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The metamorphic basement of the Heimefrontfjella in western Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica) forms the western margin of the major ca. 500 million year old East African/East Antarctic Orogen that resulted from the collision of East Antarctica and greater India with the African cratons. The boundary between the tectonothermally overprinted part of the orogen and its north-western foreland is marked by the subvertical Heimefront Shear Zone. North-west of the Heimefront Shear Zone, numerous low-angle dipping ductile thrust zones cut through the Mesoproterozoic basement. Petrographic studies, optical quartz c-axis analyses and x-ray texture goniometry of quartz-rich mylonites were used to reveal the conditions that prevailed during the deformation. Mineral assemblages in thrust mylonites show that they were formed under greenschist-facies conditions. Quartz microstructures are characteristic of the subgrain rotation regime and oblique quartz lattice preferred orientations are typical of simple shear-dominated deformation. In contrast, in the Heimefront Shear Zone, quartz textures indicate mainly flattening strain with a minor dextral rotational component. These quartz microstructures and lattice preferred orientations show signs of post-tectonic annealing following the tectonic exhumation. The spatial relation between the sub-vertical Heimefront Shear Zone and the low-angle thrusts can be explained as being the result of strain partitioning during transpressive deformation. The pure-shear component with a weak dextral strike-slip was accommodated by the Heimefront Shear Zone, whereas the north–north-west directed thrusts accommodate the simple shear component with a tectonic transport towards the foreland of the orogen. Keywords: Dronning Maud Land; quartz microfabrics; X-ray texture goniometry; shear zones; mylonites.
This paper describes the significant direct and indirect contributions to science made by the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen in the period 1897–1924. It documents that his expeditions through the North-west Passage (1903–06) with Gjøa, to the South Pole (1910–12) with Fram and through the North-east Passage (1918–1920) and the Chukchi and East Siberian seas (1921–25) with Maud yielded vast amounts of published scientific material on meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, geology, palaeontology, oceanography, ethnography, zoology and botany, which, though celebrated at the time, have since received scant recognition in more recent assessments of Amundsen’s achievements. Keywords: Fridtjof Nansen; polar exploration; South Pole; North-west Passage; North-east Passage; H.U. Sverdrup.
The Vestfold Hills and Rauer Group in East Antarctica have contrasting Archean to Neoproterozoic geological histories and are believed to be juxtaposed along a suture zone that now lies beneath the Sørsdal Glacier. Exact location and age of this suture zone are unknown, as is its relationship to regional deformation associated with the amalgamation of East Gondwana. To image the suture zone, magnetotelluric (MT) data were collected in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, mainly along a profile crossing the Sørsdal Glacier and regions inland of the Vestfold Hills and Rauer Group islands. Time-frequency analysis of the MT time series yielded three important observations: (1) Wind speeds in excess of ∼8 m/s reduce coherence between electric and magnetic fields due to charged wind-blown particles of ice and snow. (2) Estimation of the MT transfer function is best between 1000 and 1400 UT when ionospheric Hall currents enhance the magnetic source field. (3) Nonplanar source field effects were minimal but detectable and removed from estimation of the MT transfer function. Inversions of MT data in 2-D and 3-D produce similar resistivity models, where structures in the preferred 3-D resistivity model correlate strongly with regional magnetic data. The electrically conductive Rauer Group is separated from the less conductive Vestfold Hills by a resistive zone under the Sørsdal Glacier, which is interpreted to be caused by oxidation during suturing. Though a suture zone has been imaged, no time constrains on suturing can be made from the MT data.
