Antarktis-bibliografi er en database over den norske Antarktis-litteraturen.
Hensikten med bibliografien er å synliggjøre norsk antarktisforskning og annen virksomhet/historie i det ekstreme sør. Bibliografien er ikke komplett, spesielt ikke for nyere forskning, men den blir oppdatert.
Norsk er her definert som minst én norsk forfatter, publikasjonssted Norge eller publikasjon som har utspring i norsk forskningsprosjekt.
Antarktis er her definert som alt sør for 60 grader. I tillegg har vi tatt med Bouvetøya.
Det er ingen avgrensing på språk (men det meste av innholdet er på norsk eller engelsk). Eldre norske antarktispublikasjoner (den eldste er fra 1894) er dominert av kvalfangst og ekspedisjoner. I nyere tid er det den internasjonale polarforskninga som dominerer. Bibliografien er tverrfaglig; den dekker både naturvitenskapene, politikk, historie osv. Skjønnlitteratur er også inkludert, men ikke avisartikler eller upublisert materiale.
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Bibliografien er produsert ved Norsk Polarinstitutts bibliotek.
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Diatoméer – alger med skall av silisium, som er helt avhengige av næringsstoffet silikat – dominerer fytoplankton oppblomstringer og spiller en nøkkelrolle i havets økosystemer og i global karbonsyklus. Vi viser hvordan forskjeller i økologiske karakteristikker av dominerende arter i Sørishavet, som ble observert under det in situ europeiske jerngjødslings eksperimentet (European Iron Fertilization Experiment - EIFEX), kan påvirke karbon og silisium syklusene i havet. Vi argumenterer for at økologien til tykkskallete diatomé arter, som er selektert for av sterk beiting fra kopepoder, tar opp silikat fremfor andre næringsstoffer i det dype Sørishavet og underliggende sedimenter. Fordi Sørishavet er en viktig sentral for oseanisk fordeling av næringsstoffer, selektivt opptak av silikat i dette havområdet begrenser oppblomstringene av diatoméer i andre deler av verdenshavene, noe som potensielt får konsekvenser for biotisk opptak av karbon i hele verdens havområder.
Diatoméen Fragilariopsis kerguelensis fra Sørishavet spiller en nøkkelrolle i marin silisium syklus fordi restene av celleveggene synker til havbunnen rundt Antarktis, hvor de bygger opp de største depotene av biologisk generert silisium i verden. Tomme skall av diatomeer har også blitt brukt som indikatorer/proksier for produksjonsregimer i geologisk fortid av mikro-paleontologer. For å bedre kunne beskrive og forstå biologien av denne arten fra Sørishavet har vi adressert dens genetiske identitet ved hjelp av molekylære markører, og for første gang vært i stand til å anslå kjønn til denne arten. Dette har ført til at vi har vært i stand til å kjøre et stort antall vellykkede parringseksperimenter. Vi har vært i stand til å avdekke det intrikate parringssystemet og livssyklus karakteristikker til F. kerguelensis og demonstrere at vi kun har å gjøre med én biologisk art. En bedre forståelse av livssyklus til F. kerguelensis burde hjelpe for tolkning av geologiske tidsserier for denne arten og belyse rollen miljøfaktorer kan ha for å regulere populasjoner av arten.
Knowledge about swarm dynamics and underlying causes is essential to understand the ecology and distribution of Antarctic krill . We collected acoustic data and key environmental data continuously across extensive gradients in the little-studied Southeast Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. A total of 4791 krill swarms with swarm descriptors including swarm height and length, packing density, swimming depth and inter-swarm distance were extracted. Through multivariate statistics, swarms were categorized into 4 groups. Group 2 swarms were largest (median length 108 m and thickness 18 m), whereas swarms in both Groups 1 and 4 were on average small, but differed markedly in depth distribution (median: 52 m for Group 1 vs. 133 m for Group 4). There was a strong spatial autocorrelation in the occurrence of swarms, and an autologistic regression model found no prediction of swarm occurrence from environmental variables for any of the Groups 1, 2 or 4. Probability of occurrence of Group 3 swarms, however, increased with increasing depth and temperature. Group 3 was the most distinctive swarm group with an order of magnitude higher packing density (median: 226 ind. m ) than swarms from any of the other groups and about twice the distance to nearest neighbor swarm (median: 493 m). The majority of the krill were present in Group 3 swarms, and the absence of association with hydrographic or topographic concentrating mechanisms strongly suggests that these swarms aggregate through their own locomotion, possibly associated with migration.
