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In this study, we have determined the contents and distribution of zinc and cadmium in the surface sediments from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. The main sources of the trace elements and their geographic heterogeneity, and the relation between Zn and Cd, are discussed based on the cluster analysis, principle component analysis and considerations of biogenic and lithogenic inputs. The results show that the contents of trace metals range from 34.6 to 96.6 mg kg-1 for Zn, and from 0.254 to 0.441 mg kg-1 for Cd. Calculations of the enrichment factor indicated no significant anthropogenic impact. Biogenic and lithogenic inputs are the main sources of trace metals. They are almost equal for Zn and Cd at the Amery Ice Shelf edge, while the continental shelf and deep ocean are dominated by biogenic inputs. The contribution of biogenic inputs is much higher for Zn than for Cd at the deep ocean. Calculations of biogenic trace metals revealed different relationships between biogenic Zn and biogenic Cd, which reflect the biological uptake by phytoplankton in the water column. Keywords: Trace elements; sources; enrichment factor; cluster analysis; principal component analysis; Antarctica.
Physiological characteristics of inorganic C uptake were examined in Southern Ocean ice algae and phytoplankton assemblages. Ice algal and phytoplankton assemblages were largely dominated by diatoms and Phaeocystis antarctica, and showed a high capacity for HCO3- utilization, with direct HCO3- transport accounting for ~60% of total inorganic C uptake. Extracellular carbonic anhydrase (eCA) was detectable in all samples, but with significantly lower activity in sea ice algae. Neither HCO3- transport nor eCA activity was related to the in situ partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) or taxonomic composition of samples. The half-saturation constant (KS) for inorganic C ranged from ~100 to 5000 µM, and showed significantly more variability among sea ice algae than phytoplankton assemblages. For the phytoplankton assemblages, there were significant positive correlations between in situ pCO2 and KS (higher C substrate affinity in low pCO2 waters), and also between KS and maximum C uptake rates (Vmax). In contrast, KS and Vmax in sea-ice algal assemblages were not correlated to each other, or to any other measured variables. The C isotope composition of particulate organic carbon(δ13C-POC) in the phytoplankton assemblages showed modest variability (range -30 to -24.6‰) and was significantly correlated to the ratio of inferred growth rates (derived from Vmax) and in situ CO2 concentrations, but not to any measured C uptake parameters. δ13C-POC in sea ice algal samples (range -25.7 to -12.9‰) was significantly heavier than in the phytoplankton assemblages, and not correlated to any other variables. Our results provide evidence for the widespread occurrence of carbon-concentrating mechanisms in Southern Ocean sea ice algae and phytoplankton assemblages. KEYWORDS: Phytoplankton · Sea ice algae · Inorganic carbon uptake · HCO3- · Carbonic anhydrase
King George Island is the largest island and the principal area used for research bases in Antarctica. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Poland, Russia, South Korea and Uruguay have permanent open bases on this island. Other countries have seasonal summer stations on different parts of this island, which demonstrates that human impact is strong on King George Island relative to other areas in the maritime and continental Antarctica. The objective of this work was to present a phytosociological approach for ice-free areas of Hennequin Point, eastern coast of Admiralty Bay, King George Island. The study started with the classification and description of the plant communities based primarily on phytosociological and biodiversity data. The area was mapped using an Astech Promark II® DGPS, yielding sub-metric precision after post-processing with software. The plant communities were described as follows: (1) lichen and moss cushion formation; (2) moss carpet formation; (3) fellfield formation; (4) grass and cushion chamaephyte formation; and (5) Deschampsia Antarctica–lichen formation. Characterizations and distributions of the plant communities are presented on a map at a scale of 1:5000. The plant communities found at Hennequin Point, in general, differ from those found in other areas of the Admiralty Bay region, probably because of the concentration of skua nests in the area and the relief singularities. We conclude by highlighting the importance of the study of plant species found in the ice-free areas of the Antarctic with respect to environmental monitoring and for evaluating global climate and environmental changes. Keywords: Plant communities mapping; lichens; mosses; flowering plants; Antarctic
A previously uncultured cyanobacterium, strain KNUA009, was axenically isolated from a meltwater stream on Barton Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Molecular evidences showed that the isolate belongs to groups of globally distributed cryosphere cyanobacterial clones and this new isolate represents the first laboratory culture to be assigned to these groups. Strain KNUA009 was able to thrive at low temperatures ranging between 5°C and 20°C, but did not survive at temperatures of 25°C and above. As the isolate morphologically resembled Oscillatoria species, it is suggested that this cyanobacterium may represent a new species clade with cold resistance within the genus Oscillatoria. Keywords: Barton Peninsular; cryosphere cyanobacteria; King George Island; uncultured Oscillatoria species.
