. A good knowledge on snow density variations with depth is essential for the variability studies. Generally, the snow layering was well developed in the coastal area and less well developed on the polar plateau. High spatial variability in snow accumulation was observed on a regional as well as on a local scale. The variability was very high in areas with large surface slopes, such as the grounding zone and around nunataks. The highest variability was recorded in the nunatak area, where the standard deviation reached 59% of the spatial average accumulation. On the smooth high-altitude plateau, variations in accumulation were less pronounced. However, here the standard deviation exceeded 22% of the average accumulation rate. Provided that the snow radar soundings are supported by dating of reference horizons along the travel route, this is a good method to obtain the accumulation rate and pattern for large areas with a high spatial resolution.
We examined how variation in parental quality influences the reproductive success of a long-lived seabird, the Antarctic Petrel (Thalassoica antarctica). In particular, we focused on how quality of parents can interact with and influence the effects of stochastic variation in the environment due to varying climatic conditions. Large annual variation was found in reproductive success. However, body mass of individual chicks at the end and be ginning of the nestling period was strongly correlated in two of the study years, suggesting consistent variation among parents in their ability to feed offspring. Furthermore, chick mass was related both to overall body size and to body mass of their parents. Short brooding-shift intervals also were important for growth and survival of chicks. The probability of chick survival to the age of 30 days (ca. two weeks before fledging) was strongly correlated with chick mass when the chick was left unattended. However, the relative importance of different parental characteristics differed between years. These results show that reproductive success of the Antarctic Petrel is influenced by stochastic variation in the environment, probably re lated to climatic conditions. Effects of this stochastic variation may depend on body mass and/ or body condition of the parents.
In species where incubation is shared by both parents, the mate's ability to fast on the nest may constrain the time available for foraging. The decision to return to the nest should therefore be a compromise between an animal's own foraging success and its mate's ability to fast on the nest. To examine how the body conditions of incubating Antarctic petrels, Thalassoica antarctica, influence both the length of foraging trips and incubation shifts, we experimentally handicapped females by increasing their flight costs during a foraging trip by adding lead weights to their legs. Handicapped females spent more time at sea and had lower body conditions at arrival to the colony than controls, and, moreover, females in poor body condition at arrival to the colony spent generally more time at sea than those with higher body condition. The prolonged time period spent at sea by handicapped females was associated with higher desertion rates than among controls. The time the incubating mates fasted increased with their body condition at arrival to the colony, suggesting that a high body condition of the incubating bird may reduce the probability of nest desertion. Accordingly, our results suggest that the time spent foraging is adjusted to the body conditions of both the foraging and incubating mate.
In this paper we use output of a high-resolution general circulation model (ECHAM-3 T106, resolution 1.1°?1.1°) to study the spatial and temporal variation of sublimation on Antarctica. First, we compare model results with available observations of sublimation rates. The yearly cycle, with small latent heat fluxes during the winter, is well reproduced, and the agreement with sparsely available spot observations is fair. The model results suggest that a significant 10?15% of the annual precipitation over Antarctica is lost through sublimation and that sublimation plays an important role in the formation of blue ice areas. A preliminary analysis of the atmospheric boundary layer moisture budget shows that the spatial variation of sublimation in the coastal zone of East Antarctica can be explained by variations of horizontal advection of dry air. Dry air advection, and thus surface sublimation, is enhanced in areas where katabatic winds are strong and have a large downslope component and where the Antarctic topography drops suddenly from the plateau to the coastal zone. In areas where horizontal advection is small, like the plateau and the large ice shelves, special conditions must be met to make significant sublimation at the surface possible.
Laboratory measurements show that lichens are extremely tolerant of freezing stress and of low-temperature exposure. Metabolic activity recovered quickly after severe and extended cold treatment. Experimental results demonstrate also that CO2 exchange is already active at around −20°C. The psychrophilic character of polar lichen species is demonstrated by optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis between 0 and 15°C. In situ measurements show that lichens begin photosynthesizing below 0°C if the dry thalli receive fresh snow. The lowest temperature measured in active lichens was −17°C at a continental Antarctic site. The fine structure and the hydration state of photobiont and mycobiont cells were studied by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) of frozen hydrated specimens. Water potentials of the frozen system are in the range of or even higher than those allowing dry lichens to start photosynthesis by water vapor uptake at +10°C. The great success of lichens in polar and high alpine regions gives evidence of their physiological adaptation to low temperatures. In general lichens are able to persist through glacial periods, but extended snow cover and glaciation are limiting factors.
