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  • The geology of East Antarctica and its correlation in major supercontinents is highly speculative, since only a very small part of it is exposed. Therefore a better connection between geology and geophysics is needed in order to correlate exposed regions with ice-covered, geophysically-defined, blocks. In Dronning Maud Land (DML), two distinct late Mesoproterozoic/early Neoproterozoic tectono-metamorphic provinces appear, separated by the major, NE-trending Forster Magnetic Anomaly and South Orvin Shear Zone. To the west of this lineament, the Maud Belt has clear affinities with Grenville-age continent-continent mobile belts. East of the Forster Magnetic Anomaly, juvenile rocks with early Neoproterozoic age (Rayner-age) and an accretionary character crop out. The international GEA-II expedition (2012) targeted a white spot on the geological map immediately to the E of the Forster Magnetic Anomaly. This area allows the characterization and ground-truthing of a large and mostly ice-covered region, the SE DML Province that had previously been interpreted as an older cratonic block. However, new SHRIMP/SIMS zircon analyses and their geochemistry indicates that the exposed basement consists of a ca. 1000-900 Ma juvenile terrane that is very similar to rocks in Sor Rondane. It lacks significant metamorphic overprint at the end of crust formation, but it shows medium to high-grade overprinting between ca. 630-520 Ma, associated with significant felsic melt production, including A-type granitoid magmatism. Therefore, the aeromagnetically distinct SE DML province does neither represent the foreland of a Late Neoproterozoic/EarlyPaleozoic mobile belt, nor a craton, as has previously been speculated. It more likely represents the more juvenile, westward continuation of Rayner-age crust (1000-900 Ma). To the west it abuts along the NE-trending Forster Magnetic Anomaly. The latter is interpreted as a suture, which separates typical Grenville-age crust of the Maud Belt (ca. 1200-1030 Ma) to the W from Rayner-age crust to the E. Therefore the larger eastern part of DML has clearly Indian affinities. Its juvenile character with a lack of metamorphic overprint at the end of crust formation points to an accretionary history along this part of the Indian segment of Rodinia, immediately following final Rodinia assembly.

  • Dronning Maud Land (DML) is a key area for the better understanding of the geotectonic history and amalgamation processes of the southern part of Gondwana. Here, we present comprehensive new zircon U–Pb–Hf–O, whole-rock Sm–Nd isotopic and geochemical data for late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian igneous rocks along a profile from central to eastern DML, which provides new insights into the crustal evolution and tectonics of the region. In central DML, magmatism dominantly occurred at 530–485 Ma, with 650–600 Ma charnockite and anorthosite locally distributed at its eastern periphery. In contrast, eastern DML experienced long-term and continuous granitic magmatism from ca. 650 Ma to 500 Ma. In central DML, the 650–600 Ma samples are characterized by highly elevated δ18O (7.5–9.5‰) associated with slightly negative to positive εHf(t) values (−1 to +3), indicating significant addition of high-δ18O crustal components, such as sedimentary material at the margin of the Kalahari Craton. Evolved Hf isotopic signatures (εHf(t) = −15 to −6) and moderately elevated O isotopic data (δ18O = 6–8‰) of the Cambrian granitic rocks from central DML indicate a significant incorporation of the pre-existing, old continental crust. In eastern DML, the suprachondritic Hf–Nd isotope signatures and moderate δ18O values of the late Neoproterozoic granites (650–550 Ma) from the Sør Rondane Mountains support the view that they mainly originated from crust of the Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane (TOAST). The post-540 Ma granites, however, have more evolved Hf and Nd isotopic compositions, suggesting an increasing involvement of older continental components during Cambrian magmatism. Nd isotopes of the Cambrian granitic rocks in DML display an increasingly more radiogenic composition towards the east with model ages ranging from late Archean to Mesoproterozoic times, which is in line with the isotopic trend of the Precambrian basement in this region. The late Neoproterozoic (>600 Ma) igneous rocks in central and eastern DML were emplaced in two independent subduction systems, at the periphery of the eastern Kalahari Craton and somewhere within the Mozambique Ocean respectively. The accretion and assembly of the TOAST to the eastern margin of the Kalahari Craton and their collision with surrounding continental blocks was followed by extensive post-collisional magmatism due to delamination tectonics and orogenic collapse in the Cambrian. The late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian igneous rocks in DML thus record an orogenic cycle from subduction-accretion, continental collision to post-collisional process during and after the assembly of Gondwana.

