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We investigate and quantify the variability of snow accumulation rate around a medium-depth firn core (160 m) drilled in east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica (75°00′ S, 15°00’ E; 3470 m h.a.e. (ellipsoidal height)). We present accumulation data from five snow pits and five shallow (20 m) firn cores distributed within a 3.5–7 km distance, retrieved during the 2000/01 Nordic EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) traverse. Snow accumulation rates estimated for shorter periods show higher spatial variance than for longer periods. Accumulation variability as recorded from the firn cores and snow pits cannot explain all the variation in the ion and isotope time series; other depositional and post-depositional processes need to be accounted for. Through simple statistical analysis we show that there are differences in sensitivity to these processes between the analyzed species. Oxygen isotopes and sulphate are more conservative in their post-depositional behaviour than the more volatile acids, such as nitrate and to some degree chloride and methanesulphonic acid. We discuss the possible causes for the accumulation variability and the implications for the interpretation of ice-core records.
Belgica, which Adrien de Gerlache used on the first expedition to winter in the Antarctic, was originally a bottlenose whaler named Patria, built in Norway in 1884. She was designed and constructed by Johan Chr. Jakobsen, renowned for his design of polar ships. Patria was sold to Adrien de Gerlache and renamed Belgica in 1896. In 1896–97 she was refitted and equipped in Sandefjord, Norway, for an Antarctic expedition. Nansen and Amundsen met for the first time on Belgica's deck. Late in 1899 Belgica returned to Antwerp after more than two years on an Antarctic expedition. From 1901 to 1904 Belgica returned to bottlenose whaling and, in addition, made a voyage to northeast Greenland to establish depots and build houses for the Baldwin-Ziegler Polar Expedition. In 1905 the Duc d'Orléans chartered her to survey the coast of northeast Greenland, and on her return he bought her. In 1907 and 1909 she sailed on Arctic expeditions led by the Duc d'Orléans and captained by de Gerlache. In 1916 she was sold to Det Norske Kulsyndikat and renamed Isfjord. She became a freighter carrying coal from Longyearbyen to ports in northern Norway. In 1918 she was sold and her new owner converted her into a floating cod-liver oil refinery and fish-processing plant. In 1940 she was impounded by British forces and used as a floating ammunition depot. On 19 May 1940 she was sunk during a German air raid. Her wreck was re-discovered in 1990.
Telonema is a widely distributed group of phagotrophic flagellates with two known members. In this study, the structural identity and molecular phylogeny of Telonema antarcticum was investigated and a valid description is proposed. Molecular phylogeny was studied using small-subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences. The pear-shaped cell had two subequal flagella that emerged laterally on the truncated antapical tail. One flagellum had tripartite hairs. The cell was naked, but had subsurface vesicles containing angular paracrystalline bodies of an unknown nature. A unique complex cytoskeletal structure, the subcortical lamina, was found to be an important functional and taxonomic feature of the genus. Telonema has an antero-ventral depression where food particles are ingested and then transferred to a conspicuous anterior food vacuole. The molecular phylogeny inferred from the SSU rRNA gene sequence suggested that Telonema represents an isolated and deep branch among the tubulocristate protists.
The reconstruction of the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic development of the late Quaternary Southern Ocean and adjacent continental areas in high temporal and spatial resolution is a main goal of our longterm study. During ANT-XX/2 the sedimentary budget of biogenic and terrigenous components and their variability was investigated in cooperation with geochemical projects. Main objectives were the relationships between production of biogenic components and input of terrigenous components and involved nutrients.
Multichannel seismic reflection data from the Cosmonaut Sea margin of East Antarctica have been interpreted in terms of depositional processes on the continental rise. A major sediment lens is present below the upper continental rise along the entire Cosmonaut Sea margin. The lens probably consists of sediments supplied from the shelf and slope, being constantly reworked by westward flowing bottom currents redepositing the sediments into a large-scale plastered drift deposit prior to the main glacigenic input along the margin. High-relief elongated and sometimes semicircular depositional structures are found on the upper continental rise, stratigraphically above the regional sediment lens, and were mainly deposited by the action of closely spaced turbidity currents. On the lower continental rise, large-scale sediment bodies extend perpendicular to the continental margin and were deposited as a result of down-slope turbidity transport and westward flowing bottom currents. The elongated sediment mounds on the upper and lower continental rise were deposited after initiation of glacigenic input to the slope and rise.
