Antarktis-bibliografi er en database over den norske Antarktis-litteraturen.
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Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.
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The diet and feeding strategy of Lepidonotothen nudifrons off the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula, as well as their variation in relation to ontogenetic stage (juvenile– adult) and sampling area, were determined by stomach contents analysis. Additionally, the trophic level of this species was estimated to determine its position within the Antarctic food web. Out of 247 specimens with prey in their stomachs, 144 were caught near the South Shetland Islands and 103 off the Antarctic Peninsula. Ontogenetic changes in the trophic ecology of L. nudifrons were observed in both areas and were mainly related to a decrease of copepods and an increase of euphausiids in the diet. The diet of juveniles from the South Shetland Islands was characterized by the dominance of calanoid copepods, followed by isopods and amphipods, whereas diet off the Antarctic Peninsula was dominated by amphipods and cyclopoid copepods. The diet in adults was dominated by amphipods and euphausiids in both areas. The specialization of individual predators on different prey types was observed when considering the whole population of L. nudifrons, but when ontogenetic stages were considered separately it showed a more mixed feeding strategy, with different dominant prey for each class. Although the trophic level increased with fish size, L. nudifrons can be classified as secondary consumer throughout its lifespan.
In this contribution, we provide a list of the scleractinian corals recorded during the Argentinean Antarctic expeditions on board the oceanographic vessel Puerto Deseado (Argentina) in the austral summers in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The identified taxa consist of six solitary species (Flabellum impensum, F. flexuosum, F. areum, Caryophyllia antarctica, Paraconotrochus antarcticus and Javania antarctica), recorded from 19 sampling sites located off the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland and South Orkney islands. We also update the information of F. areum, previously known only from south-west Atlantic waters, extending its distribution range to Antarctic waters and its upper bathymetric range to 218 m. Keywords: cold-water corals; Antarctica; range extension; bathymetric range extension; Scleractinia.
Very high frequency (VHF) radiotelemetry data has been used for over 30 yr to monitor the behavior patterns of otariid seals. These data have been used in a wide variety of ways, from characterizing the reproductive and foraging ecology of these species to inferring ecosystem changes based on variation in attendance patterns. Yet the accuracy of VHF data has never been appropriately evaluated. Our study compares VHF data collected on 16 lactating Antarctic fur seals to assess onshore attendance with concurrently collected time depth recorder (TDR) data used as the true measurement of time spent onshore. Within the retrieved datasets, 25% of the VHF data could not be interpreted with any reliability. Additionally, there were significant differences in the number and duration of attendance bouts between the 2 instrument types, with VHF data overestimating attendance bout duration by approximately 8.9 h on average. Importantly, the magnitude and direction of errors between VHF and TDR measurements were not systematic, suggesting that VHF data is an inappropriate method for collecting attendance data. Modelling the raw VHF data in a state-space framework elicited mean attendance durations that were indistinguishable from TDR-derived measurements, suggesting this approach may provide a means to re-examine historic VHF data. Moreover, given the evolution of electronic tags in terms of sophistication, miniaturization, longevity and decreasing cost over the last 30 yr, TDRs are a more appropriate means of collecting attendance data on centrally foraging marine mammals such as otariids.
The first record of the humpback anglerfish (Melanocetus johnsonii) in Antarctic waters (Ross Sea) is documented. Species identification is confirmed by the structure of the escal bulb and analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. This record extends the known range of M. johnsonii by more than 1000 nm to the south. The taxonomic status of Melanocetus species in Antarctic waters is discussed. Keywords: Melanocetus sp.; new record; taxonomy; distribution; Ross Sea; Antarctic.
