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A parameterization is introduced for the prediction of cloud water in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model version 3 (CCM3). The new parameterization makes a much closer connection between the meteorological processes that determine condensate formation and the condensate amount. The parameterization removes some constraints from the simulation by allowing a substantially wider range of variation in condensate amount than in the standard CCM3 and tying the condensate amount to local physical processes. The parameterization also allows cloud drops to form prior to the onset of grid-box saturation and can require a significant length of time to convert condensate to a precipitable form, or to remove the condensate. The free parameters of the scheme were adjusted to provide reasonable agreement with top of atmosphere and surface fluxes of energy. The parameterization was evaluated by a comparison with satellite and in situ measures of liquid and ice cloud amounts. The effect of the parameterization on the model simulation was then examined by comparing long model simulations to a similar run with the standard CCM and through comparison with climatologies based upon meteorological observations. Global ice and liquid water burdens are higher in the revised model than in the control simulation, with an accompanying increase in height of the center of mass of cloud water. Zonal averages of cloud water contents were 20%–50% lower near the surface and much higher above. The range of variation of cloud water contents is much broader in the new parameterization but was still not as large as measurements suggest. Differences in the simulation were generally small. The largest significant changes found to the simulation were seen in polar regions (winter in the Arctic and all seasons in the Antarctic). The new parameterization significantly changes the Northern Hemisphere winter distribution of cloud water and improves the simulation of temperature and cloud amount there. Small changes were introduced in the cloud fraction to improve consistency of the meteorological parameterizations and to attempt to alleviate problems in the model (in particular, in the marine stratocumulus regime). The small changes did not make any appreciable improvement to the model simulation. The new parameterization adds significantly to the flexibility in the model and the scope of problems that can be addressed. Such a scheme is needed for a reasonable treatment of scavenging of atmospheric trace constituents, and cloud aqueous or surface chemistry. The addition of a more realistic condensate parameterization provides opportunities for a closer connection between radiative properties of the clouds, and their formation and dissipation. These processes must be treated for many problems of interest today (e.g., anthropogenic aerosol–climate interactions).
There has been a substantial increase in the number of people living and operating in isolated, confined, and artificially engineered environments, such as spacecraft, deep diving, weather stations, submarines, and polar outposts. This article gives an overview of research undertaken in a variety of extreme environments in an effort to better understand how semiautonomous, task-oriented groups operating within these environments develop over time, as well as identification of the individual characteristics that promote performance under such circumstances. Research reviewed includes space simulation studies for the European Space Agency (ESA) where groups were isolated in hyperbaric chambers, as well as findings from polar expeditions, space missions, submarine missions, and other military settings. Findings from the space simulation studies in hyperbaric chambers provided empirical evidence for interpersonal issues anecdotally reported in Antarctica and in other isolated, operational team environments, such as "scapegoating" of deviant crew members, displacement of aggression to outside personnel, and time patterns in psychological reactions. No indications of a "psychological limit" for how long people can tolerate remaining in isolation and confinement were found. Certain personality characteristics were consistently associated with coping, and individuals characterized by strong achievement motivation combined with interpersonal sensitivity seemed to adapt better than others. Together, these results have implications for selection and training of people operating within extreme environments.
The stabilities of two different circulation regimes in the North Atlantic, 1) the present thermohaline circulation and 2) a weaker thermohaline circulation, are compared using the Hamburg Large Scale Geostrophic (LSG) ocean circulation model. The latter circulation regime is obtained by restoring the LSG model toward an on average 48C warmer air surface temperature corresponding to a doubled atmospheric content of CO 2 . The stabilities of these stationary states are investigated by imposing various amounts of stochastic noise on the surface freshwater flux. The simulations show more variability on secular timescales for the present than for the warm climate. Since the modeled static stabilities for the two climates are relatively similar, the different rates of variability are probably connected to other mechanisms. In the present climate at high latitudes the two buoyancy fluxes due to heat and freshwater are of similar magnitudes but with opposite signs; thus switches between convective and nonconvective periods at secular timescales are possible. In the warm climate the buoyancy flux due to heat dominates. This compensates the effect of the noisy freshwater forcing and thus reduces the potential for secular oscillations. The stronger coupling between the Atlantic and the Southern Ocean for the present relative to the warm climate could also contribute to this difference. Furthermore, the simulations show that the variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport for the present climate exceeds that of the warm climate. For increasing stochastic noise the present circulation approaches that of the warm circulation. The authors apply a mixture of heat flux and temperature restoring for the surface boundary condition. Comparison with similar works, which apply a pure restoring for surface temperature, shows that the ocean circulation is much less sensitive to forced stochastic freshwater anomalies with the type of boundary condition used herein. A box model is used to illustrate the effects of the surface temperature parameterizations and the different buoyancy forcing for the present and warm climate.
