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Observations of three bands of westward flow and two countercurrents, spanning roughly 50 km from the ice-shelf edge in front of the Fimbul Ice Shelf (prime meridian) in Antarctica, are presented. A comparison with a numerical model and the proximity of two of these current cores to the ice shelf suggest that they split from the Antarctic Coastal Current because of the influence of sea ice on the surface drag. A comparison with previous studies suggests that the other core is the current associated with the Antarctic Slope Front. Because the Fimbul ice shelf overhangs the continental shelf, the Antarctic Coastal Current displaces offshore, getting close to the Antarctic Slope Front. The obtained structure is derived from conductivity–temperature–depth geostrophic velocities from February 2005, referenced with detided acoustic Doppler current profiler velocities.
The geographic extent of cooling associated with the Antarctic Cold Reversal is unclear. Dating of glacial moraines in New Zealand suggests that the cooling extended into the southern mid-latitudes, possibly as a result of the northward migration of the southern subtropical front.
An extreme precipitation event that influenced almost the whole polar plateau of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, is investigated using Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System archive data. For the first time a high-resolution atmospheric model especially adapted for polar regions was used for such a study in Dronning Maud Land. The outstanding event of 21–25 February 2003 was connected to a strong north-westerly flow, caused by a blocking high above eastern Dronning Maud Land, that persisted for several days and brought unusually large levels of moisture to the Antarctic Plateau. This weather situation is most effective in bringing precipitation to high-altitude interior Antarctic ice-core drilling sites, where precipitation in the form of diamond dust usually dominates. However, a few such precipitation events per year can account for a large percentage of the annual accumulation, which can cause a strong bias in ice-core data. Additionally, increased temperatures and wind speeds during these events need to be taken into account for the correct climatic interpretation of ice cores. A better understanding of the frequency of occurrence of intermittent precipitation in the interior of Antarctica in past and future climates is necessary for both palaeoclimatological studies and estimates of future sea-level change.
Sea ice plays a crucial role in the exchange of heat between the ocean and the atmosphere, and areas of intense air-sea-ice interaction are important sites for water mass modification. The Weddell Sea is one of these sites where a relatively thin first-year ice cover is constantly being changed by mixing of heat from below and stress exerted from the rapidly changing and intense winds. This study presents mixed layer turbulence measurements obtained during two wintertime drift stations in August 2005 in the eastern Weddell Sea, close to the Maud Rise seamount. Turbulence in the boundary layer is found to be controlled by the drifting ice. Directly measured heat fluxes compare well with previous studies and are well estimated from the mixed layer temperatures and mixing. Heat fluxes are also found to roughly balance the conductive heat flux in the ice; hence, little freezing/melting was observed. The under-ice topography is estimated to be hydraulically very smooth; comparison with a steady 1-D model shows that these estimates are made too close to the ice-ocean interface to be representative for the entire ice floe. The main source and sink of turbulent kinetic energy are shear production and dissipation. Observations indicate that the dynamics of the under-ice boundary layer are influenced by a horizontal variability in mixed layer density and an increasing amount of open leads in the area.
