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The first factory ship of the so-called modern era of Antarctic whaling was Admiralen, arriving together with two smaller catcher boats in the South Shetland Islands in January 1906, after a period of whaling in the Falkland Islands. The expedition leader was Alexander Lange, a Norwegian whaler with a long experience from whaling in northern Norway and Spitsbergen. He kept a diary for a considerable period and this covered several whaling voyages. The one dealing with the pioneer Antarctic season of 1905–1906 has been translated from Norwegian into English and is presented here with an introduction that places the expedition into its wider context.
Miniature electronic data recorders and transmitters have revolutionized the way we study animals over the past decades, particularly marine animals at sea. But, very recently, animal-borne instruments have also been designed and implemented that provide in situ hydrographic data from parts of the oceans where little or no other data are currently available (even from beneath the ice in polar regions). Ocean data is delivered from animal-borne instruments via satellites in near real-time, which would enrich the Global Ocean Observing System if animal-borne instruments were deployed systematically. In the last 10 years, studies involving more than 10 countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Greenland, Norway, South Africa, UK, USA) have demonstrated how highly accurate oceanographic sensors, integrated into standard animal, biologging instruments, can provide data of equal or better quality than XBT/XCTD data. Here, we present some of the pioneering studies and demonstrate that we now have enough information for many marine species to predict where they will go – within reasonable limits. Thus, we can direct sampling effort to particularly interesting and productive regions and maximize data return. In the future, biologging could certainly play an important part in the Global Ocean Observing System, by providing complementary data to more traditional sampling technologies - especially in the high latitudes. This paper will make a core contribution to the Plenary Sessions 4A, 4B and 5A and will be relevant to 2A, 2B and 3A.
In recent years, the international “Southern Elephant seals as Oceanographic Samplers” (SEaOS) project has deployed miniaturized conductivity-temperature-depth satellite-relayed data loggers (CTD-SRDL) on elephant seals 1) to study their winter foraging ecology in relation to oceanographic conditions, and 2) to collect hydrographic data from polar regions, which are otherwise sparsely sampled. We summarize here the main results that have been published in both science components since 2003/2004. Instrumented southern elephant seals visit different regions within the Southern Ocean (frontal zones, continental shelf, and/or ice covered areas) and forage in a variety of different water masses (e.g. Circumpolar Deep Water upwelling regions, High Salinity Shelf Water), depending on their geographic distribution. Adult females and juvenile males from Kerguelen Is. forage pelagically in frontal zones of the Southern Indian Ocean, while adult males forage benthically over the Kerguelen Plateau and the Antarctic Continental Shelf, with the two groups feeding at different trophic levels as shown by stable isotopes analysis. Oceanographic studies using the data collected from the seals have, to date, concentrated on circumpolar and regional studies of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) circulation. The temperature and salinity profiles documented by elephant seals at high latitudes, including below sea ice, have permitted quasi-circumpolar mapping of the southernmost fronts of the ACC. By merging conventional data and the high temporal and spatial resolution data collected by seal-borne SRDLs, it has been possible to describe precisely 1) the large-scale features of the ACC in the South Atlantic and its variability; 2) the circulation pattern over the Kerguelen plateau, revealing that the poorly known Fawn Trough concentrates an important proportion of the ACC flow in that region. Seals that foraged in ice covered areas have made eulerian time series available that have allowed for the estimation of sea ice formation rates, a parameter that is otherwise difficult to obtain, while also providing a unique description of the wintertime ocean circulation over the central Weddell Sea continental shelf. Finally, we present the first data collected by a newly-developed fluorescence sensor that as been embedded in the regular CTD-SRDL and deployed on elephant seals at Kerguelen. The fluorometer data obtained have offered the first synoptic view of the 3 dimensional distribution of temperature, salinity and fluorescence over a vast sector of the Southern Indian Ocean, allowing us to describe both vertical and horizontal variations in chlorophyll. This paper will make a core contribution to the Plenary Sessions 2C, 3A and 4A, and will be relevant to 2A and 2B.
