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A quantitative biochronological study by Cody et al. (2008) integrates comprehensive diatom biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and tephrostratigraphy from 32 Neogene sections around the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental margin. A recent method, known as Constrained Optimization (CONOP), which can be viewed as a multidimensional version of graphic correlation, is applied to that very interesting database. The goal of the present paper is to discuss some theoretical aspects of quantitative biochronology and to compare the constrained optimization with the deterministic method called Unitary Associations (UAM), a graph theoretical model. We illustrate the fact that the UAM is an extremely powerful and unique theory allowing an in-depth analysis of the internal conflicting inter-taxon stratigraphic relationships, inherent to any complex biostratigraphical database.
I denne masteroppgaven har jeg med utgangspunkt i kvinner bosatt i og rundt Sandefjord kommune i Vestfold, sett nærmere på kvinnenes side av hvalfangsthistorien, og undersøkt hvordan hvalfangernes hustruer opplevde hverdagen med og uten ektemennene ved sin side under den pelagiske hvalfangsten i tidsrommet 1930-1968. Oppgavens hovedproblemstilling, ”hvalfangerhustruer, en gruppe sterke kvinner?” er inspirert av moderne kjønnsteori og kjønnsforskning, og stiller spørsmålstegn ved flere sentrale påstander i den eneste andre boken om hvalfangerhustruene i Vestfold, nemlig høyskolelæreren og forfatteren Jorunn Vesterlids bok Hvalfangerkoner og barn forteller fra 1992. Oppgaven er videre en kvalitativ studie, og bygger i hovedsak på muntlige kilder. Hovedkildene er egne intervjuer med tidligere hvalfangerhustruer og en hvalfanger, i tillegg til minnematerialet etter Jorunn Vesterlid, som også består av intervjuer med forhenværende hvalfangerhustruer. I tillegg består oppgavens kildegrunnlag av et supplerende kildemateriale som blant annet består av en privat brevsamling, foto og avisutklipp. Oppgaven består av totalt fire analysekapitler, som på ulike måter belyser og besvarer problemstillingen. I det første kapittelet ser jeg nærmere på hvalfangerhustruenes arbeid, og studerer både arbeidet til hvalfangerhustruene som bodde på gård, og arbeidet til hvalfangerhustruer som bodde i byen eller tettbygde strøk. Sentrale spørsmål er hvorvidt hvalfangerhustruenes arbeid skilte seg fra øvrige, samtidige kvinners arbeid, samt om mennenes fravær førte til at kvinnene fikk større ansvar. Denne diskusjonen fortsettes i kapittel tre, hvor jeg diskuterer kvinnenes arbeid og hverdagsliv under andre verdenskrig. I kapittel fire tar jeg for meg hvalfangerhustruenes fritid, og undersøker om de tilbrakte mye tid sammen under mennenes fravær, en diskusjon som igjen belyser hvorvidt kvinnene opplevde at de var del av en spesiell gruppe, eller et kollektiv som hvalfangerhustruer. Det siste analysekapittelet omhandler kvinnenes følelser, og jeg spør hvordan det var å leve med en ektemann som var fraværende store deler av året, og som i tillegg hadde et tidvis farlig yrke. På bakgrunn av analysen har jeg kommet frem til en hovedkonklusjon, hvor jeg hevder at hvalfangerhustruene nødvendigvis ikke var sterkere enn andre kvinner, men at de som følge av mennenes fravær likevel måtte takle så vel et utvidet ansvar som ekstra utfordringer. Jeg finner heller ikke at det medfører riktighet å omtale hvalfangerhustruene som en egen gruppe kvinner til enhver tid, til tross for at det forekom anledninger hvor kvinnene opplevde så vel liknende erfaringer som samhold.
Fishing down the food chain is a controversial issue that demands further exploration. Redfeed is a marine species located on the second to last level on the food web. It is also one of the potential saviors of the aquaculture industry. The role of effective management of this species is of utmost importance to avoid the potential catastrophe associated with its overharvesting. Using a calculation of behavioral effectiveness, a blueprint redfeed regime is compared with the Convention for the Conservation of the Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), an ecosystem-based management regime with the now famous krill as its key species. Though the regimes are similar in nature, their geopolitical differences suggest that a future redfeed regime will be effective even though CCAMLR has not been. Ensuring that the redfeed is not merely incorporated into existing regimes, but is treated separately in an ecosystem-based regime, will alleviate the interplay this future redfeed regime otherwise would encounter.