Freshwater pulses from melting ice sheets are thought to be important for driving deglacial climate variability. This study investigates challenges in simulating and understanding deglacial climate evolution within this framework, with emphasis on uncertainties in the ocean overturning sensitivity to meltwater inputs. The response of an intermediate complexity model to a single Northern Hemisphere meltwater pulse is familiar: a weakening of the ocean overturning circulation in conjunction with an expansion of sea ice cover and a meridional temperature seesaw. Nonlinear processes are vital in shaping this response and are found to have a decisive influence when more complex scenarios with a history of pulses are involved. A meltwater history for the last deglaciation (21–9 ka) was computed from the ICE-5G ice sheet reconstruction, and the meltwater was routed into the ocean through idealized ice sheet drainages. Forced with this meltwater history, model configurations with altered freshwater sensitivity produce a range of outcomes for the deglaciation, from those in which there is a complete collapse of the overturning circulation to those in which the overturning circulation weakens slightly. The different outcomes are interpreted in terms of the changing hysteresis behavior of the overturning circulation (i.e., non-stationary freshwater sensitivity) as the background climate warms through the course of the deglaciation. The study illustrates that current uncertainties in model sensitivity are limiting in efforts to forward-model deglacial climate variability. Furthermore, ice sheet reconstructions are shown to provide poor constraints on meltwater forcing for simulating the deglaciation.
Roald Amundsens (1872-1928) liv og bedrifter er fremstilt i en rekke biografier, men det er oppdageren og eventyreren som blir tillagt mest vekt, mens vitenskapsmannen og forskeren tidvis underkjennes. Professor i arktisk biologi ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Arnoldus Schytte Blix, er kritisk til mye av det biografiske arbeidet som er gjort, og mener det er et åpent spørsmål om kontorhistorikere og journalister har noen reell mulighet til fullt ut å forstå Roald Amundsens situasjon og reaksjoner. Artikkelen er basert på et foredrag med en rekke illustrasjoner i Det Norske Videnskabs-Akademi, 17. november 2011.
Winter climate and snow cover are the important drivers of plant community development in polar regions. However, the impacts of changing winter climate and associated changes in snow regime have received much less attention than changes during summer. Here, we synthesize the results from studies on the impacts of extreme winter weather events on polar heathland and lichen communities. Dwarf shrubs, mosses and soil arthropods were negatively impacted by extreme warming events while lichens showed variable responses to changes in extreme winter weather events. Snow mould formation underneath the snow may contribute to spatial heterogeneity in plant growth, arthropod communities and carbon cycling. Winter snow cover and depth will drive the reported impacts of winter climate change and add to spatial patterns in vegetation heterogeneity. The challenges ahead lie in obtaining better predictions on the snow patterns across the landscape and how these will be altered due to winter climate change.