We have developed a 5.5 year climatology of atmospheric transport into the Antarctic troposphere, which uses the same data set and methods as described in a recent study for the Arctic. This allows direct comparisons of transport properties for the two polar regions. The climatology is based on a simulation with the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART, where the model atmosphere was globally filled with particles. Transport characteristics as well as emission sensitivities were derived from 6 hourly particle positions. We found that the probability for near-surface air to originate from the stratosphere on a time scale of 10 days is an order of magnitude higher near the South Pole than near the North Pole, a result of higher topography and descent that partly compensates for the flow of air down the Antarctic Plateau with the katabatic winds. The stratospheric influence is largest in fall, which is opposite to the seasonality in the Arctic. Stratospheric influence is much smaller over the shelf ice regions and in a band around Antarctica. The average time for which air near the surface has been exposed to continuous darkness in July (continuous light in January) is longest over the Ronne Ice Shelf and Ross Ice Shelf at ∼11 days (20 days). We calculated how sensitive Antarctic air masses are to emission input up to 30 days before arriving in Antarctica if removal processes are ignored. The emission sensitivity shows strong meridional gradients and, as a result, is generally low over South America, Africa, and Australia. For a 10 day time scale, the largest emission sensitivities over these continents are 1–2 orders of magnitude smaller than over Eurasia for transport to the Arctic, showing that foreign continents have a much smaller potential to pollute the Antarctic than the Arctic troposphere. Emission sensitivities and derived black carbon (BC) source contributions over South America, Africa, and Australia are substantially (a factor 10 for Africa) larger in winter than in summer. In winter, biomass burning contributes more BC than anthropogenic sources. For typical aerosol lifetimes of 5–10 days, ship emissions south of 60°S account for half of the total BC concentrations in the lowest 1000 m of the atmosphere south of 70°S in December. The increasing number of tourists visiting Antarctica and fishing vessels operating close to Antarctica are, therefore, a matter of concern.
ROALD AMUNDSEN (1872-1928), norsk oppdager, polfarer og nasjonalhelt. Det første mennesket som fant og seilte gjennom Nordvestpassasjen, og førstemann til å sette fot på Sydpolen. Norges nasjonalarv er en serie gjennomillustrerte bøker som presenterer våre viktigste og mest kjente nasjonale ikoner. De enkeltstående bøkene tar for seg betydelige skikkelser innenfor kunst og litteratur, vitenskap, idrett og samfunnsliv, men også landets mange naturperler, samt sentrale historiske epoker og kulturuttrykk. Hver for seg gir bøkene en oppdatert innføring for lesere som vil gjøre seg bedre kjent med et gitt tema.
ROALD AMUNDSEN (1872-1928), a Norwegian polar explorer and national hero. The first man to find and sail through the North-West Passage, and the first to set foot on the South Pole. NORWEGIAN HERITAGE is a series of illustrated books about our most important and best-known national icons. The respective titles introduce major personalities from the worlds of art and literature, science and sports, but also the many natural wonders of the country, as well as significant historical periods and cultural expressions. Each book offers an updated introduction to readers who wish to familiarize themselves with a given subject.
Sub-ice shelf circulation and freezing/melting rates in ocean general circulation models depend critically on an accurate and consistent representation of cavity geometry. Existing global or pan-Antarctic data sets have turned out to contain various inconsistencies and inaccuracies. The goal of this work is to compile in- dependent regional fields into a global data set. We use the S-2004 global 1-minute bathymetry as the backbone and add an improved version of the BEDMAP topography (ALBMAP bedrock topography) for an area that roughly coincides with the Antarctic continental shelf. The position of the merging line is individually chosen in different sectors in order to get the best out of each data set. High resolution gridded data for upper and lower ice surface topographies and cavity geometry of the Amery, Fimbul, Filchner-Ronne, Larsen C and George VI Ice Shelves, and for Pine Island Glacier are carefully merged into the ambient ice and ocean topographies. Multibeam survey data for bathymetry in the former Larsen B cavity and the southeastern Bellingshausen Sea have been obtained from the data centers of Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), gridded, and blended into the existing bathymetry map. The resulting global 1-minute topography data set (RTopo-1) contains maps for upper and lower ice surface heights, bedrock bathymetry, and consistent masks for open ocean, grounded ice, floating ice, and bare land surface.