Lagrangian subsurface isopycnal eddy diffusivities are calculated from numerical floats released in several regions of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) of the 0.1° Parallel Ocean Program. Lagrangian diffusivities are horizontally highly variable with no consistent latitudinal dependence. Elevated values are found in some areas in the core of the ACC, near topographic features, and close to the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone and Agulhas Retroflection. Cross-stream eddy diffusivities are depth invariant in the model ACC. An increase of Lagrangian eddy length scales with depth is masked by the strong decrease with depth of eddy velocities. The cross-stream diffusivities average 750 ± 250 m2 s−1 around the Polar Frontal Zone. The results imply that parameterizations that (only) use eddy kinetic energy to parameterize the diffusivities are incomplete. We suggest that dominant correlations of Lagrangian eddy diffusivities with eddy kinetic energy found in previous studies may have been due to the use of too short time lags in the integration of the velocity autocovariance used to infer the diffusivities. We find evidence that strong mean flow inhibits cross-stream mixing within the ACC, but there are also areas where cross-stream diffusivities are large in spite of strong mean flows, for example, in regions close to topographic obstacles such as the Kerguelen Plateau.
The amount of anthropogenic CO2 (Cant) that entered the Weddell Sea between 1992 and 2008 (Cant1992?2008) was assessed using the extended multiple linear regression (eMLR) method. In the Warm Deep Water (WDW) and the Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW), Cant1992?2008 values were insignificant, whereas values as high as 8 ?mol kg?1 were observed over the shelf. Cant1992?2008 concentrations in the surface layer varied with latitude between 2 and 11 ?mol kg?1. Weak intrusion of anthropogenic CO2 into Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) was demonstrated (Cant1992?2008 yields 1.5?2 ?mol kg?1). That more Cant1992?2008 was found in the WSDW than in the WSBW is surprising, but can be explained by intense ventilation of the WSDW originating from east of the Weddell Gyre. The invasion of Cant1992?2008 provokes a shift in the equilibria of the carbonate system, resulting in acidification and reduction of CO32? concentration. The mean decrease of pH in the upper 200 m layer was 0.016. The largest decrease of calcite and aragonite saturation states was observed at the surface. This implies that surface waters might become undersaturated with respect to aragonite in the future while the underlying WDW is still saturated. Results of this analysis suggest that complete undersaturation of surface waters in the Weddell Sea will be reached after the 21st century.
Intraspecific differences in the diets of many species of pinnipeds are to be expected in view of the great differences in morphology, life history and foraging behaviour between the sexes of many species. We examined the diet of the Antarctic fur seal population at Bouvetoya, Southern Ocean, to assess intersexual differences. This was made possible by the analysis of prey remains extracted from scats and regurgitations collected in areas used primarily by one or the other sex. The results indicate that both males and females feed primarily on Antarctic krill Euphausia superba with several species of fish and squid being taken, likely opportunistically given their prevalence. Significant differences were identified in the frequency of occurrence of otoliths in scats and the percentage numerical abundance of the major fish prey species in the diet. Adult males ate a smaller quantity of fish overall, but ate significantly more of the larger fish species. The greater diving capabilities of males and the fact that they are not limited in the extent of their foraging area by having to return regularly to feed dependant offspring may play a role in the differences found between the diets of males and females. Additionally, females might be more selective, favouring myctophids because they are richer in energy than krill. The absence of major differences in the diet between the sexes at this location is likely due to the high overall abundance of prey at Bouvetoya.
Clouds and the Earth's radiant energy system (CERES) is a satellite-based remote sensing system designed to monitor the Earth's radiation budget. In this paper we examine uncertainties in the angular distribution models (ADMs) used by CERES over permanently snow covered surfaces with clear skies. These ADMs are a key part of the CERES data processing algorithms, used to convert the observed upwelling radiance to an estimate of the upwelling hemispheric flux. We model top-of-atmosphere anisotropic reflectance factors using an atmospheric radiative transfer model with a lower boundary condition based on extensive reflectance observations made at Dome C, Antarctica. The model results and subsequent analysis show that the CERES operational clear-sky permanent-snow ADMs are appropriate for use over Dome C, with differences of less than 5% between the model results and the ADMs at most geometries used by CERES operationally. We show that the uncertainty introduced into the flux estimates through the use of the modeled radiances used in the ADM development is small when the fluxes are averaged over time and space. Finally, we show that variations in the angular distribution of radiance at the top of the atmosphere due to atmospheric variability over permanently snow covered regions are in most cases unlikely to mask the real variations in flux caused by these atmospheric variations.