  • This study focusses on the Grenville-age Maud Belt in Dronning Maud Land (DML), East Antarctica, which was located at the margin of the Proto-Kalahari Craton during the assembly of Rodinia. We present new U–Pb zircon ages and Hf–O isotope analyses of mafic and granitic gneisses exposed in the Orvin-Wohlthat Mountains and Gjelsvikfjella, central DML (cDML). The geochronological data indicate continuous magmatic activity from 1160 to 1070 Ma which culminated at 1110–1090 Ma, followed by high-grade metamorphism between 1080 and 1030 Ma. The majority of zircons from the Orvin-Wohlthat Mountains exhibit radiogenic Hf isotopic compositions corresponding to suprachondritic εHf (t) values and Mesoproterozoic model ages, indicating crystallization from predominantly juvenile magmas. However, the involvement of ancient sedimentary material, which were most likely derived from the adjacent Proto-Kalahari Craton, is revealed by a few samples with negative to neutral εHf (t) and significantly elevated δ18O values (8–10‰). Samples from further west, in Gjelsvikfjella have more mantle-like zircon O isotopic compositions and late Paleoproterozoic Hf model ages, indicating the incorporation of ancient, previously mantle-derived continental crust. The rocks in cDML, thus define part of an extensive Mesoproterozoic magmatic arc with subduction under the Proto-Kalahari margin. This involved significant growth of new continental crust, possibly related to slab retreat, accompanied by subordinate recycling of older crustal components. The Maud Belt has previously been correlated with the 1250–1030 Ma Natal Belt in southern Africa, which lay to the west in the context of Gondwana, although this assertion has recently been questioned. Our study supports the latter view in demonstrating that the continental arc magmatism in the Maud Belt appears to be temporally and tectonically unconnected to the accretion of (slightly older) juvenile oceanic islands in the Natal Belt, which, in contrast to the Maud Belt, show subduction polarity away from the craton. We thus speculate that the Namaqua-Natal to Maud Belt contact (exposed in the Heimefront Shear Zone) may represent a changed tectonic environment from arc/continent-continent collision to slightly younger continental margin orogenesis at the westernmost termination of this part of the global Grenville Orogen. The Maud Belt marks the beginning of a major, long-lived accretionary Andean-type tectonic regime on the eastern margin of Proto-Kalahari in the Meso-Neoproterozoic during Rodinia assembly and break-up until the formation of Gondwana.

  • Structural investigations in western Sør Rondane, eastern Dronning Maud Land (DML), provide new insights into the tectonic evolution of East Antarctica. One of the main structural features is the approximately 120 km long and several hundred meters wide WSW-ENE trending Main Shear Zone (MSZ). It is characterized by dextral high-strain ductile deformation under peak amphibolite-facies conditions. Crosscutting relationships with dated magmatic rocks bracket the activity of the MSZ between late Ediacaran to Cambrian times (circa 560 to 530 Ma). The MSZ separates Pan-African greenschist- to granulite-facies metamorphic rocks with “East African” affinities in the north from a Rayner-age early Neoproterozoic gabbro-tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite complex with “Indo-Antarctic” affinities in the south. It is interpreted to represent an important lithotectonic strike-slip boundary at a position close to the eastern margin of the East African-Antarctic Orogen (EAAO), which is assumed to be located farther south in the ice-covered region. Together with the possibly coeval left-lateral South Orvin Shear Zone in central DML, the MSZ may be related to NE directed lateral escape of the EAAO, whereas the Heimefront Shear Zone and South Kirwanveggen Shear Zone of western DML are part of the south directed branch of this bilateral system.

