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Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.
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The geology of Sør Rondane has been the focus of intense research and occupies a key position for reconstructing the late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic geodynamic evolution in eastern Dronning Maud Land (DML). Sør Rondane appears to be located close to the supposed intersection of the East African-Antarctic Orogen (EAAO) and the Kuunga Orogen. The western part of Sør Rondane is subdivided in two distinct terranes. The amphibolite to granulite-facies NE terrane is mainly composed of metasupracrustal rocks, with detrital zircon ages in part younger than 750 Ma, deposited on older basement of unknown, possibly Rayner-type, crust (Shiraishi et al., 2008). Metamorphism has been dated by U-Pb on zircon at ca. 640-600 Ma and amphibolite-facies retrogression dated at ca. 590-530 Ma. The SW terrane is subdivided by the Main Shear Zone (MSZ) into two lithothectonic units, i.e. Pan- African greenschist- to granulite-facies metamorphic rocks with “East African” affinities in the N and a Rayner-age early Neoproterozoic gabbro-tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (GTTG) complex with “Indo-Antarctic” affinities in the S. The GTTG complex has suffered Pan-African greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies thermal overprint, but also contains large domains with only weak deformation except for its northern margin close to the MSZ. The deformation there is related to high shear strain along this structure. New zircon crystallisation ages of the GTTG cluster around 1000-930 Ma. It is interpreted to have formed along a juvenile oceanic arc, in which the wide age range might indicate a long-lasting accretionary orogen. The MSZ is characterized by a right-lateral sense of movement and high-strain ductile deformation under peak amphibolite-facies conditions. The structure can be traced over a distance of ca. 120 km between Lågkollane in the W and Lunckeryggen in the E and reaches several hundred meters in width. The MSZ cannot be traced further to the W where it seems to terminate at the north-eastern border of the NW-SE oriented prominent magnetically defined SE DML Province. The north-eastern border zone may coincide with a significant dextral shear zone that runs from the Schirmacher Oasis into the region S of Sør Rondane (Schirmacher- Rondane Lineament). The SE DML Province most likely consists of Rayner-age (1000-900 Ma) crust with evidence of intense Pan-African reworking indicated by new geochronological data and was part of a large Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane (TOAST). The continuation of the MSZ into eastern Sør Rondane and beyond is not clear either, since it appears to terminate at a N-S oriented region with low magnetic signatures (central Sør Rondane corridor) that is possibly related to extensional tectonics. Crosscutting relationships with dated magmatic rocks bracket the activity of the MSZ between Latest Ediacaran to Cambrian times (c. 560- 530 Ma). Based on new combined aeromagnetic and structural results from a four-seasons survey of the greater Sør Rondane region, we propose that the crustal structural architecture of eastern DML and is strongly influenced by N-directed (with Africa/Antarctica restored to its original position in Gondwana) lateral extrusion of the EAAO. This process was likely driven by the combination of (i) indentation of the SE DML block towards the conjugate stable Kalahari- Grunehogna cratonic foreland, (ii) extensional collapse of the previously (c. 580-550 Ma) thickened and gravitational instable crust of central DML, and (iii) large-scale tectonic escape of crustal blocks in eastern DML along major shear zones such as the Schirmacher Rondane Lineament and MSZ towards an unconstrained yet unknown region at a lateral position of the EAAO.