Shipboard hydrography and current profiles collected in 2003 and time series from moored current meters deployed in late 1990s are analyzed to study the variability of mixing in the southeastern Weddell Sea. Profiles of eddy diffusivity Kρ are inferred from fine-scale shear (vertical derivative of horizontal velocity) and strain (vertical derivative of isopycnal displacement) variance using parameterizations which relate the internal wave energy to the dissipation rate at small scales. The highest mixing rates are seen near the bottom where the eddy diffusivities are elevated by 1 order of magnitude from those in the interior and exceed 10−4 m2 s−1. The observations show latitudinal variability in Kρ, particularly near the bottom, where Kρ significantly increases near 74° 28′S, the critical latitude for lunar semidiurnal (M2) tides. In this region, the critical latitude coincides with near-critical topography on the upper continental slope, a situation which favors generation of M2 internal waves. Consistent with the results from fine-scale shear and strain parameterizations, which indicate highest bottom diffusivities near the critical latitude, independent analysis of current time series from moored instruments shows a thickening of the frictional bottom boundary layer near the critical latitude. Semidiurnal tidal dynamics at the upper continental slope together with the critical latitude effects lead to mixing that might significantly affect the regional heat budget and the circulation in the study area.
This report summaries the first workshop of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Weddell Sea and Dronning Maud Land (WS-DML) Regional Working Group held Tromsø, Norway, in January 2019.
We use a network of eight ice cores from coastal Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, to examine the role of the tropical ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) in the temporal variability of δ18O in annual accumulation. The longest record from the S100 ice core covering the period 1737–1999 is used to analyze the teleconnections between the tropical Pacific and coastal DML on decadal scales and longer. A shorter stacked coastal DML δ18O series spanning 1955–1999 is constructed to assess the variability of ENSO teleconnection on interannual scales. Results suggest that, on typical ENSO timescales of 2–6 years, the strength of the teleconnection varies in time, being stronger for years with generally negative phase of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). On the timescales of approximately two decades (bidecadal), positive isotope anomalies are associated with oceanic warming and a westward sea surface temperature (SST) gradient in the equatorial Pacific. Bidecadal variability in SAM, forced by the tropical Pacific, is proposed as a critical element in the teleconnection. Our analysis suggests that a multidecadal positive trend in the annual mean δ18O values from the analyzed cores can be indicative of the atmospheric warming that begun in this part of the DML already in the 1910s. The trend in δ18O, quantified in terms of long-term surface air temperature (SAT) changes, is consistent with the instrumental data. Yet, we speculate that the accurate estimation of SAT trends requires an assessment of the potential role of secular SAM and sea ice extent changes in shaping the isotopic signal.
In the Southern Ocean near the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) fronts interact with shelf waters facilitating lateral transport of shelf-derived components such as iron into high-nutrient offshore regions. To trace these shelf-derived components and estimate lateral mixing rates of shelf water, we used naturally occurring radium isotopes. Short-lived radium isotopes were used to quantify the rates of shelf water entrainment while Fe/228Ra ratios were used to calculate the Fe flux. In the summer of 2006 we found rapid mixing and significant lateral iron export, namely, a dissolved iron flux of 1.1 × 105 mol d−1 and total acid leachable iron flux of 1.1 × 106 mol d−1 all of which is transported in the mixed layer from the shelf region offshore. This dissolved iron flux is significant, especially considering that the bloom observed in the offshore region (0.5–2 mg chl a m−3) had an iron demand of 1.1 to 4 × 105 mol Fe. Net vertical export fluxes of particulate Fe derived from 234Th/238U disequilibrium and Fe/234Th ratios accounted for only about 25% of the dissolved iron flux. On the other hand, vertical upward mixing of iron rich deeper waters provided only 7% of the lateral dissolved iron flux. We found that similarly to other studies in iron-fertilized regions of the Southern Ocean, lateral fluxes overwhelm vertical inputs and vertical export from the water column and support significant phytoplankton blooms in the offshore regions of the Drake Passage.
We investigated deep water changes in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial inception, in relationship to surface hydrology and global climatology, to better understand the mechanisms of the establishment of a glacial ocean circulation. Changes in benthic foraminiferal δ13C from three high-resolution cores are compared and indicate decoupled intermediate and deep water changes in the Southern Ocean. From the comparison with records from the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and the Southern Ocean, we show that the early southern deep water δ13C drop observed at the MIS 5.5–5.4 transition occurred before any significant reduction of North Atlantic Deep Water ventilation. We propose that this drop is linked to the northward expansion of poorly ventilated Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) mass in the Southern Ocean. Associated with an early cooling in the high southern latitudes, the westerly winds and surface oceanic fronts would migrate equatorward, thus weakening the upwelling of Circumpolar Deep Waters. Reduced heat brought to Antarctic surface waters would enhance sea ice formation during winters and the deep convection of cold and poorly ventilated AABW.
