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Basal melt is a major cause of ice shelf thinning affecting the stability of the ice shelf and reducing its buttressing effect on the inland ice. The Fimbul ice shelf (FIS) in Dronning Maud Land (DML), East Antarctica, is fed by the fast-flowing Jutulstraumen glacier, responsible for 10% of ice discharge from the DML sector of the ice sheet. Current estimates of the basal melt rates of the FIS come from regional ocean models, autosub measurements, and satellite observations, which vary considerably. This discrepancy hampers evaluation of the stability of the Jutulstraumen catchment. Here, we present estimates of basal melt rates of the FIS using ground-based interferometric radar. We find a low average basal melt rate on the order of 1 m/yr, with the highest rates located at the ice shelf front, which extends beyond the continental shelf break. Furthermore, our results provide evidence for a significant seasonal variability.
Traditional methods of deriving temporal variability of Antarctic ice-shelf elevation from satellite altimetry use a fixed (“Eulerian”) reference frame, where the measured changes include advection of ice thickness gradients between measurement epochs. We present a new method which removes advection effects by using an independent velocity field to compare elevations in a moving (“Lagrangian”) reference frame. Applying the technique to ICESat laser altimetry for the period 2003–2009 over the two largest Antarctic ice shelves, Ross and Filchner-Ronne, we show that the Lagrangian approach reduces the variability of derived elevation changes by about 50% compared to the Eulerian approach and reveals clearer spatial patterns of elevation change. The method simplifies the process of estimating basal mass budget from the residual of all other processes that contribute to ice-shelf elevation changes. We use field data and ICESat measurements over ice rises and the grounded ice sheet to account for surface accumulation and changes in firn air content, and remove the effect of ice-flow divergence using surface velocity and ice thickness data. The results show highest basal melt rates (>5 m a−1) near the deep grounding lines of major ice streams, but smaller melt rates (<5 m a−1) near the ice-shelf fronts are equally important to total meltwater production since they occur over larger areas. Integrating over the entire ice-shelf areas, we obtain basal mass budgets of −50 ± 64 Gt a−1 for Ross and −124 ± 66 Gt a−1 for Filchner-Ronne, with changes in firn air content as the largest error source.
Nearly three decades of stable isotope ratios and surface mass balance (SMB) data from eight shallow firn cores retrieved at Fimbul Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, in the Austral summers 2009–2011 have been investigated. An additional longer core drilled in 2000/2001 extends the series back to the early eighteenth century. Isotope ratios and SMB from the stacked record of all cores were also related to instrumental temperature data from Neumayer Station on Ekström Ice Shelf. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the SMB shows a statistically significant negative trend, whereas the δ18O of the cores shows a significant positive trend. No trend is found in air temperature at the nearest suitable weather station, Neumayer (available since 1981). This does not correspond to the statistically significant positive trend in Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index, which is usually associated with a cooling of East Antarctica. SAM index and SMB are negatively correlated, which might be explained by a decrease in meridional exchange of energy and moisture leading to lower precipitation amounts. Future monitoring of climate change on the sensitive Antarctic ice shelves is necessary to assess its consequences for sea level change.
The effects of nunataks on temperature profiles and wind patterns are studied using simulations from the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Simulations are compared to hourly observations from an automatic weather station located at the Troll Research Station in Dronning Maud Land. Areas of bare ground have been implemented in the model, and the simulations correspond well with meteorological measurements acquired during the 4 day simulation period. The nunataks are radiatively heated during daytime, and free convection occurs in the overlying atmospheric boundary layer. The inflow below the updraft forces strong horizontal convergence at the surface, whereas weaker divergence appears aloft. In a control run with a completely ice-covered surface, the convection is absent. In situ observations carried out by a remotely controlled balloon and a small model airplane compare well with model temperature profiles, but these are only available over the ice field upwind to the nunatak.