We present the first data on attendance patterns, at-sea movements and diving behaviour of Antarctic fur seals breeding at Bouvetøya (Bouvet Island), Southern Ocean. While other colonies have been extensively studied, this remote and second largest global population remains relatively unknown. Time depth recorders and satellite relay data loggers were deployed on breeding females during the 2000–2001 and 2001–2002 summers. Attendance and foraging patterns were similar to those observed at colonies in the Scotia Sea region where Antarctic krill is the predominant prey. Early to mid-lactation trips ranged within ~100 km of the island, usually towards the west. The dominant direction shifted later in the season and the range also increased markedly to a peak between early February and early March. Solar elevation influenced arrivals and departures from the island, with most departures occurring around sunset. Diurnal variations in diving behaviour were consistent with the vertical migration of krill. Diving frequency was higher at night and diving effort peaked around morning twilight. Afternoon deep diving was common, suggesting that females might target dense daytime krill aggregations between the photic zone and the thermocline. Trip durations increased throughout early to mid-lactation, peaking in late January to early March, before again decreasing towards the end of lactation. Our results illustrate the substantial variability, both between individuals and within individuals over time, that is likely to reflect variations in prey distribution and in the growth requirements of pups. Such variations need to be taken into account when estimating habitat use and resource utilisation in marine top predators.
Bipolarity, its history and general interpretation are investigated and discussed herein. Apart from the classical view, namely that a bipolar distribution is a peculiar biogeographical phenomenon, we propose that it is ecologically controlled too. This approach was used for bipolarity assessment within the following groups: Phaeodaria, Nassellaria, Spumellaria (Radiolaria) and Medusozoa (Cnidaria). We recognize 46 bipolar radiolarian species and three radiolarian genera. However, although species concepts in radiolarians are relatively stable and well known, the high-rank taxonomy of radiolarians is still not well defined. Caution should therefore be taken in the interpretation of distribution data at a taxonomic level higher than the species. In the Medusozoa, bipolarity is observed for 23 species and 32 genera. The different ways in which bipolarity can develop are discussed under the different groups, but preference has been given to the recent and most probable routes of migration. In our investigation of the bipolarity phenomenon, we reviewed more than 400 articles dealing with taxonomy, ecology and biogeography of the modern fauna in both groups.
Samples of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and Atlantic krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) were analysed for fluoride using a selective fluoride electrode method. Both species showed very high concentrations, a total of 1330–2400 mg F−/kg on fat free dry weight basis in raw samples whereas deep sea prawns (Pandalus borealis) showed a total of 18–91 and red feed (Calanus finmarchicus) 10–37 mg F−/kg. Sections of Antarctic krill were analyzed, and the highest concentration was found in the carapace, 4260 mg F−/kg fat free dry matter, compared with 570 and 750 mg F−/kg in raw and boiled muscle. Biological availability was measured in a chick assay, and showed fluoride in krill to be equally utilized as sodium fluoride added to the diet. Samples of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and Atlantic krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) were analysed for fluoride using a selective fluoride electrode method. Both species showed very high concentrations, a total of 1330–2400 mg F−/kg on fat free dry weight basis in raw samples whereas deep sea prawns (Pandalus borealis) showed a total of 18–91 and red feed (Calanus finmarchicus) 10–37 mg F−/kg. Sections of Antarctic krill were analyzed, and the highest concentration was found in the carapace, 4260 mg F−/kg fat free dry matter, compared with 570 and 750 mg F−/kg in raw and boiled muscle. Biological availability was measured in a chick assay, and showed fluoride in krill to be equally utilized as sodium fluoride added to the diet. Key words: krill, red feed, deep sea prawn, fluoride.
- plankton
- Antarktis (3)
- biokjemi (6)
- Bouvetøya (5)
- datainnsamling (1)
- Det Internasjonale polaråret 2007 (1)
- diatomeer (1)
- Dronning Maud Land (2)
- ekkolodd (1)
- ekspedisjoner (1)
- euphausiacea (1)
- fangst (1)
- fettsyrer (2)
- fiskeprodukter (3)
- fisketilvirkning (2)
- forskning (3)
- forurensning (1)
- fytoplankton (1)
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- klimaendringer (1)
- konservering (2)
- krill (15)
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- marin biologi (6)
- marinbiologi (8)
- marine økosystemer (2)
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- NARE 1976/77 (2)
- NARE 1978/79 (1)
- nesledyr (1)
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- satellittsendere (1)
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- Sørishavet (9)
- Weddellhavet (2)
- zoologi (3)
- zooplankton (1)
Resource type
- Book (5)
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- Document (1)
- Journal Article (10)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1930 and 1939
- 1931 (1)
Between 1970 and 1979
- 1979 (2)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (5)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (2)
Between 1930 and 1939
- Between 2000 and 2025 (8)