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  • The Weddell Deep Water (WDW) warmed substantially along the Greenwich meridian following the Weddell Polynya of the 1970s. Areas affected by the polynya contained ∼14GJ/m2 more heat in 2001 than in 1977. This warming would require a flux of ∼390W/m2 if it were to take place over a year. Large variations in heat content of the WDW are found between the Antarctic coast and Maud Rise (64°S). The small variation found north of Maud Rise is opposite in phase to that to the south, and the warming was close to monotonic south of 68°S. The mean warming of WDW along the section is ∼0.032°C per decade, comparable to the warming of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The mean warming compares with a surface heat flux of 4W/m2 over the 25 year period, an order of magnitude higher than the warming of the global ocean. As variation in mean salinity of the WDW follows the warming/cooling events, variation in inflow probably explains a cooling event between 1984 and 1989, and a warming event between 1989 and 1992. Cooling during the late 1990s is probably related to the reappearance of a polynya like feature in some winter months as an area 100km in diameter close to Maud Rise with 10–20% lower sea ice concentrations than the surrounding ocean.

  • A solitary skin lesion was found on the neck of a Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii), chemically immobilized in Queen Maud Land (70°09′S, 05°22′E) Antarctica 2001. The lesion was elevated and 3cm in diameter, consisting of partly fresh and partly necrotic tissue, and proliferative papilloma-like structures were seen. Electron microscopy on a biopsy from the lesion revealed typical parapoxvirus particles. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR; B2L gene) generated amplicons of approximately 594 base pairs, comparable to Orf-virus, the prototype parapoxvirus. A comparison of these B2L PCR amplicon DNA sequences with corresponding sequences from other parapoxviruses, showed that the Weddell seal virus resembled isolates from grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) more than parapoxvirus from red deer (Cervus elaphus), sheep, cattle and Japanese serows (Capricornis crispus). It is thus concluded that the Weddell seal parapoxvirus belong to the tentative seal parapoxvirus species. Since parapox and orthopoxviruses may cause similar clinical diseases, we suggest that the term sealpox should be restricted to the clinical disease, whereas seal parapoxvirus should be used when caused by a parapoxvirus, rather than the general term “sealpox virus”. This is the first verified case of parapoxvirus infection in a Weddell seal, and also the first report of any such infections in the Antarctic.

  • The fugacity of carbon dioxide (fCO2) of the surface waters of the Weddell Sea along the prime meridian has been described for the austral autumn in 1996 and 1998. For individual years, fCO2 has a strong linear relationship with sea surface temperature, although the relationships cannot be reconciled to provide an interannually consistent algorithm for remotely sensed assessment of fCO2. However, from the assumption that Weddell Sea surface water has a single end member (upwelled Warm Deep Water) we have determined the relative contributions of heating, ice-melt, and biological activity on fCO2. A breakdown of the controls shows that the measured annual fCO2 distributions can be recreated for both transects by adjusting solely for thermodynamic forcing, and model adjustments for salinity are small except in regions of significant upwelling during 1998. The incorporation of nitrate utilisation into the model results in a general and significant underestimation of fCO2. This runs contrary to the earlier findings of Sabine and Key (Mar. Chem. 60 (1998) 95) in the Southern Ocean although it is consistent with models in the area (Louanchi et al., Deep-Sea Res. I 48 (2001) 1581). A major caveat to these findings is the significant departure of the thermodynamic model and a tightening of the nitrate-adjusted model in 1998 in areas with deeper mixing in the southern Weddell Sea. We propose that there are two reasons for the discrepancies in our model: the source waters are not as homogenous as the model assumes; and there are geographical and seasonal variations of CO2 exchange with the atmosphere and the input of inorganic carbon and nitrate from below the mixed layer resulting in imbalances in the mixed layer concentration ratios.

  • The known associations between amphipods and echinoids are listed, separated into five different categories depending upon the nature of the associations. The new species Lepidepecreella andeep, found attached around the mouth of the cidarid sea urchin Aporocidaris antarctica, is described, as well as the new species Notopoma cidaridis. The tubes of the latter were found attached to the spines of the cidarid sea urchin Rhynchocidaris triplopora. These cases represent the first associations reported between amphipods and echinoids in the Antarctic. A key to both genera is provided.

