Antarktis-bibliografi er en database over den norske Antarktis-litteraturen.

Hensikten med bibliografien er å synliggjøre norsk antarktisforskning og annen virksomhet/historie i det ekstreme sør. Bibliografien er ikke komplett, spesielt ikke for nyere forskning, men den blir oppdatert.

Norsk er her definert som minst én norsk forfatter, publikasjonssted Norge eller publikasjon som har utspring i norsk forskningsprosjekt.

Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.

Det er ingen avgrensing på språk (men det meste av innholdet er på norsk eller engelsk). Eldre norske antarktispublikasjoner (den eldste er fra 1894) er dominert av kvalfangst og ekspedisjoner. I nyere tid er det den internasjonale polarforskninga som dominerer. Bibliografien er tverrfaglig; den dekker både naturvitenskapene, politikk, historie osv. Skjønnlitteratur er også inkludert, men ikke avisartikler eller upublisert materiale.

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  • Observations of three bands of westward flow and two countercurrents, spanning roughly 50 km from the ice-shelf edge in front of the Fimbul Ice Shelf (prime meridian) in Antarctica, are presented. A comparison with a numerical model and the proximity of two of these current cores to the ice shelf suggest that they split from the Antarctic Coastal Current because of the influence of sea ice on the surface drag. A comparison with previous studies suggests that the other core is the current associated with the Antarctic Slope Front. Because the Fimbul ice shelf overhangs the continental shelf, the Antarctic Coastal Current displaces offshore, getting close to the Antarctic Slope Front. The obtained structure is derived from conductivity–temperature–depth geostrophic velocities from February 2005, referenced with detided acoustic Doppler current profiler velocities.

  • Interactions between the Southern Ocean and the Weddell Sea ice shelves are important both to the Antarctic Ice Sheet and to the production of globally significant water masses. Here we review the interaction between the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf and the shelf sea in which it floats. The continental shelf processes leading to the production of Weddell Sea deep and bottom waters from the original off-shelf source waters are discussed, and a new view is offered of the initial production of High-Salinity Shelf Water. Data from ship-based measurements at the ice front, from glaciological methods, and from measurements made within the sub–ice shelf cavity itself are used to describe the pattern of flows beneath the ice shelf. We also consider the variability observed within the cavity from tidal to interannual time scales and finish with a discussion of future research priorities in the region.

  • We have investigated the intermediate water mass of the central Weddell Gyre using TCO2 and oxygen data of FS Polarstern cruises in 1992, 1996 and 1998. This water mass, designated as Central Intermediate Water (CIW), is enriched in CO2 and depleted in O-2 relative to its source water due to biological degradation. CO2 enrichment and O-2 depletion were quantified by calculating the difference between the concentrations in the CIW and those in the, more southern source water, the Circumpolar Deep Water, which derives from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Inventories of enrichment and depletion were determined over the whole depth range of CIW, i.e. about 200800 m. The O-2 depletion inventory was greater than that of TCO2 enrichment which is in line with a biological origin of the signal. Spatial and interannual variation appeared to be small. Because subsurface remineralization in the central Weddell Gyre is largely restricted to the CIW, the export production estimate from previous work has been applied to compute the renewal time of CIW from these inventories. A renewal time of only three years was found. TCO2- and O-2-based computations were consistent, the former showing larger variation, though. From renewal time and volume of the CIW, a transport velocity (renewal rate) of 6-7 Sv was obtained. Of this, about I Sv is upwelled into the surface layer. The remaining 5-6 Sv CIW must be exported to the north, which is opposite to previous views. Results of water mass age and transport rate have thus been obtained using a method based on biogeochemical parameters. As the CIW cannot be identified by temperature and salinity, nor with transient tracers because it is hardly ventilated, this is the only way to obtain such results. As part of the CIW export, a large amount of remineralized CO2 enters the abyssal oceans where it is sequestered for long periods of time. The CIW is a principal and highly efficient player in the biological pump mechanism of the Southern Ocean.