East Antarctica probably formed by amalgamation of a number of cratons along distinct Ediacaran mobile belts, including the ca. 600-500 Ma East African-Antarctic Orogen (EAAO) that dissects Dronning Maud Land (DML). New field-work during the international expeditions Geodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica (GEA) I + II in the austral summers 2010/11 and 2011/12, and first geochronological results from eastern DML reveal a complex tectonic architecture across the belt. In western DML, the EAAO reworks older Mesoproterozoic crust of the Maud Belt; the westernmost boundary of the mobile belt is characterized by a major dextral transpressional shear zone. In central DML, a major magnetic anomaly, the Forster anomaly, was interpreted as a cryptic suture of the EAAO (Riedel et al. 2012). The area where the Forster anomaly crosses the DML mountains is poorly investigated so far, but appears to coincide with a major strike slip shear zone in the southern Kurze Mts. and the occurrence of major Ediacaran granulite bodies. East of the Forster anomaly, the magnetic anomaly pattern changes significantly and typical Maud type crust is not present any longer. GEA II targeted a range of nunataks between Sør Rondane and central DML that had never been visited previously (from Blåklettane and Bergekongen in the E to Urna and Sørsteinen in the W). These nunataks are dominated by medium- to high-grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of possibly Neoproterozoic age, including abundant marble and graphite schists. Sør Rondane in eastern DML, is dominated by two distinct blocks separated by the dextral Main Shear Zone. The northwestern block is still part of the eastern EAAO, where new SHRIMP zircon data from metamorphic rims provide ages of ca. 560 Ma. The southeastern block is made up of a TTG terrane, which provides four new SHRIMP zircon dates between 990-980 Ma, interpreted as igneous crystallization ages (oceanic arc). The TTG terrane shows limited tectonic overprint and is likely the southeastern foreland of the EAAO. Close to the contact of the two blocks grey geisses and augen-gneisses gave zircon crystallization ages of ca. 750 Ma, ages which were previously unknown from the EAAO. The Forster anomaly therefore separates distinctly different parts of the EAAO: a) a reworked, mainly Grenville-age crust to the W (the overprinted margin of the Kalahari Craton) and b) a part of the orogen dominated by Neoproterozoic accretionary tectonics to the E. This difference is also reflected in the geochemistry of voluminous late-tectonics granitoids across the belt.
One-year long records of temperature, salinity, and currents show seasonally varying, energetic oscillations with a dominant period of approximately 35 h on the upper continental slope of the southern Weddell Sea. The data set is sampled by five moorings deployed on the slope of the Crary Fan, east of the main outflow site of the Filchner overflow plume. The characteristics of the observed oscillations are compared to idealized coastal trapped waves inferred from a numerical code. The variability at 35 h period is identified as mode 1 waves with wavelengths less than 200 km and group velocity opposing the phase speed, indicating energy propagation toward east. Filchner Depression and the nearby ridges on the slope are suggested as the generation site where the dynamics associated with the overflow plume can force the variability. Historical time series at the overflow site are revisited to identify the source of previously reported variability at 3 and 6 day time scales. Mode 2 waves at wavelengths of about 100 and 1000 km were found to bear resemblance to the 3 day and 6 day variability, respectively. The seasonal variation in the energy in the 35 h band shows small but significant correlation with the low frequency easterly winds. The presence of coastal trapped waves along the continental slope of the Weddell Sea can increase the heat exchange across the shelf break and affect the dense water production rates.
Maitri Station (70.76°S; 11.73°E) is located in Schirmacher Oasis, a coastal nunatak in north-central Dronning Maud Land covering an area of 35 km2. Here, we report results from the first magnetotelluric experiments and delineate the deep electrical conductivity structure under Schirmacher Oasis using the data acquired during the 24th Indian Antarctic Scientific Expedition. The magnetotelluric method has the advantage of shallow to deeper level coverage as the data acquisition covers a wide frequency band of 10-3103 Hz, permitting different penetration depths depending on the frequency and conductivity of the layer under investigation. The modelling results indicate the presence of a highly resistive (8000-10 000 ohm m) upper crust, which shows a lateral variation in thickness from 20 km (below site 6) in the east to 10 km (between sites 1 and 2) in the west. It is underlain by a less resistive (500-600 ohm m) lower crust. The highly resistive upper crustal structure supports the existing notion that western Dronning Maud Land is a stable, cratonic platform. Results of free-air gravity, seismic, geomagnetic and surface wave dispersion investigations in East Antarctica also indicate a cratonic-type crust. The results of our study allow us to identify a westward thinning of the upper crust with a marked boundary between sites 1 and 2. We also find evidence for the continuity of the Mozambique mobile belt in East Antarctica on the western side of Schirmacher Oasis. Keywords: Magnetotellurics; Schirmacher Oasis crustal structure; East Antarctica; Mozambique Belt; electrical conductivity.