The Antarctic terrestrial environment is under increasing pressure from human activities. The Fildes Region is characterized by high biodiversity, but is also a major logistic centre for the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Different interests, from scientific research, nature conservation, protection of geological and historical values, station operations, transport logistics and tourism, regularly overlap in space and time. This has led to increasing conflict among the multiple uses of the region and breaches of the legal requirements for environmental protection that apply in the area. The aim of this study was to assess the impacts of human activities in the Fildes Region by monitoring the distribution of bird and seal breeding sites and recording human activities and their associated environmental impacts. Data from an initial monitoring period 200306 were compared with data from 200810. We observed similar or increased levels of air, land and ship traffic, but fewer violations of overflight limits near Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 150 Ardley Island. Open waste dumping and oil contamination are still major environmental impacts. Scientific and outdoor leisure activities undertaken by station personnel are more frequent than tourist activities and are likely to have a commensurate level of environmental impact. Despite the initial success of some existing management measures, it is essential that scientific and environmental values continue to be safeguarded, otherwise environmental impacts will increase and the habitat will be further degraded. We argue that the Fildes Region should be considered for designation as an Antarctic Specially Managed Area, a measure that has proven effective for environmental management of vulnerable areas of the Antarctic.
Using a ground-based microwave radiometer at Troll Station, Antarctica (72°S, 2.5°E,L = 4.76), we have observed a decrease of 20–70% in the mesospheric ozone, coincident with increased nitric oxide, between 60 km and 75 km altitude associated with energetic electron precipitation (E > 30 keV) during a moderate geomagnetic storm (minimum Dst of −79 nT) in late July 2009. NOAA satellite data were used to identify the precipitating particles and to characterize their energy, spatial distribution and temporal variation over Antarctica during this isolated storm. Both the ozone decrease and nitric oxide increase initiate with the onset of the storm, and persist for several days after the precipitation ends, descending in the downward flow of the polar vortex. These combined data present a unique case study of the temporal and spatial morphology of chemical changes induced by electron precipitation during moderate geomagnetic storms, indicating that these commonplace events can cause significant effects on the middle mesospheric ozone distribution.
This paper reports on two photo-identified humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) that were sighted in different years in the proximity of the South Orkney Islands, at the boundary between the Scotia and Weddell seas (60o54.5’S – 46o40.4’W and 60o42.6’S – 45o33’W). One of the whales had been previously sighted off Ecuador, a breeding ground for the eastern South Pacific population. The other whale was subsequently resighted in Bransfield Strait, off the western Antarctic Peninsula, a well-documented feeding ground for the same population. These matches give support to a hypothesis that the area south of the South Orkney Islands is occupied by whales from the eastern South Pacific breeding stock. Consequently, we propose 40oW as a new longitudinal boundary between the feeding grounds associated with the eastern South Pacific and western South Atlantic breeding stocks. Keywords: Humpback whale; photo-identification; breeding stocks; migration; South Orkney Islands; Southern Ocean
Brominated diphenyl ethers (BDE47, 99, 100, and 209) were measured in air, snow and sea ice throughout western Antarctica between 2001 and 2007. BDEs in Antarctic air were predominantly associated with aerosols and were low compared to those in remote regions of the northern hemisphere, except in Marguerite Bay following the fire at Rothera research station in Sept 2001, indicating that this event was a local source of BDE209 to the Antarctic environment. Aerosol BDE47/100 reflects a mixture of commercial pentaBDE products; however, BDE99/100 is suggestive of photodegradation of BDE99 during long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) in the austral summer. BDEs in snow were lower than predicted based on snow scavenging of aerosols indicating that atmospheric deposition events may be episodic. BDE47, -99, and -100 significantly declined in Antarctic sea ice between 2001 and 2007; however, BDE209 did not decline in Antarctic sea ice over the same time period. Significant losses of BDE99 and -100 from sea ice were recorded over a 19 day period in spring 2001 demonstrating that seasonal ice processes result in the preferential loss of some BDEs. BDE47/100 and BDE99/100 in sea ice samples reflect commercial pentaBDE products, suggesting that photodegradation of BDE99 is minimal during LRAT in the austral winter.
