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We present a compilation of more than 45,000 km of multichannel seismic data acquired in the last three decades in the Weddell Sea. In accordance with recent tectonic models and available drillhole information, a consistent stratigraphic model for depositional units W1–W5 is set up. In conjunction with existing aeromagnetic data, a chronostratigraphic timetable is compiled and units W1.5, W2 and W3 are tentatively dated to have ages of between 136 Ma and 114 Ma. The age of W3 is not well constrained, but might be younger than 114 Ma. The data indicate that the thickest sediments are present in the western and southern Weddell Sea. These areas formed the earliest basins in the Weddell Sea and so the distribution of Mesozoic sediments is in accordance with the tectonic development of the ocean basin. In terms of Cenozoic glacial sediments, the largest depocenters are situated in front of the Filchner–Ronne Shelf, i.e. at the Crary Fan, with a thickness of up to 3 km.
We present a model for the growth of frazil ice crystals and their accumulation as marine ice at the base of Antarctic ice shelves. The model describes the flow of buoyant water upward along the ice shelf base and includes the differential growth of a range of crystal sizes. Frazil ice formation starts when the rising plume becomes supercooled. Initially, the majority of crystals have a radius of ?0.3 mm and concentrations are below 0.1 g/L. Depending on the ice shelf slope, which controls the plume speed, frazil crystals increase in size and number. Typically, crystals up to 1.0 mm in radius are kept in suspension, and concentrations reach a maximum of 0.4 g/L. The frazil ice in suspension decreases the plume density and thus increases the plume speed. Larger crystals precipitate upward onto the ice shelf base first, with smaller crystals following as the plume slows down. In this way, marine ice is formed at rates of up to 4 m/yr in some places, consistent with areas of observed basal accumulation on Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. The plume continues below the ice shelf as long as it is buoyant. If the plume reaches the ice front, its rapid rise produces high supercooling and the ice crystals attain a radius of several millimeters before reaching the surface. Similar ice crystals have been trawled at depth north of Antarctic ice shelves, but otherwise no observations exist to verify these first predictions of ice crystal sizes and volumes.
A large database of rocket measurements of the D-region electron concentration has been studied. The data were obtained at four sites in the Antarctic (Molodezhnaya and Syowa) and Arctic (Heiss Island, and Andøya/Kiruna). The electron densities were analysed in terms of their variations with solar zenith angle, geomagnetic activity and atmospheric temperature. We found that there is a particle ionisation source in the auroral oval even in quiet conditions. The energy of the particles is such, that they penetrate down to 85km, are partially absorbed between 85 and 80km but do not penetrate (are completely absorbed) below 75km. Analysis of the dependence of the electron concentration [e] on the daily sum of Kp indices, ∑Kp, shows that at all heights considered there is an increase of [e] with ∑Kp up to some saturation value of ∑Kp and beyond this level [e] is either constant (with large scatter of the data) or even decreases. This indicates that when the auroral oval expands with increasing geomagnetic activity, a particular station may move from a position outside or at the boundary of the oval, to a position inside the polar cap. An attempt is made to find the temperature dependence of the electron concentration. It is found that [e] at 75 and 80km increases with temperature T. Analysis of the flights conducted during noctilucent cloud (NLC) events at Andøya/Kiruna reveals a strong dependence of [e] on ∑Kp at 80 and 85km. This dependence is stronger and better defined than that for the entire data set. This may be explained by the low mesopause temperatures observed in summer when NLC occur. A comparison of the electron density data sets with empirical and theoretical models is presented and during quiet magnetic conditions a good agreement with mid-latitude models is found.
A hindcast simulation of the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice variability during 1955–2001 has been performed with a global, coarse resolution ice–ocean model driven by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction / National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis daily surface air temperatures and winds. Both the mean state and variability of the ice packs over the satellite observing period are reasonably well reproduced by the model. Over the 47-year period, the simulated ice area (defined as the total ice-covered oceanic area) in each hemisphere experiences large decadal variability together with a decreasing trend of ~1 % per decade. In the Southern Hemisphere, this trend is mostly caused by an abrupt retreat of the ice cover during the second half of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s. The modelled ice volume also exhibits pronounced decadal variability, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. Besides these fluctuations, we detected a downward trend in Arctic ice volume of 1.8 % per decade and an upward trend in Antarctic ice volume of 1.5 % per decade. However, caution must be exercised when interpreting these trends because of the shortness of the simulation and the strong decadal variations. Furthermore, sensitivity experiments have revealed that the trend in Antarctic ice volume is model-dependent.