Using a ground-based microwave radiometer at Troll Station, Antarctica (72°S, 2.5°E,L = 4.76), we have observed a decrease of 20–70% in the mesospheric ozone, coincident with increased nitric oxide, between 60 km and 75 km altitude associated with energetic electron precipitation (E > 30 keV) during a moderate geomagnetic storm (minimum Dst of −79 nT) in late July 2009. NOAA satellite data were used to identify the precipitating particles and to characterize their energy, spatial distribution and temporal variation over Antarctica during this isolated storm. Both the ozone decrease and nitric oxide increase initiate with the onset of the storm, and persist for several days after the precipitation ends, descending in the downward flow of the polar vortex. These combined data present a unique case study of the temporal and spatial morphology of chemical changes induced by electron precipitation during moderate geomagnetic storms, indicating that these commonplace events can cause significant effects on the middle mesospheric ozone distribution.
Constraining the spatial variation of englacial radar attenuation is critical for accurate inference of the spatial variation of the englacial and basal properties of ice sheets from radar returned power. Here we evaluate attenuation models that account for spatial variations in ice temperature and chemistry and test them along the flowline that passes through the Vostok ice core site, Antarctica. The simplest model, often used but rarely valid, assumes a uniform attenuation rate everywhere along the flowline, so that total attenuation is proportional to ice thickness. The next simplest model uses spatially varying temperatures predicted by an ice-flow model and assumes uniform chemistry. Additional models account for spatially varying chemistry using englacial stratigraphy. We find that the roundtrip attenuation to the bed can easily differ by 10 dB or more between the uniform attenuation-rate model and models that account for variable ice temperature. Such differences are sufficient to confound the delineation of dry and wet beds. Also including spatial variations in chemistry produces smaller differences (<10 dB), but the magnitude of these differences depends on the relative importance of dry and wet deposition of impurities in the past. Accounting for dry-deposited impurities requires ice-flow modeling and results in larger differences from all other models, which assume uniform chemistry or wet deposition only. These results indicate that modeling the spatial variation of attenuation requires a spatially varying temperature model in order to infer bed conditions from bed returned power accurately, and that both ice core data and radar stratigraphy are also strongly desirable.
A fast-flowing tributary of Recovery ice stream penetrates more than 500 km into the interior of East Antarctica. Recent satellite-based studies found surface features in the onset area of this tributary that indicate a significant subglacial hydraulic system, including four large smooth basins, the typical surface expression of large subglacial lakes, as well as eleven smaller areas over which ice-sheet surface elevations rapidly changed by discharge/filling of subglacial water. Here we present the first ice-penetrating radar evidence of subglacial conditions in this area. We identified a distinct ice-water interface only over a limited area within the boundaries of the investigated large smooth basins, previously hypothesized to be water-filled lakes. The radar characteristics in some areas are similar to those of a drained lake, indicating that parts of the bed are wet, but not a typical lake. We also find evidence for discrete water bodies outside of the lake boundaries. The lines of evidence indicate that the northern most two Recovery Lakes have recently drained.