Helt siden Bouvetøya ble norsk biland i 1930 har denne øya langt sør i Atlanterhavet vært del av vår polare identitet og historie. Gjennom tidene har øya likevel ikke vært gjenstand for stor oppmerksomhet. Siden 1930 har det heller ikke vært gitt noen samlet omtale til Stortinget av forhold som angår forvaltningen av dette området. Regjeringen mener det nå er tid for å gjøre Bouvetøya bedre kjent gjennom en melding til Stortinget. Denne meldingen har derfor som mål å beskrive Bouvetøya, og gi en bred fremstilling av ulike forhold når det gjelder rettslige rammebetingelser, forvaltning og aktivitet på øya og i havområdene rundt. Regjeringen fremmer også en melding til Stortinget som omhandler norske interesser og politikk i Antarktis, herunder de norske bilandene Dronning Maud Land og Peter I Øy, heretter omtalt som Antarktismeldingen. 1 Tradisjonelt har de tre bilandene Bouvetøya, Dronning Maud Land og Peter I Øy vært omtalt sammen. Bouvetøya ligger nord for Antarktistraktatens virkeområde, og er ubestridt norsk territorium. Regjeringen har derfor funnet det hensiktsmessig å legge frem en egen melding om norske interesser og politikk for Bouvetøya. Spørsmål som gjelder Bouvetøya håndteres som en integrert del av norsk politikk. Dette inne- bærer å gjøre norsk lovgivning gjeldende for øya i den grad det er hensiktsmessig, og å sørge for at lovgrunnlaget er tilpasset behovene. I denne meldingen om Bouvetøya beskrives intern lovgivning så vel som det folkerettslige rammeverket, og ret- tighetene og pliktene som følger av dette, herunder retten til naturressurser og plikten til å ta vare på miljøet. Det gis en egen omtale av de stats- rettslige sidene ved øya, og av at det vil bli vurdert om disse og andre forhold bør reguleres i en egen lov.
The paleo-topography of East Antarctica is highly relevant for the development of the East Antarctic ice-sheet. This ice-sheet originated probably as small ice caps and in the elevated areas of the cratons in East Antarctica around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. East Antarctica contains three mountain ranges: the latitudinal Dronning Maud Land Mountains (DML), the longitudinal Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) and the sub-glacial Gamburtsev Mountains (GM). The 1500 km long, coast-parallel Dronning Maud Land Mountains probably resulted in a significant amount of precipitation prior to the initiation of the 34 Ma glaciation history of East Antarctica. Thus, the paleo-topography should be used as an important input parameter for the glaciation history.
"Inclement weather and lack of fuel was the cause of their deaths".
Roman om tre kvinner fra Sandefjord og kampen om å komme først til Antarktis. Sandefjord 1930. Ingrid er gift med byens hvalkonge, Lars Christiansen. Hun har drømt om å reise til Antarktis siden hun var barn, og nå har ektemannen lovet å ta henne med på en av hvalbåtene. Betingelsen er at hun har med seg en kvinnelig ledsager, og den deprimerte enken Mathilde blir motvillig rekruttert. Samtidig sitter Lillemor Rachlew i London og ønsker mest av alt å bli første kvinne i Antarktis. Hun får høre om reisen til Ingrid, og får lurt seg med på samme båt rett før den forlater Cape Town. Kappløpet mot et livsfarlig isøde er i gang, og reisen vil bli skjebnesvanger for alle de tre kvinnene. Denne fascinerende romanen er basert på virkelige hendelser. Vi blir tatt med til 1930-årenes Sandefjord, til hvalfangstindustriens gullalder, og blir kjent med tre kvinner som kjempet ikke bare for sin selvstendighet, men også for sin plass i historien.
We present results of a multi-methodological approach to characterize the flow regime of West Ragnhild Glacier, the widest glacier in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. A new airborne radar survey points to substantially thicker ice (>2000 m) than previously thought. With a discharge estimate of 13–14 Gt yr−1, West Ragnhild Glacier thus becomes of the three major outlet glaciers in Dronning Maud Land. Its bed topography is distinct between the upstream and downstream section: in the downstream section (<65 km upstream of the grounding line), the glacier overlies a wide and flat basin well below the sea level, while the upstream region is more mountainous. Spectral analysis of the bed topography also reveals this clear contrast and suggests that the downstream area is sediment covered. Furthermore, bed-returned power varies by 30 dB within 20 km near the bed flatness transition, suggesting that the water content at bed/ice interface increases over a short distance downstream, hence pointing to water-rich sediment. Ice flow speed observed in the downstream part of the glacier (~250 m yr−1) can only be explained through very low basal friction, leading to a substantial amount of basal sliding in the downstream 65 km of the glacier. All the above lines of evidence (sediment bed, wetness and basal motion) and the relatively flat grounding zone give the potential for West Ragnhild Glacier to be more sensitive to external forcing compared to other major outlet glaciers in this region, which are more stable due to their bed geometry (e.g. Shirase Glacier).