A large number of studies have reported a positive relationship between the egg size of birds and the subsequent growth and/or survival of nestlings, but such effects may partly be due to confounding variables, e.g. parental quality. In order to evaluate the potential effects of egg size, and of parental quality, on early nestling growth in the Antarctic petrel, we performed an experiment in which eggs of different size were swapped between nests. 2. From a sample of 300 nests with eggs of known size, we selected eggs belonging to the lower quartile (small eggs), and those belonging to the upper quartile (large eggs), with respect to volume. Half of the small eggs were exchanged with small eggs from other nests, and the other half with large eggs. A similar procedure was used for large eggs. Growth and survival of the nestlings were recorded until 12 days old. 3. Hatching success was positively related to egg size. 4. Egg size influenced nestling body mass until the age of 3 days, and tarsus length was affected until 12 days old. However, these effects were not due to an effect of egg size on growth rates, but reflected instead the influence of egg size on hatchling size. 5. In contrast to most previous studies, we found no effect of parental quality (as reflected in the size of own eggs) on foster nestling size or growth until 12 days old. This could be because egg size does not reliably reflect parental quality in the species, or because parental effects become evident only at later nestling stages. 6. We discuss why egg size variation is maintained in this and other species where egg size influences parental fitness through the survival of eggs or nestlings.
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- Norsel (skip) (9)
- Norsk-britisk-svenske antarktisekspedisjon (74)
- Norsk Polarinstitutt (6)
- norske ekspedisjoner (1)
- Norvegia ekspedisjonen (8)
- Norvegia ekspedisjonene (6)
- Norvegia ekspedisjoner (7)
- Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1968-69 (1)
- NSBX 1949-52 (74)
- numerisk modellering (2)
- nunataker (9)
- næring (9)
- næringskjede (1)
- næringslivet (1)
- næringsstoff (3)
- næringsstoffer (1)
- observasjoner (33)
- Odd I. (2)
- Odd I (4)
- økofysiologi (6)
- økogeografi (1)
- økologi (51)
- økologiske nisjer (1)
- økonomi (16)
- økonomisk historie (2)
- økosystem (4)
- økosystemer (44)
- økotoksikologi (5)
- økotoksiner (1)
- Olav Orheim (1)
- områdevern (1)
- opdagelsesreiser (1)
- oppdagelsesreiser (106)
- oppvarming (2)
- ornitologi (80)
- oseanografi (219)
- osmoregulering (1)
- osmotisk stress (1)
- Otto Nordenskjöld (2)
- overflateakkumulering (1)
- overflatesnø (1)
- overflatevann (3)
- overvåking (3)
- overvåkning (1)
- overvintring (13)
- ozon (3)
- ozonhull (6)
- ozonlaget (24)
- pakkis (1)
- paleobiologi (3)
- paleobotanikk (3)
- paleogen (1)
- paleogeografi (9)
- paleoglasiologi (3)
- paleoklimatologi (35)
- paleolimnologi (2)
- paleomagnetisme (2)
- paleontologi (19)
- paleoøkologi (3)
- paleoseanografi (11)
- parasitter (4)
- parasittologi (1)
- patenter (4)
- pattedyr (5)
- pelagisk (54)
- pelagisk hvalfangst (3)
- pelsseler (16)
- perleurt (1)
- permafrost (3)
- Peter I. Øy (27)
- petreller (38)
- petrografi (5)
- petroleum (1)
- petrologi (10)
- phytoplankton (5)
- pigghuder (1)
- pingviner (26)
- pinnipedier (15)
- planetbølger (1)
- plankton (71)
- planteplankton (8)
- planter (35)
- plantesosiologi (1)
- plastpartikler (2)
- plategrenser (1)
- platetektonikk (1)
- polarekspedisjoner (14)
- polareksspedisjoner (4)
- polarfarere (2)
- polarflyving (2)
- polarforskere (4)
- polarforskning (4)
- polarhistorie (5)
- polarimetrisk radar (1)
- polarkespedisjoner (1)
- polarlys (3)
- polarområdene (185)
- polarørken (1)
- polarpolitikk (1)
- polarvirvelen (1)
- politikk (76)
- polynja (6)
- populærvitenskap (4)
- protoktister (2)
- protozo (1)
- psykobiologi (1)
- psykofysiologi (1)
- psykologi (11)
- publikasjoner (1)
- pyknoklin (1)
- pyrosekvensering (2)
- Quaternary (1)
- radar observasjoner (3)
- radarundersøkelse (1)
- radarundersøkelser (1)
- radio telemetri (1)
- radioaktivitet (2)
- Radiocarbon dating (1)
- radiometer (3)
- radiostøy (1)
- radiumisotoper (1)
- reisebeskrivelser (2)
- reiseskildringer (1)
- reproduksjon (7)
- ressurser (9)
