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Det er ingen avgrensing på språk (men det meste av innholdet er på norsk eller engelsk). Eldre norske antarktispublikasjoner (den eldste er fra 1894) er dominert av kvalfangst og ekspedisjoner. I nyere tid er det den internasjonale polarforskninga som dominerer. Bibliografien er tverrfaglig; den dekker både naturvitenskapene, politikk, historie osv. Skjønnlitteratur er også inkludert, men ikke avisartikler eller upublisert materiale.
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A distinctive halo of sea ice deformation was observed above the Maud Rise seamount in the eastern Weddell Sea in the winter of 2005. The deformation halo is coincident with a halo of low mean ice concentration that is often observed in the region. Monthly mean ice vorticity estimates for the months July through November reveal the deformation zone most clearly in an arc about 100 km northwest of the seamount where there is a strong gradient in the bathymetry at depths of 3000–5000 m. The deformation was computed from satellite-based ice motion vectors derived from Envisat Synthetic Aperture Radar backscatter images. The deformation halo is evidence of a Taylor cap circulation over the seamount, which has been described and analyzed with modeling studies and concurrent oceanographic observations obtained during an extensive field campaign.
I fjor vinter skapte norske og amerikanske forskere og teknikere historie da de la ut på en tre måneders ekspedisjon til Sydpolen. Snart vender de tilbake for nye tre måneder. Fire store innsjøer under isen venter på å bli undersøkt.
In the century since Roald Amundsen and Robert F. Scott led the first and second expeditions to reach the South Pole, commentators have frequently passed judgement on the different means of transport that the two explorers employed. In hindsight, and since he ‘won,’ they have consistently praised Amundsen for using dogs exclusively and criticised Scott for not doing the same. Surprisingly, however, almost no attention has been given to the experience of Amundsen's dogs, whose extreme suffering seems to have vanished into a collective blind spot. Here, with the aim of restoring balance to one part of the vexed historiography of the two explorers, that record is set straight. Amundsen's troubled and contradictory attitude towards his animals is also explored and common misconceptions about Scott's views on the use of dogs for transport are confuted.
During the austral winter of 2007 a Weddell Seal tagged with a miniaturized conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) instrument travelled over the central southern Weddell Sea continental shelf. The instrument yielded 750 CTD profiles, 250 of them to the sea floor. The data show a full depth flow of water onto the shelf via a sill at the shelf break (74°S 44°W). The warmth from the core of the flow was able to maintain the surface mixed layer above the freezing point, resulting in a band of reduced ice-production. An estimate of the on-shelf flux suggests that this flow accounts for most of the estimated 3 Sv of water draining from the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf.
During the past ten years, the Antarctic Peninsula has been identified as the most rapidly warming region of the Southern Hemisphere and it is important to place this warming in the context of the natural climate and oceanographic variability of the recent geological past. Many biological proxies, such as marine diatom assemblages, have been used to determine Southern Ocean palaeoceanographic conditions during the Late Quaternary, however, few investigations have attempted to link observations of modern floras with the fossil record. In this study we examine a suite of modern austral spring (December 2003) and summer (February 2002) surface water samples from along the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) continental shelf and compare these to core-top, surface sediment samples. Using detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) of diatom abundance data we investigate the relationship of contemporary diatom floras with the fossil record. This multivariate analysis reveals that our modern assemblages can be divided into three groups: summer southern WAP sites, summer northern WAP sites, and spring WAP sites. Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important environmental variable for explaining seasonal differences in diatom assemblages between spring and summer, but sea surface salinity (SSS) is more important for understanding temporally-equivalent regional variations in assemblage. Our summer diatom samples are more reminiscent of early season assemblages, reflecting the unusually late sea ice retreat from the region that year. When the modern assemblages are compared to the fossil record, it is clear that most of the important diatoms from the summer assemblage are not preserved into the sediments, and that the fossil record more closely reflects spring assemblages. This observation is important for any future attempts to quantitatively reconstruct palaeoceanographic conditions along the WAP during the Late Quaternary and highlights the need for many more such studies in order to address longer timescales, such as interannual variability, in the context of the fossil record.
