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Det er ingen avgrensing på språk (men det meste av innholdet er på norsk eller engelsk). Eldre norske antarktispublikasjoner (den eldste er fra 1894) er dominert av kvalfangst og ekspedisjoner. I nyere tid er det den internasjonale polarforskninga som dominerer. Bibliografien er tverrfaglig; den dekker både naturvitenskapene, politikk, historie osv. Skjønnlitteratur er også inkludert, men ikke avisartikler eller upublisert materiale.
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The unique challenges of polar ecosystems, coupled with the necessity for high-precision data, make Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) an ideal tool for vegetation monitoring and conservation studies in Antarctica. This review draws on existing studies on Antarctic UAV vegetation mapping, focusing on their methodologies, including surveyed locations, flight guidelines, UAV specifications, sensor technologies, data processing techniques, and the use of vegetation indices. Despite the potential of established Machine-Learning (ML) classifiers such as Random Forest, K Nearest Neighbour, and Support Vector Machine, and gradient boosting in the semantic segmentation of UAV-captured images, there is a notable scarcity of research employing Deep Learning (DL) models in these extreme environments. While initial studies suggest that DL models could match or surpass the performance of established classifiers, even on small datasets, the integration of these advanced models into real-time navigation systems on UAVs remains underexplored. This paper evaluates the feasibility of deploying UAVs equipped with adaptive path-planning and real-time semantic segmentation capabilities, which could significantly enhance the efficiency and safety of mapping missions in Antarctica. This review discusses the technological and logistical constraints observed in previous studies and proposes directions for future research to optimise autonomous drone operations in harsh polar conditions.
Fluid infiltration into Proterozoic and Early Palaeozoic dry, orthopyroxene-bearing granitoids and gneisses in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, has caused changes to rock appearance, mineralogy, and rock chemistry. The main mineralogical changes are the replacement of orthopyroxene by hornblende and biotite, ilmenite by titanite, and various changes in feldspar structure and composition. Geochemically, these processes resulted in general gains of Si, mostly of Al, and marginally of K and Na but losses of Fe, Mg, Ti, Ca, and P. The isotopic oxygen composition (δ18OSMOW = 6.0‰–9.9‰) is in accordance with that of the magmatic precursor, both for the host rock and infiltrating fluid. U-Pb isotopes in zircon of the altered and unaltered syenite to quartz-monzonite indicate a primary crystallization age of 520.2 ± 1.0 Ma, while titanite defines alteration at 485.5 ± 1.4 Ma. Two sets of gneiss samples yield a Rb-Sr age of 517 ± 6 Ma and a Sm-Nd age of 536 ± 23 Ma. The initial Sr and Nd isotopic ratios suggest derivation of the gneisses from a relatively juvenile source but with a very strong metasomatic effect that introduced radiogenic Sr into the system. The granitoid data indicate instead a derivation from Mid-Proterozoic crust, probably with additions of mantle components.
A major consideration for maritime activity in the Southern Hemisphere is the northern limit of icebergs, or the Southern Ocean Limit Of Known Ice (SOLOKI). This analysis of historical reports of icebergs during Southern Hemisphere voyages from 1687 to 1933 provides a basis for examination of their geographical and chronological occurrence during ~250 years. The analyses use tabulated data from 742 voyages and other reports from many sources, some including first-person descriptions. While these data are dependent on icebergs being reported by mariners, as well as the variable frequency of voyages, they demonstrate distinct periods of exceptional frequency of icebergs occurring in certain localities, particularly the far South Atlantic. Based upon historical records the evidence suggests unprecedented numbers of icebergs were present in southern shipping channels in the 1890s. When these historical observations are combined with modern iceberg drift trajectories, their possible origin can be elucidated. Owing to the numbers of icebergs seen and their geographical spread, our results suggest that this was possibly the largest near-synchronous calvings in the last 300 years, and the northernmost extent of the SOLOKI.
While Argentine-Chilean relations have long been swayed between cooperation and confrontation since their independence in the 19th century and a long-standing presence in Antarctica, the stretch between Tierra del Fuego to the Antarctic Peninsula stands as the closest lane (i.e. about 1,000 km) to any other continent. Despite their territorial dispute over islands on the fractured southern tip of South America and territorial claims on the Antarctic, their common diplo-matic ground successfully defuses any potential geopolitical instability. Along with Chile and Argentina, British claims overlap in the Antarctic Peninsula, which establishes unique geopolitical conditions in the whole of Antarctica. In this context, scientific missions and growing tourist activities could transform the region into the Antarctic gateway. From potential mineral resources exploitation to the United States- China global competition, the South Atlantic area could become a strategic bridgehead in light of the brewing geopolitical shift during the 21st century. Considering that climate change and geostrategic conditions evolve somewhat quickly to transform the Western Antarctic area, this article aims to assess and comprehend how these external drivers may affect the two South American countries. Given the fact that Antarctica is part of their respective national narrative, how do Argentina and Chile intend to maintain their presence and protect their interest in these shifting conditions? What are the vectors for partnering with the world’s great powers, such as China? Ultimately, could this space become a choke point through the 21st century?