- rett (7)
- Richard Evelyn Byrd (1)
- Roald Amundsen (18)
- Robert Falcon Scott (3)
- romfysikk (1)
- romvitenskap (1)
- Rosshavet (26)
- ROV-Derived bathymetry (1)
- rundormer (1)
- S.S.Vikingen 1929-30 (1)
- salpetersyre (1)
- saltinnhold (2)
- saltkjertel (1)
- samarbeid (5)
- samer (1)
- samfunnsfag (2)
- satellite (1)
- satellite altimetri (2)
- satellite bilder (11)
- satellite mikrobølgesensorer (2)
- satellitt (3)
- satellitt bilder (5)
- satellitt observasjoner (2)
- satellittbilder (6)
- satellitteknologi (1)
- satellittelemetri (2)
- satellittsendere (2)
- scientometri (1)
- Scotiahavet (6)
- Sea level (1)
- sedimenter (12)
- sedimentologi (13)
- seismisk stratigrafi (1)
- seismisk undersøkelse (1)
- seismologi (21)
- sekkdyr (2)
- seler (27)
- selfangst (7)
- serologi (1)
- sjøelefanter (3)
- sjøfart (1)
- sjøfolk (8)
- sjøfugler (24)
- sjøis (62)
- sjømenn (1)
- sjøpattedyr (5)
- sjøpiggsvin (1)
- sjøvann (13)
- sjøvirvler (1)
- ski (1)
- skip (5)
- skipsbyggerier (2)
- skipsfart (5)
- skipsloggbøker (1)
- skisport (1)
- skjell (1)
- skyer (3)
- sledehunder (6)
- sleder (1)
- smeltevann (3)
- smelting (20)
- snegler (1)
- snø (20)
- snø akkumulasjon (2)
- snøalger (1)
- snøfall (2)
- snøpakke (1)
- snøsmelting (3)
- sollys (2)
- solstråling (3)
- solvind (4)
- sopper (4)
- Sør-Orknøyene (8)
- Sør-Sandwichøyene (1)
- Sør-Shetlandsøyene (5)
- Sørishavet (760)
- Sørishavsstrømmen (8)
- sørlig oscillasjon (2)
- sørlys (1)
- Sørpolen (5)
- sosiologi (1)
- Southern Cross (11)
- Southern Cross (skip) (1)
- spektrofotometri (1)
- sporgass (1)
- språk (1)
- stabile isotoper (11)
- stasjoner (5)
- statistisk analyse (2)
- statsvitenskap (1)
- stedsnavn (1)
- strålingsbelter (1)
- stratigrafi (16)
- stratosfæren (13)
- stratosfærisk kjemi (1)
- stresshormoner (1)
- strøm (1)
- strømmer (1)
- strømmodeller (1)
- subglasial (1)
- subglasial biodiversitet (1)
- subglasial geologi (2)
- subglasial innsjø (9)
- subglasial topografi (1)
- superkjøling (1)
- svaneøgler (1)
- Svend Foyn (2)
- Sydpolen (7)
- sydpolen (8)
- Sydpolflyvningen (1)
- Sydpolsekspedisjonen (18)
- sympagisk økologi (1)
- taksonomi (10)
- tanglus (1)
- teknologi (21)
- tektonikk (12)
- tektoniske plater (1)
- telemetri (4)
- temperatur (8)
- temperatur måling (2)
- termiske terskler (1)
- termokronologi (1)
- terrestriske virveldyr (1)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjon (10)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjoner (1)
- tidevann (6)
- tidevannsbreen (1)
- tidevannsmålinger (1)
- tidevannsstrømmer (1)
- tidsserieanalyse (1)
- tidsskriftspublikasjoner (1)
- toksikologi (4)
- tomografi (1)
- topografi (13)
- tovinger (1)
- trakassering (1)
- transantarktiske ekspedisjoner (2)
- trekkfugler (1)
- trekkhunder (1)
- Troll forskningsstasjon (13)
- tungmetaller (1)
- turisme (14)
- Tyskland (1)
- ubemannede luftfartøyer (1)
- ultrafiolett stråling (10)
- understrømmer (1)
- uorganisk karbon (1)
- utforskning (4)
- utslipp (3)
- utstyr (2)
- uttørking (1)
- UV-stråling (5)
- vågehvaler (1)
- vann (2)
- vannmasser (24)
- vannsøyle (1)
- vannstabile isotoper (1)
- vannvirvler (8)
- vegetasjon (2)
- Vestantarktis (5)
- Vestfold (6)
- Victoria Land (9)
- virologi (2)
- virvelløse dyr (17)
- virvelstrømmer (1)
- vitenskap (21)
- vitenskapelige ekspedisjoner (2)
- Vostoksjøen (1)
- vulkaner (11)
- vulkanologi (1)
- Weddellhavet (122)
- zoofysiologi (1)
- zoogeografi (5)
- zoologi (132)
- zooplankton (22)
Resource type
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (23)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (7)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (16)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (34)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (106)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (49)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (146)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (69)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (87)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (151)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (222)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (285)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (398)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (242)
- Unknown (3)