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Over seks tiår fylte glinsende fett fra hundretusenvis av hval råstoffbehov til multinasjonale konserners margarin- og såpeprodukter. Hoffleverandørene var norske hvalfangere. Fra spekkjelene like etter århundreskiftet ble fyrt opp på Sør-Georgia til det flytende kokeriet Kosmos IV ankret opp i Sandefjord på slutten av 1960-tallet, skulle hvalfangst dominere og forme utviklingen av finansmarked, konsumvarer og kapitalisme i Norge. Dette er en fortelling om eksplosivt voksende rikdom og merkevarebygging, men også en biologisk tragedie. Et nådeløst møte mellom jordens største dyr, effektiv fangsteknologi og konsumindustri. Dette er en flerfasettert historie om et kapitalfattig lands industrialisering, skattesky redere og multinasjonale fettkjemper, men også om ubegrensede offer og tap. Om norsk polarimperialisme og globalt salg utfordret av stormakter og skiftende konjunkturer. Dette er historien om "Den siste olje".
There are at least four ways in which Antarctic colonialism was white: it was paradigmatically performed by white men; it consisted in the taking of vast, white expanses of land; it was carried out with a carte blanche (literally, “blank card”) attitude; and it was presented to the world as a white, innocent adventure. While the first, racial whiteness has been amply problematised, I suggest that the last three illuminate yet other moral wrongs of the Antarctic colonial project. Moreover, they might be constitutive of a larger class of “white” colonialisms beyond the White Continent.
We use ice flow modelling to simulate the englacial stratigraphy of Blåskimen Island, an ice rise in Dronning Maud Land and elucidate the evolution of this data-sparse region. We apply a thermo-mechanically coupled Elmer/Ice model to a profile along flowlines and through the ice-rise summit, where surface mass balance (SMB), flow velocity and ice stratigraphy were recently measured. We conclude that: (i) the ice rise is presently thickening at a rate of 0.5~0.6 m ice equivalent per year (mieq a−1), which is twice an earlier estimate using the field data and the input–output method; (ii) present thickening started 20–40 years in the past, before which the ice rise was in a steady state; (iii) SMB contrast between the upwind and downwind slopes was stronger than the present value by ~23% (or 0.15 mieq a−1) prior to ~1100 years ago. Since then, this contrast has been decreasing overall. We surmise that these SMB changes are likely a result of synoptic-scale atmospheric changes, rather than local atmospheric changes controlled by local ice topography. Our technique effectively assimilates geophysical data, avoiding the complexity of ice flow beneath the ice divide. Thus, it could be applied to other ice rises to elucidate the recent glacial retreat.
The Antarctic has significant environmental, scientific, historic, and intrinsic values, all of which are worth protecting into the future. Nevertheless, the area is subject to an increasing level and diversity of human activities that may impact these values within marine, terrestrial and cryosphere environments. Threats to the Antarctic environment, and to the aforementioned values, include climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, wildlife disturbance and non-native species introductions. Over time, a suite of legally binding international agreements, which form part of the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), has been established to help safeguard the Antarctic environment and provide a framework for addressing the challenges arising from these threats. Foremost among these agreements are the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty and the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Many scientists working in Antarctica undertake research that is relevant to Antarctic environmental policy development. More effective two-way interaction between scientists and those responsible for policy development would further strengthen the governance framework, including by (a) better communication of policy makers’ priorities and identification of related science requirements and (b) better provision by scientists of ‘policy-ready’ information on existing priorities, emerging issues and scientific/technological advances relevant to environmental protection. The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) has a long and successful record of summarizing policy-relevant scientific knowledge to policy makers, such as through its Group of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation (GOSEAC) up to 2002, currently the SCAR Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SCATS) and recently through its involvement in the Antarctic Environments Portal. Improvements to science-policy communication mechanisms, combined with purposeful consideration of funding opportunities for policy-relevant science, would greatly enhance international policy development and protection of the Antarctic environment.
There is increasing interest in using higher-trophic level predators as ecosystem indicators because their performance is presumed to be linked to the overall function of the ecosystem that supports them. In the southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) supports huge predator populations as well as a growing commercial fishery. To utilize information from the ecosystem in an adaptive framework for sustainably managing krill catch levels, performance indices of krill predators have been proposed as a proxy for krill abundance. However, there are several potentially confounding sources of variability that might impact predator performance such as the effects of environmental variability and fishing pressure on krill availability at scales relevant to predators. In this context, our study capitalises on the occurrence of an unexpected El Niño event to characterise how environmental variability can drive changes in predator foraging behaviour. We demonstrate a clear link between coastal downwelling and changes in the at-sea habitat usage of chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) foraging in a local krill fishing area. Penguins tracked from their breeding colonies on Powell Island, Antarctic Peninsula, undertook fewer, longer foraging trips during the downwelling-affected season compared with the season where no such downwelling was detected, suggesting that changes in climate-driven oceanography may have reduced krill availability along the northern shelf of the island. Our study demonstrates that penguin foraging behaviour is modified by scale-dependent processes, which if not accounted for may result in erroneous conclusions being drawn when using penguins as bioindicators of krill abundance.
By virtue of the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959, the territorial claims to Antarctica of seven of the original signatories were held in abeyance or “frozen.” Considered by many as an exemplar of international law, the Antarctic Treaty System has come to be increasingly questioned, however, in a very much changed global scenario that presents new challenges to the governance of the White Continent. In this context, it is necessary to gain a clearer understanding of the moral weight of those initial claims, which stand (despite being frozen) as a cornerstone of the treaty. The aim of this article is to offer an appraisal of such claims, which may be divided into two main kinds: those grounded on some relevant link to the territory, and those grounded on official documents and geographical doctrines. After pointing to the limitations and challenges that they face, I conclude with some remarks about how this assessment ought to serve as a starting point to rethink the territorial status of Antarctica.
