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I studied egg size variation, and the influence of egg size on early nestling growth, in Snow Petrels Pagodroma nivea breeding at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica (71 degrees 53'S, 5 degrees 10'E). Egg sizes ranged from 36.4 to 52.1 cm(3), with a mean of 44.9 cm(3). Hatching occurred during 16-24 January, with a median hatching date of 20 January. Egg size had a significant effect on the body mass of hatchlings, explaining 30% of the variation in body mass of nestlings hatched within the last 24 hr, and 58% of the body mass variation of nestlings weighed while still slightly wet. An experiment, which included swapping of eggs between nests, together with analyses of non-manipulated nests, revealed an effect of egg size on nestling body masses at ages of two and four days. From the experiment, no effect of maternal quality as expressed by her egg size could be found. At an age of four days, 40% of the nestlings were left alone in the nest by their parents. Nestlings not attended by a parent at this age were significantly lighter than were those with parental company. Parents that had left their young by the time these were four days old may have been poor quality birds, as indicated by the tendency for such birds to have laid smaller eggs than had those still tending their young at the same nestling age.
An experiment was conducted on the Antarctic petrel to test whether the parents were able to respond to changes in food demand of their offspring. Two experimental groups were formed by replacing eight 20-day-old chicks with 10-day-old chicks, and vice versa. The growth rate of chicks in the experimental groups was compared with that in two control groups with chicks of known age. The growth rate of 10-day-old chicks in the nests of parents which initially had 20-day-old chicks did not differ significantly from that in their respective control groups. This indicates that those parents were able to raise a new young nestling, despite having already raised another chick from hatching to 20 days. However, the 20-day-old chicks placed in nests with 10-day-old chicks had a significantly lower growth rate than their control group. Feeding rate per day and nest did not differ significantly among any of the groups. This suggests that the observed difference in growth rate between 20-day-old chicks is related to a lower amount of food delivered per visit to experimental chicks. Thus, in the Antarctic petrel, the feeding rate apparently is not regulated by the status of the chick, but by the parents' ability to gather food or willingness to provide food for the chicks.
Antarctic Petrel Thalassoica antarctica incubation and brooding effort was studied at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, during the austral summer of 1991-1992. The females probably left the nest site shortly after egg laying. The duration of incubation and brooding shifts as well as the daily weight loss (absolute and proportionate) were comparable with those of other similar-sized procellariform species. Males spent more time incubating and brooding than did females, suggesting higher female energy stress due to egg laying, Incubating birds which were below average weight were likely to desert the nests before their mates returned from feeding trips. Both males and females lost approximately one-fifth of their body-weight during their first incubation shifts. Nevertheless, they increased their initial weights from egg laying to hatching and had their highest initial weights when they returned to start the shift during which the egg hatched. No factors related to adult body-weight explained the duration of the incubation shifts, Both males and females gained weight at a higher rate when at sea than they lost it during incubation, and it is suggested that factors unrelated to food availability or individual feeding skills may be important in regulating the duration of the incubation shifts and the stay at sea.
Eight crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus) (three females, five males), ranging in body mass between 125 and 220 kg, were captured off Queen Maud Land (70-72 degrees S, 7-16 degrees W) during the last week of February, just after moulting, and tagged with Argos satellite-linked dive recorders to provide data on location and diving depth and duration. During the first few weeks of March the seals were moving in the pack ice along the continental shelf edge, close to the coast of Queen Maud Land. In April and May, when the pack ice extended northwards, most of the seals moved north, one reaching 63 degrees S in late May. In the first half of June the two remaining seals turned south and moved back deep into the pack ice. The seals made about 150 dives per day each throughout the study period. Ninety percent of these were made to depths of less than 52 m. Individual maximum diving depths varied between 288 and 528 m. In March the seals were most active at night, when the dive depth was shallower than during the day. In April and May the seals were more active during day-time, with an absence of any diurnal change in diving depth. These results support the notion that crabeater seals predominantly feed on krill in Antarctic pack ice, even when winter returns to the waters off Queen Maud Land.
Survival at low temperatures was studied in three species of Tardigrada from Muhlig-Hofmannfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Both hydrated and dehydrated specimens of Echiniscus jenningsi, Macrobiotus furciger and Diphascon chilenense had high survival rates following exposure to -22 degrees C for ca. 600 days, and dehydrated specimens following 3040 days at this temperature. In hydrated E. jenningsi, mortality increased with the duration of exposure from 7 to 150 days at -80 degrees C, while mortalities of the two other species did not change. Hydrated specimens of all species were rapidly killed at -180 degrees C, but all species exhibited good survivorship in the dehydrated state after 14 days at -180 degrees C. In conclusion, hydrated tardigrades are able to survive extended periods at low temperatures, and dehydrated specimens are even better adapted to survive overwintering on Antarctic nunataks.