The effect of UVR on the viability of the culturable bacterial community fraction (CBC), and two of their isolated components (Arthrobacter-UVvi and Bizionia-UVps), was studied in the top few metres of the water column at Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica. Quartz flasks containing CBC from surface waters were exposed to solar radiation at depths of 0, 1 and 3 m. Similar experiments using UVps and UVvi isolates were performed. In some experiments interferential filters were used to discriminate photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), UV-A and UV-B. CBC from depths of 0, 10 and 30 m were also exposed to surface solar radiation. The deleterious effect of UVR was observed at the surface and at a depth of 1 m, but not at a depth of 3 m. Studies with interferential filters showed low bacterial viability values at depths of 0 and 1 m under both UVR treatments. However, under low radiation doses the effect attributed to UV-B was higher than that caused by UV-A. The surface CBC was more resistant to UVR compared with CBC from a depth of 30 m. The results showed that CBC inhabiting waters above the pycnocline (located at a depth of 5–10 m) are more efficiently adapted to UVR than are those from below the pycnocline. The impact of UVR on the marine bacterioplankton studied was only detected in the first metre of the stratified water column of Potter Cove, which has high levels of suspended particulate matter. These results support the evidence for a significant UVR-attenuating effect in the water column of this coastal Antarctic water.
Interactions between the Southern Ocean and the Weddell Sea ice shelves are important both to the Antarctic Ice Sheet and to the production of globally significant water masses. Here we review the interaction between the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf and the shelf sea in which it floats. The continental shelf processes leading to the production of Weddell Sea deep and bottom waters from the original off-shelf source waters are discussed, and a new view is offered of the initial production of High-Salinity Shelf Water. Data from ship-based measurements at the ice front, from glaciological methods, and from measurements made within the sub–ice shelf cavity itself are used to describe the pattern of flows beneath the ice shelf. We also consider the variability observed within the cavity from tidal to interannual time scales and finish with a discussion of future research priorities in the region.
Observations of snow properties, superimposed ice, and atmospheric heat fluxes have been performed on first-year and second-year sea ice in the western Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Snow in this region is particular as it does usually survive summer ablation. Measurements were performed during Ice Station Polarstern (ISPOL), a 5-week drift station of the German icebreaker RV Polarstern. Net heat flux to the snowpack was 8 W m−2, causing only 0.1 to 0.2 m of thinning of both snow cover types, thinner first-year and thicker second-year snow. Snow thinning was dominated by compaction and evaporation, whereas melt was of minor importance and occurred only internally at or close to the surface. Characteristic differences between snow on first-year and second-year ice were found in snow thickness, temperature, and stratigraphy. Snow on second-year ice was thicker, colder, denser, and more layered than on first-year ice. Metamorphism and ablation, and thus mass balance, were similar between both regimes, because they depend more on surface heat fluxes and less on underground properties. Ice freeboard was mostly negative, but flooding occurred mainly on first-year ice. Snow and ice interface temperature did not reach the melting point during the observation period. Nevertheless, formation of discontinuous superimposed ice was observed. Color tracer experiments suggest considerable meltwater percolation within the snow, despite below-melting temperatures of lower layers. Strong meridional gradients of snow and sea-ice properties were found in this region. They suggest similar gradients in atmospheric and oceanographic conditions and implicate their importance for melt processes and the location of the summer ice edge.
