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  • During two decades (1986 - 2008) of geochronological work in Heimefrontfjella, nearly 130 geochronological ages were produced using a wide range of geochronological techniques. The ages fall into four broad age groups from Archaean to Cenozoic times, revealing a long and complex geological history. In general, Heimefrontfjella consists of Mesoproterozoic high grade basement related to the ∼1100 Ma Maud Belt. This basement is overlain by Permo-Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and Jurassic lavas. Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic detrital zircon ages are recorded from meta-sedimentary rocks probably characterizing the foreland of the Maud Belt. The protolith and metamorphic ages of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt fall into two groups. An older age group from ∼1200-1100 Ma is related to back-arc and island arc volcanism. High-grade metamorphism in the Maud Belt is dated between 1090-1060 Ma and is thought to reflect continent-continent collision, possibly related to the formation of Rodinia. Regional cooling to below 500-300 °C at ∼1010-960 Ma in part of the mountain range might indicate rifting of Rodinia. The eastern part of the mountain range is overprinted by the ∼600-500 Ma East African-Antarctic Orogen. The orogenic front of this major mobile belt is exposed in the study area as the Heimefront Shear Zone. East of this major lineament all Ar-Ar, K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages are reset to ∼500 Ma. Initial Gondwana rifting affected the area at c. 180 Ma, when the Bouvet/Karroo mantle plume caused dynamic uplift of the area, followed by burial underneath up to 2 km of Jurassic lava. This led to tempering of the basement up to about 100 °C, as indicated by apatite fission track data. The lava pile underwent erosion in Cretaceous time, when renewed rifting affected the region. Latest tectonic movements might be related to Cenozoic ice loading related to the built up of the Antarctic ice sheet.

  • Heimefrontfjella is a strongly segmented NE–SW trending mountain range some 130 km long with a maximum width of about 30 km. The range takes the form of a prominent escarpment, which rises more than 1000 m above the ice plains to the northwest. The maximum elevation reaches 2700 m above sea level. Since its discovery during the German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39, very few scientists had visited Heimefrontfjella by 1985. During the mid 1960s two British geologists had visited the Heimefrontfjella and provided a geological overview of the area. Thereafter, detailed geological investigations became possible with the establishment of the Georg von Neumayer Station on the Ekström ice shelf in 1981, situated some 450 km north of Heimefrontfjella. Since then, the Georg von Neumayer Station has provided a logistical base for multidisciplinary research programs within the Atlantic sector of East Antarctica.

  • The Kalahari Craton is an important building block of the supercontinent Rodinia, but its position with respect to other cratons is still controversially discussed. The Maud Belt in East Antarctica is part of the extensive Namaqua-Natal-Maud Orogen along which Kalahari collided with another continent during Rodinia assembly. One of the continents that have been suggested as collision partners for Kalahari is Western Australia, with the Pinjarra Orogen as the counterpart to the Maud Belt. We investigate this connection from a geochronological point of view. SHRIMP U/Pb zircon analyses of three metasedimentary samples from the Maud Belt date Grenville-age metamorphism within the orogen at ca. 1100–1060Ma. One sample was later affected by Pan-African metamorphism at ca. 540Ma. A second sample is interpreted as a molasse of the Maud Belt and was deposited in the Neoproterozoic. Detrital zircons from all three samples are consistent with derivation of the sediments predominantly from within the Namaqua-Natal-Maud Belt, with minor contributions from the Kalahari Craton. No clear Western Australian fingerprint could be detected in the detrital ages and a direct comparison between detrital zircon ages from the Maud Belt and the Northampton Complex (Pinjarra Orogen, Western Australia) showed distinct differences in the age spectra. Altogether, we consider a collision between Kalahari and south-western Laurentia a more likely scenario.

  • The geology of Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica) is so far deduced from isolated outcrops along the coast and from a major coast parallel escarpment surmounting the thick ice sheet. Large parts of Dronning Maud Land are, however, hidden underneath thick ice. In this study we attempt to connect geological information with aeromagnetic data in order to unveil the subglacial geology of this part of East Antarctica. During four austral summer campaigns (2001–2005) in Dronning Maud Land, new aeromagnetic data were gathered across an area of 1.2million square kilometers of which a portion of 65% was previously unexplored. In total 100,000 line kilometers were flown over Dronning Maud Land between 14°W/20° E and 70°S/78.5°S. A striking result was the discovery of a pronounced magnetic anomaly, named here Forster Magnetic Anomaly, east of the Jutulstraumen. It starts at approximately 72°S/007°E and strikes in southwesterly direction as far south as 75°S/1°W. The Forster Magnetic Anomaly likely forms a major tectonic block boundary and/or a suture zone within the East African–Antarctic Orogen (EAAO). The shape and distribution of other magnetic anomalies are discussed in the context of the Proterozoic to Mesozoic geological history of this part of Antarctica.