Comparisons of total column ozone measurements from Dobson, Brewer and SAOZ instruments are presented for the period 1990 to 1995 at seven stations covering the mid- and the high northern latitudes, as well as the Antarctic region. The main purpose of these comparisons is to assess, by reference to the well established Dobson network, the accuracy of the zenith-sky visible spectroscopy for the measurement of total ozone. The strengths and present limitations of this latter technique are investigated. As a general result, the different instruments are found to agree within a few percent at all stations, the best agreement being obtained at mid-latitudes. On average, for the mid-latitudes, SAOZ O3 measurements are approximately 2% higher than Dobson ones, with a scatter of about 5%. At higher latitudes, both scatter and systematic deviation tend to increase. In all cases, the relative differences between SAOZ and Dobson or Brewer column ozone are characterised by a significant seasonal signal, the amplitude of which increases from about 2.5% at mid-latitude to a maximum of 7.5% at Faraday, Antarctica. Although it introduces a significant contribution to the seasonality at high latitude, the temperature sensitivity of the O3 absorption coefficients of the Dobson and Brewer instruments is shown to be too small to account for the observed SAOZ/Dobson differences. Except for Faraday, these differences can however be largely reduced if SAOZ AMFs are calculated with realistic climatological profiles of ozone, pressure and temperature. Other sources of uncertainties that might affect the comparison are investigated. Evidence is found that the differences in the air masses sampled by the SAOZ and the other instruments contribute significantly to the scatter, and the impact of the tropospheric clouds on SAOZ measurements is displayed.
The efficiency of physical concentration mechanisms for enrichment of algae and bacteria in newly formed sea-ice was investigated under defined conditions in the laboratory. Sea-ice formation was simulated in a 3,000 l tank under different patterns of water movement. When ice formed in an artificially generated current pattern, algal cells were substantially enriched within the ice matrix. Enrichment factors for chlorophyll a calculated from the ratio between the concentrations in ice and underlying water reached values of up to 53. Repeated mixing of ice crystals into the water column, as well as flow of water through the new ice layer, contributed to the enrichment of algae in the ice. Wave action during ice formation revealed lower phytoplankton enrichment factors of up to 9. Mixing of floating ice crystals with underlying water and pumping of water into the ice matrix by periodical expansion and compression of the slush ice layer were responsible for the wave-induced enrichment of algal cells. Physical enrichment of bacteria within the ice was negligible. Bacterial biomass within new ice was enhanced only when the concentration of algae was high. At low algal biomass, bacteria experienced substantial losses in the ice, most likely due to brine drainage, which were not observed for the microalgae. Bacterial cells are therefore not scavenged by ice crystals and the observed enrichment and sustainment of bacterial biomass within newly formed ice depend on their attachment to cells or aggregates of algae. Division rates of bacteria changed only slightly during ice formation.
The most consistent means of investigating the global sea ice cover is by satellite passive microwave sensors, as these are independent of illumination and cloud cover. The Nimbus 7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSMI) provide information on the global sea ice cover from 1978 to present. The two instruments flew simultaneously during a 6-week overlap period in July and August 1987, thus enabling intercomparison of the two sensors. Brightness temperatures are corrected for instrument drift and calibration differences in order to produce continuous time series of monthly averaged Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extent and sea ice area through the use of the NOrwegian Remote Sensing EXperiment (NORSEX) algorithm, which relates brightness temperatures to ice concentration. Statistical analysis on the time series estimates the decreases in Arctic ice extent and ice area to be 4.5% and 5.7%, respectively, during the 16.8-year observation period. The overall trends established here serve to better define and strengthen earlier assertions of a reduced ice cover, based on analysis of SMMR and SSMI data taken separately. These results are consistent with GCM simulations that suggest retreat of the sea ice cover under global warming scenarios.