The mid-Piacenzian (~3 Ma) represents the most recent warm period in Earth's history on a geological time scale; it is characterized by a significant rise of global sea level. The simulation of the size and location of the ice sheets and the investigation of the uncertainty in the simulations are potentially helpful for constraining reconstructed sea level changes. In this study, we focus on the behavior of the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) in the mid-Piacenzian. We investigate the influence of topography correction, model parameters, climate forcings, and model resolution on the modeled AIS and explore the isolated role of atmospheric and oceanic forcings. Forced by the simulated climate changes with the Norwegian Earth System Model, the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (15 km × 15 km) produces a nearly collapsed West AIS (WAIS) in the mid-Piacenzian, with no significant retreat of the East AIS (EAIS). The role of increased air temperature plays a key role in the mass loss of the mid-Piacenzian AIS, while its role is comparable to the role of ocean warming on the melting of the WAIS. In terms of the range of sea level changes, the largest source of uncertainty in the modeled AIS is derived from ice sheet model parameters and climate forcings. Although the employed model parameters, topography correction factors, and model resolution affect the simulated AIS in the mid-Piacenzian, large-scale deglaciation of the EAIS in our sensitivity experiments may only be possible with additional warming.
The geology of East Antarctica and its correlation in major supercontinents is highly speculative, since only a very small part of it is exposed. Therefore a better connection between geology and geophysics is needed in order to correlate exposed regions with ice-covered, geophysically-defined, blocks. In Dronning Maud Land (DML), two distinct late Mesoproterozoic/early Neoproterozoic tectono-metamorphic provinces appear, separated by the major, NE-trending Forster Magnetic Anomaly and South Orvin Shear Zone. To the west of this lineament, the Maud Belt has clear affinities with Grenville-age continent-continent mobile belts. East of the Forster Magnetic Anomaly, juvenile rocks with early Neoproterozoic age (Rayner-age) and an accretionary character crop out. The international GEA-II expedition (2012) targeted a white spot on the geological map immediately to the E of the Forster Magnetic Anomaly. This area allows the characterization and ground-truthing of a large and mostly ice-covered region, the SE DML Province that had previously been interpreted as an older cratonic block. However, new SHRIMP/SIMS zircon analyses and their geochemistry indicates that the exposed basement consists of a ca. 1000-900 Ma juvenile terrane that is very similar to rocks in Sor Rondane. It lacks significant metamorphic overprint at the end of crust formation, but it shows medium to high-grade overprinting between ca. 630-520 Ma, associated with significant felsic melt production, including A-type granitoid magmatism. Therefore, the aeromagnetically distinct SE DML province does neither represent the foreland of a Late Neoproterozoic/EarlyPaleozoic mobile belt, nor a craton, as has previously been speculated. It more likely represents the more juvenile, westward continuation of Rayner-age crust (1000-900 Ma). To the west it abuts along the NE-trending Forster Magnetic Anomaly. The latter is interpreted as a suture, which separates typical Grenville-age crust of the Maud Belt (ca. 1200-1030 Ma) to the W from Rayner-age crust to the E. Therefore the larger eastern part of DML has clearly Indian affinities. Its juvenile character with a lack of metamorphic overprint at the end of crust formation points to an accretionary history along this part of the Indian segment of Rodinia, immediately following final Rodinia assembly.