Det var det første norske oljeeventyret. I dag snakker ingen om det. I drøye hundre år etter at Svend Foyn oppfant granatharpunen i 1863, var Norge pådriver, innovatør og profitør i den største nedslaktingen av ville dyr verden noensinne har sett: Den globale industrielle hvalfangsten. Norge utviklet teknologi, åpnet nye fangstfelt og arbeidet internasjonalt for å hindre regulering og begrensninger. Da hvalfangstens epoke var over, var nesten ingen igjen av hvalene som hadde fylt verdenshavene. I dypet rådet en ny stillhet. Langs strendene i Sørishavet lå bare de råtnende hvalskrottene igjen. Men de norske hvalfangstrederne hadde blitt rike. Vanlige norske arbeidere bemannet den norske hvalfangstindustriens hvalkokerier og hvalbåter. For disse mennene var arbeidet slit, eventyr og mareritt. Etter dem finnes et stort materiale - fotografier, dagbøker, brev - som forteller om arbeidernes erfaringer fra slaktesonene i Sørishavet. I Utryddelsen forteller Espen Ytreberg historien om den norske hvalfangsten fra arbeidernes perspektiv. Han tar oss med på fangsten, lar oss følge arbeidernes opplevelser, setter bildene og beretningene deres inn i en større historisk sammenheng. Utryddelsen er et enestående stykke historieskriving om et avgjørende kapittel i norsk historie - en bok som åpner den nære norske fortiden opp for oss på helt nye måter.
Argentina and Chile, known in the world of Antarctic politics as the 'South American claimants', have shown themselves since the inception of their interests in the White Continent as standing alone and in opposition to the advances of the colonial powers of the North - especially the United Kingdom. As Shirley Scott has suggested, while the UK was busy staking claims over Antarctica and treating it as terra nullius, Argentina and Chile ascertained what they took to be their historical rights to the continent, inherited from the time when they were Spanish colonies. In this article, I support Argentina's and Chile's contention that the attitude and procedure followed by the other claimants to the continent was unequivocally colonial, but I reject their contention that theirs was not. I examine four sites where their colonial spirit is revealed: their use of the geographic doctrines of continuity and contiguity, and of the sector principle; the appeal to historic rights inherited from the time when they were Spanish colonies; their expansion to Antarctica through the establishment of military settlements, and their underlying economic and strategic interests, no different from their 'Northern' counterparts. I then point to some specific and general implications of reinterpreting their story in this light.
In this study, for the first time, we report the identification and characterization of culturable fast-growing bacteria isolated from the sea-affected temporary meltwater ponds (MPs) in the East Antarctica area of the Vecherny region (−67.656317, 46.175058) of the Thala Hills Oasis, Enderby Land. Water samples from the studied MPs showed alkaline pH (from 8.0 to 10.1) and highly varied total dissolved solids (86–94,000 mg/L). In total, twenty-nine bacterial isolates were retrieved from the studied MPs. The phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities showed that the isolated bacteria belong to the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes and the twelve genera Pseudomonas, Shewanella, Acinetobacter, Sporosarcina, Facklamia, Carnobacterium, Arthrobacter, Brachybacterium, Micrococcus, Agrococcus, Leifsonia, and Flavobacterium. Most of the isolated bacteria were psychrotrophs and showed the production of one or more extracellular enzymes. Lipolytic and proteolytic activities were more prevalent among the isolates. Five isolates from the Actinobacteria phylum and one isolate from the Bacteroidetes phylum had strong pigmentation. Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed that most of the isolates are resistant to at least one antibiotic, and seven isolates showed multi-resistance.
Kunngjøringen 9. mars 2022 om oppdagelsen av Ernest Shackletons skip Endurance vekket omfattende interesse. Skipet står oppreist på kjølen rundt 3000 meter under stedet der det i 1915 ble presset ned under trykket av den antarktiske isen. Vraket synes å være i forbausende god stand. Medieomtaler indikerer at det faktum at vrakområdet er anerkjent somet fredet kulturminne under Antarktistraktaten gjorde at ingenting ble rørt eller fjernet. Det ble kun fotodokumentert fra passende avstand. Denne ansvarsfulle tilnærmingen må berømmes.
The coastal Droning Maud Land in East Antarctica is characterized by small ice shelves with numbers of promontories and locally grounded isles, both called ice rises. These ice rises are typically dome-shaped and surface elevations are hundreds of meters above the surrounding ice shelves, which cause strong orographic effects on surface mass balance (SMB). We conducted shallow ice-penetrating radar sounding to visualize firn stratigraphy in the top 35 m over ~400 km of profiles across the Nivlisen Ice Shelf, and in a grid pattern over two adjacent ice rises (Djupranen and Leningradkollen). We tracked six reflectors (isochrones) and dated them using two ice cores taken at the ice rise summits, from which SMB over six periods in the past three decades was retrieved. The overall SMB pattern across the ice shelf remained similar for all periods; however, the eastwest contrast in SMB varies by a factor of 1.5–2 between the Leningradkollen and Djupranen grounding lines. The SMB patterns over the ice rises are more varied owing to complex interactions between topography, snowfall and wind. We use our results to evaluate the regional climate model RACMO2.3p2 in terms of the spatial SMB distribution and temporal changes over the ice shelf and ice rises at regional scale.
Temperature fluctuations and nutrient composition are the main parameters influencing green snow microbiome. In this study we investigated the influence of temperature and nutrient conditions on the growth and cellular chemical profile of bacteria isolated from green snow. Chemical profiling of the green snow bacteria was done by high-throughput FTIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis. We showed that temperature and nutrients fluctuations strongly affect growth ability and chemical profile of the green snow bacteria. The size of colonies for green snow bacteria grown at higher (25 °C) and lower (4 °C and 10 °C) than optimal temperature (18 °C) was smaller. All isolates grew on rich medium, and only 19 isolates were able to grow on synthetic minimal media. Lipid and mixed spectral regions showed to be phylogeny related. FTIR fingerprinting indicates that lipids are often affected by the temperature fluctuations. Growth on different media resulted in the change of the whole chemical profile, where lipids showed to be more affected than proteins and polysaccharides. Correlation analysis showed that nutrient composition is clearly strongly influencing chemical changes in the cells, followed by temperature.
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