Lichens, symbiotic associations of fungi (mycobionts) and green algae or cyanobacteria (photobionts), are poikilohydric organisms that are particularly well adapted to withstand adverse environmental conditions. Terrestrial ecosystems of the Antarctic are therefore largely dominated by lichens. The effects of global climate change are especially pronounced in the maritime Antarctic and it may be assumed that the lichen vegetation will profoundly change in the future. The genetic diversity of populations is closely correlated to their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions and to their future evolutionary potential. In this study, we present evidence for low genetic diversity in Antarctic mycobiont and photobiont populations of the widespread lichen Cetraria aculeata. We compared between 110 and 219 DNA sequences from each of three gene loci for each symbiont. A total of 222 individuals from three Antarctic and nine antiboreal, temperate and Arctic populations were investigated. The mycobiont diversity is highest in Arctic populations, while the photobionts are most diverse in temperate regions. Photobiont diversity decreases significantly towards the Antarctic but less markedly towards the Arctic, indicating that ecological factors play a minor role in determining the diversity of Antarctic photobiont populations. Richness estimators calculated for the four geographical regions suggest that the low genetic diversity of Antarctic populations is not a sampling artefact. Cetraria aculeata appears to have diversified in the Arctic and subsequently expanded its range into the Southern Hemisphere. The reduced genetic diversity in the Antarctic is most likely due to founder effects during long-distance colonization. The environmental conditions of the Antarctic are among the most adverse on Earth and are generally characterized by low mean annual temperatures, high wind velocities, extreme drought and extended periods of darkness. The effects of global climate change are especially pronounced in parts of the Antarctic (Turner et al. 2005). Air temperature in the maritime Antarctic has steadily increased within the last years (Smith & Stammerjohn 1996; Turner et al. 2005). On the western Antarctic Peninsula a temperature increase of more than 2.5 K has been observed over the last 50 years. The overall effect of such a temperature increase on terrestrial Antarctic organisms could be beneficial. For example, glacial melting will increase the availability of terrestrial (page number not for citation purpose). Keywords Genetic diversity; lichens; Cetraria aculeata; Trebouxia jamesii; polar lichens; global change.
For over 50 years the Antarctic has been governed through the Antarctic Treaty, an international agreement now between 49 nations of whom 28 Consultative Parties (CPs) undertake the management role. Ostensibly, these Parties have qualified for their position on scientific grounds, though diplomacy also plays a major role. This paper uses counts of policy papers and science publications to assess the political and scientific outputs of all CPs over the last 18 years. We show that a subset of the original 12 Treaty signatories, consisting of the seven claimant nations, the USA and Russia, not only set the political agenda for the continent but also provide most of the science, with those CPs producing the most science generally having the greatest political influence. None of the later signatories to the Treaty appear to play a major role in managing Antarctica compared with this group, with half of all CPs collectively producing only 7% of the policy papers. Although acceptance as a CP requires demonstration of a substantial scientific programme, the Treaty has no formal mechanism to review whether a CP continues to meet this criterion. As a first step to addressing this deficiency, we encourage the CPs collectively to resolve to hold regular international peer reviews of their individual science programmes and to make the results available to the other CPs. Keywords: Governance; claimant states; Antarctic policy; scientific publications.
The mechanisms by which heat is delivered to Antarctic ice shelves are a major source of uncertainty when assessing the response of the Antarctic ice sheet to climate change. Direct observations of the ice shelf-ocean interaction are extremely scarce and in many regions melt rates from ice shelf-ocean models are not constrained by measurements. Our two years of data (2010 and 2011) from three oceanic moorings below the Fimbul Ice Shelf in the Eastern Weddell Sea show cold cavity waters, with average temperatures of less than 0.1°C above the surface freezing point. This suggests low basal melt rates, consistent with remote sensing-based, steady-state mass balance estimates for this sector of the Antarctic coast. Oceanic heat for basal melting is found to be supplied by two sources of warm water entering below the ice: (i) eddy-like bursts of Modified Warm Deep Water that access the cavity at depth for eight months of the record; and (ii) fresh surface water that flushes parts of the ice base with temperatures above freezing during late summer and fall. This interplay of processes implies that basal melting at the Fimbul Ice Shelf cannot simply be parameterized by coastal deep ocean temperatures, but instead appears directly linked to both solar forcing at the surface as well as to the dynamics of the coastal current system.