  • The coast-parallel Dronning Maud Land (DML) mountains represent a key nucleation site for the protracted glaciation of Antarctica. Their evolution is therefore of special interest for understanding the formation and development of the Antarctic ice sheet. Extensive glacial erosion has clearly altered the landscape over the past 34 Myr. Yet, the total erosion still remains to be properly constrained. Here, we investigate the power of low-temperature thermochronology in quantifying glacial erosion in-situ. Our data document the differential erosion along the DML escarpment, with up to c. 1.5 and 2.4 km of erosion in western and central DML, respectively. Substantial erosion at the escarpment foothills, and limited erosion at high elevations and close to drainage divides, is consistent with an escarpment retreat model. Such differential erosion suggests major alterations of the landscape during 34 Myr of glaciation and should be implemented in future ice sheet models.

  • The paleo-topography of East Antarctica is highly relevant for the development of the East Antarctic ice-sheet. It is likely that the 1500 km long, coast-parallel Dronning Maud Land Mountains have resulted in a significant amount of precipitation prior to the initiation of the 34 Ma glaciation history of East Antarctica. Due to this, the paleo-topography should be used as an important input parameter for the glaciation history. The amount of quantitative measurements for the exhumation history of Antarctica is very limited as 98% of the continent is covered by ice. However, since the onset of thermochronological studies in the Dronning Maud Land Mountains in 1992, the area has been a subject of several thermochronological studies. The first thermochronological studies from Heimefrontfjella and Mannefjellknausane recorded a Jurassic thermal event associated with the Jurassic flood basalts related to the Karoo mantle plume and the rifting between East Antarctica and East Africa. Thermochronological data from Heimefrontfjella and Mannefjellknausane published by Jacobs and Lisker (1999) indicated that the Mesoproterozoic basement and the Permian sandstones were covered by 2000 meters of Jurassic flood basalt. In the Mühlig-Hofmann Mountains and the Gjelsvikfjella to the E, no significant Jurassic thermal event have been recorded. However, a combined titanite and apatite study by Emmel, et al. (2009) did not record any significant Jurassic thermal event in the Gjelsvikfjella and Mühlig-Hofmann Mountains. This has been used as a constraint for the lateral extent of the flood basalts. Also, the thermochronological analyses presented in Jacobs and Lisker (1999) indicated that the AFT ages get progressively older towards the SE. Based on these analyses; paleo-isotherms dipping towards the SE were suggested. In addition to the already published data, new, unpublished AHe data from a transect of the northern part of Jutulstraumen show relatively young ages at the rift flanks (~50 Ma) and progressively older ages further away from the rift flanks, indicating significant Cenozoic erosion (Ksienzyk et al., unpublished data). This is the basis for presently ongoing thermochronological studies.

  • The geology of East Antarctica and its correlation in major supercontinents is highly speculative, since only a very small part of it is exposed. Therefore a better connection between geology and geophysics is needed in order to correlate exposed regions with ice-covered, geophysically-defined, blocks. In Dronning Maud Land (DML), two distinct late Mesoproterozoic/early Neoproterozoic tectono-metamorphic provinces appear, separated by the major, NE-trending Forster Magnetic Anomaly and South Orvin Shear Zone. To the west of this lineament, the Maud Belt has clear affinities with Grenville-age continent-continent mobile belts. East of the Forster Magnetic Anomaly, juvenile rocks with early Neoproterozoic age (Rayner-age) and an accretionary character crop out. The international GEA-II expedition (2012) targeted a white spot on the geological map immediately to the E of the Forster Magnetic Anomaly. This area allows the characterization and ground-truthing of a large and mostly ice-covered region, the SE DML Province that had previously been interpreted as an older cratonic block. However, new SHRIMP/SIMS zircon analyses and their geochemistry indicates that the exposed basement consists of a ca. 1000-900 Ma juvenile terrane that is very similar to rocks in Sor Rondane. It lacks significant metamorphic overprint at the end of crust formation, but it shows medium to high-grade overprinting between ca. 630-520 Ma, associated with significant felsic melt production, including A-type granitoid magmatism. Therefore, the aeromagnetically distinct SE DML province does neither represent the foreland of a Late Neoproterozoic/EarlyPaleozoic mobile belt, nor a craton, as has previously been speculated. It more likely represents the more juvenile, westward continuation of Rayner-age crust (1000-900 Ma). To the west it abuts along the NE-trending Forster Magnetic Anomaly. The latter is interpreted as a suture, which separates typical Grenville-age crust of the Maud Belt (ca. 1200-1030 Ma) to the W from Rayner-age crust to the E. Therefore the larger eastern part of DML has clearly Indian affinities. Its juvenile character with a lack of metamorphic overprint at the end of crust formation points to an accretionary history along this part of the Indian segment of Rodinia, immediately following final Rodinia assembly.