Measuring ultraviolet radiation in the Antarctic region, where weather conditions are extremely challenging, is a demanding task. Proper quality control of the measurements and quality assurance of the data, which are the basis of all scientific use of data, has to be especially well planned and executed. In this paper we show the importance of proper quality assurance and describe the methods used to successfully operate the NILU-UV multichannel radiometers of the Antarctic network stations at Ushuaia, 54°S, and Marambio, 64°S. According to our experience, even though multichannel instruments are supposed to be rather stable as a function of time, severe drifts can occur in the sensitivity of the channels under these harsh conditions. During 2000–2003 the biggest drifts were 35%, both at Ushuaia and Marambio, with the sensitivity of the channels dropping at different rates. Without proper corrections in the data, this would have seriously affected the calculated UV dose rates. As part of the quality assurance of the network a traveling reference NILU-UV, which was found to be stable, was used to transfer the desired irradiance scale to the site NILU-UV data. Relative lamp tests were used to monitor the stability of the instruments. Each site NILU-UV was scaled channel by channel to the traveling reference by performing solar comparisons. The method of scaling each channel separately was found to be successful, even though the differences between the raw data of the site NILU-UV and the reference instruments were, before the data correction, as much as 40%. After the correction, the mean ratios of erythemally weighted UV dose rates measured during the solar comparisons in 2000–2003 between the reference NILU-UV and the site NILU-UV were 1.007 ± 0.011 and 1.012 ± 0.012 for Ushuaia and Marambio, respectively, when the solar zenith angle varied up to 80°. These results make possible the scientific use of NILU-UV data measured simultaneously at quite different locations, e.g., the Antarctic and Arctic, and the method presented is also practicable for other multichannel radiometer networks.
This paper presents modeled surface and subsurface melt fluxes across near-coastal Antarctica. Simulations were performed using a physical-based energy balance model developed in conjunction with detailed field measurements in a mixed snow and blue-ice area of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The model was combined with a satellite-derived map of Antarctic snow and blue-ice areas, 10 yr (1991–2000) of Antarctic meteorological station data, and a high-resolution meteorological distribution model, to provide daily simulated melt values on a 1-km grid covering Antarctica. Model simulations showed that 11.8% and 21.6% of the Antarctic continent experienced surface and subsurface melt, respectively. In addition, the simulations produced 10-yr averaged subsurface meltwater production fluxes of 316.5 and 57.4 km3 yr−1 for snow-covered and blue-ice areas, respectively. The corresponding figures for surface melt were 46.0 and 2.0 km3 yr−1, respectively, thus demonstrating the dominant role of subsurface over surface meltwater production. In total, computed surface and subsurface meltwater production values equal 31 mm yr−1 if evenly distributed over all of Antarctica. While, at any given location, meltwater production rates were highest in blue-ice areas, total annual Antarctic meltwater production was highest for snow-covered areas due to its larger spatial extent. The simulations also showed higher interannual meltwater variations for surface melt than subsurface melt. Since most of the produced meltwater refreezes near where it was produced, the simulated melt has little effect on the Antarctic mass balance. However, the melt contribution is important for the surface energy balance and in modifying surface and near-surface snow and ice properties such as density and grain size.
From its original formulation in 1990 the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) has had as its primary aim the collection and interpretation of a continent-wide array of environmental parameters assembled through the coordinated efforts of scientists from several nations. ITASE offers the ground-based opportunities of traditional-style traverse travel coupled with the modern technology of GPS, crevasse detecting radar, satellite communications and multidisciplinary research. By operating predominantly in the mode of an oversnow traverse, ITASE offers scientists the opportunity to experience the dynamic range of the Antarctic environment. ITASE also offers an important interactive venue for research similar to that afforded by oceanographic research vessels and large polar field camps, without the cost of the former or the lack of mobility of the latter. More importantly, the combination of disciplines represented by ITASE provides a unique, multidimensional (space and time) view of the ice sheet and its history. ITASE has now collected >20 000km of snow radar, recovered more than 240 firn/ice cores (total length 7000 m), remotely penetrated to ~4000m into the ice sheet, and sampled the atmosphere to heights of >20 km.
The present paper provides an overview of glacial related seabed features and sedimentary sequences found along the formerly glaciated NW European margin and compare it with those found on contemporary glaciated margins from both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. A brief review of the seabed physiography and strata architecture of the margins under consideration is followed by comparison of the most relevant similarities and differences. Comparison of the present-day bathymetric setting of both former and contemporary glaciated margins reveals no clear link to the effect of neither ice sheet or sediment load. Three different types of glacially eroded shelf transverse troughs have been identified, while marginal troughs seem connected to similar geological settings everywhere. Beyond the shelf edge interaction between downslope and alongslope processes has occurred resulting, amongst others, in the formation of large sedimentary mounds on the rise. More frequent large-scale mass wasting occurs on the former glaciated NW European margin than the Greenland and Antarctic margins in the latest Neogene to recent times. A two-stage evolution of the shelf prograding wedges is observed on all margins under consideration, which may reflect a general development of an ice cover from an initial phase of non- to restricted glaciation, evolving to a mature stage of expansive glaciation.