In this paper a detailed record of major ions from a 20 m deep firn core from Amundsenisen, western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, is presented. The core was drilled at 75° S, 2° E (2900 m a.s.l.) during austral summer 1991/92. The following ions were measured at 3 cm resolution: Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl−, NO3−, S04 2− and CH3SO3H (MSA). The core was dated back to 1865 using a combination of chemical records and volcanic reference horizons. The volcanic eruptions identified in this core are Mount Ngauruhoe, New Zealand (1974–75), Mount Agung, Indonesia (1963), Azul, Argentina (1932), and a broad peak that corresponds in time toTarawera, New Zealand (1886), Falcon Island, South Shetlands, Southern Ocean (1885), and Krakatau, Indonesia (1883). There are no trends in any of the ion records, but the annual to decadal changes are large. The mean concentrations of the measured ions are in agreement with those from other high-altitude cores from the Antarctic plateau. At this core site there may be a correspondence between peaks in the MSA record and major El Niño–Southern Oscillation events.
During the Swedish Antarctic Expedition to Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, 1988–89 the net accumulation was estimated for an area from the coast to about 400 km inland. Stake measurements were used to obtain the spatial variability and firn cores were used for the temporal variability. The mean annual accumulation for the period 1976–88 is about 0.4mw.e. for Riiser-Larsenisen and about 0.3mw.e. for the area above the grounding line. The accumulation rate at higher altitudes, > 2500 m a.s.1., is about 0.1 m w.e. for 1955–88. One record from the ice shelf covers the period 1957–88, and suggests an increase in accumulation of about 12%. Between 1976 and 1988, the accumulation has decreased by about 50%, most likely due to lower temperatures as suggested by the temperature record from Halley.
We present data on sexual dimorphism in some morphological measurements (wing length, head length, bill depth and bill length) in the Antarctic Petrel Thalassoica antarctica. Males were on average larger than females for all measurements. Sexual dimorphism was on average largest for bill depths whereas wing lengths discriminated least between the sexes. A discriminant function including bill depth, head length and wing length correctly sexed 92% of the sample. Due to between-measurer variation it is recommended that morphometric measurements obtained by others on sexed birds are compared with ours before proceeding with the use of the discriminant function on unsexed individuals.
A bibliography of terrestrial biological research in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, of 388 titles from 1954 to 1994 is provided as an aid to researchers working in the region.
Visible and near-infrared spectral reflectances of snow and superimposed ice were measured in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, during the 1992-93 austral summer. Spectral-reflectance curves of both snow and superimposed ice remain high ( > 80%) in the visible region. A pronounced decrease in reflectance appears in the near-infrared, especially for superimposed ice. Superimposed ice with a 1 cm thick surface layer of ice-bound snow crystals had a considerably higher reflectance than superimposed ice containing only a few snow crystals. Furthermore, these data prove that snow and superimposed ice reflect solar radiation specularly and suggest that the anisotropy strengthens with increasing wavelengths. Integrated in-situ reflectances corresponding to Landsat TM bands 1-4 show that TM band 1 is least affected, whereas TM band 4 is most affected by anisotropy. Furthermore, the anisotropy increases with increasing off-nadir viewing angles up to an angle corresponding to 90°-θs (θs = solar elevation). For a 15° off-nadir sensor-observation angle, the average snow reflectance for TM bands 1--4 is about 10% higher than at nadir. Similarly, the apparent reflectance can be more than 50% higher than the nadir reflectance for larger observation angles. Consequently, if satellite-derived reflectances are going to be considered as absolute values, a topographic-correction model is needed to correct for the effects of anisotropy.
The central sector of Mühlig-Hofmannfjellet (3°E/71°S) in western Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctic shield) is dominated by large intrusive bodies of predominantly orthopyroxene-bearing quartz syenites (charnockites). Metasedimentary rocks are rare; however, two distinct areas with banded gneiss–marble–quartzite sequences of sedimentary origin were found during the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition NARE 1989/90. Cordierite-bearing metapelitic gneisses from two different localities contain the characteristic mineral assemblage: cordierite + garnet + biotite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz ± sillimanite ± spinel. Thermobarometry indicates equilibration conditions of about 650°C and 4 kbar. Associated orthopyroxene–garnet granulites, on the other hand, revealed pressures of about 8 kbar and temperatures of 750°C. The earlier granulite facies metamorphism is not well preserved in the cordierite gneisses as a result of excess K-feldspar combined with interaction with an H2O-rich fluid phase, probably released by the cooling intrusives. These two features allowed the original high-grade K-feldspar + garnet assemblages to recrystallize as cordierite–biotite–sillimanite gneisses, completely re-equilibrating them. Phase relationships indicate that the younger metamorphic event occurred in the presence of a fluid phase that varied in composition between the lithologies.
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