The venom of Antarctic octopus remains completely unstudied. Here, a preliminary investigation was conducted into the properties of posterior salivary gland (PSG) extracts from four Antarctica eledonine (Incirrata; Octopodidae) species (Adelieledone polymorpha, Megaleledone setebos, Pareledone aequipapillae, and Pareledone turqueti) collected from the coast off George V’s Land, Antarctica. Specimens were assayed for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), proteolytic, phospholipase A2 (PLA2), and haemolytic activities. For comparison, stomach tissue from Cirroctopus sp. (Cirrata; Cirroctopodidae) was also assayed for ALP, AChE, proteolytic and haemolytic activities. Dietary and morphological data were collected from the literature to explore the ecological importance of venom, taking an adaptive evolutionary approach. Of the incirrate species, three showed activities in all assays, while P. turqueti did not exhibit any haemolytic activity. There was evidence for cold-adaptation of ALP in all incirrates, while proteolytic activity in all except P. turqueti. Cirroctopus sp. stomach tissue extract showed ALP, AChE and some proteolytic activity. It was concluded that the AChE activity seen in the PSG extracts was possibly due to a release of household proteins, and not one of the secreted salivary toxins. Although venom undoubtedly plays an important part in prey capture and processing by Antarctica eledonines, no obvious adaptations to differences in diet or morphology were apparent from the enzymatic and haemolytic assays. However, several morphological features including enlarged PSG, small buccal mass, and small beak suggest such adaptations are present. Future studies should be conducted on several levels: Venomic, providing more detailed information on the venom compositions as well as the venom components themselves; ecological, for example application of serological or genetic methods in identifying stomach contents; and behavioural, including observations on capture of different types of prey.
East Antarctic octopods were identified by sequencing mtCOI and using four analytical approaches: Neighbor-joining by Kimura-2-Parameter-based distances, character-based, BLAST, and Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny. Although the distance-based analytical approaches identified a high proportion of the sequences (99.5% to genus and 88.1% to species level), these results are undermined by the absence of a clear gap between intra-and interspecific variation. The character-based approach gave highly conflicting results compared to the distance-based methods and failed to identify apomorphic characters for many of the species. While a DNA independent approach is necessary for validation of the method comparisons, crude morphological observations give early support to the distance-based results and indicate extensive range expansions of several species compared to previous studies. Furthermore, the use of distance-based phylogenetic methods nevertheless group specimens into plausible species clades that are highly useful in non-taxonomical or non-systematic studies. (C) 2010 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The basal regions of continental ice sheets are gaps in our current understanding of the Earth's biosphere and biogeochemical cycles. We draw on existing and new chemical data sets for subglacial meltwaters to provide the first comprehensive assessment of sub-ice sheet biogeochemical weathering. We show that size of the ice mass is a critical control on the balance of chemical weathering processes and that microbial activity is ubiquitous in driving dissolution. Carbonate dissolution fueled by sulfide oxidation and microbial CO2 dominate beneath small valley glaciers. Prolonged meltwater residence times and greater isolation characteristic of ice sheets lead to the development of anoxia and enhanced silicate dissolution due to calcite saturation. We show that sub-ice sheet environments are highly geochemically reactive and should be considered in regional and global solute budgets. For example, calculated solute fluxes from Antarctica (72–130 t yr−1) are the same order of magnitude as those from some of the world's largest rivers and rates of chemical weathering (10–17 t km−2 yr−1) are high for the annual specific discharge (2.3–4.1 × 10−3 m). Our model of chemical weathering dynamics provides important information on subglacial biodiversity and global biogeochemical cycles and may be used to design strategies for the first sampling of Antarctic Subglacial Lakes and other sub-ice sheet environments for the next decade.