Spectral albedo and bidirectional reflectance of snow were measured at Dome C on the East Antarctic Plateau for wavelengths of 350–2400 nm and solar zenith angles of 52°–87°. A parameterization of bidirectional reflectance, based on those measurements, is used as the lower boundary condition in the atmospheric radiation model SBDART to calculate radiance and flux at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). The model's atmospheric profile is based on radiosoundings at Dome C and ozonesoundings at the South Pole. Computed TOA radiances are integrated over wavelength for comparison with the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) shortwave channel. CERES radiance observations and flux estimates from four clear days in January 2004 and January 2005 from within 200 km of Dome C are compared with the TOA radiances and fluxes computed for the same solar zenith angle and viewing geometry, providing 11,000 comparisons. The measured radiance and flux are lower than the computed values. The median difference is about 7% for CERES on Terra, and 9% on Aqua. Sources of uncertainty in the model and observations are examined in detail and suggest that the measured values should be less than the computed values, but only by 1.7% ± 4%. The source of the discrepancy of about 6% cannot be identified here; however, the modeled values do agree with observations from another satellite instrument (Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer), suggesting that the CERES calibration must be considered a possible source of the discrepancy.
The mechanisms by :vhich peripheral circulation and respiration serve in maintaining thermal homeostasis in birds living in cold climates are reviewed. Three types of arteriovenous heat exchanger (an elaborate rete, asimple rete, and a venue comirantes system) are found in the legs of birds. The anatomical differences between the different types of A-V associations are described, and the regulation of peripheral blood flow, in respect to maximal heat conservation and prevention of tissue damage, is discussed. A nasal temporal counter current heat exchanger, lowering the temperature of the expired air to values considerably below the body temperature, is the most important mechanism for minimizing the respiratory heat and water loss. In addition, a decreased ventilatory requirement, caused by a changed respiratory pattern and an increased parabronchial oxygen extraction, lowers the amount of air ventilated relative to the amount of oxygen uptake. Thus, the relative loss of heat and water is reduced.
We studied the relationship between the proximity of land and the distribution and swarming characteristics of Antarctic krill across the Scotia Sea in January and February 2003. Krill swarms identified with a Simrad EK60 (38 kHz, 120 kHz) echosounder were grouped into 4 categories according to distance from shoreline: 0 to 50 km, 50 to 100 km, 100 to 200 km and >200 km. Cross-sectional areas of swarms were significantly larger inshore, with a mean value of 120 m<sup>2</sup> in the 0 to 50 km zone compared to <80 m<sup>2</sup> further offshore. The packing concentration of krill within inshore swarms was also significantly greater, with an average density of 95 ind. m<sup>–3</sup> compared to between 24 and 31 ind. m<sup>–3</sup> elsewhere. A large proportion of the biomass was concentrated into a small number of large, dense swarms throughout the survey area, and this trend increased with decreasing distance from shore. The highest median number of swarms per km and krill acoustic biomass per km was found in the 50 to 100 km zone. However, a significantly greater number of large, biomass-rich swarms occurred in the 0 to 50 km zone compared to all other zones. Swarms in the 0 to 50 km zone were also significantly further apart. The majority of swarms were located in the upper 50 m during the daytime although they were marginally deeper in the night in offshore regions. Krill are likely to move between inshore and offshore environments continuously over their lifetimes. The change in krill behaviour between environments could be a response to local predatory threats over short spatial and temporal scales.
This study documents horizontal distribution and demography of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from the Southern Ocean during January–March 2008. The cruise predominantly occurred in CCAMLR Subarea 48.6, where knowledge about the ecosystem is limited. E. superba were not found north of 52°S. The biomass, estimated from trawl catches, was highest (63.09 g/m2) at a station 680 km southeast of Bouvetøya and at two stations 1,400 and 600 km southeast and southwest of Bouvetøya, 54.67 and 61.38 g/m2, respectively. Body length ranged from 19 to 61 mm (N = 8,538), with a mean of 42.0 ± 6.4 mm (SD). The overall sex ratio was 1:1, 46.2% males (13.2% adults and 33.0% subadults), 46.1% females (33.6% adults and 12.5% subadults), while 7.5% were juveniles. Trawl stations dominated by adults were found west and north of Bouvetøya. Stations with high proportions of subadults and juveniles were mainly found southeast of the island. Four cluster groups were differentiated: analyzing data on krill sex proportions, maturity stages, hydrography, nutrients and chlorophyll concentrations. Two groups represented stations located in the northern part of the study area, where E. superba were absent; water temperatures were higher and the nutrient concentrations lower compared to the groups where E. superba were present. This study shows that bathymetric features like the North Weddell Ridge including Bouvetøya are important for concentrating krill probably due to water mass characteristics and advective processes which influence regional krill demography. The southern regions of CCAMLR sector 48.6 are essential for understanding regional krill recruitment and production.