The 2002 Southern Hemisphere final warming occurred early, following an unusually active winter and the first recorded major warming in the Antarctic. The breakdown of the stratospheric polar vortex in October and November 2002 is examined using new satellite observations from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) instrument aboard the European Space Agency (ESA) Environment Satellite (ENVISA7-) and meteorological analyses, both high-resolution fields from the European Centre for Medium-Rangc Weather Forecasts and the coarser Met Office analyses. The results derived from MIPAS observations are compared to measurements and inferences from well-validated solar occultation satellite instruments [Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE), Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement lit (POAM III), and Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiments II and III (SAGE II and III)] and to finescale tracer fields reconstructed by transporting trace gases based oil MIPAS or climatological data using a reverse-trajectory method. These comparisons confirm the features in the MIPAS data and the interpretation of the evolution of the flow during the vortex decay revealed by those features. Mapped ozone and water vapor from MIPAS and the analyzed isentropic potential vorticity vividly display the vortex breakdown, which occurred earlier than usual. A large tongue of vortex air was pulled out westward and coiled up in an anticyclone, while the vortex core remnant shrank and drifted eastward and equatorward over the South Atlantic. By roughly mid-November, the vortex remnant at 10 mb had shrunk below scales resolved by the satellite observations, while a vortex core remained in the lower stratosphere.
Fossil wood is abundant throughout the Cretaceous and Tertiary sequences of the northern Antarctic Peninsula region. The fossil wood represents the remains of the vegetation that once grew at the southern high palaeolatitudes at 59–62°S through the general decline in climate, from the Late Cretaceous global warmth through to the mid-Eocene cool period prior to the onset of glaciation. This study draws on the largest dataset ever compiled of Antarctic conifer and angiosperm woods in order to derive clearer insights into the palaeoclimate. Parameters including mean annual temperature, mean annual range in temperature, cold month mean, warm month mean, mean annual precipitation are recorded. The fossil wood assemblages have been analysed using anatomical (physiognomic) characteristics to determine the palaeoclimate variables from the Coniacian–Campanian to the middle Eocene. These results are compared with data derived from Coexistence Analysis of the fossil floras (composed of leaves, wood and palynomorphs) and published data based on leaf physiognomic characters. These studies indicate a relatively warm and wet Late Cretaceous that becomes drier and cooler in the Early Paleocene and subsequently returns to warmer, wetter conditions by the latest Early Paleocene. During the Eocene the climate becomes relatively cool and dry once again. The discrepancies obtained from these two methods coupled with other published data are discussed in the context of the fluctuations in the temperatures of the surrounding oceans and global patterns of climate change.
The Holocene climate is simulated in a 9000-yr-long transient experiment performed with the ECBilt-CLIO-VECODE coupled atmosphere-sea ice-ocean-vegetation model. This experiment is forced with annually varying orbital parameters and atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4. The objective is to study the impact of these long-term forcings on the surface temperature evolution during different seasons in the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere. We find in summer a thermal optimum in the midHolocene (6-3 ka BP), with temperatures locally 3°C above the preindustrial mean. In autumn the temperatures experienced a long-term increase, particularly during the first few thousand years. The opposite trend was simulated for winter and spring, with a relatively warm Southern Ocean at 9 ka BP in winter (up to 3.5°C above the preindustrial mean) and a warm continent in spring (+3°C), followed by a gradual cooling towards the present. These long-term temperature trends can be explained by a combination of (1) a delayed response to orbital forcing, with temperatures lagging insolation by 1 to 2 months owing to the thermal inertia of the system, and (2) the long memory of the Southern Ocean. This long memory is related to the storage of the warm late winter-spring anomaly below the shallower summer mixed layer until next winter. Sea ice plays an important role as an amplifying factor through the ice-albedo and ice-insulation feedbacks. Our experiments can help to improve our understanding of the Holocene signal in proxies. For instance, the results suggest that, in contrast to recent propositions, teleconnections to the Northern Hemisphere appear not necessarily to explain the history of Southern Hemisphere temperature changes during the Holocene.
Den 21. oktober 1905 forlot flytende kokeri Admiralen og hvalbåtene Ornen og Hauken Sandefjord med kurs for Falklandsayene og Syd Shetland. Dermed innledes et nytt kapittel i den moderne hvalfangsts histone. lnitiativtaker var Christen Christensen, hovedaksjoner og disponent for Aktieselskabet "Ørnen" som eide skipene det første norske hvalfangstselskap som uttrykkelig ble startet for eventuelt innkjøp av et dampskip for innredning til koker.
The Weddell Deep Water (WDW) warmed substantially along the Greenwich meridian following the Weddell Polynya of the 1970s. Areas affected by the polynya contained ∼14GJ/m2 more heat in 2001 than in 1977. This warming would require a flux of ∼390W/m2 if it were to take place over a year. Large variations in heat content of the WDW are found between the Antarctic coast and Maud Rise (64°S). The small variation found north of Maud Rise is opposite in phase to that to the south, and the warming was close to monotonic south of 68°S. The mean warming of WDW along the section is ∼0.032°C per decade, comparable to the warming of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The mean warming compares with a surface heat flux of 4W/m2 over the 25 year period, an order of magnitude higher than the warming of the global ocean. As variation in mean salinity of the WDW follows the warming/cooling events, variation in inflow probably explains a cooling event between 1984 and 1989, and a warming event between 1989 and 1992. Cooling during the late 1990s is probably related to the reappearance of a polynya like feature in some winter months as an area 100km in diameter close to Maud Rise with 10–20% lower sea ice concentrations than the surrounding ocean.
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