Antarktis-bibliografi er en database over den norske Antarktis-litteraturen.
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Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.
Det er ingen avgrensing på språk (men det meste av innholdet er på norsk eller engelsk). Eldre norske antarktispublikasjoner (den eldste er fra 1894) er dominert av kvalfangst og ekspedisjoner. I nyere tid er det den internasjonale polarforskninga som dominerer. Bibliografien er tverrfaglig; den dekker både naturvitenskapene, politikk, historie osv. Skjønnlitteratur er også inkludert, men ikke avisartikler eller upublisert materiale.
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The ocean response to surface temperature transients is simulated with the use of the Hamburg large-scale geostrophic (LSG) ocean general circulation model (OGCM). The transition, from the present to a climate corresponding to a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 content, is compared with the reversed transition. For the Atlantic, the time scale for the deep ocean to adjust to the temperature changes was similar for both transitions. In the Pacific, the time scale is shorter for the present to warm transition than for the reverse case, a result of increased production of Antarctic bottom water (AABW) during the warm climate. While the transition from cold to warm climate shows no secular variability, the reversed transition generates considerable variability on time scales of 300–400 years. For the warm climate, oscillations with periods of 45 years are found in the Southern Ocean. Results of principal oscillation pattern (POP) analysis indicate that these oscillations are due to interaction between convection in the Southern Ocean and advected salinity anomalies in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the Southern Pacific Ocean.
An integrated plume model is used to describe large scale gravity currents in the ocean. The model describes competing effects of (negative) buoyancy, friction, entrainment and Cariolis farce, as well as a pressure term due to variable plume thickness, on the flux, speed and flow direction of the plume. Equations for conservation of salt and internal energy (temperature) and a full equation of state far seawater is included in the model. The entrainment of ambient water is parameterized with support in empirical data, and a drag coefficient consistent with the entrainment is introduced. The model is tested against the overflow through the Denmark Strait, the flow down the Weddell Sea continental slope, and the outflow of saline water through the Gibraltar Strait and from the Spencer Gulf, Australia. The farmer gain an extra driving mechanism due to the thermobaric effect, while in the two latter cases the initial density difference is so large that this effect is not essential. Order of magnitude fit with measurements requires drag coefficient between 0.01 and 0.1. Conditions susceptible to meander behaviour and a singularity arising from the pressure dependency on the current thickness variations are briefly discussed.
Water properties on the continental shelf in the southern Weddell Sea observed during NARP 92/93 are presented. The station distribution includes a section close to the floating ice shelf from the Filchner Depression to the Antarctic Peninsula. Temperature, salinity, oxygen, silicate, CFC-ll and CFC-12 distributions are shown. Melting under the ice shelves, circulation systems, residence times, sediment/water interactions and bottom water formation are discussed. Ice Shelf Water (ISW), which is formed by cooling and melting below the floating ice shelf, seems to be about 10 years older than its parent water mass, which indicates the residence time below the ice shelf. The average melting rate below the Filchner Ronne ice shelf, based on the volume flux of ISW in the Filchner Depression is estimated to be 0.1 m/year. Compared with earlier observations considerable changes were found in the water characteristics and distribution: The temperature of the Weddell Deep Water has increased 0.7°C since 1977. Western Shelf Water, usually dominating the bottom layers in the Filchner Depression and on the Berkner Shelf, was found only in the Ronne Depression.
A simple analytical model has been developed to study the formation of Ice Shelf Water (ISW). ISW is assumed to flow as a buoyancy-driven layer underneath the ice shelf. A relation between potential temperature and salinity in the ISW layer is calculated from the mass and energy balance. This temperature-salinity relation is shown to depend only on the temperature and the salinity of the source water mass and to be practically independent of entrainment and melt rates. The model results are obtained without making any assumptions about entrainment and melt rates. The model is in good agreement with observations under the Ronne Ice Shelf, and it indicates that ISW in the Filchner Depression is formed from Western Shelf Water (WSW) with salinity higher than 34.75 practical salinity units. Such high-salinity water is only observed in the Ronne Depression in the western part of the continental shelf. This implies a circulation of WSW, under the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, from the Ronne Depression into the Filchner Depression. Similarly, the model shows that the ISW observed under J9 at the Ross Ice Shelf has been formed from Low Salinity Shelf Water (LSSW) from the eastern parts of the Ross Sea continental shelf. LSSW must therefore circulate under the eastern parts of the Ross Ice Shelf.
Phytoplankton biomass and distribution of major phytoplankton groups were investigated in relation to sea ice conditions, hydrography and nutrients along three north-south transects in the north western Weddell Sea in early spring 1988 during the EPOS Study (European Polarstern Study), Leg 1. Three different zones along the transects could be distinguished: 1) the Open Water Zone (OWZ) from 58-degrees to 60-degrees-S with high chlorophyll a concentrations up to 3.5-mu-g l-1; 2) the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) from 60-degrees to about 62.5-degrees with chlorophyll a concentrations between 0.1 and 0.3-mu-g l-1, and 3) the closed pack-ice zone (CPI) from 62.5-degrees to 63.2-degrees-S with chlorophyll a concentrations below 0.1-mu-g l-1. Nutrient concentrations increased towards the south showing winter values under the closed pack-ice. Centric diatoms such as Thalassiosira gravida and Chaetoceros neglectum forming large colonies dominated the phytoplankton assemblage in terms of biomass in open water together with large, long chain forming, pennate diatoms, whereas small pennate diatoms such as Nitzschia spp., and nanoflagellates prevailed in ice covered areas. Fairly low concentrations of phytoplankton cells were encountered at the southernmost stations and many empty diatom frustules were found in the samples. The enhanced phytoplankton biomass in the Weddell-Scotia-Confluence area is achieved through sea ice melting in the frontal zone of two different water masses, the Weddell and the Scotia Sea surface waters.
A mathematical model describing the development of phytoplankton blooms as a function of the depth of the wind-mixed layer, spectral distribution of light, passage of atmospheric low-pressure systems, size of the initial phytoplankton stock and loss rates is presented. Model runs represent shade-adapted, large-celled, bloom-forming diatoms. Periodic deep mixing caused by strong winds may severely retard the development of blooms and frequently abort them before macronutrients are completely exhausted. Moderate depths of mixing (40-50 m) in combination with a moderately large total loss rate (about 0.01 3 h-1) can prevent blooms from developing during the brightest time of the year. Complete exhaustion of macronutrients in the upper waters is likely only if the wind-mixed layer is less than 10 m deep, i.e. in very sheltered waters, and also in the marginal ice zone when ice is melting. We do not exclude the possibility of control of phytoplankton biomass by iron in ice-free, deep-sea parts of the Antarctic Ocean, but the implied enhancement of export production through addition of iron might be restricted because of limitation by light, i.e. vertical mixing.
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