Bioremediation in cold climates is frequently regarded with skepticism. Owners of polluted sites and regulatory agencies may doubt the effectiveness of biological degradation at near freezing temperatures. While it is true that biodegradation rates decrease with decreasing temperatures, this does not mean that bioremediation is inappropriate for cold regions. Microbial degradation of hydrocarbons occurs even around 0 °C (Chapter 4). In remote alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic locations, excavation and shipping of contaminated soil may be prohibitively expensive. Bioremediation may be the most cost-effective alternative. This chapter discusses microbial adaptation to cold temperatures as well as results of laboratory and field studies of bioremediation at low temperatures.Microorganisms can grow at temperatures ranging from subzero to more than 100 °C. Microbes are divided into four groups based on the range of temperature at which they can grow. The psychrophiles grows at temperatures below 20 °C, the mesophiles between 20 °C and 44 °C, the thermophiles between 45 °C and 70 °C, and the hyperthermophiles require growth temperatures above 70 °C to over 110 °C. The term “cold-adapted microorganisms” (CAMs) is frequently used for describing bacteria growing at or close to zero degrees Celsius. Depending on the cardinal temperatures (the minimal, the optimal, and the maximum growth temperature), CAMs can be classified as psychrophiles or psychrotrophs. Morita's (1975) definition, which holds that psychrophiles have a maximum growth temperature of less than 20 °C and an optimal growth temperature of less than 15 °C, while psychrotrophs have a maximum temperature of 40 °C and an optimal growth temperature higher than 15 °C, is widely accepted.
Oil and fuel spills are among the most extensive and environmentally damaging pollution problems in cold regions and are recognized as potential threats to human and ecosystem health. It is generally thought that spills are more damaging in cold regions, and that ecosystem recovery is slower than in warmer climates (AMAP 1998; Det Norske Veritas 2003). Slow natural attenuation rates mean that petroleum concentrations remain high for many years, and site managers are therefore often forced to select among a range of more active remediation options, each of which involves a trade-off between cost and treatment time (Figure 11). The acceptable treatment timeline is usually dictated by financial circumstance, perceived risks, regulatory pressure, or transfer of land ownership.In situations where remediation and site closure are not urgent, natural attenuation is often considered an option. However, for many cold region sites, contaminants rapidly migrate off-site (Gore et al. 1999; Snape et al. 2006a). In seasonally frozen ground, especially in wetlands, a pulse of contamination is often released with each summer thaw (AMAP 1998; Snape et al. 2002). In these circumstances natural attenuation is likely not a satisfactory option. Simply excavating contaminants and removing them for off-site treatment may not be viable either, because the costs are often prohibitive and the environmental consequences of bulk extraction can equal or exceed the damage caused by the initial spill (Filler et al. 2006; Riser-Roberts 1998).
En rekelignende skapning i Sørishavet er Kjell Inge Røkkes nye yndling. Den kan nemlig brukes i alt fra slankemidler til fiskefôr. Men vet vi nok om krill til å slippe trålerne løs? Forskningsskipet G.O. Sars har vært på tokt for å finne u mer.
Identification of DNA sequence diversity is a powerful means for assessing the species present in environmental samples. The most common molecular strategies for estimating taxonomic composition depend upon PCR with universal primers that amplify an orthologous DNA region from a range of species. The diversity of sequences within a sample that can be detected by universal primers is often compromised by high concentrations of some DNA templates. If the DNA within the sample contains a small number of sequences in relatively high concentrations, then less concentrated sequences are often not amplified because the PCR favours the dominant DNA types. This is a particular problem in molecular diet studies, where predator DNA is often present in great excess of food-derived DNA.
The Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment (ARISE) was conducted in the East Antarctic sea ice zone during September–October 2003. A key objective of this program was the acquisition of in situ measurements suitable for evaluating the EOS Aqua Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) snow depth product. A strategy is presented for comparing snow thickness measurements over spatial scales ranging from point measurements to satellite pixels. In situ measurements of snow thickness were taken across eight Lagrangian grid cells defined and tracked using an array of drifting buoys. These data are coupled with ice-type analyses from digital aerial photographs to calculate area-averaged snow thicknesses that are compared with the AMSR-E derived snow thickness product. The results show considerable underestimates of the AMSR-E snow depths for rough sea ice by a factor of 2.3. We investigate the impact of underlying sea ice roughness on snow depth retrievals and conclude that in situ measurements of snow thickness underrepresent snow depth over rough ice, which is then not adequately accounted for in the development of the algorithm coefficients.
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