  • Cold shelf waters flowing out of the Filchner Depression in the southern Weddell Sea make a significant contribution to the production of Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW), a precursor to Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). We use all available current meter records from the region to calculate the flux of cold water (<−1.9°C) over the sill at the northern end of the Filchner Depression (1.6 ± 0.5 Sv), and to determine its fate. The estimated fluxes and mixing rates imply a rate of WSBW formation (referenced to −0.8°C) of 4.3 ± 1.4 Sv. We identify three pathways for the cold shelf waters to enter the deep Weddell Sea circulation. One path involves flow constrained to follow the shelf break. The other two paths are down the continental slope, resulting from the cold dense water being steered northward by prominent ridges that cross the continental slope near 36°W and 37°W. Mooring data indicate that the deep plumes can retain their core characteristics to depths greater than 2000 m. Probably aided by thermobaricity, the plume water at this depth can flow at a speed approaching 1 m s−1, implying that the flow is occasionally supercritical. We postulate that such supercriticality acts to limit mixing between the plume and its environment. The transition from supercritical to slower, more uniform flow is associated with very efficient mixing, probably as a result of hydraulic jumps.

  • The ocean cavity beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf is observed to respond to the seasonal cycle of water mass production on the continental shelf of the southern Weddell Sea. Here we use a numerical model to investigate the propagation of newly formed shelf waters into the cavity. We find that the model reproduces the most distinctive features of the observed seasonality and offers a plausible explanation for those features. The most saline shelf waters are produced in the far west, where the inflow to the cavity peaks twice each year. The major peak occurs during the short period around midwinter when convection reaches full depth and the densest waters are generated. Once the surface density starts to decline, dynamic adjustment of the restratified water column leads to a gradual fall in the salinity at depth and a secondary peak in the inflow that occurs in summer at the western coast. Beneath the ice shelf the arrival of the wintertime inflow at the instrumented sites is accompanied by a rapid warming, while the slower decline in the inflow leads to a more gradual cooling. Water brought in by the secondary, summer peak flows mainly to the eastern parts of the cavity. Here the seasonality is suppressed because the new inflows mix with older waters that recirculate within a topographic depression. This pooling of waters in the east, where the primary outflow of Ice Shelf Water is generated, dampens the impact of seasonality on the local production of Weddell Sea Bottom Water.

  • Multichannel seismic reflection data from the Cosmonaut Sea margin of East Antarctica have been interpreted in terms of depositional processes in the continental slope and rise area. A major sediment lens is present below the upper continental rise along the entire Cosmonaut Sea margin. The lens probably consists of sediments supplied from the shelf and slope, being constantly reworked by westward flowing bottom currents, which redeposited the sediments into a large scale drift deposit prior to the main glaciogenic input along the margin. High-relief semicircular or elongated depositional structures are also found on the upper continental rise stratigraphically above the regional sediment lens, and were deposited by the combined influence of downslope and alongslope sediment transport. On the lower continental rise, large-scale sediment bodies extend perpendicular to the continental margin and were deposited as a result of downslope turbidity transport and westward flowing bottom currents after initiation of glacigenic input to the slope and rise. We compare the seismostratigraphic signatures along the continental margin segments of the adjacent Riiser Larsen Sea, the Weddell Sea and the Prydz Bay/Cooperation Sea, focussing on indications that may be interpreted as a preglacial-glaciomarine transition in the depositional environment. We suggest that earliest glaciogenic input to the continental slope and rise occurred in the Prydz Bay and possibly in the Weddell Sea. At a later stage, an intensification of the oceanic circulation pattern occurred, resulting in the deposition of the regional plastered drift deposit along the Cosmonaut Sea margin, as well as the initiation of large drift deposits in the Cooperation Sea. At an even later stage, possibly in the middle Miocene, glacial advances across the continental shelf were initiated along the Cosmonaut Sea and the Riiser Larsen Sea continental margins.