The available ecological and palaeoecological information for two sea ice-related marine diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), Thalassiosira antarctica Comber and Porosira glacialis (Grunow) Jørgensen, suggests that these two species have similar sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS) and sea ice proximity preferences. From phytoplankton observations, both are described as summer or autumn bloom species, commonly found in low SST waters associated with sea ice, although rarely within the ice. Both species form resting spores (RS) as irradiance decreases, SST falls and SSS increases in response to freezing ice in autumn. Recent work analysing late Quaternary seasonally laminated diatom ooze from coastal Antarctic sites has revealed that sub-laminae dominated either by T. antarctica RS, or by P. glacialis RS, are nearly always deposited as the last sediment increment of the year, interpreted as representing autumn flux. In this study, we focus on sites from the East Antarctic margin and show that there is a spatial and temporal separation in whether T. antarctica RS or P. glacialis RS form the autumnal sub-laminae. For instance, in deglacial sediments from the Mertz Ninnis Trough (George V Coast) P. glacialis RS form the sub-laminae whereas in similar age sediments from Iceberg Alley (Mac.Robertson Shelf) T. antarctica RS dominate the autumn sub-lamina. In the Dumont d'Urville Trough (Adélie Land), mid-Holocene (Hypsithermal warm period) autumnal sub-laminae are dominated by T. antarctica RS whereas late Holocene (Neoglacial cool period) sub-laminae are dominated by P. glacialis RS. These observations from late Quaternary seasonally laminated sediments would appear to indicate that P. glacialis prefers slightly cooler ocean–climate conditions than T. antarctica. We test this relationship against two down-core Holocene quantitative diatom abundance records from Dumont d'Urville Trough and Svenner Channel (Princess Elizabeth Land) and compare the results with SST and sea ice concentration results of an Antarctic and Southern Ocean Holocene climate simulation that used a coupled atmosphere–sea ice–vegation model forced with orbital parameters and greenhouse gas concentrations. We find that abundance of P. glacialis RS is favoured by higher winter and spring sea ice concentrations and that a climatically-sensitive threshold exists between the abundance of P. glacialis RS and T. antarctica RS in the sediments. An increase to >0.1 for the ratio of P. glacialis RS:T. antarctica RS indicates a change to increased winter sea ice concentration (to >80% concentration), cooler spring seasons with increased sea ice, slightly warmer autumn seasons with less sea ice and a change from ~7.5months annual sea ice cover at a site to much greater than 7.5months. In the East Antarctic sediment record, an increase in the ratio from <0.1 to above 0.1 occurs at the transition from the warmer Hypsithermal climate into the cooler Neoglacial climate (~4cal kyr) indicating that the ratio between these two diatoms has the potential to be used as a semi-quantitative climate proxy.
Several biogeographical studies have already been performed on the ascidians of the Antarctic region. However, new data obtained in the last few years have led us to a revision of the biogeography of this fauna. To examine the biogeographical structure of the Antarctic region, we divided it into 10 sectors, depending on the principal geographical features, and then applied cluster analysis and a multi-dimensional scaling ordination to a presence/absence matrix of species for each biogeographical area. Our study shows that Antarctic ascidians are a very homogeneous fauna, with a high level of endemism in the whole region (25–51% of Antarctic endemic species per sector), but with a low percentage of sector endemism (only up to 10%). This probably results from isolation arising from the Antarctic Convergence, and the vast geographical distances from adjacent regions, as well as from the relative constancy of the hydrographical conditions and the dispersal of organisms through circumpolar currents. In fact, cosmopolitan species represented only 0–7% of the total ascidian fauna in all sectors. Only the Bellingshausen Sea (low sample size), Bouvetøya (young and isolated, with an impoverished ascidian fauna) and the South Sandwich Islands (also young and isolated) are relatively separated. The insular sectors were more closely related to the South America and sub- Antarctic regions than the continental ones, showing a latitudinal gradient.
The oceans play a key role in climate regulation especially in part buffering (neutralising) the effects of increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures. This chapter examines how the regulatory processes performed by the oceans alter as a response to climate change and assesses the extent to which positive feedbacks from the ocean may exacerbate climate change. There is clear evidence for rapid change in the oceans. As the main heat store for the world there has been an accelerating change in sea temperatures over the last few decades, which has contributed to rising sea‐level. The oceans are also the main store of carbon dioxide (CO2), and are estimated to have taken up ∼40% of anthropogenic-sourced CO2 from the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution. A proportion of the carbon uptake is exported via the four ocean ‘carbon pumps’ (Solubility, Biological, Continental Shelf and Carbonate Counter) to the deep ocean reservoir. Increases in sea temperature and changing planktonic systems and ocean currents may lead to a reduction in the uptake of CO2 by the ocean; some evidence suggests a suppression of parts of the marine carbon sink is already underway. While the oceans have buffered climate change through the uptake of CO2 produced by fossil fuel burning this has already had an impact on ocean chemistry through ocean acidification and will continue to do so. Feedbacks to climate change from acidification may result from expected impacts on marine organisms (especially corals and calcareous plankton), ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles. The polar regions of the world are showing the most rapid responses to climate change. As a result of a strong ice–ocean influence, small changes in temperature, salinity and ice cover may trigger large and sudden changes in regional climate with potential downstream feedbacks to the climate of the rest of the world. A warming Arctic Ocean may lead to further releases of the potent greenhouse gas methane from hydrates and permafrost. The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in driving, modifying and regulating global climate change via the carbon cycle and through its impact on adjacent Antarctica. The Antarctic Peninsula has shown some of the most rapid rises in atmospheric and oceanic temperature in the world, with an associated retreat of the majority of glaciers. Parts of the West Antarctic ice sheet are deflating rapidly, very likely due to a change in the flux of oceanic heat to the undersides of the floating ice shelves. The final section on modelling feedbacks from the ocean to climate change identifies limitations and priorities for model development and associated observations. Considering the importance of the oceans to climate change and our limited understanding of climate-related ocean processes, our ability to measure the changes that are taking place are conspicuously inadequate. The chapter highlights the need for a comprehensive, adequately funded and globally extensive ocean observing system to be implemented and sustained as a high priority. Unless feedbacks from the oceans to climate change are adequately included in climate change models, it is possible that the mitigation actions needed to stabilise CO2 and limit temperature rise over the next century will be underestimated.