This article highlights the field geology, geochronology and geochemistry of an important and previously unstudied region between eastern (Sør Rondane Mountains) and central Dronning Maud Land (DML). The area allows the characterisation and ground-truthing of a large and mostly ice-covered area that is geophysically distinct and which was previously interpreted as a potentially older cratonic block south of a Late Neoproterozoic/Early Paleozoic (LN/EP) mobile belt, as exposed in the Sør Rondane Mts. (SRM). SHRIMP/SIMS zircon analyses of 20 samples together with new geochemistry indicate that the exposed basement consists of a ca. 1000–900Ma juvenile terrane that is very similar to the juvenile rocks of the SW-Terrane of the SRM, a characteristic gabbro–trondhjemite–tonalite–granite (GTTG) suite, with normalised trace element patterns typical for subduction-related magmas and mostly positive initial epsilon Nd values. The area shows strong LN/EP crustal reworking, migmatisation and melt production, including 560–530Ma A-type magmatism. Therefore, this area is very similar to the SW-Terrane and differs only in the degree of LN/EP reworking. We interpret the SW-Terrane of Sør Rondane as a mega-boudin sandwiched in between rheologically weaker portions of similar oceanic arc terranes. Therefore, the study area, and thereby the aeromagnetically distinct SE DML province does neither represent the foreland of a LN/EP mobile belt, nor a craton, as speculated based on geophysical data alone. Instead, a large Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane (TOAST) with significant extent emerges. Its western limit is represented by the Forster Magnetic Anomaly, which represents a suture to the Grenville-age Maud Belt. East of the TOAST, the Rayner Complex is similar in age but otherwise distinctly different. The Rayner Complex has a much longer history of island arc accretions with continent–continent collision at ca. 950Ma and it has markedly more evolved crust. In contrast, the TOAST has a pronounced juvenile character without significant inheritance and lacks metamorphic overprint immediately following crust formation. This indicates that it has not been an integral part of Rodinia. The eastern boundary of the TOAST is probably in the vicinity of the Yamato Mts., whilst its northern extension might be seen in the Vohibori Terrane (SW Madagascar), which in turn could correlate with the Arabian Nubian Shield. The LN/EP tectono-metamorphic overprint of the TOAST shows a slight decrease in ages from W to E, possibly indicating that it first amalgamated on its Kalahari side before it was attached to Rukerland/Indo-Antarctica.
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is considered the most unstable part of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. As the WAIS is mostly grounded below sea level, its stability is of great concern. A collapse of large parts of the WAIS would result in a significant global sea-level rise. At present, the WAIS shows dramatic ice loss in its Amundsen Sea sector, especially in Pine Island Bay. Pine Island Glacier (PIG) is characterised by fast flow, major thinning and rapid grounding-line retreat. Its mass los over recent decades is generally attributed to melting caused by the inflow of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW). Future melting of PIG may result in a sea level tipping point, because it could trigger widespread collapse of the WAIS, especially when considering ongoing climate change.
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is considered the most unstable part of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. As the WAIS is mostly grounded below sea level, its stability is of great concern. A collapse of large parts of the WAIS would result in a significant global sea-level rise. At present, the WAIS shows dramatic ice loss in its Amundsen Sea sector, especially in Pine Island Bay. Pine Island Glacier (PIG) is characterised by fast flow, major thinning and rapid grounding-line retreat. Its mass los over recent decades is generally attributed to melting caused by the inflow of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW). Future melting of PIG may result in a sea level tipping point, because it could trigger widespread collapse of the WAIS, especially when considering ongoing climate change.
Structural investigations in western Sør Rondane, eastern Dronning Maud Land (DML), provide new insights into the tectonic evolution of East Antarctica. One of the main structural features is the approximately 120 km long and several hundred meters wide WSW-ENE trending Main Shear Zone (MSZ). It is characterized by dextral high-strain ductile deformation under peak amphibolite-facies conditions. Crosscutting relationships with dated magmatic rocks bracket the activity of the MSZ between late Ediacaran to Cambrian times (circa 560 to 530 Ma). The MSZ separates Pan-African greenschist- to granulite-facies metamorphic rocks with “East African” affinities in the north from a Rayner-age early Neoproterozoic gabbro-tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite complex with “Indo-Antarctic” affinities in the south. It is interpreted to represent an important lithotectonic strike-slip boundary at a position close to the eastern margin of the East African-Antarctic Orogen (EAAO), which is assumed to be located farther south in the ice-covered region. Together with the possibly coeval left-lateral South Orvin Shear Zone in central DML, the MSZ may be related to NE directed lateral escape of the EAAO, whereas the Heimefront Shear Zone and South Kirwanveggen Shear Zone of western DML are part of the south directed branch of this bilateral system.