A new coupled atmosphere–ocean–sea ice model has been developed, named the Bergen Climate Model (BCM). It consists of the atmospheric model ARPEGE/IFS, together with a global version of the ocean model MICOM including a dynamic–thermodynamic sea ice model. The coupling between the two models uses the OASIS software package. The new model concept is described, and results from a 300-year control integration is evaluated against observational data. In BCM, both the atmosphere and the ocean components use grids which can be irregular and have non-matching coastlines. Much effort has been put into the development of optimal interpolation schemes between the models, in particular the non-trivial problem of flux conservation in the coastal areas. A flux adjustment technique has been applied to the heat and fresh-water fluxes. There is, however, a weak drift in global mean sea-surface temperature (SST) and sea-surface salinity (SSS) of respectively 0.1 °C and 0.02 psu per century. The model gives a realistic simulation of the radiation balance at the top-of-the-atmosphere, and the net surface fluxes of longwave, shortwave, and turbulent heat fluxes are within observed values. Both global and total zonal means of cloud cover and precipitation are fairly close to observations, and errors are mainly related to the strength and positioning of the Hadley cell. The mean sea-level pressure (SLP) is well simulated, and both the mean state and the interannual standard deviation show realistic features. The SST field is several degrees too cold in the equatorial upwelling area in the Pacific, and about 1 °C too warm along the eastern margins of the oceans, and in the polar regions. The deviation from Levitus salinity is typically 0.1 psu – 0.4 psu, with a tendency for positive anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere, and negative in the Southern Hemisphere. The sea-ice distribution is realistic, but with too thin ice in the Arctic Ocean and too small ice coverage in the Southern Ocean. These model deficiencies have a strong influence on the surface air temperatures in these regions. Horizontal oceanic mass transports are in the lower range of those observed. The strength of the meridional overturning in the Atlantic is 18 Sv. An analysis of the large-scale variability in the model climate reveals realistic El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and North Atlantic–Arctic Oscillation (NAO/AO) characteristics in the SLP and surface temperatures, including spatial patterns, frequencies, and strength. While the NAO/AO spectrum is white in SLP and red in temperature, the ENSO spectrum shows an energy maximum near 3 years.
Sediment textural properties and total organic carbon (TOC) contents of three sediment cores from Maxwell Bay, King George Island, West Antarctica, record changes in Holocene glaciomarine sedimentary environments. The lower sedimentary unit is mostly composed of TOC-poor diamictons, indicating advanced coastal glacier margins and rapid iceberg discharge in proximal glaciomarine settings with limited productivity and meltwater supply. Fine-grained, TOC-rich sediments in the upper lithologic unit suggest more open water and warm conditions, leading to enhanced biological productivity due to increased nutrient-rich meltwater supply into the bay. The relationship between TOC and total sulfur (TS) indicates that the additional sulfur within the sediment has not originated from in situ pyrite formation under the reducing condition, but rather may be attributed to the detrital supply of sand-sized pyrite from the hydrothermal-origin, quartz-pyrite rocks widely distributed in King George Island. The evolution of bottom-water hydrography after deglaciation was recorded in the benthic foraminiferal stable-isotopic composition, corroborated by the TOC and lithologic changes. The Ø18O values indicate that bottom-water in Maxwell Bay was probably mixed gradually with intruding 18O-rich seawater from Bransfield Strait. In addition, the Ø13C values reflect a spatial variability in the carbon isotope distribution in Maxwell Bay, depending on marine productivity as well as terrestrial carbon fluxes by meltwater discharge. The distinct lithologic transition, dated to approximately 8000 yr BP (uncorrected) and characterized by textural and geochemical contrasts, highlights the postglacial environmental change by a major coastal glacier retreat in Maxwell Bay.
