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Features and processes of rock weathering in central Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

Resource type
Features and processes of rock weathering in central Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
In this study, we have investigated rock weathering phenomena in the central part of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The area is characterized by low mean annual temperatures (−18 °C), strong katabatic winds, and minimal liquid water at the surface. Weathering features, including ventifacts, tafoni, and grus accumulations, are characterized through field observations, rock surface temperature measurements, and microscopic analysis. Abrasion by sand and ice particles transported by strong winds has locally resulted in ridge-shaped ventifacts and rock surfaces with elongated pits, furrows, and grooves. The abrasion-caused features, such as polished facets, keels, and grooves, indicate a northeast-facing wind direction, aligning with the present-day wind regime. The dominant weathering processes in coarse-grained intrusive rocks are oxidation and granular disintegration. Fe-oxidation induces cracking, increasing the porosity and enhancing susceptibility to further weathering. Additionally, temperature fluctuations on rock surfaces caused by solar radiation create thermal stress, which can lead to the formation of microcracks. These microcracks, formed due to thermal expansion, are likely to propagate through subcritical cracking, which is a slow, long-term process. Together, Fe-oxidation, thermal expansion, and subcritical cracking are important mechanisms contributing to long-term weathering and rock decay. Salt weathering, facilitated by snow and ice meltwater, particularly within tafoni, leads to flaking and disintegration of the parent rock. These findings shed light on the complex interactions shaping the geomorphology of central Dronning Maud Land and provide insights into long-term weathering processes operating in Antarctica's extreme environment.
Journal Abbr
Article number: 109435
Elvevold, S., Engvik, A. K., & Sunde, Ø. (2024). Features and processes of rock weathering in central Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Geomorphology, 466, 1–14.