The geology of Sør Rondane has been the focus of intense research and occupies a key position for reconstructing the late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic geodynamic evolution in eastern Dronning Maud Land (DML). Sør Rondane appears to be located close to the supposed intersection of the East African-Antarctic Orogen (EAAO) and the Kuunga Orogen. The western part of Sør Rondane is subdivided in two distinct terranes. The amphibolite to granulite-facies NE terrane is mainly composed of metasupracrustal rocks, with detrital zircon ages in part younger than 750 Ma, deposited on older basement of unknown, possibly Rayner-type, crust (Shiraishi et al., 2008). Metamorphism has been dated by U-Pb on zircon at ca. 640-600 Ma and amphibolite-facies retrogression dated at ca. 590-530 Ma. The SW terrane is subdivided by the Main Shear Zone (MSZ) into two lithothectonic units, i.e. Pan- African greenschist- to granulite-facies metamorphic rocks with “East African” affinities in the N and a Rayner-age early Neoproterozoic gabbro-tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (GTTG) complex with “Indo-Antarctic” affinities in the S. The GTTG complex has suffered Pan-African greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies thermal overprint, but also contains large domains with only weak deformation except for its northern margin close to the MSZ. The deformation there is related to high shear strain along this structure. New zircon crystallisation ages of the GTTG cluster around 1000-930 Ma. It is interpreted to have formed along a juvenile oceanic arc, in which the wide age range might indicate a long-lasting accretionary orogen. The MSZ is characterized by a right-lateral sense of movement and high-strain ductile deformation under peak amphibolite-facies conditions. The structure can be traced over a distance of ca. 120 km between Lågkollane in the W and Lunckeryggen in the E and reaches several hundred meters in width. The MSZ cannot be traced further to the W where it seems to terminate at the north-eastern border of the NW-SE oriented prominent magnetically defined SE DML Province. The north-eastern border zone may coincide with a significant dextral shear zone that runs from the Schirmacher Oasis into the region S of Sør Rondane (Schirmacher- Rondane Lineament). The SE DML Province most likely consists of Rayner-age (1000-900 Ma) crust with evidence of intense Pan-African reworking indicated by new geochronological data and was part of a large Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane (TOAST). The continuation of the MSZ into eastern Sør Rondane and beyond is not clear either, since it appears to terminate at a N-S oriented region with low magnetic signatures (central Sør Rondane corridor) that is possibly related to extensional tectonics. Crosscutting relationships with dated magmatic rocks bracket the activity of the MSZ between Latest Ediacaran to Cambrian times (c. 560- 530 Ma). Based on new combined aeromagnetic and structural results from a four-seasons survey of the greater Sør Rondane region, we propose that the crustal structural architecture of eastern DML and is strongly influenced by N-directed (with Africa/Antarctica restored to its original position in Gondwana) lateral extrusion of the EAAO. This process was likely driven by the combination of (i) indentation of the SE DML block towards the conjugate stable Kalahari- Grunehogna cratonic foreland, (ii) extensional collapse of the previously (c. 580-550 Ma) thickened and gravitational instable crust of central DML, and (iii) large-scale tectonic escape of crustal blocks in eastern DML along major shear zones such as the Schirmacher Rondane Lineament and MSZ towards an unconstrained yet unknown region at a lateral position of the EAAO.
The paleo-topography of East Antarctica is highly relevant for the development of the East Antarctic ice-sheet. This ice-sheet originated probably as small ice caps and in the elevated areas of the cratons in East Antarctica around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. East Antarctica contains three mountain ranges: the latitudinal Dronning Maud Land Mountains (DML), the longitudinal Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) and the sub-glacial Gamburtsev Mountains (GM). The 1500 km long, coast-parallel Dronning Maud Land Mountains probably resulted in a significant amount of precipitation prior to the initiation of the 34 Ma glaciation history of East Antarctica. Thus, the paleo-topography should be used as an important input parameter for the glaciation history.