  • Late Tonian (ca. 785–760 Ma) granodioritic to granitic orthogneisses of the Schirmacher Oasis region in Dronning Maud Land (DML), East Antarctica, are interpreted as recording an active continental margin setting at the periphery of Kalahari and Rodinia. The rocks probably represent exposures of a significant tectonic province hidden beneath the ice, the erosional remnants of which are recorded as detrital zircons in late Tonian-Cryogenian metasedimentary rocks throughout central and eastern DML, as well as in ice-rafted debris from recent sediments offshore Dronning Maud Land. The orthogneisses have single-stage Sm-Nd model ages of ca. 1.3–1.5 Ga and zircon Hf-signatures (εHft = +2 – +5), indistinguishable from the adjacent Grenville-age basement rocks of easternmost Kalahari. Their geochemistry suggests that they evolved in the late stages of a continental margin magmatic arc and possibly within a roll-back tectonic framework, suggestive of subduction of relatively old oceanic lithosphere. The eastern Kalahari continental arc is one of a number of continental arcs that characterize the western part of the fragmenting Rodinia and document the supercontinent “turning inside out” after its formation at ca. 1000 Ma and a period of relative tectonic quiescence between ca. 900 and 800 Ma. The rocks show an ultra-high temperature metamorphic overprint that was accompanied by syn-tectonic magmatism from ca. 650 to 600 Ma. The high temperature metamorphism is interpreted to relate to back-arc extension that also led to major anorthosite magmatism elsewhere, prior to continental collision in the region. The rocks lack the subsequent widespread high-grade metamorphic overprint at ca. 590–500 Ma which occurs in the adjacent regions due to Himalayan-style continental collision along the East African-Antarctic Orogen during Gondwana assembly.

  • Central Dronning Maud Land (CDML) in East Antarctica is an important region for understanding Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinent cycles. Zircon U-Pb dating and Hf-O isotopic data revealed by extensive sampling across CDML provide constraints on the timing and source of main magmatism and new insights into the crustal composition and evolution. SIMS zircon U-Pb ages indicate multi-stage magmatic activities from Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian times at 1160-1130 Ma, 1115-1100 Ma, 1090-1070 Ma, 780-750 Ma, 645-600 Ma and 530-485 Ma, as well as Mesoproterozoic metamorphism at 1085-1050 Ma recorded by zircon rims. This region was subjected a large-scale and long-lasting high-grade metamorphism during 600-500 Ma. Most 1160-1080 Ma granitic rocks exhibit εHf (t) values ranging from +5 and +8 and δ18O slightly higher than mantle value (6-7 ‰), indicating a main derivation from juvenile crust. The involvement of Paleoproterozoic continental materials, which were most likely from adjacent Kalahari Craton, is attested by minor samples with negative to neutral εHf (t) and significantly elevated δ18O values (8-10 ‰). The late Neoproterozoic (750-600 Ma) rocks, including anorthosite, charnockite and granite, display an evolved Hf isotopic composition and high δ18O values (7.5-9 ‰), suggesting a significant addition of crust-derived materials into the source. The data imply that in CDML, late Mesoproterozoic (Grenville-age) magmatism during the assembly of Rodinia is dominated by the addition of new crust with subordinate reworking of ancient crust. Subsequent subduction process associated with the break-up of Rodinia and assembly of Gondwana largely witnessed recycling of previous continental components. Combined with whole-rock geochemistry, it is speculated that the accretionary process along the Maud margin of Kalahari Craton lasted from the Mesoproterozoic, across the late Tonian (750 Ma) until Ediacaran to suture west and east Gondwana blocks.