We use new data from the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf to describe water mass conversion processes in a formation region for cold and dense precursors of Antarctic Bottom Water. The cruises took place in early 1995, 1998, and 1999, and the time series obtained from moored instruments were up to 30 months in length, starting in 1995. We obtained new bathymetric data that greatly improve our definition of the Ronne Depression, which is now shown to be limited to the southwestern continental shelf and so cannot act as a conduit to northward flow from Ronne Ice Front. Large-scale intrusions of Modified Warm Deep Water (MWDW) onto the continental shelf occur along much of the shelf break, although there is only one location where the MWDW extends as far south as Ronne Ice Front. High-Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW) produced during the winter months dominates the continental shelf in the west. During summer, Ice Shelf Water (ISW) exits the subice cavity on the eastern side of the Ronne Depression, flows northwest along the ice front, and reenters the cavity at the ice front's western limit. During winter the ISW is not observed in the Ronne Depression north of the ice front. The flow of HSSW into the subice cavity via the Ronne Depression is estimated to be 0.9 ± 0.3 Sv. When combined with inflows along the remainder of Ronne Ice Front (reported elsewhere), sufficient heat is transported beneath the ice shelf to power an average basal melt rate of 0.34 ± 0.1 m yr−1.
A detailed and comprehensive map of the distribution patterns for both natural and artificial radionuclides over Antarctica has been established. This work integrates the results of several decades of international programs focusing on the analysis of natural and artificial radionuclides in snow and ice cores from this polar region. The mean value (37±20 Bq m−2) of 241Pu total deposition over 28 stations is determined from the gamma emissions of its daughter 241Am, presenting a long half-life (432.7 yrs). Detailed profiles and distributions of 241Pu in ice cores make it possible to clearly distinguish between the atmospheric thermonuclear tests of the fifties and sixties. Strong relationships are also found between radionuclide data (137Cs with respect to 241Pu and 210Pb with respect to 137Cs), make it possible to estimate the total deposition or natural fluxes of these radionuclides. Total deposition of 137Cs over Antarctica is estimated at 760 TBq, based on results from the 90–180° East sector. Given the irregular distribution of sampling sites, more ice cores and snow samples must be analyzed in other sectors of Antarctica to check the validity of this figure.
In this study laboratory experiments of sea ice formed on a vertical surface with initial temperature of −30 to −50°C are presented. The ice formation is rapid, and in 300 s >5 mm of sea ice is formed. Ice formation cooled and salinified the water, and induced a vertical down wards flow of ∼5 mm/s with a boundary layer about 5 mm thick. This ice has a structure with columnar crystals that have small circular cross sections (0.2–1.0 mm) and sea ice salinities are between 24 and 32. A simple model approach indicate that the thermal conductivity of such ice is lower than for other types of sea ice.
We have investigated the intermediate water mass of the central Weddell Gyre using TCO2 and oxygen data of FS Polarstern cruises in 1992, 1996 and 1998. This water mass, designated as Central Intermediate Water (CIW), is enriched in CO2 and depleted in O-2 relative to its source water due to biological degradation. CO2 enrichment and O-2 depletion were quantified by calculating the difference between the concentrations in the CIW and those in the, more southern source water, the Circumpolar Deep Water, which derives from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Inventories of enrichment and depletion were determined over the whole depth range of CIW, i.e. about 200800 m. The O-2 depletion inventory was greater than that of TCO2 enrichment which is in line with a biological origin of the signal. Spatial and interannual variation appeared to be small. Because subsurface remineralization in the central Weddell Gyre is largely restricted to the CIW, the export production estimate from previous work has been applied to compute the renewal time of CIW from these inventories. A renewal time of only three years was found. TCO2- and O-2-based computations were consistent, the former showing larger variation, though. From renewal time and volume of the CIW, a transport velocity (renewal rate) of 6-7 Sv was obtained. Of this, about I Sv is upwelled into the surface layer. The remaining 5-6 Sv CIW must be exported to the north, which is opposite to previous views. Results of water mass age and transport rate have thus been obtained using a method based on biogeochemical parameters. As the CIW cannot be identified by temperature and salinity, nor with transient tracers because it is hardly ventilated, this is the only way to obtain such results. As part of the CIW export, a large amount of remineralized CO2 enters the abyssal oceans where it is sequestered for long periods of time. The CIW is a principal and highly efficient player in the biological pump mechanism of the Southern Ocean.