  • Multiyear time series of ocean current and temperatures from beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, demonstrate both seasonal and interannual variability. The seasonal signal is visible at all measurement sites, although it was swamped for a 2-year period (1999–2001) when extraordinarily light sea-ice cover in the southern Weddell Sea during the 1997–1998 Austral summer caused an anomalously large pulse of High Salinity Shelf Water to flush beneath the ice shelf. The pulse was observed twice at an instrumented site near the Berkner Island coast, once on its way to the Filchner Depression and once after the signal had propagated around the depression and returned to the site as an anomalously large pulse of Ice Shelf Water. The timings of the signal allow an estimate of 24–30 months for the flushing timescales of the sub-ice shelf ocean cavity, indicating that the cavity is highly responsive to external forcing. A timescale for the full ventilation of the cavity of 4–5 years is obtained from the length of time the sub-ice shelf conditions take to return to their original state, a timescale significantly shorter than previous estimates.

  • This paper presents results from seismic measurements of the ice and water column thickness of the Fimbul Ice Shelf in the northeastern Weddell Sea. Seismic reflection measurements were conducted at 183 stations covering most of the ice shelf. Seismic velocities in the ice were derived from refraction measurements at 12 stations, distributed evenly across the area, as well as from temperature and density data from the Fimbul Ice Shelf. Velocities in the water were derived from temperature and salinity data from beneath the Fimbul Ice Shelf. Ice thicknesses were found to vary between 160 m and 550 m with uncertainties up to ±10 m. Water column thicknesses up to 900 m were found within the central ice shelf cavity, and values exceed 2000 m where the ice shelf overhangs the continental slope. Uncertainties in water column thickness are estimated to be ±60 m, and are dominated by the uncertainties in the shape of the seabed. Ice draft and seabed elevation was derived from ice and water column thickness assuming hydrostatic pressure. The resulting map of seabed elevation and water column thickness suggests that the strong westward flowing coastal current will be steered under the ice shelf and thus drive a sub-ice-shelf flow. Warm Deep Water does not have direct access to the ice shelf cavity, while relatively cold coastal waters shallower than 500 m will interact closely with the Fimbul Ice Shelf.

  • We present a compilation of more than 45,000 km of multichannel seismic data acquired in the last three decades in the Weddell Sea. In accordance with recent tectonic models and available drillhole information, a consistent stratigraphic model for depositional units W1–W5 is set up. In conjunction with existing aeromagnetic data, a chronostratigraphic timetable is compiled and units W1.5, W2 and W3 are tentatively dated to have ages of between 136 Ma and 114 Ma. The age of W3 is not well constrained, but might be younger than 114 Ma. The data indicate that the thickest sediments are present in the western and southern Weddell Sea. These areas formed the earliest basins in the Weddell Sea and so the distribution of Mesozoic sediments is in accordance with the tectonic development of the ocean basin. In terms of Cenozoic glacial sediments, the largest depocenters are situated in front of the Filchner–Ronne Shelf, i.e. at the Crary Fan, with a thickness of up to 3 km.

  • In previous work, whaling catch positions were used as a proxy record for the position of the Antarctic sea ice edge and mean sea ice extent greater than the present one spanning 2.8° latitude was postulated to have occurred in the pre-1950s period, compared to extents observed since 1973 from microwave satellite imagery. The previous conclusion of an extended northern latitude for ice extent in the earlier epoch applied only to the January (mid-summer) period. For this summer period, however, there are also possible differences between ship and satellite-derived measurements. Our work showed a consistent summer offset (November– December), with the ship-observed ice edge 1 - 1.5° north of the satellitederived ice edge. We further reexamine the use of whale catch as an ice edge proxy where agreement was claimed between the satellite ice edge (1973–1987) and the ship whale catch positions. This examination shows that, while there may be a linear correlation between ice edge position and whale catch data, the slope of the line deviates from unity and the ice edge is also further north in the whale catch data than in the satellite data for most latitudes. We compare the historical (direct) record and modern satellite maps of ice edge position accounting for these differences in ship and satellite observations. This comparison shows that only regional perturbations took place earlier, without significant deviations in the mean ice extents, from the pre-1950s to the post-1970s. This conclusion contradicts that previously stated from the analysis of whale catch data that indicated Antarctic sea ice extent changes were circumpolar rather than regional in nature between the two periods.

