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Antarctic krill Euphausia superba are a key part of the marine food web and are the target of the largest fishery in the Southern Ocean. Although ecosystem and management models typically assume that krill are passive drifters, their relatively large size and strong swimming ability suggest that the active movement of krill may play an important role in their spatial distribution. Thus, active swimming behavior by krill may influence spatial structure of food web interactions (e.g. feeding behavior of seabirds and marine mammals) and regional commercial fishery activity. The objective of this work was to model the potential for active movement to affect krill distribution, and consequently growth, reproductive success, and survival. We used state-dependent life history theory, implemented by stochastic dynamic programming, in combination with spatial information on food availability, current velocity, temperature, and predation risk, to predict krill swimming behavior near the northern Antarctic Peninsula. We found that including active krill behavior resulted in distribution patterns that are associated with increased survival, growth, and reproductive success compared to a model that treats krill as passive drifters. The expected reproductive success of actively behaving krill was about 70% greater than that of passively diffusing krill, suggesting that there are strong selective pressures for active behavior along oceanic drift trajectories. This modeling framework will benefit assessments of new catch limits as krill fishing grounds are partitioned into smaller spatial management units. KEYWORDS: Euphausia superba · Behavior · Stochastic dynamic programming · Management · Advection · Southern Ocean
Fish oil dietary supplements and complementary medicines are pitched to play a role of increasing strategic importance in meeting daily requirements of essential nutrients, such as long-chain (≥C20, LC) omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D. Recently a new product category, derived from Antarctic krill, has been launched on the omega-3 nutriceutical market. Antarctic krill oil is marketed as demonstrating a greater ease of absorption due to higher phospholipid content, as being sourced through sustainable fisheries and being free of toxins and pollutants; however, limited data is available on the latter component. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) encompass a range of toxic, man-made contaminants that accumulate preferentially in marine ecosystems and in the lipid reserves of organisms. Extraction and concentration of fish oils therefore represents an inherent nutritional-toxicological conflict. This study aimed to provide the first quantitative comparison of the nutritional (EPA and DHA) versus the toxicological profiles of Antarctic krill oil products, relative to various fish oil categories available on the Australian market. Krill oil products were found to adhere closely to EPA and DHA manufacturer specifications and overall were ranked as containing intermediate levels of POP contaminants when compared to the other products analysed. Monitoring of the pollutant content of fish and krill oil products will become increasingly important with expanding regulatory specifications for chemical thresholds.
Diatoméer – alger med skall av silisium, som er helt avhengige av næringsstoffet silikat – dominerer fytoplankton oppblomstringer og spiller en nøkkelrolle i havets økosystemer og i global karbonsyklus. Vi viser hvordan forskjeller i økologiske karakteristikker av dominerende arter i Sørishavet, som ble observert under det in situ europeiske jerngjødslings eksperimentet (European Iron Fertilization Experiment - EIFEX), kan påvirke karbon og silisium syklusene i havet. Vi argumenterer for at økologien til tykkskallete diatomé arter, som er selektert for av sterk beiting fra kopepoder, tar opp silikat fremfor andre næringsstoffer i det dype Sørishavet og underliggende sedimenter. Fordi Sørishavet er en viktig sentral for oseanisk fordeling av næringsstoffer, selektivt opptak av silikat i dette havområdet begrenser oppblomstringene av diatoméer i andre deler av verdenshavene, noe som potensielt får konsekvenser for biotisk opptak av karbon i hele verdens havområder.
We carried out a dietary overlap analysis between notothenioid species by examining the stomach contents of more than 900 specimens collected in a fish assemblage at the Danco Coast, western Antarctic Peninsula, in the summer of 2000. Prey reoccurrences among fish species were 32.2%, with krill Euphausia superba, salps and the gammaridean Prostebeingia longicornis the most reoccurring prey. The diet similarity between species pairs was lower than 55%, in accordance with similar fish assemblages in the South Orkney Islands, the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula. Whereas at those localities the higher prey overlap was between krill-feeding fish species, at the Danco Coast it was between Trematomus bernacchii and Lepidonotothen nudifrons, Notothenia coriiceps and Notothenia rossii, Notothenia coriiceps and Parachaenichthyis charcoti, and Trematomus newnesi and Notothenia rossii, which shared primarily gammaridean amphipods, algae, fish and krill, respectively. Krill is normally the main prey of fish in summer in inshore waters of the western Antarctic Peninsula, but its density in January/February 2000 was notably lower than in previous years. Therefore, at the Danco Coast, under conditions of krill shortage, most of the notothenioid species foraged more intensively on alternative prey, such as gammarideans, fish and algae. The difference between areas in the pattern of dietary overlap might be related to differences in prey availability between years and to the degree of competition for targeted prey. Keywords: Fish dietary overlap; notothenioid fish; Antarctic Peninsula.