Nitrate, phosphate and silicate data are presented from 1992 austral winter and 1998 austral autumn cruises with “FS Polarstern” in the Weddell Gyre. Because in the Weddell Gyre, away from the boundary current, the surface layer is eventually formed from upwelled deep water, the difference in nutrient concentrations between these layers can be used to compute net nutrient consumptions (identical with the export production). This method renders a value for the export production that is based on observed annual changes. The results are consistent for two years and two regions within the central gyre. The calculated net nitrate and phosphate consumptions were scaled to net carbon consumptions using canonical Redfield ratios, yielding 16–17μmolCkg−1yr−1. This equals 21±4gCm−2yr−1 as a robust estimate for the marginal ice zone. The net annual silicate consumption in the surface layer, which equals the export of biogenic silica, amounts to 15–18μmolkg−1yr−1. There is a tendency for higher values in the eastern Weddell Gyre. The estimated silicate consumption of about 1.8molSim−2yr−1 is relatively high compared to earlier estimations of biogenic silica export. The silicate to carbon consumption ratio of about 1 is very high, and documents the dominance of diatoms in the export of organic material. Résumé Sont présentées les distributions verticales de nitrate, de phosphate et de silicate en Mer de Weddell, pour les périodes de l’hiver austral 1992 et de l’automne austral 1998. Les eaux de surface du tourbillon à grande échelle de la Mer de Weddell (temps de résidence égal à 2.9 ans) sont formées par l’upwelling des eaux profondes. La différence de concentrations des sels nutritifs entre les couches profondes et de surface permettent de calculer la consommation annuelle, équivalente à la production exportée de l’élément nutritif considéré vers les couches profondes. Les résultats sont comparables pour les deux scénarios annuels étudiés. La production exportée de carbone pour les eaux de surface de la zone marginale de la glace, calculée à partir des consommations annuelles en nitrates et phosphates après transformation grâce aux rapports de Redfield, est estimée à 16–17μmolCkg−1yr−1 soit en moyenne 21±4gCm−2yr−1. La consommation annuelle de silicate est estimée à 1.8mol Si m−2yr−1, relativement élevée en comparaison des estimations antérieures. Le rapport molaire Si/C, voisin de 1 dans le matériel exporté, traduit la dominance des diatomées dans l’export de matières organiques.
A large set of rocket measurements of the electron concentration [e] in the upper D region at four rocket sites (Molodezhnaya (Antarctic), Heiss Island (Arctic), Syowa (Antarctic), and Andoya/Kiruna (Arctic)) is considered. The dependence of [e] on the solar zenith angle X and geomagnetic activity index ∑Kp is analyzed. It has been shown that, the spread in [e] values reaches two orders of magnitude at any assigned value of χ. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw a lower envelope for the entire set of points and to obtain the [e] variation with χ in undisturbed conditions. In an analysis of the envelopes, it is seen that a corpuscular ionization source (presumably, electrons with an energy of above 40 keV) exists in the nonsunlit D region even in quiet conditions. An analysis of the electron concentration dependence on the daily sum of ∑Kp indices (∑Kp) shows that, at all heights considered, increases [e] with increasing ∑Kp to a certain boundary value ∑Kp and then remains either constant (with a rather wide spread in the data) or even decreases. This saturation effect may be caused by the auroral oval equatorward motion. As a result of this motion the site position may change: it may move toward the boundary between the auroral oval and polar cap or even be within the latter. The slope k of the [e] variation plotted versus ∑Kp at different χ is considered. It is shown that k grows with increasing χ and is maximal at χ> 100°.