Tests of biodiversity theory have been controversial partly because alternative formulations of the same theory seemingly yield different conclusions. This has been a particular challenge for neutral theory, which has dominated tests of biodiversity theory over the last decade. Neutral theory attributes differences in species abundances to chance variation in individuals’ fates, rather than differences in species traits. By identifying common features of different neutral models, we conduct a uniquely robust test of neutral theory across a global dataset of marine assemblages. Consistently, abundances vary more among species than neutral theory predicts, challenging the hypothesis that community dynamics are approximately neutral, and implicating species differences as a key driver of community structure in nature.Explaining patterns of commonness and rarity is fundamental for understanding and managing biodiversity. Consequently, a key test of biodiversity theory has been how well ecological models reproduce empirical distributions of species abundances. However, ecological models with very different assumptions can predict similar species abundance distributions, whereas models with similar assumptions may generate very different predictions. This complicates inferring processes driving community structure from model fits to data. Here, we use an approximation that captures common features of “neutral” biodiversity models—which assume ecological equivalence of species—to test whether neutrality is consistent with patterns of commonness and rarity in the marine biosphere. We do this by analyzing 1,185 species abundance distributions from 14 marine ecosystems ranging from intertidal habitats to abyssal depths, and from the tropics to polar regions. Neutrality performs substantially worse than a classical nonneutral alternative: empirical data consistently show greater heterogeneity of species abundances than expected under neutrality. Poor performance of neutral theory is driven by its consistent inability to capture the dominance of the communities’ most-abundant species. Previous tests showing poor performance of a neutral model for a particular system often have been followed by controversy about whether an alternative formulation of neutral theory could explain the data after all. However, our approach focuses on common features of neutral models, revealing discrepancies with a broad range of empirical abundance distributions. These findings highlight the need for biodiversity theory in which ecological differences among species, such as niche differences and demographic trade-offs, play a central role.
An ongoing challenge in attributing anthropogenic climate change is to distinguish anthropogenic and natural changes of atmospheric composition, e.g. concerning atmospheric aerosol and its climate effects. Aerosol properties measured at pristine locations, to the extend they still exist, can serve as a climate model benchmark for verifying the representation of natural aerosol processes in the model.
The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in 35 soil samples collected from Fildes Peninsula in the Antarctic, Ny-Ålesund in the Arctic, and Zhangmu-Nyalam in the Tibetan Plateau were reported in this study. A comparison of the total concentration and TEQ of PCDD/Fs at the Three Poles was conducted. Both the total concentration and TEQ of PCDD/Fs demonstrates a decreasing trend in the order of Zhangmu-Nyalam (mean: 26.22 pg/g, 0.37 pg I-TEQ/g)>Ny-Ålesund (mean: 9.97 pg/g, 0.33 pg I-TEQ/g)>Fildes Peninsula (mean: 2.18 pg/g, 0.015 pg I-TEQ/g) (p<0.05). In all samples, the congener and homologue profiles dominated with higher (seven and eight) chlorinated PCDD/Fs (more than 85% of the total mass percentage of PCDD/Fs) at the Three Poles. Finally, a FLEXPART backward simulation was used to preliminarily identify the potential local and regional anthropogenic sources of PCDD/Fs. The results imply that the air masses passing over surrounding regions with significant PCDD/F emissions might contribute to the occurrence of PCDD/Fs in both the Arctic and Tibetan Plateau.
Ice rises play key roles in buttressing the neighbouring ice shelves and potentially provide palaeoclimate proxies from ice cores drilled near their divides. Little is known, however, about their influence on local climate and surface mass balance (SMB). Here we combine 12 years (2001–12) of regional atmospheric climate model (RACMO2) output at high horizontal resolution (5.5 km) with recent observations from weather stations, ground-penetrating radar and firn cores in coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, to describe climate and SMB variations around ice rises. We demonstrate strong spatial variability of climate and SMB in the vicinity of ice rises, in contrast to flat ice shelves, where they are relatively homogeneous. Despite their higher elevation, ice rises are characterized by higher winter temperatures compared with the flat ice shelf. Ice rises strongly influence SMB patterns, mainly through orographic uplift of moist air on the upwind slopes. Besides precipitation, drifting snow contributes significantly to the ice-rise SMB. The findings reported here may aid in selecting a representative location for ice coring on ice rises, and allow better constraint of local ice-rise as well as regional ice-shelf mass balance.
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Resource type
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- Unknown (11)