Wiebe, P. H., Chu, D., Kaartvedt, S., Hundt, A., Melle, W., Ona, E., and Batta-Lona, P. 2010. The acoustic properties of Salpa thompsoni. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 583–593.Aggregations of the salp Salpa thompsoni were encountered during the Antarctic krill and ecosystem-studies cruise on the RV “G.O. Sars” from 19 February to 27 March 2008. The salp's in situ target strength (TS), size, number of individuals in aggregate chains, and chain angle of orientation were determined. Shipboard measurements were made of Salpa thompsoni's material properties. Individual aggregates were mostly 45.5–60.6 mm in mean length; relatively rare solitaries were ∼100 mm. Chains ranged from 3 to at least 121 individuals, and in surface waters (<20 m), they showed no preferred angle of orientation. Sound-speed contrast (h) ranged from 1.0060 to 1.0201 and density contrast (g) estimates between 1.0000 and 1.0039. The in situ TS distributions peaked between −75 and −76 dB at 38 kHz, with a secondary peak at approximately −65 dB. TS ranged between −85 and −65 dB at 120 and 200 kHz and peaked around −74 dB. The measured in situ TS of salps reasonably matched the theoretical scattering-model predictions based on multi-individual chains. The backscattering from aggregate salps gives rise to TS values that can be similar to krill and other zooplankton with higher density and sound-speed contrasts.
Antarctic bacteria producing extracellular lipolytic enzymes with activity at low temperature were isolated, and the most promising strain, named G, was identified as a Psychrobacter species based on 16S rDNA sequence alignment. The genomic DNA of this bacterium was used to construct its plasmid genomic library into pUC118 plasmid vectors, and to screen the cold-active lipolytic enzyme genes. Two genes encoding for cold-active lipolytic enzymes, Lip-1452 (with an open reading frame of 1452 bp in length) and Lip-948 (with an open reading frame of 948 bp in length), were screened. The primary structure of the two lipases deduced from the nucleotide sequence showed a consensus pentapeptide containing the active serine (Lip-1452, GDSAG, and Lip-948, GNSMG) and a conserved His-Gly dipeptide in the N-terminal part of the enzyme. Protein sequence alignment and conserved regions analysis indicated that the two lipases probably belonged to family IV and family V of the bacterial lipolytic enzymes, respectively. The upstream and downstream sequences of the two lipolytic lipases were also obtained. The two lipase genes were cloned into the expression vector pCold III and integrated into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The functional expression of both lipase genes by E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells was observed as the formation of clear haloes around colonies on a 1% (vol/vol) tributyrin plate upon induction with isopropyl-b-Dthiogalactopyranoside at 5°C. A lipase activity assay showed that the specific activity of the pCold III+Lip-948 expression system was up to 3.7 U ml-1, whereas that of pCold III+Lip-1452 was very low.
To determine P- and S-wave velocities, elastic properties and subglacial topography of the polythermal Fourcade Glacier, surface seismic and radar surveys were conducted along a 470-m profile in November 2006. P- and S-wave velocity structures were determined by travel-time tomography and inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves, respectively. The average P- and S-wave velocities of ice are 3466 and 1839 m s-1, respectively. Radar velocities were obtained by migration velocity analysis of 112 diffraction events. An estimate of 920 kg m-3 for the bulk density of wet ice corresponds to water contents of 5.1 and 3.2%, which were derived from the average P-wave and radar velocities, respectively. Using this density and the average P- and S-wave velocities, we estimate that the corresponding incompressibility and rigidity of the ice are 6.925 and 3.119 GPa, respectively. Synergistic interpretation of the radar profile and P- and S-wave velocities indicates the presence of a fracture zone above a subglacial high. Here, the P- and S-wave velocities are approximately 5 and 3% less than in the ice above a subglacial valley, respectively. The S-wave velocities indicate that warmer and less rigid ice underlies 10–15 m of colder ice near the surface of the glacier. Such layering is characteristic of polythermal glaciers. As a relatively simple non-invasive approach, integration of P-wave tomography, Rayleigh wave inversion and ground-towed radar is effective for various glaciological studies, including the elastic properties of englacial and subglacial materials, cold/warm ice interfaces, topography of a glacier bed and location of fracture zones.
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- NARE 2007/08 (1)
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- sosiologi (1)
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- virvelstrømmer (1)
- vitenskap (11)
- Vostoksjøen (1)
- vulkaner (5)
- Weddellhavet (35)
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Resource type
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