  • A 12.5 m long core was retrieved from the continental margin off Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Magnetostratigraphy, stable isotopes, 14C accelerator mass spectrometer and amino acid analyses indicate a continuous sediment record going back 1.3 Myr. Comparison of CaCO3 results with those from ODP Site 1089 and an index of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) influence in surface waters indicate that NADW upwelled along the Antarctic continental margin during the whole of this period. The mid-Pleistocene transition (1.0–0.6 Ma) was accompanied by an apparent decline in the NADW influence, and was followed by extended carbonate dissolution during the interglacials of marine isotope stages (MIS) 13 and 11. Less extensive periods of dissolution occur at the end of the interglacials younger than MIS 11. While interglacial dissolution is characteristic of the Pacific and Indian oceans, the carbon isotopes return to pre-transition values indicative of renewed NADW upwelling. The concentration of ice-rafted debris may reflect changes in the relative rate of interglacial sedimentation. It is speculated that the high ice rafted debris (IRD) concentrations during interglacials younger than 400 kyr may be due to a reduced relative sedimentation rate of other interglacial components whereas the low concentrations during interglacials before the mid-Pleistocene transition may be due to a higher relative sedimentation rate of these.

  • The distribution of calcareous dinoflagellates has been analysed for the Maastrichtian–Miocene interval of Ocean Drilling Project Hole 689B (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea). The investigation thus represents a primary evaluation of the long-term evolution in high-latitude calcareous dinoflagellate assemblages during the transition from a relatively warm Late Cretaceous to a cold Neogene climate. Major assemblage changes during this interval occurred in characteristic steps: (1) an increase in relative abundance of tangentially structured species – particularly Operculodinella operculata – at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary; (2) a diversity decrease and several first and last appearances across the Middle–Late Eocene boundary, possibly attributed to increased climate cooling; (3) a diversity decrease associated with the dominance of Calciodinellum levantinum in the late Early Oligocene; (4) the reappearance and dominance of Pirumella edgarii in the Early Miocene, probably reflecting a warming trend; (5) monogeneric assemblages dominated by Caracomia spp. denoting strong Middle Miocene cooling. The results not only extend the biogeographic ranges of many taxa into the Antarctic region, but also indicate that the evolution of high-latitude calcareous dinoflagellate assemblages parallels the changing environmental conditions in the course of the Cenozoic climate transition. Therefore, calcareous dinoflagellates contribute to our understanding of the biotic effects associated with palaeoenvironmental changes and might possess the potential for reconstructing past conditions. The flora in the core includes one new taxon: Caracomia arctica forma spinosa Hildebrand-Habel and Streng, forma nov. Additionally, two new combinations are proposed: Fuettererella deflandrei (Kamptner, 1956) Hildebrand-Habel and Streng, comb. nov. and Fuettererella flora (Fütterer, 1990) Hildebrand-Habel and Streng, comb. nov.

  • We use new data from the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf to describe water mass conversion processes in a formation region for cold and dense precursors of Antarctic Bottom Water. The cruises took place in early 1995, 1998, and 1999, and the time series obtained from moored instruments were up to 30 months in length, starting in 1995. We obtained new bathymetric data that greatly improve our definition of the Ronne Depression, which is now shown to be limited to the southwestern continental shelf and so cannot act as a conduit to northward flow from Ronne Ice Front. Large-scale intrusions of Modified Warm Deep Water (MWDW) onto the continental shelf occur along much of the shelf break, although there is only one location where the MWDW extends as far south as Ronne Ice Front. High-Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW) produced during the winter months dominates the continental shelf in the west. During summer, Ice Shelf Water (ISW) exits the subice cavity on the eastern side of the Ronne Depression, flows northwest along the ice front, and reenters the cavity at the ice front's western limit. During winter the ISW is not observed in the Ronne Depression north of the ice front. The flow of HSSW into the subice cavity via the Ronne Depression is estimated to be 0.9 ± 0.3 Sv. When combined with inflows along the remainder of Ronne Ice Front (reported elsewhere), sufficient heat is transported beneath the ice shelf to power an average basal melt rate of 0.34 ± 0.1 m yr−1.