We report the first ground-based passive microwave observations made from Troll station, Antarctica, which show enhanced mesospheric nitric oxide (NO) volume mixing ratio reaching levels of 1.2 ppmv, or 2–3 orders of magnitude above background, at 70–80 km during small, relatively isolated geomagnetic storms in 2008. The mesospheric NO peaked 2 days after enhanced NO at higher altitudes (110–150 km) measured by the SABER satellite, and 2 days after peaks in the >30 keV and >300 keV electron flux measured by POES, although the 300 keV electron flux remained high. High time resolution data shows that mesospheric NO was enhanced at night and decayed during the day and built up to high levels over a period of 3–4 days. The altitude profile of mesospheric NO suggests direct production by ∼300 keV electron precipitation. Simulations using the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry model show that the delay between thermospheric and mesospheric NO enhancements was primarily a result of the weaker production rate at lower altitudes by ∼300 keV electrons competing against strong day-time losses.
The horizontal wind data from the standard version of Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model Data Assimilation System (CMAM-DAS) for the years 2006–2008 are analyzed to obtain the global structure and seasonal variability of the semidiurnal tide (SDT) in the mesosphere. The modeled amplitudes and phases of the SDTs at single stations from middle/high northern latitudes are quite similar to those observed by radars. The primary nonmigrating tides identified in both the meridional wind and zonal wind semidiurnal spectra at 88 km include the westward propagating wave numbers s = 1 (SW1), 3 (SW3), 4 (SW4), 6 (SW6), the standing s = 0 (S0), and the eastward propagating s = 2 (SE2). The migrating SDT (SW2) amplitude maxima usually occur at 40°N–60°N during December–February and August–September, and also at 40°S–60°S in April–May, with the dominance of (2, 4) during October–April and (2, 3) and (2, 5) dominance for other months. The CMAM-DAS is quite successful in reproducing the dominance of SW1 in the Antarctic summer mesosphere. The modeled SW1 shows very good overall agreement in both amplitude and phase with wind measurements from UARS High Resolution Doppler Imager and Wind Imaging Interferometer (UARS-HRDI/WINDII) and from TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI). The CMAM-DAS analyses for SW3, SW4, SW6, and S0 are also in reasonable agreement with those determined from the HRDI/WINDII or TIDI wind measurements. This work provides further evidence for the tidal forcing from below.
Sea ice plays a crucial role in the exchange of heat between the ocean and the atmosphere, and areas of intense air-sea-ice interaction are important sites for water mass modification. The Weddell Sea is one of these sites where a relatively thin first-year ice cover is constantly being changed by mixing of heat from below and stress exerted from the rapidly changing and intense winds. This study presents mixed layer turbulence measurements obtained during two wintertime drift stations in August 2005 in the eastern Weddell Sea, close to the Maud Rise seamount. Turbulence in the boundary layer is found to be controlled by the drifting ice. Directly measured heat fluxes compare well with previous studies and are well estimated from the mixed layer temperatures and mixing. Heat fluxes are also found to roughly balance the conductive heat flux in the ice; hence, little freezing/melting was observed. The under-ice topography is estimated to be hydraulically very smooth; comparison with a steady 1-D model shows that these estimates are made too close to the ice-ocean interface to be representative for the entire ice floe. The main source and sink of turbulent kinetic energy are shear production and dissipation. Observations indicate that the dynamics of the under-ice boundary layer are influenced by a horizontal variability in mixed layer density and an increasing amount of open leads in the area.
To determine P- and S-wave velocities, elastic properties and subglacial topography of the polythermal Fourcade Glacier, surface seismic and radar surveys were conducted along a 470-m profile in November 2006. P- and S-wave velocity structures were determined by travel-time tomography and inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves, respectively. The average P- and S-wave velocities of ice are 3466 and 1839 m s-1, respectively. Radar velocities were obtained by migration velocity analysis of 112 diffraction events. An estimate of 920 kg m-3 for the bulk density of wet ice corresponds to water contents of 5.1 and 3.2%, which were derived from the average P-wave and radar velocities, respectively. Using this density and the average P- and S-wave velocities, we estimate that the corresponding incompressibility and rigidity of the ice are 6.925 and 3.119 GPa, respectively. Synergistic interpretation of the radar profile and P- and S-wave velocities indicates the presence of a fracture zone above a subglacial high. Here, the P- and S-wave velocities are approximately 5 and 3% less than in the ice above a subglacial valley, respectively. The S-wave velocities indicate that warmer and less rigid ice underlies 10–15 m of colder ice near the surface of the glacier. Such layering is characteristic of polythermal glaciers. As a relatively simple non-invasive approach, integration of P-wave tomography, Rayleigh wave inversion and ground-towed radar is effective for various glaciological studies, including the elastic properties of englacial and subglacial materials, cold/warm ice interfaces, topography of a glacier bed and location of fracture zones.