Swarming is a fundamental part of the life of Euphausia superba, yet we still know very little about what drives the considerable variability in swarm shape, size and biomass. We examined swarms across the Scotia Sea in January and February 2003 using a Simrad EK60 (38 and 120kHz) echosounder, concurrent with net sampling. The acoustic data were analysed through applying a swarm-identification algorithm and then filtering out all non-krill targets. The area, length, height, depth, packing-concentration and inter-swarm distance of 4525 swarms was derived by this method. Hierarchical clustering revealed 2 principal swarm types, which differed in both their dimensions and packing-concentrations. Type 1 swarms were generally small (<50m long) and were not very tightly packed (<10ind.m−3), whereas type 2 swarms were an order of magnitude larger and had packing concentrations up to 10 times greater. Further sub-divisions of these types identified small and standard swarms within the type 1 group and large and superswarms within the type 2 group. A minor group (swarm type 3) was also found, containing swarms that were isolated (>100km away from the next swarm). The distribution of swarm types over the survey grid was examined with respect to a number of potential explanatory variables describing both the environment and the internal-state of krill (namely maturity, body length, body condition). Most variables were spatially averaged over scales of ∼100km and so mainly had a mesoscale perspective. The exception was the level of light (photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)) for which measurements were specific to each swarm. A binary logistic model was constructed from four variables found to have significant explanatory power (P<0.05): surface fluorescence, PAR, krill maturity and krill body length. Larger (type 2) swarms were more commonly found during nighttime or when it was overcast during the day, when surface fluorescence was low, and when the krill were small and immature. A strong pattern of diel vertical migration was not observed although the larger and denser swarms tended to occur more often at night than during the day. The vast majority of krill were contained within a minor fraction of the total number of swarms. These krill-rich swarms were more common in areas dominated by small and immature krill. We propose that, at the mesoscale level, the structure of swarms switches from being predominantly large and tightly packed to smaller and more diffuse as krill grow and mature. This pattern is further modulated according to feeding conditions and then level of light.
The two polar regions have experienced remarkably different climatic changes in recent decades. The Arctic has seen a marked reduction in sea-ice extent throughout the year, with a peak during the autumn. A new record minimum extent occurred in 2007, which was 40% below the long-term climatological mean. In contrast, the extent of Antarctic sea ice has increased, with the greatest growth being in the autumn. There has been a large-scale warming across much of the Arctic, with a resultant loss of permafrost and a reduction in snow cover. The bulk of the Antarctic has experienced little change in surface temperature over the last 50 years, although a slight cooling has been evident around the coast of East Antarctica since about 1980, and recent research has pointed to a warming across West Antarctica. The exception is the Antarctic Peninsula, where there has been a winter (summer) season warming on the western (eastern) side. Many of the different changes observed between the two polar regions can be attributed to topographic factors and land/sea distribution. The location of the Arctic Ocean at high latitude, with the consequently high level of solar radiation received in summer, allows the icealbedo feedback mechanism to operate effectively. The Antarctic ozone hole has had a profound effect on the circulations of the high latitude ocean and atmosphere, isolating the continent and increasing the westerly winds over the Southern Ocean, especially during the summer and winter.
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- stratigrafi (2)
- strømmodeller (1)
- symposium (1)
- taksonomi (6)
- tanglus (1)
- teknologi (4)
- telemetri (1)
- temperatur (1)
- toksikologi (1)
- ultrafiolett stråling (2)
- UV-stråling (2)
- vågehvaler (1)
- vannmasser (3)
- vannsøyle (1)
- vannvirvler (2)
- Vestantarktis (1)
- Vestfold (3)
- vitenskap (1)
- Weddellhavet (26)
- zoogeografi (2)
- zoologi (7)
- zooplankton (3)
Resource type
- Book (12)
- Book Section (28)
- Conference Paper (1)
- Journal Article (119)
- Report (1)
- Thesis (4)