The Weddell Sea sector is one of the main formation sites for Antarctic Bottom Water and an outlet for about one fifth of Antarctica's continental ice volume. Over the last few decades, studies on glacial–geological records in this sector have provided conflicting reconstructions of changes in ice-sheet extent and ice-sheet thickness since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM at ca 23–19 calibrated kiloyears before present, cal ka BP). Terrestrial geomorphological records and exposure ages obtained from rocks in the hinterland of the Weddell Sea, ice-sheet thickness constraints from ice cores and some radiocarbon dates on offshore sediments were interpreted to indicate no significant ice thickening and locally restricted grounding-line advance at the LGM. Other marine geological and geophysical studies concluded that subglacial bedforms mapped on the Weddell Sea continental shelf, subglacial deposits and sediments over-compacted by overriding ice recovered in cores, and the few available radiocarbon ages from marine sediments are consistent with major ice-sheet advance at the LGM. Reflecting the geological interpretations, different ice-sheet models have reconstructed conflicting LGM ice-sheet configurations for the Weddell Sea sector. Consequently, the estimated contributions of ice-sheet build-up in the Weddell Sea sector to the LGM sea-level low-stand of ∼130 m vary considerably. In this paper, we summarise and review the geological records of past ice-sheet margins and past ice-sheet elevations in the Weddell Sea sector. We compile marine and terrestrial chronological data constraining former ice-sheet size, thereby highlighting different levels of certainty, and present two alternative scenarios of the LGM ice-sheet configuration, including time-slice reconstructions for post-LGM grounding-line retreat. Moreover, we discuss consistencies and possible reasons for inconsistencies between the various reconstructions and propose objectives for future research. The aim of our study is to provide two alternative interpretations of glacial–geological datasets on Antarctic Ice-Sheet History for the Weddell Sea sector, which can be utilised to test and improve numerical ice-sheet models.
A robust understanding of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglacial history since the Last Glacial Maximum is important in order to constrain ice sheet and glacial-isostatic adjustment models, and to explore the forcing mechanisms responsible for ice sheet retreat. Such understanding can be derived from a broad range of geological and glaciological datasets and recent decades have seen an upsurge in such data gathering around the continent and Sub-Antarctic islands. Here, we report a new synthesis of those datasets, based on an accompanying series of reviews of the geological data, organised by sector. We present a series of timeslice maps for 20 ka, 15 ka, 10 ka and 5 ka, including grounding line position and ice sheet thickness changes, along with a clear assessment of levels of confidence. The reconstruction shows that the Antarctic Ice sheet did not everywhere reach the continental shelf edge at its maximum, that initial retreat was asynchronous, and that the spatial pattern of deglaciation was highly variable, particularly on the inner shelf. The deglacial reconstruction is consistent with a moderate overall excess ice volume and with a relatively small Antarctic contribution to meltwater pulse 1a. We discuss key areas of uncertainty both around the continent and by time interval, and we highlight potential priorities for future work. The synthesis is intended to be a resource for the modelling and glacial geological community.
The breakup of Gondwana is manifested by coeval early Jurassic Karoo magmatism in South Africa and East Antarctica. In South Africa, the large volumes of volcanic rocks of the adjoining Lebombo and Mwenetzi-Save monoclines represent a volcanic rift margin, and in East Antarctica, a corresponding feature, the Explora Wedge is buried below sediments and floating ice shelves on the continental margin of Dronning Maud Land. We use the seismic vibrator source to explore the sub-ice geology in Antarctica, and the new seismic reflection and available regional aeromagnetic data enable us to outline a dogleg landward extent of the Explora Wedge in Dronning Maud Land. The congruent inboard wedge geometries on the two continents define a high quality constraint, which facilitate for the first time, a geologically consistent and tight reconstruction of Africa relative to East Antarctica within Gondwana. The uncertainties in correlations of major geological features (mobile belts) from one continent to the other may now be of the order of ten's of kilometers rather than hundreds of kilometers.
Nearly three decades of stable isotope ratios and surface mass balance (SMB) data from eight shallow firn cores retrieved at Fimbul Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, in the Austral summers 2009–2011 have been investigated. An additional longer core drilled in 2000/2001 extends the series back to the early eighteenth century. Isotope ratios and SMB from the stacked record of all cores were also related to instrumental temperature data from Neumayer Station on Ekström Ice Shelf. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the SMB shows a statistically significant negative trend, whereas the δ18O of the cores shows a significant positive trend. No trend is found in air temperature at the nearest suitable weather station, Neumayer (available since 1981). This does not correspond to the statistically significant positive trend in Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index, which is usually associated with a cooling of East Antarctica. SAM index and SMB are negatively correlated, which might be explained by a decrease in meridional exchange of energy and moisture leading to lower precipitation amounts. Future monitoring of climate change on the sensitive Antarctic ice shelves is necessary to assess its consequences for sea level change.