Roland Huntford is the grand old man among polar historians. After his classic Scott and Amundsen in 1979 (later editions were retitled, The last place on Earth), he wrote a series of books on Norwegian and British polar heroes as well as a thorough study of the history of skiing (2006). Huntford challenged the British admiration of Robert Falcon Scott’s scientific programme and great courage*and insisted that Roald Amundsen’s expedition was far better prepared and carried out. Huntford’s scathing criticism of Scott’s fatal choices and lack of competence dared to assault this cherished British polar icon in a manner that would be unthinkable for Norwegian authors.
Describes Amundsen's experience on de Gerlache's 1897-99 Belgica Antarctic expedition, scientific interests, lessons learned on his 1903-06 Gjøa Northwest Passage expedition, and experience on 1910-12 Fram Antarctic expedition. Gives details of crew members on Antarctic expedition with account of their diaries. Author is director of Fram Museum and editor of South Pole diaries of Amundsen and fourteen of his crew members.
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- isforholdene (1)
- isfront (9)
- isgjennomtrengende (1)
- isgrenser (1)
- iskant (1)
- iskartet (1)
- iskjerner (27)
- iskrystaller (2)
- ismeltvann (1)
- isopoder (3)
- issfjell (2)
- isshelf (92)
- issmelting (3)
- isstrøm (11)
- istykkelse (2)
- James Cook (1)
- Japan (1)
- Jason (skip) (2)
- Johan Koren (1)
- jord (4)
- jordbruk (1)
- jordmagnetisme (1)
- jordobservasjon (1)
- jus (32)
- kalv (3)
- kalving (9)
- Kapp Adare (10)
- kappløpet (2)
- karbon syklus (10)
- karbonatkjemi (1)
- karbondatering (1)
- karbondioksid (24)
- karboneksport (1)
- karbonlagring (1)
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- kartlegging (32)
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- kelvinbølger (1)
- kiselalger (1)
- kjemi (18)
- kjemisk (5)
- kjemisk økologi (1)
- kjemiske analyser (13)
- kjønn (1)
- klima (25)
- klimaendringer (130)
- klimaforskning (2)
- klimagasser (8)
- klimamodeller (34)
- klimapolitikk (1)
- klimatologi (87)
- knølhvaler (2)
- kommunikasjon (1)
- konferanser (1)
- kontinentalmargin (11)
- kontinentalsokkel (25)
- kontinentalsokler (4)
- kontinentalstiging (1)
- koraller (1)
- krepsdyr (6)
- krill (81)
- kromatografi (3)
- kryosfæren (3)
- kryptogamer (1)
- kuldeeksponering (3)
- kuldetoleranse (18)
- kultur (1)
- kulturhistorie (2)
- kulturminneforvaltning (3)
- kulturminner (3)
- kunst (2)
- kunstig intelligens (KI) (1)
- kval (3)
- kvinner (4)
- kybernetikk (1)
- kyststrøm (1)
- laboratorieeksperimenter (1)
- landfast havis (1)
- landfast is (1)
- landfast sjøis (1)
- langhalekreps (1)
- langmuirsirkulasjon (1)
- langtransport (1)
- Lars Christensen (22)
- Larsen (5)
- Last Glacial Maximum (2)
- lav (28)
- leddyr (14)
- lege (1)
- Leonard Kristensen (2)
- levermoser (1)
- likestilling (1)
- lille istiden (1)
- lipider (1)
- litosfæren (2)
- litteratur (13)