The use of biologging instruments has greatly improved our understanding of the behaviour, physiology and ecology of free-ranging marine mammals. However, handling wild animals and attaching instruments to streamlined bodies can cause stress and potentially influence behaviour and swimming/diving energetics. The goals of this study, undertaken on Bouvetøya, were (1) to determine if the first trip to sea after instrumentation is representative of subsequent trips in lactating Antarctic fur seals, to explore potential handling effects and assess possible biases in having multiple short-duration deployments (inflating N, using a limited number of tags) and (2) to evaluate potential effects of two different instrument combinations (SMRU satellite data relay loggers and very high frequency radio transmitters versus Wildlife Computers time–depth recorders and very high frequency radio transmitters) on trip durations, dive parameters, female body condition and pup growth. Handling did not appear to have any effects on the parameters studied; data from the first and second trips did not differ significantly. This implies that multiple short-term deployments are unlikely to result in biased data in this species. Instrument type did have measurable effects; time-at-sea was greater and pup growth was lower for pairs in which mothers carried bulkier instruments. This suggests that instrument streamlining is important to avoid negative impacts and that bulkier equipment should be deployed on lactating females with caution and only for short periods. The study highlights that instrument effects should be taken into account when comparing data from experiments collected using different equipment packages. Keywords: Bioenergetics; biologging; instrument effects; SRDLs; TDRs; VHFs.
During ship-based seabird surveys in the south Atlantic and Antarctica in the austral summers of 1994/95, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, we documented at-sea distributions of Buller’s albatross (Thalassarche bulleri), Atlantic petrel (Pterodroma incerta), soft-plumaged petrel (Pterodroma mollis), Kerguelen petrel (Lugensa brevirostris) and great-winged petrel (Pterodroma macroptera). In some cases, sightings were considered as extralimital, but for other species updating their distributions in the literature seems warranted. Atlantic petrel, for example, has been regularly observed in the Drake Passage and north of the Antarctic Peninsula for about 30 years, but the distribution of this species has not been updated in the literature. The observations reported here will contribute to update the at-sea distributions of these species and to changes in their distributions. Keywords: Seabirds; Antarctica; South Atlantic Ocean; distribution.
Over the last decade, several hundred seals have been equipped with conductivity-temperature-depth sensors in the Southern Ocean for both biological and physical oceanographic studies. A calibrated collection of seal-derived hydrographic data is now available, consisting of more than 165,000 profiles. The value of these hydrographic data within the existing Southern Ocean observing system is demonstrated herein by conducting two state estimation experiments, differing only in the use or not of seal data to constrain the system. Including seal-derived data substantially modifies the estimated surface mixed-layer properties and circulation patterns within and south of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Agreement with independent satellite observations of sea ice concentration is improved, especially along the East Antarctic shelf. Instrumented animals efficiently reduce a critical observational gap, and their contribution to monitoring polar climate variability will continue to grow as data accuracy and spatial coverage increase.
This paper reports on two photo-identified humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) that were sighted in different years in the proximity of the South Orkney Islands, at the boundary between the Scotia and Weddell seas (60o54.5’S – 46o40.4’W and 60o42.6’S – 45o33’W). One of the whales had been previously sighted off Ecuador, a breeding ground for the eastern South Pacific population. The other whale was subsequently resighted in Bransfield Strait, off the western Antarctic Peninsula, a well-documented feeding ground for the same population. These matches give support to a hypothesis that the area south of the South Orkney Islands is occupied by whales from the eastern South Pacific breeding stock. Consequently, we propose 40oW as a new longitudinal boundary between the feeding grounds associated with the eastern South Pacific and western South Atlantic breeding stocks. Keywords: Humpback whale; photo-identification; breeding stocks; migration; South Orkney Islands; Southern Ocean
- marin zoologi
- amfipoder (1)
- analyser (1)
- Antarktis (1)
- bioenergetikk (1)
- biologging (1)
- Bouvetøya (2)
- copepoder (1)
- ekspedisjoner (1)
- euphausiacea (1)
- fauna (1)
- fisker (2)
- genetisk analyse (1)
- havis (1)
- hydrografi (1)
- isopoder (1)
- klimatologi (1)
- knølhvaler (1)
- koraller (1)
- marin biologi (1)
- migrasjon (1)
- NARE ekspedisjoner (2)
- observasjoner (1)
- økosystemer (2)
- ornitologi (1)
- oseanografi (3)
- overvåking (1)
- pelsseler (2)
- petreller (1)
- pinnipedier (1)
- polarområdene (1)
- radio telemetri (1)
- Rosshavet (2)
- satellite bilder (1)
- seler (1)
- sjøfugler (1)
- sjøis (1)
- Sørishavet (7)
- taksonomi (1)
- zoogeografi (1)
Resource type
- Journal Article (8)
Publication year
Online resource
- yes (8)