  • This article highlights the field geology, geochronology and geochemistry of an important and previously unstudied region between eastern (Sør Rondane Mountains) and central Dronning Maud Land (DML). The area allows the characterisation and ground-truthing of a large and mostly ice-covered area that is geophysically distinct and which was previously interpreted as a potentially older cratonic block south of a Late Neoproterozoic/Early Paleozoic (LN/EP) mobile belt, as exposed in the Sør Rondane Mts. (SRM). SHRIMP/SIMS zircon analyses of 20 samples together with new geochemistry indicate that the exposed basement consists of a ca. 1000–900Ma juvenile terrane that is very similar to the juvenile rocks of the SW-Terrane of the SRM, a characteristic gabbro–trondhjemite–tonalite–granite (GTTG) suite, with normalised trace element patterns typical for subduction-related magmas and mostly positive initial epsilon Nd values. The area shows strong LN/EP crustal reworking, migmatisation and melt production, including 560–530Ma A-type magmatism. Therefore, this area is very similar to the SW-Terrane and differs only in the degree of LN/EP reworking. We interpret the SW-Terrane of Sør Rondane as a mega-boudin sandwiched in between rheologically weaker portions of similar oceanic arc terranes. Therefore, the study area, and thereby the aeromagnetically distinct SE DML province does neither represent the foreland of a LN/EP mobile belt, nor a craton, as speculated based on geophysical data alone. Instead, a large Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane (TOAST) with significant extent emerges. Its western limit is represented by the Forster Magnetic Anomaly, which represents a suture to the Grenville-age Maud Belt. East of the TOAST, the Rayner Complex is similar in age but otherwise distinctly different. The Rayner Complex has a much longer history of island arc accretions with continent–continent collision at ca. 950Ma and it has markedly more evolved crust. In contrast, the TOAST has a pronounced juvenile character without significant inheritance and lacks metamorphic overprint immediately following crust formation. This indicates that it has not been an integral part of Rodinia. The eastern boundary of the TOAST is probably in the vicinity of the Yamato Mts., whilst its northern extension might be seen in the Vohibori Terrane (SW Madagascar), which in turn could correlate with the Arabian Nubian Shield. The LN/EP tectono-metamorphic overprint of the TOAST shows a slight decrease in ages from W to E, possibly indicating that it first amalgamated on its Kalahari side before it was attached to Rukerland/Indo-Antarctica.

  • East Antarctica probably formed by amalgamation of a number of cratons along distinct Ediacaran mobile belts, including the ca. 600-500 Ma East African-Antarctic Orogen (EAAO) that dissects Dronning Maud Land (DML). New field-work during the international expeditions Geodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica (GEA) I + II in the austral summers 2010/11 and 2011/12, and first geochronological results from eastern DML reveal a complex tectonic architecture across the belt. In western DML, the EAAO reworks older Mesoproterozoic crust of the Maud Belt; the westernmost boundary of the mobile belt is characterized by a major dextral transpressional shear zone. In central DML, a major magnetic anomaly, the Forster anomaly, was interpreted as a cryptic suture of the EAAO (Riedel et al. 2012). The area where the Forster anomaly crosses the DML mountains is poorly investigated so far, but appears to coincide with a major strike slip shear zone in the southern Kurze Mts. and the occurrence of major Ediacaran granulite bodies. East of the Forster anomaly, the magnetic anomaly pattern changes significantly and typical Maud type crust is not present any longer. GEA II targeted a range of nunataks between Sør Rondane and central DML that had never been visited previously (from Blåklettane and Bergekongen in the E to Urna and Sørsteinen in the W). These nunataks are dominated by medium- to high-grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of possibly Neoproterozoic age, including abundant marble and graphite schists. Sør Rondane in eastern DML, is dominated by two distinct blocks separated by the dextral Main Shear Zone. The northwestern block is still part of the eastern EAAO, where new SHRIMP zircon data from metamorphic rims provide ages of ca. 560 Ma. The southeastern block is made up of a TTG terrane, which provides four new SHRIMP zircon dates between 990-980 Ma, interpreted as igneous crystallization ages (oceanic arc). The TTG terrane shows limited tectonic overprint and is likely the southeastern foreland of the EAAO. Close to the contact of the two blocks grey geisses and augen-gneisses gave zircon crystallization ages of ca. 750 Ma, ages which were previously unknown from the EAAO. The Forster anomaly therefore separates distinctly different parts of the EAAO: a) a reworked, mainly Grenville-age crust to the W (the overprinted margin of the Kalahari Craton) and b) a part of the orogen dominated by Neoproterozoic accretionary tectonics to the E. This difference is also reflected in the geochemistry of voluminous late-tectonics granitoids across the belt.

Last update from database: 6/26/24, 9:10 AM (UTC)