Effective management of contaminated land requires a sound understanding of site geology, chemistry and biology. This is particularly the case for Antarctica and the Arctic, which function using different legislative frame- works to those of industrialized, temperate environments and are logistically challenging environments to operate in. This paper reviews seven remediation technologies currently used, or demonstrating potential for on-site or in situ use at metal-contaminated sites in polar environments, namely permeable reactive barriers (PRB), chemical fixation, bioremediation, phytoremediation, electrokinetic separation, land capping, and pump and treat systems. The technologies reviewed are discussed in terms of their advantages, limitations and overall potential for the management of metal-contaminated sites in Antarctica and the Arctic. This review demonstrates that several of the reviewed technologies show potential for on-site or in situ usage in Antarctica and the Arctic. Of the reviewed technologies, chemical fixation and PRB are particularly promising technologies for metal-contaminated sites in polar environments. However, further research and relevant field trials are required before these technologies can be considered proven techniques. Keywords: Polar; heavy metals; remediation; contaminants; in situ
East Antarctica probably formed by amalgamation of a number of cratons along distinct Ediacaran mobile belts, including the ca. 600-500 Ma East African-Antarctic Orogen (EAAO) that dissects Dronning Maud Land (DML). New field-work during the international expeditions Geodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica (GEA) I + II in the austral summers 2010/11 and 2011/12, and first geochronological results from eastern DML reveal a complex tectonic architecture across the belt. In western DML, the EAAO reworks older Mesoproterozoic crust of the Maud Belt; the westernmost boundary of the mobile belt is characterized by a major dextral transpressional shear zone. In central DML, a major magnetic anomaly, the Forster anomaly, was interpreted as a cryptic suture of the EAAO (Riedel et al. 2012). The area where the Forster anomaly crosses the DML mountains is poorly investigated so far, but appears to coincide with a major strike slip shear zone in the southern Kurze Mts. and the occurrence of major Ediacaran granulite bodies. East of the Forster anomaly, the magnetic anomaly pattern changes significantly and typical Maud type crust is not present any longer. GEA II targeted a range of nunataks between Sør Rondane and central DML that had never been visited previously (from Blåklettane and Bergekongen in the E to Urna and Sørsteinen in the W). These nunataks are dominated by medium- to high-grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of possibly Neoproterozoic age, including abundant marble and graphite schists. Sør Rondane in eastern DML, is dominated by two distinct blocks separated by the dextral Main Shear Zone. The northwestern block is still part of the eastern EAAO, where new SHRIMP zircon data from metamorphic rims provide ages of ca. 560 Ma. The southeastern block is made up of a TTG terrane, which provides four new SHRIMP zircon dates between 990-980 Ma, interpreted as igneous crystallization ages (oceanic arc). The TTG terrane shows limited tectonic overprint and is likely the southeastern foreland of the EAAO. Close to the contact of the two blocks grey geisses and augen-gneisses gave zircon crystallization ages of ca. 750 Ma, ages which were previously unknown from the EAAO. The Forster anomaly therefore separates distinctly different parts of the EAAO: a) a reworked, mainly Grenville-age crust to the W (the overprinted margin of the Kalahari Craton) and b) a part of the orogen dominated by Neoproterozoic accretionary tectonics to the E. This difference is also reflected in the geochemistry of voluminous late-tectonics granitoids across the belt.