Based on 8 RADARSAT-2 Ultrafine scenes from December 2017 to June 2018, ground displacements close to the Norvegia research station of Bouvet Island have been measured using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR). The results show that loss of coherence related to erosion processes is affecting the coast west from the station. The mean velocity maps identify a well-defined unstable area south from Norvegia and by applying the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) time-series InSAR method, we are able to provide time series during the considered time period. The results tend to indicate that the area north from the current location of Norvegia station is more stable.
Human activity in Antarctica has increased sharply in recent years. In particular during the winter months, people are exposed to long periods of isolation and confinement and an extreme physical environment that poses risks to health, well-being and performance. The present study aimed to gain a better understanding of processes contributing to psychological resilience in this context. Specifically, the study examined how the use of coping strategies changed over time, and the extent to which changes coincided with alterations in mood and sleep. Two crews (N = 27) spending approximately 10 months at the Concordia station completed the Utrecht Coping List, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), and a structured sleep diary at regular intervals (x 9). The results showed that several variables reached a minimum value during the midwinter period, which corresponded to the third quarter of the expedition. The effect was particularly noticeable for coping strategies (i.e., active problem solving, palliative reactions, avoidance, and comforting cognitions). The pattern of results could indicate that participants during Antarctic over-wintering enter a state of psychological hibernation as a stress coping mechanism.
Historien om jakten på blåhvalen, verdens største dyr. Blåhvalen var nær ved å bli utryddet av den moderne hvalfangsten med raske båter, sprenggranater og harpunkanon. Lenge utgjorde Vestfold verdens hvalfangstsentrum, og på det meste forlot ti tusen norske menn familien og dro på hvalfangst i fremmede farvann. Det var et blodslit, og et eventyr. Helt fra starten kom det advarsler om at hvalene kunne bli utryddet. For blåhvalen var det på nære nippet. Underarten i Antarktis, som blir aller størst, regnes fortsatt som kritisk truet. I sluttspillet om blåhvalens skjebne ble Norge utfordret av både Storbritannia og Nazi-Tyskland, Japan og Sovjetunionen, som kastet seg inn i kampen om Sørishavets rikdommer. "Hvaleventyret" er en medrivende historie om blåhvalen og hvalfangsten. Den forteller om hvalenes årlige trekk mellom isen og varmere hav, om hvalfangernes livsfarlige pionerferder i polhavene, og om kampen for å redde de siste blåhvalene.
Using GC Orbitrap mass spectrometry to address analytical challenges with trace level detection of persistent organic pollutants in Antarctica.
Dronning Maud Land in East Antarctica represents the central part of the Gondwana supercontinent. Geological mapping and investigation of Dronning Maud Land have been carried out over the last 40-50 years. The existing geological maps of Dronning Maud Land are, for a large part, based on fairly old data, which makes these maps inhomogeneous. The maps are at different scales, contain different levels of details, and the standards for classification of the rock units may also differ between the maps. This limits the ability to use these map to draw an overview tectonic model of the evolution of Dronning Maud Land. Moreover, the existing topographic dataset from Dronning Maud Land is based on fairly old topographic maps (1960s), and there is a discrepancy between the topographic dataset and the more recent Landsat images. There are still unmapped areas.
Long-range airborne geophysical measurements were carried out in the ICEGRAV campaigns, covering hitherto unexplored parts of interior East Antarctica and part of the Antarctic Peninsula. The airborne surveys provided a regional coverage of gravity, magnetic and icepenetrating radar measurements for major Dronning Maud Land ice stream systems, from the grounding lines up to the Recovery Lakes drainage basin, and filled in major data voids in Antarctic data compilations, such as AntGP for gravity data, ADMAP for magnetic data and BEDMAP2 for ice thickness data and the sub-ice topography. We present the first maps of gravity, magnetic and ice thickness data and bedrock topography for the region and show examples of bedrock topography and basal reflectivity patterns. The 2013 Recovery Lakes campaign was carried out with a British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter aircraft operating from the Halley and Belgrano II stations, as well as a remote field camp located at the Recovery subglacial Lake B site. Gravity measurements were the primary driver for the survey, with two airborne gravimeters (Lacoste and Romberg and Chekan-AM) providing measurements at an accuracy level of around 2 mGal r.m.s., supplementing GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) satellite data and confirming an excellent sub-milligal agreement between satellite and airborne data at longer wavelengths.
The ice-shelf-fringed coast of Dronning Maud Land in East Antarctica contains numerous ice rises that influence the dynamics and mass balance of the region. However, only a few of these ice rises have been investigated in detail. Here, we present field measurements of Blåskimen Island, an isle-type ice rise adjacent to Fimbul Ice Shelf. This ice rise is largely dome shaped, with a pronounced ridge extending to the south-west from its summit (410 m a.s.l.). Its bed is mostly flat and about 100 m below the current sea level. Shallow radar-detected isochrones dated with a firn core reveal that the surface mass balance is higher on the south-eastern (upwind) slope than on the north-western (downwind) slope by ∼ 37 %, and this pattern has persisted for at least the past decade. Moreover, arches in radar stratigraphy suggest that the summit of the ice rise has been stable for ∼ 600 years. Ensemble estimates of the mass balance using the input–output method show that this ice rise has thickened by 0.12–0.37 m ice equivalent per year over the past decade.
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