  • The metamorphic basement of the Heimefrontfjella in western Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica) forms the western margin of the major ca. 500 million year old East African/East Antarctic Orogen that resulted from the collision of East Antarctica and greater India with the African cratons. The boundary between the tectonothermally overprinted part of the orogen and its north-western foreland is marked by the subvertical Heimefront Shear Zone. North-west of the Heimefront Shear Zone, numerous low-angle dipping ductile thrust zones cut through the Mesoproterozoic basement. Petrographic studies, optical quartz c-axis analyses and x-ray texture goniometry of quartz-rich mylonites were used to reveal the conditions that prevailed during the deformation. Mineral assemblages in thrust mylonites show that they were formed under greenschist-facies conditions. Quartz microstructures are characteristic of the subgrain rotation regime and oblique quartz lattice preferred orientations are typical of simple shear-dominated deformation. In contrast, in the Heimefront Shear Zone, quartz textures indicate mainly flattening strain with a minor dextral rotational component. These quartz microstructures and lattice preferred orientations show signs of post-tectonic annealing following the tectonic exhumation. The spatial relation between the sub-vertical Heimefront Shear Zone and the low-angle thrusts can be explained as being the result of strain partitioning during transpressive deformation. The pure-shear component with a weak dextral strike-slip was accommodated by the Heimefront Shear Zone, whereas the north–north-west directed thrusts accommodate the simple shear component with a tectonic transport towards the foreland of the orogen. Keywords: Dronning Maud Land; quartz microfabrics; X-ray texture goniometry; shear zones; mylonites.

  • Single-grain (U-Th)/He ages from two profiles were used to reconstruct the post-Permian tectonic-thermal history of basement rocks in Heimefrontfjella, East Antarctica. The (U-Th)/He ages from one sample collected below the late Carboniferous/Early Permian sedimentary cover rocks indicate Jurassic–Early Cretaceous basement paleotemperatures of ∼40°–60°C due to post-Permian burial. Combined apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He analyses from samples of a profile in Sivorgfjella suggest a period of flexural-related tilting after ∼87 Ma. The timing was further constrained using forward and inverse models of the (U-Th)/He data. Model results indicate a Cenozoic phase of relatively rapid cooling from ∼40°C to surface temperatures. As the driving mechanism, we propose flexural isostatic rebound due to glacial load during the development of the intracontinental ice sheet in the hinterland of the Heimefrontfjella region.