Diatoméen Fragilariopsis kerguelensis fra Sørishavet spiller en nøkkelrolle i marin silisium syklus fordi restene av celleveggene synker til havbunnen rundt Antarktis, hvor de bygger opp de største depotene av biologisk generert silisium i verden. Tomme skall av diatomeer har også blitt brukt som indikatorer/proksier for produksjonsregimer i geologisk fortid av mikro-paleontologer. For å bedre kunne beskrive og forstå biologien av denne arten fra Sørishavet har vi adressert dens genetiske identitet ved hjelp av molekylære markører, og for første gang vært i stand til å anslå kjønn til denne arten. Dette har ført til at vi har vært i stand til å kjøre et stort antall vellykkede parringseksperimenter. Vi har vært i stand til å avdekke det intrikate parringssystemet og livssyklus karakteristikker til F. kerguelensis og demonstrere at vi kun har å gjøre med én biologisk art. En bedre forståelse av livssyklus til F. kerguelensis burde hjelpe for tolkning av geologiske tidsserier for denne arten og belyse rollen miljøfaktorer kan ha for å regulere populasjoner av arten.
Rapid climate change recorded in the western Antarctic Peninsula confronts species with less predictable conditions in the marine and terrestrial environments. We analysed the breeding chronology and nesting site selection of gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) at King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo), Antarctica, during four seasons in which differences in snow presence and persistence on the ground were observed. We recorded an overall delay as well as seasonal asynchrony at the beginning of reproduction for those years with higher snow deposition. A redistribution of breeding groups was also observed. Nevertheless, the population breeding success and chicks’ weight at fledging remained relatively constant, despite the delay in breeding chronology, the increased duration of foraging trips during the guard stage and the decreased weight of stomach contents during the crèche stage. We suggest that the plasticity of their trophic biology, along with the flexibility of their breeding phenology and relocation of breeding groups, may be complementary reasons why gentoo penguin populations in the region have remained stable in spite of the changing conditions currently registered. Keywords: Antarctica; breeding delay; breeding phenology; snow; Pygoscelis papua; Euphausia superba.
Knowledge about swarm dynamics and underlying causes is essential to understand the ecology and distribution of Antarctic krill . We collected acoustic data and key environmental data continuously across extensive gradients in the little-studied Southeast Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. A total of 4791 krill swarms with swarm descriptors including swarm height and length, packing density, swimming depth and inter-swarm distance were extracted. Through multivariate statistics, swarms were categorized into 4 groups. Group 2 swarms were largest (median length 108 m and thickness 18 m), whereas swarms in both Groups 1 and 4 were on average small, but differed markedly in depth distribution (median: 52 m for Group 1 vs. 133 m for Group 4). There was a strong spatial autocorrelation in the occurrence of swarms, and an autologistic regression model found no prediction of swarm occurrence from environmental variables for any of the Groups 1, 2 or 4. Probability of occurrence of Group 3 swarms, however, increased with increasing depth and temperature. Group 3 was the most distinctive swarm group with an order of magnitude higher packing density (median: 226 ind. m ) than swarms from any of the other groups and about twice the distance to nearest neighbor swarm (median: 493 m). The majority of the krill were present in Group 3 swarms, and the absence of association with hydrographic or topographic concentrating mechanisms strongly suggests that these swarms aggregate through their own locomotion, possibly associated with migration.