Laboratory measurements show that lichens are extremely tolerant of freezing stress and of low-temperature exposure. Metabolic activity recovered quickly after severe and extended cold treatment. Experimental results demonstrate also that CO2 exchange is already active at around −20°C. The psychrophilic character of polar lichen species is demonstrated by optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis between 0 and 15°C. In situ measurements show that lichens begin photosynthesizing below 0°C if the dry thalli receive fresh snow. The lowest temperature measured in active lichens was −17°C at a continental Antarctic site. The fine structure and the hydration state of photobiont and mycobiont cells were studied by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) of frozen hydrated specimens. Water potentials of the frozen system are in the range of or even higher than those allowing dry lichens to start photosynthesis by water vapor uptake at +10°C. The great success of lichens in polar and high alpine regions gives evidence of their physiological adaptation to low temperatures. In general lichens are able to persist through glacial periods, but extended snow cover and glaciation are limiting factors.
The minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) is subject to commercial whaling, but stock identification and assessment are still uncertain. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were determined to examine the population structure of minke whales from the central and northeastern parts of the North Atlantic, as well as the Antarctic regions IV and V. The analyses include 345 nucleotide positions of the control region of 110 individuals, and 250 nucleotide positions of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene for a representative selection of North Atlantic minke whales. Maximum parsimony analyses and sequence divergence calculations did not reveal any genetic differentiation between individuals from the central and northeastern parts of the North Atlantic. These results do not support the International Whaling Commission's separation of minke whales in this area into different management units, and they are in conflict with previously reported results from allozyme analyses. Comparison of minke whale control region sequences showed that the sequence diversity of North Atlantic minke whales is substantially lower (0.0065) than that of Antarctic minke whales (0.0166), and clearly demonstrated that individuals from these two areas represent genetically distinct populations.
A review of the literature regarding anhydrobiosis and cold tolerance in tardigrades is presented. During increasing desiccation, invertebrates like tardigrades, rotifers, nematodes and some collembolans are able to shut down metabolism to undetectable levels. When tardigrades are entering anhydrobiosis, a tun-like structure is formed, facilitated by structural adaptations of the cuticle. Slow dehydration is essential for tun formation, and the accumulation of trehalose during this process may help to stabilize phospholipids and proteins. Wax extrusion on the cuticle surface reduces transpiration. A fraction of 5-15% of the initial body water is retained during anhydrobiosis. Tardigrades are principally aquatic organisms, but anhydrobiosis makes it possible for some species to live in habitats with changing moisture conditions. Tardigrades in anhydrobiosis may tolerate exposure to freezing temperatures of liquid gases, and some species also survive such temperatures in their hydrated state. Few investigations are available on the relation of tardigrades to temperatures more representative to their natural environments. Experimental studies, however, from Greenland and the Antarctic Continent suggest that some species overwinter both in a hydrated frozen state and in anhydrobiosis. During the summer, a number of tardigrade species have been recorded from cryoconite holes, formed on the surface of glaciers. These species are freeze tolerant since their habitats are permanently frozen during the winter.
Our studies in the coastal waters in North Norway show that rates of photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton assemblages are strongly inhibited by solar UV radiation. When exposed to high irradiances of direct solar radiation, photosynthetic rates were increased by approximately 150% when all UV radiation was excluded from samples, with UVB radiation being responsible for approximately 50% of the total inhibition. There was no discernible threshold value for inhibition of photosynthesis by UV radiation, even at UV (280–400 nm) irradiances as low as 0.1 W m−2. When natural assemblages were incubated in situ, inhibition of photosynthetic rates were detectable down to 10 m, where solar irradiance was about 3% of the radiation incident on the sea surface. Based on the inhibition of photosynthetic rates at very low fluences of UV radiation, post-bloom assemblages of phytoplankton in North Norway and possibly also in the Arctic ocean appear to be more sensitive to solar UV radiation than phytoplankton from the Southern Ocean.
Levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF) as well as of coplanar (non-ortho substituted) polychlorinated biphenyls (CB-77, CB-126 and CB-169) have been determined in 11 fur-seal blubber samples from female Antarctic fur seals. Measurable PCDD/PCDF concentrations averaging 2 ppt TEQ (Nordic model) were found. This is considerably less than in Arctic seals. In addition, the PCDD/PCDF congener patterns differed between Antarctic and Arctic seals. The levels of CB-77, CB-126 and CB-169 (8.5-41 pg g-1 for single congeners in average) in Antarctic fur seals were also much lower than in Arctic ringed and harp seals. A possible explanation of these differences is the overall lower environmental pollution of the Southern Hemisphere, though an influence of different age and sex distributions cannot be excluded. The data passed all quality assurance criteria that had been established for such low levels.
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