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A large database of rocket measurements of the D-region electron concentration has been studied. The data were obtained at four sites in the Antarctic (Molodezhnaya and Syowa) and Arctic (Heiss Island, and Andøya/Kiruna). The electron densities were analysed in terms of their variations with solar zenith angle, geomagnetic activity and atmospheric temperature. We found that there is a particle ionisation source in the auroral oval even in quiet conditions. The energy of the particles is such, that they penetrate down to 85km, are partially absorbed between 85 and 80km but do not penetrate (are completely absorbed) below 75km. Analysis of the dependence of the electron concentration [e] on the daily sum of Kp indices, ∑Kp, shows that at all heights considered there is an increase of [e] with ∑Kp up to some saturation value of ∑Kp and beyond this level [e] is either constant (with large scatter of the data) or even decreases. This indicates that when the auroral oval expands with increasing geomagnetic activity, a particular station may move from a position outside or at the boundary of the oval, to a position inside the polar cap. An attempt is made to find the temperature dependence of the electron concentration. It is found that [e] at 75 and 80km increases with temperature T. Analysis of the flights conducted during noctilucent cloud (NLC) events at Andøya/Kiruna reveals a strong dependence of [e] on ∑Kp at 80 and 85km. This dependence is stronger and better defined than that for the entire data set. This may be explained by the low mesopause temperatures observed in summer when NLC occur. A comparison of the electron density data sets with empirical and theoretical models is presented and during quiet magnetic conditions a good agreement with mid-latitude models is found.
Different magnitude scales are calculated for a set of volcano-tectonic earthquakes recorded in Deception Island Volcano (Antarctica). The data set includes earthquakes recorded during an intense seismic series that occurred in January–February 1999, with hypocentral distances that range between 0.5 and 15 km. This data set is enlarged to include some regional earthquakes with hypocentral distances up to 200 km. The local magnitude scale, ML, fixed at a hypocentral distance of 17 km, is used as the reference for the other magnitude scales studied in the present work. ML is determined on a standard Wood–Anderson simulated trace assuming a gain of 2080. Maximum peak-to-peak amplitudes are measured on the vertical components of a short-period sensor. The Mw scale is calculated, in the vertical component, both for P and S waves. The attenuation correction of the ground motion displacement spectra is introduced using data from coda waves studied in the area. The comparison between ML values and Mw estimations indicates severe discrepancies between both values. A magnitude–duration scale is calibrated from the comparison between coda durations of the recorded events and their assigned local magnitude scales. In order to investigate the causes of the discrepancy between the ML and Mw values we analyze two possible error sources: a wrong coda Q value, or the effects of the near-surface attenuation that initially are not taken into account in the correction of the ground displacement spectra. The analysis reveals that the main cause of this discrepancy is the effect of the near-surface attenuation. The near-surface attenuation is also the cause of the determination of an anomalous spectral decay slope, after the corner frequency, and the determination of this corner frequency value. This near-surface attenuation, represented by κ, is estimated over the data set, obtaining an average value of 0.025. With this κ value, the Mw scale is recalculated using an automatic algorithm. The new Mw values are more consistent with the ML values, obtaining a relationship of Mw=0.78ML−0.02.
This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Methods Glaciation History and the Raised Marine Shorelines Mid-Holocene Glacial Readvances The Holocene Climatic Optimum Neoglaciation and the Little Ice Age Discussion and Conclusions
During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), ice thickened considerably and expanded toward the outer continental shelf around the Antarctic Peninsula. Deglaciation occurred between >14 ka BP and ca. 6 ka BP, when interglacial climate was established in the region. Deglaciation of some local sites was as recent as 4?3 ka BP. After a climate optimum, peaking ca. 4?3 ka BP, a distinct climate cooling occurred. It is characterized at a number of sites by expanding glaciers and ice shelves. Rapid warming during the past 50 yr may be causing instability of some Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves. Detailed reconstructions of the glacial and climatic history of the Antarctic Peninsula since LGM are hampered by scarcity of available archives, low resolution of many datasets, and problems in dating samples. Consequently, the configuration of LGM ice sheets, pattern of subsequent deglaciation, and environmental changes are poorly constrained both temporally and spatially.