  • Dronning Maud Land (DML) is a key area for the better understanding of the geotectonic history and amalgamation processes of the southern part of Gondwana. Here, we present comprehensive new zircon U–Pb–Hf–O, whole-rock Sm–Nd isotopic and geochemical data for late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian igneous rocks along a profile from central to eastern DML, which provides new insights into the crustal evolution and tectonics of the region. In central DML, magmatism dominantly occurred at 530–485 Ma, with 650–600 Ma charnockite and anorthosite locally distributed at its eastern periphery. In contrast, eastern DML experienced long-term and continuous granitic magmatism from ca. 650 Ma to 500 Ma. In central DML, the 650–600 Ma samples are characterized by highly elevated δ18O (7.5–9.5‰) associated with slightly negative to positive εHf(t) values (−1 to +3), indicating significant addition of high-δ18O crustal components, such as sedimentary material at the margin of the Kalahari Craton. Evolved Hf isotopic signatures (εHf(t) = −15 to −6) and moderately elevated O isotopic data (δ18O = 6–8‰) of the Cambrian granitic rocks from central DML indicate a significant incorporation of the pre-existing, old continental crust. In eastern DML, the suprachondritic Hf–Nd isotope signatures and moderate δ18O values of the late Neoproterozoic granites (650–550 Ma) from the Sør Rondane Mountains support the view that they mainly originated from crust of the Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane (TOAST). The post-540 Ma granites, however, have more evolved Hf and Nd isotopic compositions, suggesting an increasing involvement of older continental components during Cambrian magmatism. Nd isotopes of the Cambrian granitic rocks in DML display an increasingly more radiogenic composition towards the east with model ages ranging from late Archean to Mesoproterozoic times, which is in line with the isotopic trend of the Precambrian basement in this region. The late Neoproterozoic (>600 Ma) igneous rocks in central and eastern DML were emplaced in two independent subduction systems, at the periphery of the eastern Kalahari Craton and somewhere within the Mozambique Ocean respectively. The accretion and assembly of the TOAST to the eastern margin of the Kalahari Craton and their collision with surrounding continental blocks was followed by extensive post-collisional magmatism due to delamination tectonics and orogenic collapse in the Cambrian. The late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian igneous rocks in DML thus record an orogenic cycle from subduction-accretion, continental collision to post-collisional process during and after the assembly of Gondwana.

  • The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is generally assumed to have been relatively insensitive to Quaternary climate change. However, recent studies have shown potential instabilities in coastal, marine sectors of the EAIS. In addition, long-term climate reconstructions and modelling experiments indicate the potential for significant changes in ice volume and ice sheet configuration since the Pliocene. Hence, more empirical evidence for ice surface and ice volume changes is required to discriminate between contrasting inferences. MAGIC-DML is an ongoing Swedish-US-Norwegian-German-UK collaboration focused on improving ice sheet models by filling critical data gaps that exist in our knowledge of the timing and pattern of ice surface changes along the western Dronning Maud Land (DML) margin and combining this with advances in numerical techniques. Here, we report cosmogenic multi-nuclide data from bedrock and erratics at 72 sample locations on nunatak ranges from Heimefrontfjella to along Penck-Jutulstraumen ice stream throughs in western Dronning Maud Land. The sample locations span elevations between 741-2437 m above sea level, and record apparent exposure ages between <2 ka and >5 Ma. The highest bedrock samples, from high on the inland nunatak ranges, indicate continuous exposure since >5 Ma, with a very low erosion rate of 15±3 cm Ma-1. These results indicate that the ice sheet has not extensively buried and eroded these mountain ranges since at least the Pliocene Moreover, and in contrast to current studies in eastern Dronning Maud Land, we record clear indications of a thicker-than-present ice sheet along the Penck-Jutulstraumen throughs within the last glacial cycle, with a thinning of ~35-120 m towards the present ice surface on several nunataks during the Holocene (~2-11 ka). These results thus indicate ice-surface fluctuations of several hundred meters between the current grounding line and the edge of the polar plateau for the last glacial cycle.

  • The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) collected around 150 hours of new gravity, magnetic and ice-penetrating radar data from east and south of Princess Elisabeth station in Dronning Maud Land between 2013 and 2015. Survey lines were spaced 10 km apart. The 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 used different gravimeters; a LaCoste and Romberg AirSea gravimeter (LCR) at constant barometric altitude and a Gravimetric Technologies GT2A gravimeter at constant ground separation. Both surveys used a Scintrex Cs-3 caesium vapour magnetometer mounted in a tail boom with compensation for the airframe calculated using a fuselage-mounted three-component fluxgate magnetometer. The GT2A gravity data reflect the effects of short-wavelength density contrasts between basement rocks and the ice sheet more reliably than the LCR data. Cross-over analysis suggests the repeatability of data collection with the GT2A lies at the sub-milliGal level. A broad subglacial channel that separates eastern Sør Rondane from the Yamato Belgica Mountains is evident in the gravity data. In the south of the survey region, the data reveal a dendritic pattern of subglacial valleys that converge towards the SW. Strong NS-trending magnetic anomalies coincide with the Yamato-Belgica Mountains. Further west, subtler ESE-trending anomalies confirm proposals that the SE Dronning Maud Land province continues into the region south of eastern Sør Rondane. An unexpected feature of both data sets is the apparent termination of the anomaly patterns associated with the province at a NNW-trending anomaly running south of Princess Elisabeth.