  • The spleens of several seals from both the Arctic and the Antarctic were isolated and weighed when contracted. Spleens of the crabeater, leopard, and Weddell seals formed 0.23%, 0.39%, and 0.86% of the seals' body weights; those of the hooded and harp seals formed 0.56% and 0.35% of the seals' body weights. In these 5 phocids, a contracted spleen relates to the seal's body weight according to the equation (in which weights are in kilograms; n=26; r2=0.65): contracted spleen=0.006 (body weight)-0.11. Further, using the criterion reported in the literature that contracted spleens of hooded seal and harp seals weigh 80% less than when dilated, the sizes of dilated spleens were estimated for the 5 phocids of the study, plus that of the southern elephant seal. Dilated spleens ranged from 1 to 4% of the seal's body weight, which is in agreement with determinations of dilated spleens reported in the literature (harbor, 0.8–3.0%; harp, 1.5%; hooded, 2.2–4.0%). The general correlation among dilated spleens and the 6 phocids' body weights is: dilated spleen=0.026 (body weight)-0.39(where weights are in kilograms; n=31; r2=0.70). The size of the spleen (either contracted or dilated) from the different species of seals in this study appeared to be correlated with the diving capacity of the phocids, as given in the literature. The phocids with greater diving capacities are the ones with the larger spleens.

  • The summer of 1997 was characterized by unusually large amounts of pack ice in the southeastern Weddell Sea, and less than 10% of the area that is commonly ice-free in summer was open. A modest phytoplankton bloom developed in the upper mixed layer in the northernmost area (72°S). The bloom peaked in mid-February with max chlorophyll concentrations of 1.5 μg l−1, and integrated stocks of 55–60 mg m−2. Autotrophic flagellates dominated the biomass (80–90% of the chlorophyll) at first, while diatoms increased relative to flagellates during the bloom. Nutrient deficits, however, indicated that a much larger biomass was produced than was observed. Freezing starting after mid-February probably terminated the bloom, resulting in a pelagic growth season limited in time (less than two months) and space. The sea ice had a distinct brown layer of algae, usually at 1–2 m depth, with average chlorophyll biomass of 10.3 mg m−2. The ice cover exhibited a substantial amount of ridges, with ice algae growing in cavities and other structures, but with lower biomass than in the bands. Ice algae were also found growing on the lower 2 m of the ice shelf (visible at low tide). The overall growth season in the ice lasted several months, and ice algal production may have exceeded pelagic production in the Weddell Sea during the growth season of 1997. Pennate diatoms, like Fragilariopsis curta and F. cylindrus, dominated both in ice and in open water above the pycnocline, while Phaeocystis antarctica dominated in deeper layers and in crack pools. Euphausiids, particularly young stages, were frequently observed grazing on ice algae in ridges and on all sides of the floes, (confirmed by the gut content). Ice algae would thus have served as an ample food supply for the krill in the summer of 1997.

  • We have investigated the intermediate water mass of the central Weddell Gyre using TCO2 and oxygen data of FS Polarstern cruises in 1992, 1996 and 1998. This water mass, designated as Central Intermediate Water (CIW), is enriched in CO2 and depleted in O-2 relative to its source water due to biological degradation. CO2 enrichment and O-2 depletion were quantified by calculating the difference between the concentrations in the CIW and those in the, more southern source water, the Circumpolar Deep Water, which derives from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Inventories of enrichment and depletion were determined over the whole depth range of CIW, i.e. about 200800 m. The O-2 depletion inventory was greater than that of TCO2 enrichment which is in line with a biological origin of the signal. Spatial and interannual variation appeared to be small. Because subsurface remineralization in the central Weddell Gyre is largely restricted to the CIW, the export production estimate from previous work has been applied to compute the renewal time of CIW from these inventories. A renewal time of only three years was found. TCO2- and O-2-based computations were consistent, the former showing larger variation, though. From renewal time and volume of the CIW, a transport velocity (renewal rate) of 6-7 Sv was obtained. Of this, about I Sv is upwelled into the surface layer. The remaining 5-6 Sv CIW must be exported to the north, which is opposite to previous views. Results of water mass age and transport rate have thus been obtained using a method based on biogeochemical parameters. As the CIW cannot be identified by temperature and salinity, nor with transient tracers because it is hardly ventilated, this is the only way to obtain such results. As part of the CIW export, a large amount of remineralized CO2 enters the abyssal oceans where it is sequestered for long periods of time. The CIW is a principal and highly efficient player in the biological pump mechanism of the Southern Ocean.