- logistikk (30)
- lokalhistorie (1)
- lovgivning (1)
- luftfart (4)
- luftforurensning (1)
- luftfoto (10)
- luftmassetransport (1)
- lufttemperatur (2)
- lutfart (1)
- lyskreps (2)
- M/V Polarsirkel (1)
- magnetisme (1)
- magnetosfæren (1)
- magnetosfæriske kompresjoner (1)
- magnetostratigrafi (2)
- magnetotelluriske eksperimenter (1)
- magnetotelluriske målinger (1)
- makroalger (1)
- makrovirvelløse dyr (1)
- målinger (15)
- marin biologi (186)
- marin forurensning (3)
- marin geofysikk (7)
- marin geologi (17)
- marin kjemi (5)
- marin økologi (6)
- marin organisk aerosol (1)
- marin ornitologi (1)
- marin zoologi (40)
- marinbiologi (23)
- marine økosystemer (30)
- marine planter (1)
- maringeologi (1)
- maskinlæring (1)
- massespektrometri (2)
- matproduksjon (1)
- Maudheim (Antarktis) (27)
- Maudheimekspedisjonen (74)
- mediadekning (1)
- mediefortelling (1)
- medisin (14)
- mekanikk (1)
- menneskelig påvirkning (13)
- mesosfæren (2)
- metabolisme (1)
- metamorfologi (1)
- metanisotoper (1)
- metanutslipp (2)
- metazoan (1)
- meteorologi (122)
- midder (8)
- migrasjon (2)
- mikrober (2)
- mikrobielle organismer (3)
- mikrobiologi (15)
- mikrobølge (2)
- mikroklima (2)
- mikroorganismer (5)
- mikropaleontologi (4)
- mikroplast (2)
- miljø (13)
- miljøendringer (17)
- miljøgifter (26)
- miljøovervåking (5)
- miljøpåvirkning (3)
- miljøsatellitter (1)
- miljøvern (28)
- miljøvitenskap (1)
- mineraler (7)
- mineralogi (6)
- miter (6)
- modeller (1)
- modellering (1)
- Modelling (1)
- mollusker (1)
- morfologi (9)
- mosdyr (1)
- moser (9)
- multivariate data analysis (1)
- museer (1)
- muslinger (3)
- mylonitter (1)
- NARE 1976/77 (20)
- NARE 1978/79 (18)
- NARE 1984/85 (13)
- NARE 1989/90 (7)
- NARE 1991/92 (5)
- NARE 1992/93 (2)
- NARE 1993/94 (4)
- NARE 1996/97 (11)
- NARE 1998/99 (1)
- NARE 2000/01 (4)
- NARE 2007/08 (1)
- NARE ekspedisjoner (6)
- natur (2)
- naturressurser (1)
- naturvern (1)
- naturvitenskap (2)
- navigasjon (1)
- NBSAE 1949-52 (74)
- nedbør (9)
- nesledyr (2)
- nevrobiologi (3)
- Nordmenn (20)
- Norge (24)
- Norsel (skip) (9)
- Norsk-britisk-svenske antarktisekspedisjon (74)
- Norsk Polarinstitutt (6)
- norske ekspedisjoner (1)
- Norvegia ekspedisjonen (8)
- Norvegia ekspedisjonene (6)
- Norvegia ekspedisjoner (7)
- Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1968-69 (1)
- NSBX 1949-52 (74)
- numerisk modellering (2)
- nunataker (9)
- næring (9)
- næringskjede (1)
- næringslivet (1)
- næringsstoff (3)
- næringsstoffer (1)
- observasjoner (33)
- Odd I. (2)
- Odd I (4)
- økofysiologi (6)
- økogeografi (1)
- økologi (51)
- økologiske nisjer (1)
- økonomi (16)
- økonomisk historie (2)
- økosystem (4)
- økosystemer (44)
- økotoksikologi (5)
- økotoksiner (1)
- Olav Orheim (1)
- områdevern (1)
- opdagelsesreiser (1)
- oppdagelsesreiser (106)
- oppvarming (2)
- ornitologi (80)
- oseanografi (219)
- osmoregulering (1)
- osmotisk stress (1)
- Otto Nordenskjöld (2)
- overflateakkumulering (1)