Central Dronning Maud Land (CDML) in East Antarctica is an important region for understanding Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinent cycles. Zircon U-Pb dating and Hf-O isotopic data revealed by extensive sampling across CDML provide constraints on the timing and source of main magmatism and new insights into the crustal composition and evolution. SIMS zircon U-Pb ages indicate multi-stage magmatic activities from Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian times at 1160-1130 Ma, 1115-1100 Ma, 1090-1070 Ma, 780-750 Ma, 645-600 Ma and 530-485 Ma, as well as Mesoproterozoic metamorphism at 1085-1050 Ma recorded by zircon rims. This region was subjected a large-scale and long-lasting high-grade metamorphism during 600-500 Ma. Most 1160-1080 Ma granitic rocks exhibit εHf (t) values ranging from +5 and +8 and δ18O slightly higher than mantle value (6-7 ‰), indicating a main derivation from juvenile crust. The involvement of Paleoproterozoic continental materials, which were most likely from adjacent Kalahari Craton, is attested by minor samples with negative to neutral εHf (t) and significantly elevated δ18O values (8-10 ‰). The late Neoproterozoic (750-600 Ma) rocks, including anorthosite, charnockite and granite, display an evolved Hf isotopic composition and high δ18O values (7.5-9 ‰), suggesting a significant addition of crust-derived materials into the source. The data imply that in CDML, late Mesoproterozoic (Grenville-age) magmatism during the assembly of Rodinia is dominated by the addition of new crust with subordinate reworking of ancient crust. Subsequent subduction process associated with the break-up of Rodinia and assembly of Gondwana largely witnessed recycling of previous continental components. Combined with whole-rock geochemistry, it is speculated that the accretionary process along the Maud margin of Kalahari Craton lasted from the Mesoproterozoic, across the late Tonian (750 Ma) until Ediacaran to suture west and east Gondwana blocks.
Maitri Station (70.76°S; 11.73°E) is located in Schirmacher Oasis, a coastal nunatak in north-central Dronning Maud Land covering an area of 35 km2. Here, we report results from the first magnetotelluric experiments and delineate the deep electrical conductivity structure under Schirmacher Oasis using the data acquired during the 24th Indian Antarctic Scientific Expedition. The magnetotelluric method has the advantage of shallow to deeper level coverage as the data acquisition covers a wide frequency band of 10-3103 Hz, permitting different penetration depths depending on the frequency and conductivity of the layer under investigation. The modelling results indicate the presence of a highly resistive (8000-10 000 ohm m) upper crust, which shows a lateral variation in thickness from 20 km (below site 6) in the east to 10 km (between sites 1 and 2) in the west. It is underlain by a less resistive (500-600 ohm m) lower crust. The highly resistive upper crustal structure supports the existing notion that western Dronning Maud Land is a stable, cratonic platform. Results of free-air gravity, seismic, geomagnetic and surface wave dispersion investigations in East Antarctica also indicate a cratonic-type crust. The results of our study allow us to identify a westward thinning of the upper crust with a marked boundary between sites 1 and 2. We also find evidence for the continuity of the Mozambique mobile belt in East Antarctica on the western side of Schirmacher Oasis. Keywords: Magnetotellurics; Schirmacher Oasis crustal structure; East Antarctica; Mozambique Belt; electrical conductivity.