In the northern Weddell Gyre at the prime meridian, Total TCO2 changes in the Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) have been investigated. Following a suggestion by [Poisson and Chen, 1987], the TCO2 difference at potential temperatures of 0.2°C and −0.8°C was determined using data from 1996 and 1998. No significant difference was found to similar differences for the years 1973 and 1981 reported by Poisson and Chen. Thus, over a period of 25 years an at most minor amount of anthropogenic CO2 has penetrated into the WSBW at this location. This suggests that this abyssal subpolar region is relatively unimportant for the storage of anthropogenic CO2. The same core of WSBW exhibited a marked increase of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). For the Southern Ocean, therefore, CFCs are apparently of limited value as analogues of anthropogenic CO2, in contrast to some other ocean provinces.
The response to realistic total column ozone trends on the troposphere and the stratosphere as simulated by the ARPEGE General Circulation Model (GCM) has been investigated. In both hemispheres, the lower stratosphere cooled and the polar vortex strengthened significantly during spring/early summer. The cooling trend was weaker than the observed trend in the Northern Hemisphere (NH), but stronger than the observed trend in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). In the troposphere, the changes in geopotential height resembled the positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) in the NH in March and the positive phase of the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) in the SH during summer (December–February).
We have made oceanographic measurements at two sites beneath the southern Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. Hot-water drilled access holes were made during January 1999, allowing conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiling and the deployment of instrument moorings. The CTD profiles show that the entire water column is below the surface freezing point. We estimate the (summer) flux of water between the two sites to be 2×106 m3 s−1. The summer potential temperature-salinity properties of the water column suggest that this flow is part of a recirculation in the deepest part of the subice shelf cavity and the Filchner Depression. The recirculation is driven by a combination of the melting of deep basal ice and the freezing that results from the depressurization of the cold buoyant water as it ascends the ice shelf base. The source of the water was high-salinity shelf water (HSSW) produced in the Ronne Depression. This is the water that provides the external heat necessary for the strong melting at the deep grounding lines in the vicinity of Foundation Ice Stream. Instruments moored at the drill sites show that during the winter HSSW formed on the Berkner Shelf flows beneath the ice shelf and largely displaces the recirculating water from the two sites. This provides an externally driven through flow that is warmer (nearer the surface freezing point) and slower than the internal recirculation and which is low enough in density to escape the Filchner Depression.
During the Nordic EPICA pre-site survey in Dronning Maud Land in 1997/1998 a 120 m long ice core was retrieved (76°00′S 08°03′W, 2400 m above sea level). The whole core has been measured using the electric conductivity measurement (ECM) and dielectric profiling (DEP) techniques, and the core chronology has been established by detecting major volcanic eruptions. In a nearby shallow core radioactive traces from nuclear tests conducted during the 1950s and 1960s have been identified. Altogether, 13 ECM and DEP peaks in the long core are identified as originating from specific volcanic eruptions. In addition two peaks of increased total β activity are identified in the short core. Accumulation is calculated as averages over the time periods between these dated events. Accumulation rate is 62 millimetres (w. eq./yr) for the last 181 years (1816 A.D. to present) and 61 mm w. eq./yr for the last 1457 years (540 A.D. to present). Our record shows an 8% decrease in accumulation between 1452 and 1641 A.D. (i.e. part of the Little Ice Age), compared to the long-term mean.
Several years of total ozone measured from space by the ERS-2 GOME, the Earth Probe TOMS, and the ADEOS TOMS, are compared with high-quality ground-based observations associated with the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC), over an extended latitude range and a variety of geophysical conditions. The comparisons with each spaceborne sensor are combined altogether for investigating their respective solar zenith angle (SZA) dependence, dispersion, and difference of sensitivity. The space- and ground-based data are found to agree within a few percent on average. However, the analysis highlights for both GOME and TOMS several sources of discrepancies: (i) a SZA dependence with TOMS beyond 80° SZA; (ii) a seasonal SZA dependence with GOME beyond 70° SZA; (iii) a difference of sensitivity with GOME at high latitudes; (iv) a difference of sensitivity to low ozone values between satellite and SAOZ sensors around the southern tropics; (v) a north/south difference of TOMS with the ground-based observations; and (vi) internal inconsistencies in GOME total ozone.
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