- overflatesnø (1)
- overflatevann (3)
- overvåking (3)
- overvåkning (1)
- overvintring (13)
- ozon (3)
- ozonhull (6)
- ozonlaget (24)
- pakkis (1)
- paleobiologi (3)
- paleobotanikk (3)
- paleogen (1)
- paleogeografi (9)
- paleoglasiologi (3)
- paleoklimatologi (35)
- paleolimnologi (2)
- paleomagnetisme (2)
- paleontologi (19)
- paleoøkologi (3)
- paleoseanografi (11)
- parasitter (4)
- parasittologi (1)
- patenter (4)
- pattedyr (5)
- pelagisk (54)
- pelagisk hvalfangst (3)
- pelsseler (16)
- perleurt (1)
- permafrost (3)
- Peter I. Øy (27)
- petreller (38)
- petrografi (5)
- petroleum (1)
- petrologi (10)
- phytoplankton (5)
- pigghuder (1)
- pingviner (26)
- pinnipedier (15)
- planetbølger (1)
- plankton (71)
- planteplankton (8)
- planter (35)
- plantesosiologi (1)
- plastpartikler (2)
- plategrenser (1)
- platetektonikk (1)
- polarekspedisjoner (14)
- polareksspedisjoner (4)
- polarfarere (2)
- polarflyving (2)
- polarforskere (4)
- polarforskning (4)
- polarhistorie (5)
- polarimetrisk radar (1)
- polarkespedisjoner (1)
- polarlys (3)
- polarområdene (185)
- polarørken (1)
- polarpolitikk (1)
- polarvirvelen (1)
- politikk (76)
- polynja (6)
- populærvitenskap (4)
- protoktister (2)
- protozo (1)
- psykobiologi (1)
- psykofysiologi (1)
- psykologi (11)
- publikasjoner (1)
- pyknoklin (1)
- pyrosekvensering (2)
- Quaternary (1)
- radar observasjoner (3)
- radarundersøkelse (1)
- radarundersøkelser (1)
- radio telemetri (1)
- radioaktivitet (2)
- Radiocarbon dating (1)
- radiometer (3)
- radiostøy (1)
- radiumisotoper (1)
- reisebeskrivelser (2)
- reiseskildringer (1)
- reproduksjon (7)
- ressurser (9)
- rett (7)
- Richard Evelyn Byrd (1)
- Roald Amundsen (18)
- Robert Falcon Scott (3)
- romfysikk (1)
- romvitenskap (1)
- Rosshavet (26)
- ROV-Derived bathymetry (1)
- rundormer (1)
- S.S.Vikingen 1929-30 (1)
- salpetersyre (1)
- saltinnhold (2)
- saltkjertel (1)
- samarbeid (5)
- samer (1)
- samfunnsfag (2)
- satellite (1)
- satellite altimetri (2)
- satellite bilder (11)
- satellite mikrobølgesensorer (2)
- satellitt (3)
- satellitt bilder (5)
- satellitt observasjoner (2)
- satellittbilder (6)
- satellitteknologi (1)
- satellittelemetri (2)
- satellittsendere (2)
- scientometri (1)
- Scotiahavet (6)
- Sea level (1)
- sedimenter (12)
- sedimentologi (13)
- seismisk stratigrafi (1)
- seismisk undersøkelse (1)
- seismologi (21)
- sekkdyr (2)
- seler (27)
- selfangst (7)
- serologi (1)
- sjøelefanter (3)
- sjøfart (1)
- sjøfolk (8)
- sjøfugler (24)
- sjøis (62)
- sjømenn (1)
- sjøpattedyr (5)
- sjøpiggsvin (1)
- sjøvann (13)
- sjøvirvler (1)
- ski (1)
- skip (5)
- skipsbyggerier (2)
- skipsfart (5)
- skipsloggbøker (1)
- skisport (1)
- skjell (1)
- skyer (3)
- sledehunder (6)
- sleder (1)
- smeltevann (3)
- smelting (20)
- snegler (1)
- snø (20)
- snø akkumulasjon (2)
- snøalger (1)
- snøfall (2)
- snøpakke (1)
- snøsmelting (3)
- sollys (2)
- solstråling (3)
- solvind (4)
- sopper (4)
- Sør-Orknøyene (8)