  • Dronning Maud Land contains a fragment of an Archaean craton covered by sedimentary and magmatic rocks of Mesoproterozoic age, surrounded by a Late Mesoproterozoic metamorphic belt. Tectonothermal events at the end of the Mesoproterozoic and in Late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian times (Pan-African) have been proved within the metamorphic belt. In western Dronning Maud Land a juvenile Mesoproterozoic basement was accreted to the craton at c. 1.1 Ga. Mesoproterozoic rocks were also detected by zircon SHRIMP dating of gneisses in central Dronning Maud Land, followed by a long hiatus for which geochronological data are lacking, an amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism and syntectonic granitoid emplacement of Pan-African age have been dated. During this orogeny older structures were completely overprinted in a sinistral tranpressive deformation regime, leading to the mainly coast-parallel tectonic structures of the East Antarctic Orogen. Putting Antarctica back in its Gondwana position, the East Antarctic Orogen continues northward in East Africa as the East African Orogen, whereas a connection to the marginal Ross Orogen at the Pacific margin of East Antarctica is suggested along the Shackleton Range. The East Antarctic-East African Orogen resulted from closure of the Mozambique Ocean and collision of West and East Gondwana, i.e. western Dronning Maud Land was part of West Gondwana. During this collision the lithospheric mantle probably delaminated, allowing the asthenosphere to underplate the continental crust and producing heat for the voluminous, typically anhydrous, Pan-African granitoids of central Dronning Maud Land.

  • The paleo-topography of East Antarctica is highly relevant for the development of the East Antarctic ice-sheet. This ice-sheet originated probably as small ice caps and in the elevated areas of the cratons in East Antarctica around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. East Antarctica contains three mountain ranges: the latitudinal Dronning Maud Land Mountains (DML), the longitudinal Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) and the sub-glacial Gamburtsev Mountains (GM). The 1500 km long, coast-parallel Dronning Maud Land Mountains probably resulted in a significant amount of precipitation prior to the initiation of the 34 Ma glaciation history of East Antarctica. Thus, the paleo-topography should be used as an important input parameter for the glaciation history.

  • This study focusses on the Grenville-age Maud Belt in Dronning Maud Land (DML), East Antarctica, which was located at the margin of the Proto-Kalahari Craton during the assembly of Rodinia. We present new U–Pb zircon ages and Hf–O isotope analyses of mafic and granitic gneisses exposed in the Orvin-Wohlthat Mountains and Gjelsvikfjella, central DML (cDML). The geochronological data indicate continuous magmatic activity from 1160 to 1070 Ma which culminated at 1110–1090 Ma, followed by high-grade metamorphism between 1080 and 1030 Ma. The majority of zircons from the Orvin-Wohlthat Mountains exhibit radiogenic Hf isotopic compositions corresponding to suprachondritic εHf (t) values and Mesoproterozoic model ages, indicating crystallization from predominantly juvenile magmas. However, the involvement of ancient sedimentary material, which were most likely derived from the adjacent Proto-Kalahari Craton, is revealed by a few samples with negative to neutral εHf (t) and significantly elevated δ18O values (8–10‰). Samples from further west, in Gjelsvikfjella have more mantle-like zircon O isotopic compositions and late Paleoproterozoic Hf model ages, indicating the incorporation of ancient, previously mantle-derived continental crust. The rocks in cDML, thus define part of an extensive Mesoproterozoic magmatic arc with subduction under the Proto-Kalahari margin. This involved significant growth of new continental crust, possibly related to slab retreat, accompanied by subordinate recycling of older crustal components. The Maud Belt has previously been correlated with the 1250–1030 Ma Natal Belt in southern Africa, which lay to the west in the context of Gondwana, although this assertion has recently been questioned. Our study supports the latter view in demonstrating that the continental arc magmatism in the Maud Belt appears to be temporally and tectonically unconnected to the accretion of (slightly older) juvenile oceanic islands in the Natal Belt, which, in contrast to the Maud Belt, show subduction polarity away from the craton. We thus speculate that the Namaqua-Natal to Maud Belt contact (exposed in the Heimefront Shear Zone) may represent a changed tectonic environment from arc/continent-continent collision to slightly younger continental margin orogenesis at the westernmost termination of this part of the global Grenville Orogen. The Maud Belt marks the beginning of a major, long-lived accretionary Andean-type tectonic regime on the eastern margin of Proto-Kalahari in the Meso-Neoproterozoic during Rodinia assembly and break-up until the formation of Gondwana.

Last update from database: 6/26/24, 9:10 AM (UTC)