  • Nitrate, phosphate and silicate data are presented from 1992 austral winter and 1998 austral autumn cruises with “FS Polarstern” in the Weddell Gyre. Because in the Weddell Gyre, away from the boundary current, the surface layer is eventually formed from upwelled deep water, the difference in nutrient concentrations between these layers can be used to compute net nutrient consumptions (identical with the export production). This method renders a value for the export production that is based on observed annual changes. The results are consistent for two years and two regions within the central gyre. The calculated net nitrate and phosphate consumptions were scaled to net carbon consumptions using canonical Redfield ratios, yielding 16–17μmolCkg−1yr−1. This equals 21±4gCm−2yr−1 as a robust estimate for the marginal ice zone. The net annual silicate consumption in the surface layer, which equals the export of biogenic silica, amounts to 15–18μmolkg−1yr−1. There is a tendency for higher values in the eastern Weddell Gyre. The estimated silicate consumption of about 1.8molSim−2yr−1 is relatively high compared to earlier estimations of biogenic silica export. The silicate to carbon consumption ratio of about 1 is very high, and documents the dominance of diatoms in the export of organic material. Résumé Sont présentées les distributions verticales de nitrate, de phosphate et de silicate en Mer de Weddell, pour les périodes de l’hiver austral 1992 et de l’automne austral 1998. Les eaux de surface du tourbillon à grande échelle de la Mer de Weddell (temps de résidence égal à 2.9 ans) sont formées par l’upwelling des eaux profondes. La différence de concentrations des sels nutritifs entre les couches profondes et de surface permettent de calculer la consommation annuelle, équivalente à la production exportée de l’élément nutritif considéré vers les couches profondes. Les résultats sont comparables pour les deux scénarios annuels étudiés. La production exportée de carbone pour les eaux de surface de la zone marginale de la glace, calculée à partir des consommations annuelles en nitrates et phosphates après transformation grâce aux rapports de Redfield, est estimée à 16–17μmolCkg−1yr−1 soit en moyenne 21±4gCm−2yr−1. La consommation annuelle de silicate est estimée à 1.8mol Si m−2yr−1, relativement élevée en comparaison des estimations antérieures. Le rapport molaire Si/C, voisin de 1 dans le matériel exporté, traduit la dominance des diatomées dans l’export de matières organiques.

  • The fugacity of carbon dioxide (fCO2) of the surface waters of the Weddell Sea along the prime meridian has been described for the austral autumn in 1996 and 1998. For individual years, fCO2 has a strong linear relationship with sea surface temperature, although the relationships cannot be reconciled to provide an interannually consistent algorithm for remotely sensed assessment of fCO2. However, from the assumption that Weddell Sea surface water has a single end member (upwelled Warm Deep Water) we have determined the relative contributions of heating, ice-melt, and biological activity on fCO2. A breakdown of the controls shows that the measured annual fCO2 distributions can be recreated for both transects by adjusting solely for thermodynamic forcing, and model adjustments for salinity are small except in regions of significant upwelling during 1998. The incorporation of nitrate utilisation into the model results in a general and significant underestimation of fCO2. This runs contrary to the earlier findings of Sabine and Key (Mar. Chem. 60 (1998) 95) in the Southern Ocean although it is consistent with models in the area (Louanchi et al., Deep-Sea Res. I 48 (2001) 1581). A major caveat to these findings is the significant departure of the thermodynamic model and a tightening of the nitrate-adjusted model in 1998 in areas with deeper mixing in the southern Weddell Sea. We propose that there are two reasons for the discrepancies in our model: the source waters are not as homogenous as the model assumes; and there are geographical and seasonal variations of CO2 exchange with the atmosphere and the input of inorganic carbon and nitrate from below the mixed layer resulting in imbalances in the mixed layer concentration ratios.

  • Cold shelf waters flowing out of the Filchner Depression in the southern Weddell Sea make a significant contribution to the production of Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW), a precursor to Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). We use all available current meter records from the region to calculate the flux of cold water (<−1.9°C) over the sill at the northern end of the Filchner Depression (1.6 ± 0.5 Sv), and to determine its fate. The estimated fluxes and mixing rates imply a rate of WSBW formation (referenced to −0.8°C) of 4.3 ± 1.4 Sv. We identify three pathways for the cold shelf waters to enter the deep Weddell Sea circulation. One path involves flow constrained to follow the shelf break. The other two paths are down the continental slope, resulting from the cold dense water being steered northward by prominent ridges that cross the continental slope near 36°W and 37°W. Mooring data indicate that the deep plumes can retain their core characteristics to depths greater than 2000 m. Probably aided by thermobaricity, the plume water at this depth can flow at a speed approaching 1 m s−1, implying that the flow is occasionally supercritical. We postulate that such supercriticality acts to limit mixing between the plume and its environment. The transition from supercritical to slower, more uniform flow is associated with very efficient mixing, probably as a result of hydraulic jumps.

Last update from database: 6/26/24, 9:10 AM (UTC)