Expedition teams provide a number of analogs relevant to crew selection for long-duration space missions. Three groups were studied that varied in team composition. Group 1 was a two woman international dyad that traversed the Antarctic continent in 97 days. Similarities in problem solving approach, respect for each other's opinions, and a collaborative process of decision making were evident. Group 2 was composed of four women, all from different countries, engaged in a six week trek across Greenland. The most important factors in overcoming interpersonal difficulties and contributing to the successful completion of the expedition were mutual respect and motivation to maintain positive and supportive relationships. Group 3 consisted of three married couples from different countries icelocked on a boat in the High Arctic for a 9 month period. The emotional support of and ability to confide in their partner were extremely important in alleviating interpersonal tensions, and contributed to the generally effective functioning of the group. Women add an element of emotional support and help to other team members that is not as evident in all-male groups. Selection of couples with strong bonds to each other is another paradigm for crew selection for extended missions.
During the Neoproterozoic, a supercontinent commonly referred to as Rodinia, supposedly formed at ca. 1100 Ma and broke apart at around 800–700 Ma. However, continental fits (e.g., Laurentia vs. Australia–Antarctica, Greater India vs. Australia–Antarctica, Amazonian craton [AC] vs. Laurentia, etc.) and the timing of break-up as postulated in a number of influential papers in the early–mid-1990s are at odds with palaeomagnetic data. The new data necessitate an entirely different fit of East Gondwana elements and western Gondwana and call into question the validity of SWEAT, AUSWUS models and other variants. At the same time, the geologic record indicates that Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic rift margins surrounded Laurentia, while similar-aged collisional belts dissected Gondwana. Collectively, these geologic observations indicate the breakup of one supercontinent followed rapidly by the assembly of another smaller supercontinent (Gondwana). At issue, and what we outline in this paper, is the difficulty in determining the exact geometry of the earlier supercontinent. We discuss the various models that have been proposed and highlight key areas of contention. These include the relationships between the various ‘external’ Rodinian cratons to Laurentia (e.g., Baltica, Siberia and Amazonia), the notion of true polar wander (TPW), the lack of reliable paleomagnetic data and the enigmatic interpretations of the geologic data. Thus, we acknowledge the existence of a Rodinia supercontinent, but we can place only loose constraints on its exact disposition at any point in time.
We investigated the use of an automated routine to determine moment magnitudes from the displacement spectra of local and regional earthquakes. Two algorithms, a genetic algorithm and a converging grid search, were developed and tested with earthquake data from Mexico, Norway, and Deception Island (Antarctica). It was found that compared with manual analysis, the algorithms give reliable automatic moment magnitude (Mw) estimates in the range -1 < M < 8. The converging grid search appeared to be more cost-effective than the genetic algorithm. Mw at local and regional distances seems superior to amplitude-based magnitudes that saturate for large earthquakes. The application of the automated algorithm in near real time may help to obtain a nonsaturated magnitude estimate in the case of a large earthquake immediately after the earthquake has occurred. Also, the method can be useful for processing large amounts of data.
A detailed and comprehensive map of the distribution patterns for both natural and artificial radionuclides over Antarctica has been established. This work integrates the results of several decades of international programs focusing on the analysis of natural and artificial radionuclides in snow and ice cores from this polar region. The mean value (37±20 Bq m−2) of 241Pu total deposition over 28 stations is determined from the gamma emissions of its daughter 241Am, presenting a long half-life (432.7 yrs). Detailed profiles and distributions of 241Pu in ice cores make it possible to clearly distinguish between the atmospheric thermonuclear tests of the fifties and sixties. Strong relationships are also found between radionuclide data (137Cs with respect to 241Pu and 210Pb with respect to 137Cs), make it possible to estimate the total deposition or natural fluxes of these radionuclides. Total deposition of 137Cs over Antarctica is estimated at 760 TBq, based on results from the 90–180° East sector. Given the irregular distribution of sampling sites, more ice cores and snow samples must be analyzed in other sectors of Antarctica to check the validity of this figure.
In this study laboratory experiments of sea ice formed on a vertical surface with initial temperature of −30 to −50°C are presented. The ice formation is rapid, and in 300 s >5 mm of sea ice is formed. Ice formation cooled and salinified the water, and induced a vertical down wards flow of ∼5 mm/s with a boundary layer about 5 mm thick. This ice has a structure with columnar crystals that have small circular cross sections (0.2–1.0 mm) and sea ice salinities are between 24 and 32. A simple model approach indicate that the thermal conductivity of such ice is lower than for other types of sea ice.
