Antarktis-bibliografi er en database over den norske Antarktis-litteraturen.

Hensikten med bibliografien er å synliggjøre norsk antarktisforskning og annen virksomhet/historie i det ekstreme sør. Bibliografien er ikke komplett, spesielt ikke for nyere forskning, men den blir oppdatert.

Norsk er her definert som minst én norsk forfatter, publikasjonssted Norge eller publikasjon som har utspring i norsk forskningsprosjekt.

Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.

Det er ingen avgrensing på språk (men det meste av innholdet er på norsk eller engelsk). Eldre norske antarktispublikasjoner (den eldste er fra 1894) er dominert av kvalfangst og ekspedisjoner. I nyere tid er det den internasjonale polarforskninga som dominerer. Bibliografien er tverrfaglig; den dekker både naturvitenskapene, politikk, historie osv. Skjønnlitteratur er også inkludert, men ikke avisartikler eller upublisert materiale.

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Bibliografien er produsert ved Norsk Polarinstitutts bibliotek.

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  • Sediment textural properties and total organic carbon (TOC) contents of three sediment cores from Maxwell Bay, King George Island, West Antarctica, record changes in Holocene glaciomarine sedimentary environments. The lower sedimentary unit is mostly composed of TOC-poor diamictons, indicating advanced coastal glacier margins and rapid iceberg discharge in proximal glaciomarine settings with limited productivity and meltwater supply. Fine-grained, TOC-rich sediments in the upper lithologic unit suggest more open water and warm conditions, leading to enhanced biological productivity due to increased nutrient-rich meltwater supply into the bay. The relationship between TOC and total sulfur (TS) indicates that the additional sulfur within the sediment has not originated from in situ pyrite formation under the reducing condition, but rather may be attributed to the detrital supply of sand-sized pyrite from the hydrothermal-origin, quartz-pyrite rocks widely distributed in King George Island. The evolution of bottom-water hydrography after deglaciation was recorded in the benthic foraminiferal stable-isotopic composition, corroborated by the TOC and lithologic changes. The Ø18O values indicate that bottom-water in Maxwell Bay was probably mixed gradually with intruding 18O-rich seawater from Bransfield Strait. In addition, the Ø13C values reflect a spatial variability in the carbon isotope distribution in Maxwell Bay, depending on marine productivity as well as terrestrial carbon fluxes by meltwater discharge. The distinct lithologic transition, dated to approximately 8000 yr BP (uncorrected) and characterized by textural and geochemical contrasts, highlights the postglacial environmental change by a major coastal glacier retreat in Maxwell Bay.

  • Two sediment cores obtained from the continental shelf of the northern South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica, consist of: an upper unit of silty mud, bioturbated by a sluggish current, and a lower unit of well-sorted, laminated silty mud, attributed to an intensified Polar Slope Current. Geochemical and accelerator mass spectrometry 14C analyses yielded evidence for a late Holocene increase in sea-ice extent and a decrease in phytoplankton productivity, inferred from a reduction in the total organic carbon content and higher C : N ratios, at approximately 330 years B.P., corresponding to the Little Ice Age. Prior to this, the shelf experienced warmer marine conditions, with greater phytoplankton productivity, inferred from a higher organic carbon content and C : N ratios in the lower unit. The reduced abundance of Weddell Sea ice-edge bloom species (Chaetoceros resting spores, Fragilariopsis curta and Fragilariopsis cylindrus) and stratified cold-water species (Rhizosolenia antennata) in the upper unit was largely caused by the colder climate. During the cold period, the glacial restriction between the Weddell Sea and the shelf of the northern South Shetland Islands apparently hindered the influx of ice-edge bloom species from the Weddell Sea into the core site. The relative increases in the abundance of Actinocyclus actinochilus and Navicula glaciei, indigenous to the coastal zone of the South Shetland Islands, probably reflects a reduction in the dilution of native species, resulting from the diminished influx of the ice-edge species from the Weddell Sea. We also document the recent reduction of sea-ice cover in the study area in response to recent warming along the Antarctic Peninsula.

Last update from database: 6/26/24, 9:10 AM (UTC)