Despite warm polar climates and low meridional temperature gradients, a number of different high-latitude plankton assemblages were, to varying extents, dominated by endemic species during most of the Paleogene. To better understand the evolution of Paleogene plankton endemism in the high southern latitudes, we investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of the fossil remains of dinoflagellates, i.e., organic-walled cysts (dinocysts), and their response to changes in regional sea surface temperature (SST). We show that Paleocene and early Eocene (∼65–50 Ma) Southern Ocean dinocyst assemblages were largely cosmopolitan in nature but that a distinct switch from cosmopolitan-dominated to endemic-dominated assemblages (the so-called “transantarctic flora”) occurred around the early-middle Eocene boundary (∼50 Ma). The spatial distribution and relative abundance patterns of this transantarctic flora correspond well with surface water circulation patterns as reconstructed through general circulation model experiments throughout the Eocene. We quantitatively compare dinocyst assemblages with previously published TEX86–based SST reconstructions through the early and middle Eocene from a key locality in the southwest Pacific Ocean, ODP Leg 189 Site 1172 on the East Tasman Plateau. We conclude that the middle Eocene onset of the proliferation of the transantarctic flora is not linearly correlated with regional SST records and that only after the transantarctic flora became fully established later in the middle Eocene, possibly triggered by large-scale changes in surface-ocean nutrient availability, were abundances of endemic dinocysts modulated by regional SST variations.
Fishing down the food chain is a controversial issue that demands further exploration. Redfeed is a marine species located on the second to last level on the food web. It is also one of the potential saviors of the aquaculture industry. The role of effective management of this species is of utmost importance to avoid the potential catastrophe associated with its overharvesting. Using a calculation of behavioral effectiveness, a blueprint redfeed regime is compared with the Convention for the Conservation of the Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), an ecosystem-based management regime with the now famous krill as its key species. Though the regimes are similar in nature, their geopolitical differences suggest that a future redfeed regime will be effective even though CCAMLR has not been. Ensuring that the redfeed is not merely incorporated into existing regimes, but is treated separately in an ecosystem-based regime, will alleviate the interplay this future redfeed regime otherwise would encounter.
We studied the relationship between the proximity of land and the distribution and swarming characteristics of Antarctic krill across the Scotia Sea in January and February 2003. Krill swarms identified with a Simrad EK60 (38 kHz, 120 kHz) echosounder were grouped into 4 categories according to distance from shoreline: 0 to 50 km, 50 to 100 km, 100 to 200 km and >200 km. Cross-sectional areas of swarms were significantly larger inshore, with a mean value of 120 m<sup>2</sup> in the 0 to 50 km zone compared to <80 m<sup>2</sup> further offshore. The packing concentration of krill within inshore swarms was also significantly greater, with an average density of 95 ind. m<sup>–3</sup> compared to between 24 and 31 ind. m<sup>–3</sup> elsewhere. A large proportion of the biomass was concentrated into a small number of large, dense swarms throughout the survey area, and this trend increased with decreasing distance from shore. The highest median number of swarms per km and krill acoustic biomass per km was found in the 50 to 100 km zone. However, a significantly greater number of large, biomass-rich swarms occurred in the 0 to 50 km zone compared to all other zones. Swarms in the 0 to 50 km zone were also significantly further apart. The majority of swarms were located in the upper 50 m during the daytime although they were marginally deeper in the night in offshore regions. Krill are likely to move between inshore and offshore environments continuously over their lifetimes. The change in krill behaviour between environments could be a response to local predatory threats over short spatial and temporal scales.
The understanding of the role of the pteropods Limacina helicina in the ecosystem has become of greater interest as the debate on ocean acidification and its consequences for calcifying organisms has increased. Four incubation experiments were carried out in January and February 2006 in Terra Nova Bay Polynya (Ross Sea) to identify the faecal pellets (FPs) produced by L. helicina. Mean FP production rates were 6.1 ± 1.3 and 10.9 ± 2.1 pellets day−1 individual−1 in January and February, respectively. FPs produced by L. helicina had an oval shape with a more lengthened side. The identification of L. helicina faeces allowed us to quantify the amounts of L. helicina FPs in the material collected by sediment traps deployed in the same area from 1998 to 2001. We found that L. helicina FPs flux ranged from 71 × 103 FP m−2 year−1 to 362 × 103 FP m−2 year−1 and reach maximum values in March–April every year. The FPs flux of this organism contributed 19% of the particle organic carbon flux. The carbon pump may be modified if the L. helicina population declines as a consequence of the predicted acidification in polar and subpolar waters.