Livets opprinnelse er et mysterium. Ikke desto mindre er mange forskere beskjeftiget med å forsøke og rekonstruere dette. Moderne forskning på livet under ekstreme betingelser på Jorda som f.eks. i dyphavet, i en innsjø under isen i Antarktis eller i en gruppe sjeldne meteoritter, har ført til en viss optimisme når det gjelder å finne liv på planeten Mars og på Jupiters månesatelliter Europa, Callisto og Ganymede.
Grain-size is an important but not well-known characteristic of snow at the surface of Antarctica. In the past, grain-size has been reported using various methods, the reliability, reproducibility and intercomparability of which is not warranted. In this paper, we present and recommend, depending on available logistical support, three techniques of snow-grain sampling and/or imaging in the field as well as an original digital image-processing method, which we have proved provides reproducible and intercomparable measures of a snow grain-size parameter, the mean convex radius. Results from more than 500 samples and 3000 images of snow grains are presented, which yield a still spatially limited yet unprecedentedly wide picture of near-surface snow grain-size distribution from fieldwork in Antarctica. In particular, except at sites affected by a very particular meteorology, surface grains in the interior of the ice sheet are uniformly small (0.1–0.2 mm). The climate-related increase of grain-size with depth through metamorphism is, as expected, not spatially uniform. Our Antarctic snow grain-size database will continue to grow as field investigations bring new samples, images and measures of snow grain.
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- oseanografi (38)
- osmoregulering (1)
- osmotisk stress (1)
- Otto Nordenskjöld (10)
- overflateakkumulering (1)
- overflatevann (1)
- overvåking (1)
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- paleoøkologi (2)
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- pelagisk hvalfangst (1)
- pelsseler (1)
- peptider (1)
- Per Savio (1)
- perleurt (1)
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- Peter I. Øy (20)
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- pingviner (18)
- pinnipedier (1)
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- planteplankton (1)
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- polarsamlinger (1)
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- polfarere (3)
- polferder (1)
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- Pollux (skip) (1)
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- Possession Islands (1)
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- psykofysiologi (1)
- psykologi (13)
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- rett (12)
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- Richard Evelyn Byrd (1)
- Roald Amundsen (109)
- Robert Falcon Scott (20)
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- romvitenskap (1)
- Rosshavet (13)
- ROV-Derived bathymetry (1)
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- salpetersyre (1)
- saltkjertel (1)
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- Seymourøya (2)
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- snøpakke (1)
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- sollys (2)
- solstråling (3)
- solvind (4)
- sopper (4)
- Sør-Orknøyene (4)
- Sør-Shetlandsøyene (2)
- Sørishavet (123)
- sørlig oscillasjon (1)
- sørlys (2)
- Sørpolen (12)
- sosiologi (1)
- Southern Cross (28)
- Southern Cross (skip) (3)
- spektrofotometri (1)
- sporgass (1)
- språk (1)
- stabile isotoper (7)
- stasjoner (5)
- statistisk analyse (1)
- statsforvaltning (1)
- statsvitenskap (1)
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- Svend Foyn (1)
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- Sydpolekspedisjon (1)
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- Sydpolen (89)
- sydpolen (20)
- Sydpolflyvningen (6)
- Sydpolsekspedisjonen (124)
- Sydpolsekspedisjoner (3)
- symposium (7)
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- termokronologi (1)
- terrestriske virveldyr (1)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjon (19)
- Thorshavn ekspedisjoner (7)
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- tidevannsmålinger (1)
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- trekkhunder (3)
- Troll forskningsstasjon (3)
- Tryggve Gran (1)
- tungmetaller (1)
- tunicata (1)
- turisme (19)
- ultrafiolett stråling (6)
- utenrikspolitikk (5)
- utforskning (4)
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- vannressurser (1)
- vannstabile isotoper (1)
- vegetasjon (1)
- Vestantarktis (7)
- Vestfold (3)
- Victoria Land (12)
- virvelløse dyr (16)
- vitenskap (24)
- vitenskapelige ekspedisjoner (11)
- Vostoksjøen (1)
- vulkaner (8)
- Weddellhavet (16)
- zoofysiologi (2)
- zoologi (65)
Resource type
- Book (240)
- Book Section (191)
- Conference Paper (8)
- Document (37)
- Journal Article (765)
- Magazine Article (1)
- Report (36)
- Thesis (20)
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (24)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (20)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (34)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (25)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (98)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (46)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (35)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (62)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (91)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (93)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (202)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (189)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (265)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (105)
- Unknown (9)