Sensitivity studies with global climate models show that, by their influence on the radiation balance, Antarctic clouds play a major role in the climate system, both directly at high southern latitudes and indirectly globally, as the local circulation changes lead to global teleconnections. Unfortunately, observations of cloud distribution in the Antarctic are limited and often of low quality because of the practical difficulty in observing clouds in the harsh Antarctic environment. The best surface observations suggest that the fractional cloud cover at the South Pole is around 50–60% in all seasons, whereas the cloud cover rises to around 80–90% close to the coast of the continent. Microphysical observations of cloud parameters are also very sparse in the Antarctic. However, the few measurements that do exist show predominantly ice-crystal clouds across the interior, with mixed-phase clouds close to the coasts. Crystal sizes vary from 5 to 30 mm (effective radius) in the interior to somewhat larger ice crystals and water drops near the coast. A wide range of crystal shapes is observed at all sites. This review considers the available cloud observations and highlights the importance of Antarctic clouds and the need for better observations in the future.
The understanding of the role of the pteropods Limacina helicina in the ecosystem has become of greater interest as the debate on ocean acidification and its consequences for calcifying organisms has increased. Four incubation experiments were carried out in January and February 2006 in Terra Nova Bay Polynya (Ross Sea) to identify the faecal pellets (FPs) produced by L. helicina. Mean FP production rates were 6.1 ± 1.3 and 10.9 ± 2.1 pellets day−1 individual−1 in January and February, respectively. FPs produced by L. helicina had an oval shape with a more lengthened side. The identification of L. helicina faeces allowed us to quantify the amounts of L. helicina FPs in the material collected by sediment traps deployed in the same area from 1998 to 2001. We found that L. helicina FPs flux ranged from 71 × 103 FP m−2 year−1 to 362 × 103 FP m−2 year−1 and reach maximum values in March–April every year. The FPs flux of this organism contributed 19% of the particle organic carbon flux. The carbon pump may be modified if the L. helicina population declines as a consequence of the predicted acidification in polar and subpolar waters.
Climate change and disease, among other factors, play an important role in the regulation and evolution of animal populations through the differential survival of individuals (Holmes 1996; Harvell et al. 2002). The study and monitoring of disease is important because diseases are likely to be spread more rapidly now than in the recent past because of increased globalization and rapid humaninduced climate change (Daszak et al. 2000; Ward & Lafferty 2004). Antarctic wildlife offers a unique opportunity to study disease spread in terms of globalization and climate change because: (1) Antarctic animals are increasingly exposed to humans and other disease vectors, such as introduced species; and (2) there is strong evidence of climatic changes in and around Antarctica (Mayewski et al. 2009), which together may affect the composition and virulence of pathogens or increase the overlap between Antarctic and other seabirds and their parasites (e.g., Kovats et al. 2001).
Snow accumulation and its variability on the East Antarctic plateau are poorly understood due to sparse and regionally confined measurements. We present a 5.3 GHz (C-band) ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profile with a total length of 860 km recovered during the joint Norwegian–US International Polar Year traverse 2007/08. Mean surface mass balance (SMB) over the last 200 years was derived from the GPR data by identifying the volcanic deposition of the Tambora eruption in 1815. It varies between 9.1 and 37.7 kg m−2 a−1 over the profile, with a mean of 23.7 kg m−2 a−1 and a standard deviation of 4.7 kg m−2 a−1. The 200 year SMB estimated is significantly lower than most of the SMB estimates over shorter time periods in this region. This can be partly explained by a SMB minimum in the vicinity of the ice divide. However, it is more likely that a recent increase in SMB observed by several studies is largely responsible for the observed discrepancy.
Observations of three bands of westward flow and two countercurrents, spanning roughly 50 km from the ice-shelf edge in front of the Fimbul Ice Shelf (prime meridian) in Antarctica, are presented. A comparison with a numerical model and the proximity of two of these current cores to the ice shelf suggest that they split from the Antarctic Coastal Current because of the influence of sea ice on the surface drag. A comparison with previous studies suggests that the other core is the current associated with the Antarctic Slope Front. Because the Fimbul ice shelf overhangs the continental shelf, the Antarctic Coastal Current displaces offshore, getting close to the Antarctic Slope Front. The obtained structure is derived from conductivity–temperature–depth geostrophic velocities from February 2005, referenced with detided acoustic Doppler current profiler velocities.
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