Wiebe, P. H., Chu, D., Kaartvedt, S., Hundt, A., Melle, W., Ona, E., and Batta-Lona, P. 2010. The acoustic properties of Salpa thompsoni. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 583–593.Aggregations of the salp Salpa thompsoni were encountered during the Antarctic krill and ecosystem-studies cruise on the RV “G.O. Sars” from 19 February to 27 March 2008. The salp's in situ target strength (TS), size, number of individuals in aggregate chains, and chain angle of orientation were determined. Shipboard measurements were made of Salpa thompsoni's material properties. Individual aggregates were mostly 45.5–60.6 mm in mean length; relatively rare solitaries were ∼100 mm. Chains ranged from 3 to at least 121 individuals, and in surface waters (<20 m), they showed no preferred angle of orientation. Sound-speed contrast (h) ranged from 1.0060 to 1.0201 and density contrast (g) estimates between 1.0000 and 1.0039. The in situ TS distributions peaked between −75 and −76 dB at 38 kHz, with a secondary peak at approximately −65 dB. TS ranged between −85 and −65 dB at 120 and 200 kHz and peaked around −74 dB. The measured in situ TS of salps reasonably matched the theoretical scattering-model predictions based on multi-individual chains. The backscattering from aggregate salps gives rise to TS values that can be similar to krill and other zooplankton with higher density and sound-speed contrasts.
We present the first data on attendance patterns, at-sea movements and diving behaviour of Antarctic fur seals breeding at Bouvetøya (Bouvet Island), Southern Ocean. While other colonies have been extensively studied, this remote and second largest global population remains relatively unknown. Time depth recorders and satellite relay data loggers were deployed on breeding females during the 2000–2001 and 2001–2002 summers. Attendance and foraging patterns were similar to those observed at colonies in the Scotia Sea region where Antarctic krill is the predominant prey. Early to mid-lactation trips ranged within ~100 km of the island, usually towards the west. The dominant direction shifted later in the season and the range also increased markedly to a peak between early February and early March. Solar elevation influenced arrivals and departures from the island, with most departures occurring around sunset. Diurnal variations in diving behaviour were consistent with the vertical migration of krill. Diving frequency was higher at night and diving effort peaked around morning twilight. Afternoon deep diving was common, suggesting that females might target dense daytime krill aggregations between the photic zone and the thermocline. Trip durations increased throughout early to mid-lactation, peaking in late January to early March, before again decreasing towards the end of lactation. Our results illustrate the substantial variability, both between individuals and within individuals over time, that is likely to reflect variations in prey distribution and in the growth requirements of pups. Such variations need to be taken into account when estimating habitat use and resource utilisation in marine top predators.
The effect of UVR on the viability of the culturable bacterial community fraction (CBC), and two of their isolated components (Arthrobacter-UVvi and Bizionia-UVps), was studied in the top few metres of the water column at Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica. Quartz flasks containing CBC from surface waters were exposed to solar radiation at depths of 0, 1 and 3 m. Similar experiments using UVps and UVvi isolates were performed. In some experiments interferential filters were used to discriminate photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), UV-A and UV-B. CBC from depths of 0, 10 and 30 m were also exposed to surface solar radiation. The deleterious effect of UVR was observed at the surface and at a depth of 1 m, but not at a depth of 3 m. Studies with interferential filters showed low bacterial viability values at depths of 0 and 1 m under both UVR treatments. However, under low radiation doses the effect attributed to UV-B was higher than that caused by UV-A. The surface CBC was more resistant to UVR compared with CBC from a depth of 30 m. The results showed that CBC inhabiting waters above the pycnocline (located at a depth of 5–10 m) are more efficiently adapted to UVR than are those from below the pycnocline. The impact of UVR on the marine bacterioplankton studied was only detected in the first metre of the stratified water column of Potter Cove, which has high levels of suspended particulate matter. These results support the evidence for a significant UVR-attenuating effect in the water column of this coastal Antarctic water.
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