  • Nitrate, phosphate and silicate data are presented from 1992 austral winter and 1998 austral autumn cruises with “FS Polarstern” in the Weddell Gyre. Because in the Weddell Gyre, away from the boundary current, the surface layer is eventually formed from upwelled deep water, the difference in nutrient concentrations between these layers can be used to compute net nutrient consumptions (identical with the export production). This method renders a value for the export production that is based on observed annual changes. The results are consistent for two years and two regions within the central gyre. The calculated net nitrate and phosphate consumptions were scaled to net carbon consumptions using canonical Redfield ratios, yielding 16–17μmolCkg−1yr−1. This equals 21±4gCm−2yr−1 as a robust estimate for the marginal ice zone. The net annual silicate consumption in the surface layer, which equals the export of biogenic silica, amounts to 15–18μmolkg−1yr−1. There is a tendency for higher values in the eastern Weddell Gyre. The estimated silicate consumption of about 1.8molSim−2yr−1 is relatively high compared to earlier estimations of biogenic silica export. The silicate to carbon consumption ratio of about 1 is very high, and documents the dominance of diatoms in the export of organic material. Résumé Sont présentées les distributions verticales de nitrate, de phosphate et de silicate en Mer de Weddell, pour les périodes de l’hiver austral 1992 et de l’automne austral 1998. Les eaux de surface du tourbillon à grande échelle de la Mer de Weddell (temps de résidence égal à 2.9 ans) sont formées par l’upwelling des eaux profondes. La différence de concentrations des sels nutritifs entre les couches profondes et de surface permettent de calculer la consommation annuelle, équivalente à la production exportée de l’élément nutritif considéré vers les couches profondes. Les résultats sont comparables pour les deux scénarios annuels étudiés. La production exportée de carbone pour les eaux de surface de la zone marginale de la glace, calculée à partir des consommations annuelles en nitrates et phosphates après transformation grâce aux rapports de Redfield, est estimée à 16–17μmolCkg−1yr−1 soit en moyenne 21±4gCm−2yr−1. La consommation annuelle de silicate est estimée à 1.8mol Si m−2yr−1, relativement élevée en comparaison des estimations antérieures. Le rapport molaire Si/C, voisin de 1 dans le matériel exporté, traduit la dominance des diatomées dans l’export de matières organiques.

  • We present the first year-long current meter records ever obtained near the floating Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf in the Weddell Sea. The currents are steered along the ice front, but in the lower layer where the bottom topography is descending toward the west the current has a component toward the ice front of about 3 cm s−1. During winter the temperature stayed near the surface freezing point, while the salinity increased, indicating that ice was formed and brine released. The seasonal variation in salinity was 0.15±0.05 psu, corresponding to the formation of 1–2 m of ice on a shelf depth of 400 m. The transport of High-Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW) into the ice shelf cavity was found to be of the order 0.5×106 m3 s−1. The production of this water due to oscillating tides and off shelf winds was found to be of the same order of magnitude. In contact with glacial ice at great depths, and because of the depression of the freezing point, the HSSW is transformed to Ice Shelf Water (ISW) by cooling and melting processes. The melting rate was estimated to 1×1011 ton yr−1. This corresponds to the melting of 0.2 m ice per year if the melting is evenly distributed over the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. If the melting is concentrated along a path from the Berkner Shelf around the Berkner Island to the Filchner Depression, then melting rates up to 7 m yr−1 must be expected. A comparison of HSSW characteristics in the Ronne Depression, our winter observations on the Berkner Shelf, and the ISW flowing out of the Filchner Depression indicates that very little water passes through the cavity from the Ronne to the Filchner Depression. It appears that most of the ISW originating from processes on the Berkner Shelf escapes the cavity in the Filchner Depression. This leaves the Berkner Shelf as the important source of ISW and subsequently of the Weddell Sea Bottom Water formed from ISW.

Last update from database: 3/1/25, 3:17 AM (UTC)



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