- Sør-Sandwichøyene (1)
- Sør-Shetlandsøyene (5)
- Sørishavet (760)
- Sørishavsstrømmen (8)
- sørlig oscillasjon (2)
- sørlys (1)
- Sørpolen (5)
- sosiologi (1)
- Southern Cross (11)
- Southern Cross (skip) (1)
- spektrofotometri (1)
- sporgass (1)
- språk (1)
- stabile isotoper (11)
- stasjoner (5)
- statistisk analyse (2)
- statsvitenskap (1)
- stedsnavn (1)
- strålingsbelter (1)
- stratigrafi (16)
- stratosfæren (13)
- stratosfærisk kjemi (1)
- stresshormoner (1)
- strøm (1)
- strømmer (1)
- strømmodeller (1)
- subglasial (1)
- subglasial biodiversitet (1)
- subglasial geologi (2)
- subglasial innsjø (9)
- subglasial topografi (1)
- superkjøling (1)
- svaneøgler (1)
- Svend Foyn (2)
- Sydpolen (7)
- sydpolen (8)
- Sydpolflyvningen (1)
- Sydpolsekspedisjonen (18)
- sympagisk økologi (1)
- taksonomi (10)
- tanglus (1)
- teknologi (21)
- tektonikk (12)
- tektoniske plater (1)
- telemetri (4)
- temperatur (8)
- temperatur måling (2)
- termiske terskler (1)
- termokronologi (1)
- terrestriske virveldyr (1)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjon (10)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjoner (1)
- tidevann (6)
- tidevannsbreen (1)
- tidevannsmålinger (1)
- tidevannsstrømmer (1)
- tidsserieanalyse (1)
- tidsskriftspublikasjoner (1)
- toksikologi (4)
- tomografi (1)
- topografi (13)
- tovinger (1)
- trakassering (1)
- transantarktiske ekspedisjoner (2)
- trekkfugler (1)
- trekkhunder (1)
- Troll forskningsstasjon (13)
- tungmetaller (1)
- turisme (14)
- Tyskland (1)
- ubemannede luftfartøyer (1)
- ultrafiolett stråling (10)
- understrømmer (1)
- uorganisk karbon (1)
- utforskning (4)
- utslipp (3)
- utstyr (2)
- uttørking (1)
- UV-stråling (5)
- vågehvaler (1)
- vann (2)
- vannmasser (24)
- vannsøyle (1)
- vannstabile isotoper (1)
- vannvirvler (8)
- vegetasjon (2)
- Vestantarktis (5)
- Vestfold (6)
- Victoria Land (9)
- virologi (2)
- virvelløse dyr (17)
- virvelstrømmer (1)
- vitenskap (21)
- vitenskapelige ekspedisjoner (2)
- Vostoksjøen (1)
- vulkaner (11)
- vulkanologi (1)
- Weddellhavet (122)
- zoofysiologi (1)
- zoogeografi (5)
- zoologi (132)
- zooplankton (22)
Resource type
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (23)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (7)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (16)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (34)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (106)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (49)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (146)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (69)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (87)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (151)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (222)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (285)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (398)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (242)
- Unknown (3)