Geodetic measurements of the vertical crustal displacement collocated with absolute gravity changes provide a discriminatory measurement of present-day glacial changes, versus more deeply seated rock motions caused by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). At the East Antarctic station of Dumont d’Urville, we compare the displacements derived from continuous DORIS (1993.0– 2006.0) and Global Positioning System (GPS) (1999.0–2005.7) data, and observed changes in absolute gravity (2000–2006), with the predicted vertical displacement and change in gravity from GIA modelling. The geodetic results have mutual self-consistency, suggest station stability and provide upper bounds on both GIA and secular ice mass changes. The GIA models tend to predict amplitudes of rock motion larger than those observed, and we conclude that this part of Antarctica is probably experiencing a slight gain in ice mass, in contrast to West Antarctica.
[1] Ground-based accumulation measurements are scarce on the high East Antarctic plateau, but highly necessary for model validation and the interpretation of satellite data for the determination of Antarctic mass balance. Here, we present accumulation results obtained from four shallow firn cores drilled in the Antarctic summer season 2007/2008. The cores were drilled along the first leg of the Norwegian-US IPY traverse through East Antarctica, visiting sites like Plateau Station and Pole of Relative Inaccessibility that have been covered by the South Pole Queen Maud Land Traverses (SPQMLT) in the 1960s. Accumulation has been determined from volcanic chronology established from the conductivity records measured by dielectric profiling (DEP). The Tambora 1815/unknown 1809 double peak is clearly visible in the conductivity data and serves as a reliable time marker. Accumulation rates averaged over the period 1815–2007 are in the range of 16 to 32 kg m−2 a−1, somewhat lower than expected from the SPQMLT data. The spatial pattern is mainly influenced by elevation and continentality. Three of the firn cores show a decrease of more than 20% in accumulation for the time period 1815–2007 in relation to accumulation rates during the period 1641–1815. The spatial representativity of the firn cores is assessed by ground-penetrating radar, showing a rather smoothly layered pattern around the drill sites. Validation of the DEP results is utilized by comparison with chemistry data, proving the validity of the DEP method for dating firn cores. The results help understanding the status of the East Antarctic ice sheet and will be important for e.g. future model-derived estimates of the mass balance of Antarctica.
Shipboard hydrography and current profiles collected in 2003 and time series from moored current meters deployed in late 1990s are analyzed to study the variability of mixing in the southeastern Weddell Sea. Profiles of eddy diffusivity Kρ are inferred from fine-scale shear (vertical derivative of horizontal velocity) and strain (vertical derivative of isopycnal displacement) variance using parameterizations which relate the internal wave energy to the dissipation rate at small scales. The highest mixing rates are seen near the bottom where the eddy diffusivities are elevated by 1 order of magnitude from those in the interior and exceed 10−4 m2 s−1. The observations show latitudinal variability in Kρ, particularly near the bottom, where Kρ significantly increases near 74° 28′S, the critical latitude for lunar semidiurnal (M2) tides. In this region, the critical latitude coincides with near-critical topography on the upper continental slope, a situation which favors generation of M2 internal waves. Consistent with the results from fine-scale shear and strain parameterizations, which indicate highest bottom diffusivities near the critical latitude, independent analysis of current time series from moored instruments shows a thickening of the frictional bottom boundary layer near the critical latitude. Semidiurnal tidal dynamics at the upper continental slope together with the critical latitude effects lead to mixing that might significantly affect the regional heat budget and the circulation in the study area.
This report summaries the first workshop of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Weddell Sea and Dronning Maud Land (WS-DML) Regional Working Group held Tromsø, Norway, in January 2019.
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