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- Den norske antarktisekspedisjonen 1956-60 (1)
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- Det internasjonale geofysiske år (IGY) 1957/1958 (1)
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- Geomorphology (1)
- geostatistikk (1)
- geovitenskap (3)
- Glacial history (1)
- glasiologi (33)
- global oppvarming (1)
- grunnvann (1)
- havbunnen (5)
- havis (5)
- havnivå (1)
- havnivåstigning (4)
- havrett (1)
- havstrømmer (1)
- Hertha (skip) (1)
- historie (1)
- holocene (1)
- hvalfangere (11)
- hvalfangst (6)
- hydrogeologi (1)
- hydrologi (1)
- Ice sheet (1)
- Ice Shelf (1)
- IGY 1957-58 (1)
- innlandsis (10)
- innsjøer (1)
- internasjonal (1)
- internasjonal samarbeid (1)
- is (1)
- isberg (1)
- isbre (1)
- isbreer (3)
- isbrem (2)
- issfjell (1)
- isshelf (4)
- isstrøm (2)
- jord (1)
- jordmagnetiske målinger (1)
- jordmagnetisme (1)
- Kapp Adare (10)
- kart (2)
- kartlegging (6)
- kjemi (3)
- klimaendringer (11)
- klimamodeller (2)
- klimatologi (5)
- konferanse (4)
- kongress (2)
- kontinentalmargin (2)
- kontinentalsokkel (1)
- kryosfæren (1)
- langhalekreps (1)
- Last Glacial Maximum (1)
- litosfæren (1)
- M/V Polarsirkel (1)
- magnetostratigrafi (1)
- magnetotelluriske eksperimenter (1)
- magnetotelluriske målinger (1)
- marin biologi (3)
- marin geofysikk (3)
- marin geologi (4)
- marin økologi (1)
- maringeologi (2)
- Maudheimekspedisjonen (7)
- menneskelig påvirkning (1)
- meteorologi (11)
- mikrobielle organismer (1)
- mikrobiologi (1)
- miljøendringer (1)
- mineraler (3)
- mineralogi (7)
- Modelling (1)
- mylonitter (1)
- NARE 1976/77 (6)
- NARE 1978/79 (2)
- NARE 1984/85 (5)
- NARE 1989/90 (5)
- NARE 1991/92 (1)
- NARE 1992/93 (1)
- NARE 1996/97 (3)
- NARE ekspedisjoner (3)
- NAX (1)
- NBSAE 1949-52 (8)
- Nordmenn (1)
- Norge (1)
- Norsk-britisk-svenske antarktisekspedisjon (8)
- Norsk Polarinstitutt (2)
- Norvegia ekspedisjonen (2)
- Norvegia ekspedisjoner (2)
- Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1968-69 (1)
- NSBX 1949-52 (9)
- nunataker (5)
- observasjoner (1)
- Odd I (1)
- oppdagelsesreiser (20)
- ornitologi (3)
- oseanografi (15)
- overflatesnø (1)
- overvintring (8)
- paleobiologi (1)
- paleobotanikk (1)
- paleogeografi (4)
- paleoglasiologi (1)
- paleoklimatologi (8)
- paleolimnologi (1)
- paleomagnetisme (2)
- paleontologi (9)
- paleoøkologi (1)
- paleoseanografi (2)
- permafrost (3)
- Peter I. Øy (5)
- petrografi (10)
- petrologi (17)
- polarekspedisjoner (6)
- polarområdene (10)
- polarpolitikk (1)
- radioaktivitet (1)
- Radiocarbon dating (1)
- ressurser (3)
- Roald Amundsen (1)
- Rosshavet (5)
- satellitt bilder (1)
- Scotiahavet (1)
- Sea level (1)
- sedimenter (2)
- sedimentologi (3)
- seismologi (5)
- selfangst (5)
- Seymourøya (1)
- sjøis (1)
- snø (1)
- snø akkumulasjon (1)
- Sørishavet (28)
- Southern Cross (8)
- stabile isotoper (3)
- stratigrafi (8)
- subglasial innsjø (1)
- svaneøgler (1)
- Sydpolen (4)
- Sydpolsekspedisjonen (1)
- symposium (6)
- tektonikk (10)
- termokronologi (2)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjon (1)
- tidevann (1)
- tidevannsmålinger (1)
- topografi (8)
- Troll forskningsstasjon (2)
- tungmetaller (1)
- turisme (1)
- vannmasser (1)
- vannvirvler (1)
- Vestantarktis (4)
- Victoria Land (7)
- vitenskap (1)
- vulkaner (9)
- vulkanologi (1)
- Weddellhavet (17)
- zoologi (13)
Resource type
- Book (17)
- Book Section (39)
- Conference Paper (14)
- Document (7)
- Journal Article (127)
- Manuscript (1)
- Report (4)
- Thesis (3)
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (11)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (4)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (2)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (2)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (3)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (6)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (11)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (23)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (28)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (19)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (36)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (37)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (30)